def add_components(): from esphome.config import get_platform for domain, c in components.items(): if c.is_platform_component: # this is a platform_component, e.g. binary_sensor platform_schema = [ { "type": "object", "properties": {"platform": {"type": "string"}}, } ] if domain not in ("output", "display"): # output bases are either FLOAT or BINARY so don't add common base for this # display bases are either simple or FULL so don't add common base for this platform_schema = [ {"$ref": f"#/definitions/{domain}.{domain.upper()}_SCHEMA"} ] + platform_schema base_props[domain] = {"type": "array", "items": {"allOf": platform_schema}} add_module_registries(domain, c.module) add_module_schemas(domain, c.module) # need first to iterate all platforms then iteate components # a platform component can have other components as properties, # e.g. climate components usually have a temperature sensor for domain, c in components.items(): if (c.config_schema is not None) or c.is_platform_component: if c.is_platform_component: platform_schema = base_props[domain]["items"]["allOf"] for platform in get_dirs(): p = get_platform(domain, platform) if p is not None: # this is a platform element, e.g. # - platform: gpio schema = get_jschema( domain + "-" + platform, p.config_schema, create_return_ref=False, ) if ( schema ): # for invalid schemas, None is returned thus is deprecated platform_schema.append( { "if": { JSC_PROPERTIES: { "platform": {"const": platform} } }, "then": schema, } ) elif c.config_schema is not None: # adds root components which are not platforms, e.g. api: logger: if c.multi_conf: schema = get_jschema(domain, c.config_schema) schema = add_definition_array_or_single_object(schema) else: schema = get_jschema(domain, c.config_schema, False) base_props[domain] = schema
if not (path / '').is_file(): continue name = comp = get_component(name) if comp is None: print( f'Cannot find component {name}. Make sure current path is pip installed ESPHome' ) sys.exit(1) codeowners[f'esphome/components/{name}/*'].extend(comp.codeowners) for platform_path in path.iterdir(): platform_name = platform_path.stem platform = get_platform(platform_name, name) if platform is None: continue if platform_path.is_dir(): # Sub foldered platforms get their own line if not (platform_path / '').is_file(): continue codeowners[f'esphome/components/{name}/{platform_name}/*'].extend( platform.codeowners) continue # Non-subfoldered platforms add to codeowners at component level if not platform_path.is_file() or == '': continue codeowners[f'esphome/components/{name}/*'].extend(platform.codeowners)