Пример #1
def fetch_details(options):
    Fetch details call for a BrAPI object (ex: /brapi/v1/studies/{id})
    source, logger, entity, object_id = options
    if 'detail' not in entity:
    detail_call_group = entity['detail']

    in_store = object_id in entity['store']
    skip_if_in_store = detail_call_group.get('skip-if-in-store')
    already_detailed = get_in(entity['store'], [object_id, 'etl:detailed'])
    if in_store and (skip_if_in_store or already_detailed):

    entity_name = entity['name']
    entity_id = entity_name + 'DbId'
    detail_call = get_implemented_call(source, detail_call_group, {entity_id: object_id})

    if not detail_call:

    details = BreedingAPIIterator.fetch_all(source['brapi:endpointUrl'], detail_call, logger).__next__()
    details['etl:detailed'] = True
    return entity_name, [details]
Пример #2
def fetch_all_links(source, logger, entities):
    Link objects across entities.
     - Internal: link an object (ex: study) to another using an identifier inside the JSON object
      (ex: link a location via study.locationDbId)
     - Internal object: link an object (ex: study) to another contained inside the first
      (ex: link a location via study.location.locationDbId)
     - External object: link an object (ex: study) to another using a dedicated call
      (ex: link to observation variables via /brapi/v1/studies/{id}/observationVariables)
    for (entity_name, entity) in entities.items():
        if 'links' not in entity:

        for link in entity['links']:
            for (object_id, object) in entity['store'].items():
                linked_entity_name = link['entity']
                linked_entity = entities[linked_entity_name]
                linked_objects_by_id = {}

                if link['type'].startswith('internal'):
                    link_path = link['json-path']
                    link_path_list = remove_empty(link_path.split('.'))

                    link_values = remove_none(as_list(get_in(object, link_path_list)))
                    if not link_values:
                        if link.get('required'):
                            raise BrokenLink("Could not find required field '{}' in {} object id '{}'"
                                             .format(link_path, entity_name, object_id))

                    if link['type'] == 'internal-object':
                        for link_value in link_values:
                            link_id = get_identifier(linked_entity_name, link_value)
                            linked_objects_by_id[link_id] = link_value

                    elif link['type'] == 'internal':
                        link_id_field = linked_entity['name'] + 'DbId'
                        link_name_field = linked_entity['name'] + 'Name'
                        for link_value in link_values:
                            link_id = link_value.get(link_id_field)
                            link_name = link_value.get(link_name_field)
                            if link_id:
                                linked_objects_by_id[link_id] = {link_id_field: link_id, link_name_field: link_name}

                elif link['type'] == 'external-object':
                    call = get_implemented_call(source, link, context=object)
                    if not call:

                    link_values = list(BreedingAPIIterator.fetch_all(source['brapi:endpointUrl'], call, logger))
                    for link_value in link_values:
                        link_id = get_identifier(linked_entity_name, link_value)
                        linked_objects_by_id[link_id] = link_value

                link_objects(entity, object, linked_entity, linked_objects_by_id)
Пример #3
def list_object(options):
    Fetch list for one entity (studies-search, germplasm-search, etc.)
    source, logger, entity = options
    if 'list' not in entity:

    call = get_implemented_call(source, entity['list'])
    if call is None:

    data_list = list(BreedingAPIIterator.fetch_all(source['brapi:endpointUrl'], call, logger))
    return entity['name'], data_list
def fetch_details(options):
    Fetch details call for a BrAPI object (ex: /brapi/v1/studies/{id})
    source, logger, entity, object_id = options
    if 'detail' not in entity:
    detail_call_group = entity['detail']

    in_store = object_id in entity['store']
    skip_if_in_store = detail_call_group.get('skip-if-in-store')
    already_detailed = get_in(entity['store'], [object_id, 'etl:detailed'])
    if in_store and (skip_if_in_store or already_detailed):

    entity_name = entity['name']
    entity_id = entity_name + 'DbId'
    detail_call = get_implemented_call(source, detail_call_group,
                                       {entity_id: object_id})

    if not detail_call:

    details = BreedingAPIIterator.fetch_all(source['brapi:endpointUrl'],
                                            detail_call, logger).__next__()
    details['etl:detailed'] = True

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------
    # Detect bugy endpoints that returns several studies instead of one.
    if "expect-single-result" in detail_call_group and detail_call_group[
            "expect-single-result"] and 'data' in details and len(
                details['data']) != 1:
        logger.debug(f"More than one results for {detail_call}")
        raise EndPointError(f"More than one results for {detail_call}")
    if 'data' in details and len(details['data']) == 1:
        details = details['data'][0]
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------

    return entity_name, [details]