Пример #1
#                   |          \-B
#          /--------|
#         |         |          /-C
#         |          \--------|
#         |                   |          /-D
#---------|                    \--------|
#         |                              \-E
#         |
#         |          /-F
#          \--------|
#                   |          /-G
#                    \--------|
#                              \-H

# Now we can ask the numerical profile associated to each node
A = t.search_nodes(name='A')[0]
print "A associated profile:\n", A.profile
# [-1.23 -0.81  1.79  0.78 -0.42 -0.69  0.58]
# Or we can ask for the mean numerical profile of an internal
# partition, which is computed as the average of all vectors under the
# the given node.
cluster = t.get_common_ancestor("E", "A")
print "Internal cluster mean profile:\n", cluster.profile
#[-1.574 -0.686  1.048 -0.012 -0.118  0.614  0.728]
# We can also obtain the std. deviation vector of the mean profile
print "Internal cluster std deviation profile:\n", cluster.deviation
#[ 0.36565558  0.41301816  0.40676283  0.56211743  0.50704635  0.94949671
#  0.26753691]
# If would need to re-link the tree to a different matrix or use
Пример #2
#                   |          \-B
#          /--------|
#         |         |          /-C
#         |          \--------|
#         |                   |          /-D
# ---------|                    \--------|
#         |                              \-E
#         |
#         |          /-F
#          \--------|
#                   |          /-G
#                    \--------|
#                              \-H

# Now we can ask the numerical profile associated to each node
A = t.search_nodes(name="A")[0]
print "A associated profile:\n", A.profile
# [-1.23 -0.81  1.79  0.78 -0.42 -0.69  0.58]
# Or we can ask for the mean numerical profile of an internal
# partition, which is computed as the average of all vectors under the
# the given node.
cluster = t.get_common_ancestor("E", "A")
print "Internal cluster mean profile:\n", cluster.profile
# [-1.574 -0.686  1.048 -0.012 -0.118  0.614  0.728]
# We can also obtain the std. deviation vector of the mean profile
print "Internal cluster std deviation profile:\n", cluster.deviation
# [ 0.36565558  0.41301816  0.40676283  0.56211743  0.50704635  0.94949671
#  0.26753691]
# If would need to re-link the tree to a different matrix or use