Пример #1
def match_fn(codec: ABICodec, match_values_and_abi: Collection[Tuple[str,
             data: Any) -> bool:
    """Match function used for filtering non-indexed event arguments.

    Values provided through the match_values_and_abi parameter are
    compared to the abi decoded log data.
    abi_types, all_match_values = zip(*match_values_and_abi)

    decoded_values = codec.decode_abi(abi_types, HexBytes(data))
    for data_value, match_values, abi_type in zip(decoded_values,
                                                  all_match_values, abi_types):
        if match_values is None:
        normalized_data = normalize_data_values(abi_type, data_value)
        for value in match_values:
            if not codec.is_encodable(abi_type, value):
                raise ValueError(f"Value {value} is of the wrong abi type. "
                                 f"Expected {abi_type} typed value.")
            if value == normalized_data:
            return False

    return True
Пример #2
class Web3:
    # Providers
    HTTPProvider = HTTPProvider
    IPCProvider = IPCProvider
    EthereumTesterProvider = EthereumTesterProvider
    WebsocketProvider = WebsocketProvider

    # Managers
    RequestManager = DefaultRequestManager

    # Iban
    Iban = Iban

    # Encoding and Decoding
    toBytes = staticmethod(to_bytes)
    toInt = staticmethod(to_int)
    toHex = staticmethod(to_hex)
    toText = staticmethod(to_text)
    toJSON = staticmethod(to_json)

    # Currency Utility
    toWei = staticmethod(to_wei)
    fromWei = staticmethod(from_wei)

    # Address Utility
    isAddress = staticmethod(is_address)
    isChecksumAddress = staticmethod(is_checksum_address)
    toChecksumAddress = staticmethod(to_checksum_address)

    # mypy Types
    eth: Eth
    parity: Parity
    geth: Geth
    net: Net
    async_eth: AsyncEth

    def __init__(
        provider: Optional[BaseProvider] = None,
        middlewares: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None,
        modules: Optional[Dict[str, Sequence[Any]]] = None,
        ens: ENS = cast(ENS, empty)
    ) -> None:
        self.manager = self.RequestManager(self, provider, middlewares)
        # this codec gets used in the module initialization,
        # so it needs to come before attach_modules
        self.codec = ABICodec(build_default_registry())

        if modules is None:
            modules = get_default_modules()

        attach_modules(self, modules)

        self.ens = ens

    def middleware_onion(self) -> MiddlewareOnion:
        return self.manager.middleware_onion

    def provider(self) -> BaseProvider:
        return self.manager.provider

    def provider(self, provider: BaseProvider) -> None:
        self.manager.provider = provider

    def clientVersion(self) -> str:
        return self.manager.request_blocking(RPC.web3_clientVersion, [])

    def api(self) -> str:
        from web3 import __version__
        return __version__

    def sha3(primitive: Optional[Primitives] = None, text: Optional[str] = None,
             hexstr: Optional[HexStr] = None) -> bytes:
        return Web3.keccak(primitive, text, hexstr)

    def keccak(primitive: Optional[Primitives] = None, text: Optional[str] = None,
               hexstr: Optional[HexStr] = None) -> bytes:
        if isinstance(primitive, (bytes, int, type(None))):
            input_bytes = to_bytes(primitive, hexstr=hexstr, text=text)
            return eth_utils_keccak(input_bytes)

        raise TypeError(
            "You called keccak with first arg %r and keywords %r. You must call it with one of "
            "these approaches: keccak(text='txt'), keccak(hexstr='0x747874'), "
            "keccak(b'\\x74\\x78\\x74'), or keccak(0x747874)." % (
                {'text': text, 'hexstr': hexstr}

    def soliditySha3(cls, abi_types: List[TypeStr], values: List[Any]) -> bytes:
        return cls.solidityKeccak(abi_types, values)

    def solidityKeccak(cls, abi_types: List[TypeStr], values: List[Any]) -> bytes:
        Executes keccak256 exactly as Solidity does.
        Takes list of abi_types as inputs -- `[uint24, int8[], bool]`
        and list of corresponding values  -- `[20, [-1, 5, 0], True]`
        if len(abi_types) != len(values):
            raise ValueError(
                "Length mismatch between provided abi types and values.  Got "
                "{0} types and {1} values.".format(len(abi_types), len(values))

        if isinstance(cls, type):
            w3 = None
            w3 = cls
        normalized_values = map_abi_data([abi_ens_resolver(w3)], abi_types, values)

        hex_string = add_0x_prefix(HexStr(''.join(
            remove_0x_prefix(hex_encode_abi_type(abi_type, value))
            for abi_type, value
            in zip(abi_types, normalized_values)
        return cls.keccak(hexstr=hex_string)

    def isConnected(self) -> bool:
        return self.provider.isConnected()

    def is_encodable(self, _type: TypeStr, value: Any) -> bool:
        return self.codec.is_encodable(_type, value)

    def ens(self) -> ENS:
        if self._ens is cast(ENS, empty):
            return ENS.fromWeb3(self)
            return self._ens

    def ens(self, new_ens: ENS) -> None:
        self._ens = new_ens

    def pm(self) -> "PM":
        if hasattr(self, '_pm'):
            # ignored b/c property is dynamically set via enable_unstable_package_management_api
            return self._pm  # type: ignore
            raise AttributeError(
                "The Package Management feature is disabled by default until "
                "its API stabilizes. To use these features, please enable them by running "
                "`w3.enable_unstable_package_management_api()` and try again."

    def enable_unstable_package_management_api(self) -> None:
        from web3.pm import PM  # noqa: F811
        if not hasattr(self, '_pm'):
            attach_modules(self, {'_pm': (PM,)})

    def enable_strict_bytes_type_checking(self) -> None:
        self.codec = ABICodec(build_strict_registry())
Пример #3
class Web3:
    # Providers
    HTTPProvider = HTTPProvider
    IPCProvider = IPCProvider
    EthereumTesterProvider = EthereumTesterProvider
    WebsocketProvider = WebsocketProvider
    AsyncHTTPProvider = AsyncHTTPProvider

    # Managers
    RequestManager = DefaultRequestManager

    # Iban
    Iban = Iban

    # Encoding and Decoding
    def toBytes(primitive: Primitives = None,
                hexstr: HexStr = None,
                text: str = None) -> bytes:
        return to_bytes(primitive, hexstr, text)

    def toInt(primitive: Primitives = None,
              hexstr: HexStr = None,
              text: str = None) -> int:
        return to_int(primitive, hexstr, text)

    def toHex(primitive: Primitives = None,
              hexstr: HexStr = None,
              text: str = None) -> HexStr:
        return to_hex(primitive, hexstr, text)

    def toText(primitive: Primitives = None,
               hexstr: HexStr = None,
               text: str = None) -> str:
        return to_text(primitive, hexstr, text)

    def toJSON(obj: Dict[Any, Any]) -> str:
        return to_json(obj)

    # Currency Utility
    def toWei(number: Union[int, float, str, decimal.Decimal],
              unit: str) -> Wei:
        return cast(Wei, to_wei(number, unit))

    def fromWei(number: int, unit: str) -> Union[int, decimal.Decimal]:
        return from_wei(number, unit)

    # Address Utility
    def isAddress(value: Any) -> bool:
        return is_address(value)

    def isChecksumAddress(value: Any) -> bool:
        return is_checksum_address(value)

    def toChecksumAddress(
            value: Union[AnyAddress, str, bytes]) -> ChecksumAddress:
        return to_checksum_address(value)

    # mypy Types
    eth: Eth
    parity: Parity
    geth: Geth
    net: Net
    async_net: AsyncNet

    def __init__(
        provider: Optional[BaseProvider] = None,
        middlewares: Optional[Sequence[Any]] = None,
        modules: Optional[Dict[str, Union[Type[Module],
                                          Sequence[Any]]]] = None,
        external_modules: Optional[Dict[str, Union[Type[Module],
                                                   Sequence[Any]]]] = None,
        ens: ENS = cast(ENS, empty)
    ) -> None:
        self.manager = self.RequestManager(self, provider, middlewares)
        # this codec gets used in the module initialization,
        # so it needs to come before attach_modules
        self.codec = ABICodec(build_default_registry())

        if modules is None:
            modules = get_default_modules()


        if external_modules is not None:

        self.ens = ens

    def middleware_onion(self) -> MiddlewareOnion:
        return self.manager.middleware_onion

    def provider(self) -> BaseProvider:
        return self.manager.provider

    def provider(self, provider: BaseProvider) -> None:
        self.manager.provider = provider

    def clientVersion(self) -> str:
        return self.manager.request_blocking(RPC.web3_clientVersion, [])

    def api(self) -> str:
        from web3 import __version__
        return __version__

    def keccak(primitive: Optional[Primitives] = None,
               text: Optional[str] = None,
               hexstr: Optional[HexStr] = None) -> bytes:
        if isinstance(primitive, (bytes, int, type(None))):
            input_bytes = to_bytes(primitive, hexstr=hexstr, text=text)
            return eth_utils_keccak(input_bytes)

        raise TypeError(
            f"You called keccak with first arg {primitive!r} and keywords {{'text': {text!r}, "
            f"'hexstr': {hexstr!r}}}. You must call it with one of these approaches: "
            "keccak(text='txt'), keccak(hexstr='0x747874'), keccak(b'\\x74\\x78\\x74'), "
            "or keccak(0x747874).")

    def solidityKeccak(cls, abi_types: List[TypeStr],
                       values: List[Any]) -> bytes:
        Executes keccak256 exactly as Solidity does.
        Takes list of abi_types as inputs -- `[uint24, int8[], bool]`
        and list of corresponding values  -- `[20, [-1, 5, 0], True]`
        if len(abi_types) != len(values):
            raise ValueError(
                "Length mismatch between provided abi types and values.  Got "
                f"{len(abi_types)} types and {len(values)} values.")

        if isinstance(cls, type):
            w3 = None
            w3 = cls
        normalized_values = map_abi_data([abi_ens_resolver(w3)], abi_types,

        hex_string = add_0x_prefix(
                remove_0x_prefix(hex_encode_abi_type(abi_type, value))
                for abi_type, value in zip(abi_types, normalized_values))))
        return cls.keccak(hexstr=hex_string)

    def attach_modules(
        self, modules: Optional[Dict[str, Union[Type[Module],
                                                Sequence[Any]]]]) -> None:
        Attach modules to the `Web3` instance.
        _attach_modules(self, modules)

    def isConnected(self) -> bool:
        return self.provider.isConnected()

    def is_encodable(self, _type: TypeStr, value: Any) -> bool:
        return self.codec.is_encodable(_type, value)

    def ens(self) -> ENS:
        if self._ens is cast(ENS, empty):
            return ENS.fromWeb3(self)
            return self._ens

    def ens(self, new_ens: ENS) -> None:
        self._ens = new_ens

    def pm(self) -> "PM":
        if hasattr(self, '_pm'):
            # ignored b/c property is dynamically set via enable_unstable_package_management_api
            return self._pm  # type: ignore
            raise AttributeError(
                "The Package Management feature is disabled by default until "
                "its API stabilizes. To use these features, please enable them by running "
                "`w3.enable_unstable_package_management_api()` and try again.")

    def enable_unstable_package_management_api(self) -> None:
        from web3.pm import PM  # noqa: F811
        if not hasattr(self, '_pm'):
            self.attach_modules({'_pm': PM})

    def enable_strict_bytes_type_checking(self) -> None:
        self.codec = ABICodec(build_strict_registry())