Пример #1
def remove_temperature_constraints(ecmodel, etcmodel, prot):
    # ecmodel: original model without temperature constraints
    # etcmodel: model which have temperature constraints for some/all enzymes
    # prot: uniprot id

    # original coeffes
    met1 = ecmodel.metabolites.get_by_id('prot_{0}'.format(prot))
    old_kcat_coeffs = {
        rxn.id: rxn.get_coefficient(met1)
        for rxn in met1.reactions

    met2 = ecmodel.metabolites.prot_pool
    rxn = ecmodel.reactions.get_by_id('draw_prot_{0}'.format(prot))
    old_fnt_coeff = rxn.get_coefficient(met2)

    # rescue prot
    met1 = etcmodel.metabolites.get_by_id('prot_{0}'.format(prot))
    for rxn_id, old_coeff in old_kcat_coeffs.items():
        rxn = etcmodel.reactions.get_by_id(rxn_id)
        etc.change_rxn_coeff(rxn, met1, old_coeff)

    met2 = etcmodel.metabolites.prot_pool
    rxn = etcmodel.reactions.get_by_id('draw_prot_{0}'.format(prot))
    etc.change_rxn_coeff(rxn, met2, old_fnt_coeff)
Пример #2
def do_a_fcc(model, tested_enzymes, enzymes):
    #  tsted_enzymes: a list of enzyme already test. In the order of test iteration

    # 2. do fcc at each temperature
    fccs = dict()
    delta = 10
    # Get all enzymes
        u0 = model.optimize().objective_value
        u0 = np.nan
    print('Model Track u0:', T, u0)
    for enz_id in enzymes:
        if enz_id in tested_enzymes: continue
        if np.isnan(u0) or u0 == 0: fccs[enz_id] = np.nan
            with model as m:
                enz = m.metabolites.get_by_id(enz_id)
                # Perturbe kcat in all reactions of this enzyme
                for rxn in enz.reactions:
                    if rxn.id.startswith('draw_'): continue
                    new_coeff = rxn.get_coefficient(enz) / (1 + delta)
                    etc.change_rxn_coeff(rxn, enz, new_coeff)
                    u = m.optimize().objective_value
                    u = np.nan

                if u is None: fc = np.nan
                else: fc = (u - u0) / u0 / delta

                fccs[enz.id] = fc
    return fccs
Пример #3
def simulate_growth(model, Ts, sigma, df, prot):
    # model, cobra model
    # Ts, a list of temperatures in K
    # sigma, enzyme saturation factor
    # df, a dataframe containing thermal parameters of enzymes: dHTH, dSTS, dCpu, Topt
    # Ensure that Topt is in K. Other parameters are in standard units.
    # prot: uniprotid, enzyme to be rescued
    rs0 = list()
    rs = list()

    met1 = model.metabolites.get_by_id('prot_{0}'.format(prot))
    old_kcat_coeffs = {
        rxn.id: rxn.get_coefficient(met1)
        for rxn in met1.reactions

    met2 = model.metabolites.prot_pool
    rxn = model.reactions.get_by_id('draw_prot_{0}'.format(prot))
    old_fnt_coeff = rxn.get_coefficient(met2)

    for T in Ts:
        with model:

            # map temperature constraints
            etc.map_fNT(model, T, df)
            etc.map_kcatT(model, T, df)
            etc.set_NGAMT(model, T)
            etc.set_sigma(model, sigma)

                r = model.optimize().objective_value
                print('Failed to solve the problem')
                r = 0
            print(T - 273.15, r)

            # rescue prot
            met1 = model.metabolites.get_by_id('prot_{0}'.format(prot))
            for rxn_id, old_coeff in old_kcat_coeffs.items():
                rxn = model.reactions.get_by_id(rxn_id)
                etc.change_rxn_coeff(rxn, met1, old_coeff)

            met2 = model.metabolites.prot_pool
            rxn = model.reactions.get_by_id('draw_prot_{0}'.format(prot))
            etc.change_rxn_coeff(rxn, met2, old_fnt_coeff)

                r = model.optimize().objective_value
                print('Failed to solve the problem')
                r = 0
            print(T - 273.15, r)
    return rs0, rs
Пример #4
def do_fcc_at_T(T,params,sigma,delta):
    # Ts:     temperatures at which simulation will be performed
    # params: a dataframe with Topt, Tm, T90, dCpt of all enzymes
    # sigma:  enzyme saturation factor
    # delta:  the fold change to be made for kcat of each enzyme
    # return a dataframe with temperature as column and enzyme id as index
    model = pickle.load(open('../models/aerobic.pkl','rb'))
    # 1. Calculate thermal parameters
    dfparam = etc.calculate_thermal_params(params)
    enzymes = list(set([met.id for met in model.metabolites 
                        if met.id.startswith('prot_') and met.id != 'prot_pool']))
    # 2. do fcc at each temperature
    data = dict()

    # Get all enzymes
    try:    u0 = model.optimize().objective_value
    except: u0 = None
    print('Model Track u0:',T,u0)
    for enz_id in enzymes: 
        if u0 is None or u0 == 0: data[enz_id.split('_')[1]] = None
            with model as m:
                enz = m.metabolites.get_by_id(enz_id)
                # Perturbe kcat in all reactions of this enzyme 
                for rxn in enz.reactions:
                    if rxn.id.startswith('draw_'): continue
                    new_coeff = rxn.get_coefficient(enz)/(1+delta)
                try:u = m.optimize().objective_value
                except: u = None
                if u is None: fc = None
                else: fc = (u-u0)/u0/delta

                data[enz.id.split('_')[1]] = fc

    # 3. Create a dataframe with temperature as column and enzyme ids as index
    lst, index = [], []
    for k,v in data.items():
    dfres = pd.DataFrame(data={T:lst},index=index)
    return dfres        
def simulate_one_particle(particle, T, ps):
    growth_id = 'r_2111'
    print('Load model')
    mae = pickle.load(open('../models/aerobic.pkl', 'rb'))

    # get ori coeffs for ERG1
    met1 = mae.metabolites.get_by_id('prot_{0}'.format('P32476'))
    old_kcat_coeffs = {
        rxn.id: rxn.get_coefficient(met1)
        for rxn in met1.reactions

    met2 = mae.metabolites.prot_pool
    rxn = mae.reactions.get_by_id('draw_prot_{0}'.format('P32476'))
    old_fnt_coeff = rxn.get_coefficient(met2)

    print('Set temperature constraits')
    set_temperature_constraints(mae, particle, T)
    erg_rxns = get_erg_rxns(mae)

    print('Get vmax')
    # This is to avoid some unbounded results
    for rxn_id in erg_rxns:
        mae.reactions.get_by_id(rxn_id).upper_bound = 1000

    erg_vmax = {
        rxn_id: get_maximal_flux_through_given_rxn(mae, rxn_id, growth_id)
        for rxn_id in erg_rxns

    rmax_vary_p = []
    rmax_vary_p_rescue = []

    print('Simulate down regulation')
    for p in ps:
        with mae:
            down_regulate_erg_genes(mae, erg_vmax, p)

            # rescue prot
            for rxn_id, old_coeff in old_kcat_coeffs.items():
                rxn = mae.reactions.get_by_id(rxn_id)
                etc.change_rxn_coeff(rxn, met1, old_coeff)

            rxn = mae.reactions.get_by_id('draw_prot_{0}'.format('P32476'))
            etc.change_rxn_coeff(rxn, met2, old_fnt_coeff)
    return rmax_vary_p, rmax_vary_p_rescue