Пример #1
def get_keyfile_path() -> Path:
    ethpm_xdg_root = get_xdg_ethpmcli_root()
    keyfile_path = ethpm_xdg_root / KEYFILE_PATH
    if not keyfile_path.is_file():
        raise AuthorizationError(f"No keyfile located at {keyfile_path}.")

    if not keyfile_path.read_text():
        raise AuthorizationError(f"Empty keyfile located at {keyfile_path}.")
    return keyfile_path
Пример #2
def get_authorized_private_key(password: str) -> str:
    Returns the private key associated with stored keyfile. Password required.
    keyfile_path = get_keyfile_path()
        private_key = eth_keyfile.extract_key_from_keyfile(
            str(keyfile_path), to_bytes(text=password))
    except ValueError:
        raise AuthorizationError(
            f"Provided keyfile password: {password} is not a valid "
            f"password for encrypted keyfile at {keyfile_path}.")
    return private_key
Пример #3
def deploy_registry(config: Config, alias: str = None) -> str:
    if not config.private_key:
        raise AuthorizationError(
            "To deploy a registry, you must provide the password for your local keyfile."
    chain_id = config.w3.eth.chainId
    chain_name = SUPPORTED_CHAIN_IDS[chain_id]
        f"Deploying a new registry to {chain_name}, this may take a minute...")
    # todo: handle tx timeout error gracefully
    registry_address = config.w3.pm.deploy_and_set_registry()
        f"New registry deployed to {registry_address} on {chain_name}.")
    registry_uri = URI(f"erc1319://{registry_address}:{chain_id}")
    add_registry(registry_uri, alias, config)
    activate_registry(registry_uri, config)
    return registry_address
Пример #4
def release_package(package_name: str, version: str, manifest_uri: URI,
                    config: Config) -> bytes:
    if not config.private_key:
        raise AuthorizationError(
            "To release a package you must provide the password for your local keyfile."

    registry_store_path = config.xdg_ethpmcli_root / REGISTRY_STORE
    active_registry = get_active_registry(registry_store_path)
    parsed_uri = parse_registry_uri(active_registry.uri)
    if config.w3.net.version != parsed_uri.chain_id:
        w3 = setup_w3(to_int(text=parsed_uri.chain_id), config.private_key)
        w3 = config.w3
    release_id = w3.pm.release_package(package_name, version, manifest_uri)
    return release_id
Пример #5
def validate_keyfile(keyfile_path: Path) -> None:
    keyfile_data = eth_keyfile.load_keyfile(str(keyfile_path))
    if keyfile_data["version"] != 3:
        raise AuthorizationError(
            f"Keyfile found at {keyfile_path} does not look like a supported eth-keyfile object."