Пример #1
    def run(self):
        sh = shell.Shell()
        while self.running:
            # Get the list of targets (only those ones availables on our interface)
            arp = sh.arp("-nai %s" %self.iface.name)[0]
            for l in arp.split("\n"):
                if not l:
                # Get the details of the hosts
                data = l.split()
                ip = data[1][1:-1] # Remove parenthesis
                mac= data[3]

                if ip not in self.scanlist or not utils.is_mac(mac):
                    continue # Skip this host (incomplete or not in scanlist)

                # Check if the host is already in the list
                targ = self.targetlist.get_bymac(mac)
                if not targ:
                    self.targetlist.append(target.Target(ip, mac))

                # Don't continue if the thread was requested to terminate it's activity
                if not self.running:
Пример #2
 def gateway(self):
     Returns the network gateway, None if not found.
     # Execute netstat to get the routing table
     netst = shell.Shell().netstat("-nr")[0]
     netst = netst[2:].split("\n")
     for l in netst:
         # Look for a valid Route "U", and a gateway "G"
         if "UG" in l:
             return l.split()[1]
     return None
Пример #3
def arp_read(addr):
    Reads the arp cache for a concrete address mac or ip address and returns the other one(*).
    Returns None if addr is not in the cache.

    (*)if addr is IP -> returns its MAC/ if addr is MAC -> returns its IP.
    cache = shell.Shell().arp("-na")[0]
    cache = cache.split("\n")
    for l in cache:
        if re.search(addr, l):
            if is_ip(addr):
                return l.split()[3]
            if is_mac(addr):
                return l.split()[1][1:-1]  # Skip parentheses
                raise ValueError(
                    "addr must be either a valid IP or MAC address")
    return None
Пример #4
    def update_network(self):
        Update the network details
        if self.opt.core.use_mac:
            cfg = utils.get_iface(self.opt.core.iface)

            if cfg["inet"] is None:
                raise exceptions.EthercutException(
                    "Couldn't determine %s IP address, make sure it " +
                    "is connected and propertly configured")

            # Save the original mac to restore it later
            self.original_mac = cfg["hw"]
            self.ui.msg("Changing MAC address to: %s" %

        self.iface = link.Link(self.opt.core.iface)

        # Network
        self.network = network.Network(self.iface.ip, self.iface.netmask)

        # Try to find the network gateway
        gwip = self.opt.core.gateway or self.network.gateway
        gwhw = utils.arp_read(gwip)

        if gwip is None or gwhw is None:
            raise exceptions.EthercutException(
                "Ethercut wasn't able to find the network gateway, " +
                "please check your network configuration")

        self.gateway = target.Target(gwip, gwhw)

        self.ui.msg("[%s] %s" % (CStr("IFACE").cyan, self.iface))
        self.ui.msg("[%s] %s" % (CStr("GATEWAY").cyan, repr(self.gateway)))

        # Update the context
        ctx.iface = self.iface
        ctx.network = self.network
        ctx.gateway = self.gateway
Пример #5
def darwin_check_forward():
    shell.Shell().execute("sysctl net.inet.ip.forwarding ")[0].split(" ")[1]
Пример #6
def darwin_disable_forward():
    shell.Shell().execute("sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=0")
Пример #7
def get_iface(iface):
    Returns a dictionary containing relevant information about a given intreface parsing the
    output of ifconfig.
    Information will be stored as a dictionary as follows:
        {"iface": {"hw": "00:00:00:00:00:00", "inet": "", ...}}
            hw: hardware address
            inet: IPv4 address
            bcast: broadcast address
            netmask: network mask
            inet6: IPv6 address
            mtu: maximum transmission unit

    NOTE: Currently only handles Linux ifconfig output

    # Run ifconfig
    ifcnf = shell.Shell().ifconfig(iface)
    if not ifcnf[0]:
        raise ValueError("%s" % ifcnf[1])

    cnf = ifcnf[0].split("\n")

    ret = {
        "hw": None,
        "inet": None,
        "bcast": None,
        "netmask": None,
        "inet6": None,
        "mtu": None

    if const.LINUX:
        for line in cnf:
            m = re.search("HWaddr[\s]+([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,2}\:){5}[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,2}",
            if m:
                ret["hw"] = m.group().split()[1]
            m = re.search("inet addr:[\s]*([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}", line)
            if m:
                ret["inet"] = m.group()[10:].strip()
            m = re.search("Bcast:[\s]*([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}", line)
            if m:
                ret["bcast"] = m.group()[6:].strip()
            m = re.search("Mask:[\s]*([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}", line)
            if m:
                ret["netmask"] = m.group()[5:].strip()
            m = re.search("inet6 addr:[\s]*[0-9a-fA-F:]+/[0-9]+", line)
            if m:
                ret["inet6"] = m.group()[11:].strip()
            m = re.search("MTU:[\s]*[0-9]+", line)
            if m:
                ret["mtu"] = m.group()[4:].strip()
    elif const.DARWIN:
        for line in cnf:
            m = re.search("ether[\s]+([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,2}\:){5}[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,2}",
            if m:
                ret["hw"] = m.group().split()[1]
            m = re.search("inet[\s]([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}", line)
            if m:
                ret["inet"] = m.group().split()[1].strip()
            m = re.search("broadcast[\s]([0-9]{1,3}.){3}[0-9]{1,3}", line)
            if m:
                ret["bcast"] = m.group().split()[1].strip()
            m = re.search("netmask[\s]0x[0-9a-f]{8}", line)
            if m:
                # In OSX, the netmask is in hex format, we need to change it to a dotted address
                netmask = int(m.group().split()[1].strip(), 0)
                ret["netmask"] = ntoa(netmask)
            m = re.search("inet6[\s][0-9a-fA-F:]+/[0-9]+", line)
            if m:
                ret["inet6"] = m.group().split()[1].strip()
            m = re.search("mtu[\s][0-9]+", line)
            if m:
                ret["mtu"] = m.group().split()[1].strip()

    return ret