class PWM(): # free RMT channel table RMT_channels = [False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False] def __init__(self, pwm_pin, freq=5000, duty=512): for idx in range(len(PWM.RMT_channels)): if not PWM.RMT_channels[idx]: # find free channel PWM.RMT_channels[idx] = True # mark used cnannel self.RMT_channel = idx # keep the channel number self.RMT_obj = RMT(idx, pin=pwm_pin, clock_div=80) self.pwm_duty = 512 self.pwm_freq = 5000 self.init(freq, duty) break else: raise RuntimeError('No RMT channel available.') def run(self): period = 1000000 / (self.pwm_freq) up_time = round(period * (self.pwm_duty / 1023)) down_time = round(period) - up_time self.RMT_obj.loop(False) self.RMT_obj.write_pulses((up_time, down_time), start=1) self.RMT_obj.loop(True) # MicroPython 1.13 requires loop() running before write_pulses() # MicroPython 1.12 would report error if loop() runs before any write_pulses() self.RMT_obj.write_pulses((up_time, down_time), start=1) def freq(self, new_freq): self.pwm_freq = new_freq if new_freq > 15 else 16 def duty(self, new_duty): self.pwm_duty = new_duty if new_duty < 1023 else 1023 def deinit(self): self.RMT_obj.deinit() PWM.RMT_channels[self.RMT_channel] = False def init(self, freq=5000, duty=512): self.freq(freq) self.duty(duty)
# second counter 0-59 second=bytearray(1) # TX bits for one minute minute=bytearray(59) # index for writing to minute[] index=bytearray(1) # 1-second timer timer=Timer(3) # last day NTP was set ntpday=0 led=Pin(2,Pin.OUT) antena=Pin(15,Pin.OUT) ask=RMT(0,pin=antena,carrier_freq=0,clock_div=1) # 80 MHz ask.loop(True) if disp: import ssd1306 i2c = I2C(scl=Pin(4), sda=Pin(5)) oled = ssd1306.SSD1306_I2C(128, 64, i2c, 0x3c) oled.fill(0) oled.text("DCF77", 0, 0) weekdaystr = ["MO","TU","WE","TH","FR","SA","SU"] # desired carrier frequency freq=77500 # tuning paramters - adjust with scope # coarse tuning, about 75 Hz per step