Пример #1
def _FiveDelta2g_2(xyzs, dcg, dcgxx, fft='pyfftw', Ngrid=360):
    ''' calculate second part of 

        (2 ell + 1) x delta_2 (Scoccimarro 2015 Eq. 20)
        = 5 x delta_2
    # Qxx, Qyy, Qzz (Scoccimarro 2015 Eq. 19)
    ifft_Qij = []
    for i, j in zip([1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 1]):
        _delta = np.zeros([2 * Ngrid, Ngrid, Ngrid],

        # order is reversed. check this carefully
        fEstimate.assign_quad(xyzs, _delta, kf_ks, i, j, 0, 0, N, Ngrid)

        ifft_delta = _FFT(_delta, fft=fft, Ngrid=Ngrid)  # run FFT

        fEstimate.fcomb(ifft_delta, N, Ngrid)  # combine

        ifft_Qij.append(ifft_delta[:Ngrid // 2 + 1, :, :])

    fEstimate.FiveDelta2g_2(dcg, dcgxx, ifft_Qii[0], ifft_Qii[1], ifft_Qii[2],
    return dcgxx
Пример #2
def _FiveDelta2g_1(xyzs, fft='pyfftw', Ngrid=360):
    ''' calculate first part of 

        (2 ell + 1) * delta_2 (Scoccimarro 2015 Eq. 20)
    More specific this function calculates 
        delta_2 =  15/2 (kx^2 Qxx + ky^2 Qyy + kz^2 Qzz)

    # Qxx, Qyy, Qzz (Scoccimarro 2015 Eq. 19)
    ifft_Qii = []
    for i in range(3):
        _delta = np.zeros([2 * Ngrid, Ngrid, Ngrid],

        # order is reversed. check this carefully
        fEstimate.assign_quad(xyzs, _delta, kf_ks, i + 1, i + 1, 0, 0, N,

        ifft_delta = _FFT(_delta, fft=fft, Ngrid=Ngrid)  # run FFT

        fEstimate.fcomb(ifft_delta, N, Ngrid)  # combine

        ifft_Qii.append(ifft_delta[:Ngrid // 2 + 1, :, :])

    fEstimate.FiveDelta2g_1(ifft_Qii[0], ifft_Qii[1], ifft_Qii[2], Ngrid)
    return ifft_Qii[0]
Пример #3
def FFT_survey(radecz,
    ''' Put galaxies from a survey onto a grid and FFT it. This function wraps
    some of the functions in estimator.f and does the same thing as roman's

    :param radecz: 
        3 x N dimensional array that specify the [ra, dec, z]

    :parapm w: (default: None) 
        N dimensional array that specifies the weight. 

    :param Lbox: (default: 2600.) 
        Box size

    :param Ngrid: (default: 360) 
        grid size 

    :param cosmo: (default: None) 
        astropy.cosmology objec that specifies the cosmology for converting RA,
        Dec, z to cartesian coordinates.

    :param fft: (default: 'pyfftw') 
        determines which fftw version to use. Options are 'pyfftw' 
        and 'fortran'. 

    :param silent: (default: True) 
        if not silent then it'll output stuff  


    kf_ks = np.float32(float(Ngrid) / Lbox)
    N = np.int32(xyz.shape[1])  # number of objects

    # default cosmology
    if cosmo is None:
        cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=67.6, Om0=0.31)

    if w is None:
        w = np.ones(N)

    # convert ra, dec, z to cartesian coordinates
    xyz = UT.radecz_to_cartesian(radecz, cosmo=cosmo)

    if not silent:
            '%.1f < %s < %.1f\n' % (mi, _axis, ma)
            for _axis, mi, ma in zip(['x', 'y', 'z'], np.min(xyz, axis=1),
                                     np.max(xyz, axis=1))

    # position of galaxies (checked with fortran)
    xyzs = np.zeros([3, N], dtype=np.float32, order='F')
    xyzs[0, :] = np.clip(xyz[0, :], 0., Lbox * (1. - 1e-6))
    xyzs[1, :] = np.clip(xyz[1, :], 0., Lbox * (1. - 1e-6))
    xyzs[2, :] = np.clip(xyz[2, :], 0., Lbox * (1. - 1e-6))
    if not silent: print('%i positions' % N)

    # calculate I10,I12d,I22,I13d,I23,I33

    _delta = np.zeros([2 * Ngrid, Ngrid, Ngrid], dtype=np.float32, order='F')
    fEstimate.assign_quad(xyzs, w, _delta, kf_ks, 0, 0, 0, 0, N,
                          Ngrid)  # assign to grid
    ifft_delta = _FFT(_delta, fft=fft, Ngrid=Ngrid, silent=silent)  # run FFT
    fEstimate.fcomb(ifft_delta, N, Ngrid)  # combine
    delta0 = ifft_delta[:Ngrid // 2 + 1, :, :]
    if not silent: print('delta_0(k) complete')

    # calculate delta2
    five_delta2 = _FiveDelta2g_1(xyzs, fft=fft, Ngrid=Ngrid)
    five_delta2 = _FiveDelta2g_1(xyzs,

    # calculat reweighted fields
    w = w**2
    _delta = np.zeros([2 * Ngrid, Ngrid, Ngrid], dtype=np.float32, order='F')
    fEstimate.assign_quad(xyzs, w, _delta, kf_ks, 0, 0, 0, 0, N,
                          Ngrid)  # assign to grid
    ifft_delta = _FFT(_delta, fft=fft, Ngrid=Ngrid, silent=silent)  # run FFT
    fEstimate.fcomb(ifft_delta, N, Ngrid)  # combine
    delta_w = ifft_delta[:Ngrid // 2 + 1, :, :]
    return delta0, five_delta2, delta_w
Пример #4
def FFTperiodic(xyz, Lbox=2600., Ngrid=360, fft='pyfftw', silent=True):
    ''' Put galaxies in a grid and FFT it. This function wraps some of
    the functions in estimator.f and does the same thing as roman's 

    :param xyz: 
        3 x N dimensional array

    :param Lbox: (default: 2600.) 
        Box size

    :param Ngrid: (default: 360) 
        grid size 

    :param fft: (default: 'pyfftw') 
        determines which fftw version to use. Options are 'pyfftw' 
        and 'fortran'. 

    :param silent: (default: True) 
        if not silent then it'll output stuff  
    kf_ks = np.float32(float(Ngrid) / Lbox)
    N = np.int32(xyz.shape[1])  # number of objects

    # position of galaxies (checked with fortran)
    xyzs = np.zeros([3, N], dtype=np.float32, order='F')
    xyzs[0, :] = np.clip(xyz[0, :], 0., Lbox * (1. - 1e-6))
    xyzs[1, :] = np.clip(xyz[1, :], 0., Lbox * (1. - 1e-6))
    xyzs[2, :] = np.clip(xyz[2, :], 0., Lbox * (1. - 1e-6))
    if not silent: print('%i positions' % N)

    # assign galaxies to grid (checked with fortran)
    _delta = np.zeros([2 * Ngrid, Ngrid, Ngrid], dtype=np.float32,
                      order='F')  # even indices (real) odd (complex)
    fEstimate.assign2(xyzs, _delta, kf_ks, N, Ngrid)

    if fft == 'pyfftw':
        delta = pyfftw.n_byte_align_empty((Ngrid, Ngrid, Ngrid),
    elif fft == 'fortran':
        delta = np.zeros((Ngrid, Ngrid, Ngrid), dtype='complex64', order='F')
    delta.real = _delta[::2, :, :]
    delta.imag = _delta[1::2, :, :]
    if not silent: print('positions assigned to grid')

    # FFT delta (checked with fortran code, more or less matches)
    if fft == 'pyfftw':
        fftw_ob = pyfftw.builders.ifftn(
            delta, planner_effort='FFTW_ESTIMATE')  # axes=(0,1,2,))
        #ifft_delta = fftw_ob(normalise_idft=False)
        ifft_delta = np.zeros((Ngrid, Ngrid, Ngrid),
        ifft_delta[:, :, :] = fftw_ob(normalise_idft=False)
    elif fft == 'fortran':
        ifft_delta = np.zeros((Ngrid, Ngrid, Ngrid),
        fEstimate.ffting(delta, N, Ngrid)
        ifft_delta[:, :, :] = delta[:, :, :]

    if not silent: print('position grid FFTed')
    # combine fields
    fEstimate.fcomb(ifft_delta, N, Ngrid)
    if not silent: print('fcomb complete')
    return ifft_delta[:Ngrid // 2 + 1, :, :]