Пример #1
    def decode_post_data(self, post_data):
        result = {}
        for item in post_data.split('&'):
            key, _sep, value = item.partition('=')
            result[key] = jsonutils.loads(urlparse.unquote_plus(value))

        return result
Пример #2
    def decode_post_data(self, post_data):
        result = {}
        for item in post_data.split('&'):
            key, _sep, value = item.partition('=')
            result[key] = jsonutils.loads(urlparse.unquote_plus(value))

        return result
Пример #3
    def load_json(cls, data, default_rule=None):
        """Allow loading of JSON rule data."""

        # Suck in the JSON data and parse the rules
        rules = dict(
            (k, parse_rule(v)) for k, v in jsonutils.loads(data).items())

        return cls(rules, default_rule)
Пример #4
    def load_json(cls, data, default_rule=None):
        """Allow loading of JSON rule data."""

        # Suck in the JSON data and parse the rules
        rules = dict((k, parse_rule(v)) for k, v in

        return cls(rules, default_rule)
Пример #5
    def __call__(self, model):
        # this part deals with subviews that were already serialized
        cpy = copy.deepcopy(model)
        for key, valstr in model.items():
            if getattr(valstr, '__is_json__', False):
                cpy[key] = json.loads(valstr)

        res = utils.StringWithAttrs(json.dumps(cpy.data))
        res.__is_json__ = True
        return res
Пример #6
    def _unpack_json_msg(self, msg):
        """Load the JSON data in msg if msg.content_type indicates that it
           is necessary.  Put the loaded data back into msg.content and
           update msg.content_type appropriately.

        A Qpid Message containing a dict will have a content_type of
        'amqp/map', whereas one containing a string that needs to be converted
        back from JSON will have a content_type of JSON_CONTENT_TYPE.

        :param msg: a Qpid Message object
        :returns: None
        if msg.content_type == JSON_CONTENT_TYPE:
            msg.content = jsonutils.loads(msg.content)
            msg.content_type = 'amqp/map'
Пример #7
def deserialize_msg(msg):
    # NOTE(russellb): Hang on to your hats, this road is about to
    # get a little bumpy.
    # Robustness Principle:
    #    "Be strict in what you send, liberal in what you accept."
    # At this point we have to do a bit of guessing about what it
    # is we just received.  Here is the set of possibilities:
    # 1) We received a dict.  This could be 2 things:
    #   a) Inspect it to see if it looks like a standard message envelope.
    #      If so, great!
    #   b) If it doesn't look like a standard message envelope, it could either
    #      be a notification, or a message from before we added a message
    #      envelope (referred to as version 1.0).
    #      Just return the message as-is.
    # 2) It's any other non-dict type.  Just return it and hope for the best.
    #    This case covers return values from rpc.call() from before message
    #    envelopes were used.  (messages to call a method were always a dict)

    if not isinstance(msg, dict):
        # See #2 above.
        return msg

    base_envelope_keys = (_VERSION_KEY, _MESSAGE_KEY)
    if not all(map(lambda key: key in msg, base_envelope_keys)):
        #  See #1.b above.
        return msg

    # At this point we think we have the message envelope
    # format we were expecting. (#1.a above)

    if not version_is_compatible(_RPC_ENVELOPE_VERSION, msg[_VERSION_KEY]):
        raise UnsupportedRpcEnvelopeVersion(version=msg[_VERSION_KEY])

    raw_msg = jsonutils.loads(msg[_MESSAGE_KEY])

    return raw_msg
Пример #8
def deserialize_msg(msg):
    # NOTE(russellb): Hang on to your hats, this road is about to
    # get a little bumpy.
    # Robustness Principle:
    #    "Be strict in what you send, liberal in what you accept."
    # At this point we have to do a bit of guessing about what it
    # is we just received.  Here is the set of possibilities:
    # 1) We received a dict.  This could be 2 things:
    #   a) Inspect it to see if it looks like a standard message envelope.
    #      If so, great!
    #   b) If it doesn't look like a standard message envelope, it could either
    #      be a notification, or a message from before we added a message
    #      envelope (referred to as version 1.0).
    #      Just return the message as-is.
    # 2) It's any other non-dict type.  Just return it and hope for the best.
    #    This case covers return values from rpc.call() from before message
    #    envelopes were used.  (messages to call a method were always a dict)

    if not isinstance(msg, dict):
        # See #2 above.
        return msg

    base_envelope_keys = (_VERSION_KEY, _MESSAGE_KEY)
    if not all(map(lambda key: key in msg, base_envelope_keys)):
        #  See #1.b above.
        return msg

    # At this point we think we have the message envelope
    # format we were expecting. (#1.a above)

    if not version_is_compatible(_RPC_ENVELOPE_VERSION, msg[_VERSION_KEY]):
        raise UnsupportedRpcEnvelopeVersion(version=msg[_VERSION_KEY])

    raw_msg = jsonutils.loads(msg[_MESSAGE_KEY])

    return raw_msg
Пример #9
def deserialize_remote_exception(conf, data):
    failure = jsonutils.loads(str(data))

    trace = failure.get('tb', [])
    message = failure.get('message', "") + "\n" + "\n".join(trace)
    name = failure.get('class')
    module = failure.get('module')

    # NOTE(ameade): We DO NOT want to allow just any module to be imported, in
    # order to prevent arbitrary code execution.
    if module not in conf.allowed_rpc_exception_modules:
        return RemoteError(name, failure.get('message'), trace)

        mod = importutils.import_module(module)
        klass = getattr(mod, name)
        if not issubclass(klass, Exception):
            raise TypeError("Can only deserialize Exceptions")

        failure = klass(*failure.get('args', []), **failure.get('kwargs', {}))
    except (AttributeError, TypeError, ImportError):
        return RemoteError(name, failure.get('message'), trace)

    ex_type = type(failure)
    str_override = lambda self: message
    new_ex_type = type(ex_type.__name__ + _REMOTE_POSTFIX, (ex_type, ), {
        '__str__': str_override,
        '__unicode__': str_override
    new_ex_type.__module__ = '%s%s' % (module, _REMOTE_POSTFIX)
        # NOTE(ameade): Dynamically create a new exception type and swap it in
        # as the new type for the exception. This only works on user defined
        # Exceptions and not core python exceptions. This is important because
        # we cannot necessarily change an exception message so we must override
        # the __str__ method.
        failure.__class__ = new_ex_type
    except TypeError:
        # NOTE(ameade): If a core exception then just add the traceback to the
        # first exception argument.
        failure.args = (message, ) + failure.args[1:]
    return failure
Пример #10
    def test_json_exception(self):
        test_msg = 'This is %s'
        test_data = 'exceptional'
            raise Exception('This is exceptional')
        except Exception:
            self.log.exception(test_msg, test_data)

        data = jsonutils.loads(self.stream.getvalue())
        self.assertTrue('extra' in data)
        self.assertEqual('test-json', data['name'])

        self.assertEqual(test_msg % test_data, data['message'])
        self.assertEqual(test_msg, data['msg'])
        self.assertEqual([test_data], data['args'])

        self.assertEqual('ERROR', data['levelname'])
        self.assertEqual(logging.ERROR, data['levelno'])
Пример #11
    def test_json(self):
        test_msg = 'This is a %(test)s line'
        test_data = {'test': 'log'}
        self.log.debug(test_msg, test_data)

        data = jsonutils.loads(self.stream.getvalue())
        self.assertTrue('extra' in data)
        self.assertEqual('test-json', data['name'])

        self.assertEqual(test_msg % test_data, data['message'])
        self.assertEqual(test_msg, data['msg'])
        self.assertEqual(test_data, data['args'])

        self.assertEqual('test_log.py', data['filename'])
        self.assertEqual('test_json', data['funcname'])

        self.assertEqual('DEBUG', data['levelname'])
        self.assertEqual(logging.DEBUG, data['levelno'])
Пример #12
def deserialize_remote_exception(conf, data):
    failure = jsonutils.loads(str(data))

    trace = failure.get('tb', [])
    message = failure.get('message', "") + "\n" + "\n".join(trace)
    name = failure.get('class')
    module = failure.get('module')

    # NOTE(ameade): We DO NOT want to allow just any module to be imported, in
    # order to prevent arbitrary code execution.
    if module not in conf.allowed_rpc_exception_modules:
        return RemoteError(name, failure.get('message'), trace)

        mod = importutils.import_module(module)
        klass = getattr(mod, name)
        if not issubclass(klass, Exception):
            raise TypeError("Can only deserialize Exceptions")

        failure = klass(*failure.get('args', []), **failure.get('kwargs', {}))
    except (AttributeError, TypeError, ImportError):
        return RemoteError(name, failure.get('message'), trace)

    ex_type = type(failure)
    str_override = lambda self: message
    new_ex_type = type(ex_type.__name__ + _REMOTE_POSTFIX, (ex_type,),
                       {'__str__': str_override, '__unicode__': str_override})
    new_ex_type.__module__ = '%s%s' % (module, _REMOTE_POSTFIX)
        # NOTE(ameade): Dynamically create a new exception type and swap it in
        # as the new type for the exception. This only works on user defined
        # Exceptions and not core python exceptions. This is important because
        # we cannot necessarily change an exception message so we must override
        # the __str__ method.
        failure.__class__ = new_ex_type
    except TypeError:
        # NOTE(ameade): If a core exception then just add the traceback to the
        # first exception argument.
        failure.args = (message,) + failure.args[1:]
    return failure
Пример #13
    def host_passes(self, host_state, filter_properties):
        """Return a list of hosts that can fulfill the requirements
        specified in the query.
        # TODO(zhiteng) Add description for filter_properties structure
        # and scheduler_hints.
            query = filter_properties['scheduler_hints']['query']
        except KeyError:
            query = None
        if not query:
            return True

        # NOTE(comstud): Not checking capabilities or service for
        # enabled/disabled so that a provided json filter can decide

        result = self._process_filter(jsonutils.loads(query), host_state)
        if isinstance(result, list):
            # If any succeeded, include the host
            result = any(result)
        if result:
            # Filter it out.
            return True
        return False
Пример #14
 def _from_json(self, datastring):
         return jsonutils.loads(datastring)
     except ValueError:
         msg = _("Cannot understand JSON")
         raise exception.MalformedRequestBody(reason=msg)
Пример #15
 def test_loads(self):
     self.assertEqual(jsonutils.loads('{"a": "b"}'), {'a': 'b'})
Пример #16
def _deserialize(data):
    """Deserialization wrapper."""
    LOG.debug("Deserializing: %s", data)
    return jsonutils.loads(data)
Пример #17
 def test_loads(self):
     self.assertEqual(jsonutils.loads('{"a": "b"}'), {'a': 'b'})
Пример #18
 def _from_json(self, datastring):
         return jsonutils.loads(datastring)
     except ValueError:
         msg = _("Cannot understand JSON")
         raise exception.MalformedRequestBody(reason=msg)