Пример #1
# create a force capped Lennard-Jones interaction that uses a verlet list
verletlist  = espresso.VerletList(system, rc)
interaction = espresso.interaction.VerletListLennardJonesGromacs(verletlist)

# add particles to the system and then decompose
props = ['id', 'pos', 'v', 'type', 'mass', 'q']
allParticles = []
for pid in range(num_particles):
    part = [pid + 1, Real3D(x[pid], y[pid], z[pid]),
            Real3D(vx[pid], vy[pid], vz[pid]), types[pid], masses[pid], charges[pid]]
system.storage.addParticles(allParticles, *props)    

# set up LJ interaction according to the parameters read from the .top file
ljinteraction=gromacs.setLennardJonesInteractions(system, defaults, atomtypeparameters, verletlist,rc)

# set up angle interactions according to the parameters read from the .top file
angleinteractions=gromacs.setAngleInteractions(system, angletypes, angletypeparams)

# set up coulomb interactions according to the parameters read from the .top file
# !! Warning: this only works for reaction-field now!
qq_interactions=gromacs.setCoulombInteractions(system, verletlist, rc, types, epsilon1=1, epsilon2=80, kappa=0)

# set up bonded interactions according to the parameters read from the .top file
bondedinteractions=gromacs.setBondedInteractions(system, bondtypes, bondtypeparams)

# exlusions, i.e. pairs of atoms not considered for the non-bonded part. Those are defined either by bonds which automatically generate an exclusion. Or by the nregxcl variable

# langevin thermostat
Пример #2
    # append tuple to tuplelist    
system.storage.addParticles(allParticles, *props)    

# create FixedTupleList object
ftpl = espresso.FixedTupleListAdress(system.storage)
# and add the tuples


# set up LJ interaction according to the parameters read from the .top file
ljinteraction=gromacs.setLennardJonesInteractions(system, defaults, atomtypeparameters, verletlist,rca, hadress=True, ftpl=ftpl)

# set up angle interactions according to the parameters read from the .top file

fpl = espresso.FixedTripleListAdress(system.storage, ftpl)
angleinteractions=gromacs.setAngleInteractions(system, angletypes, angletypeparams, fpl)

# set up coulomb interactions according to the parameters read from the .top file
# !! Warning: this only works for reaction-field now!
qq_interactions=gromacs.setCoulombInteractions(system, verletlist, rca, types, epsilon1=1, epsilon2=80, kappa=0, hadress=True, ftpl=ftpl)

# load CG interaction from table
gromacs.convertTable("table_CG_CG.xvg", fe, 1, 1, 1, 1)
potCG = espresso.interaction.Tabulated(itype=3, filename=fe, cutoff=rca) # CG