Пример #1
def makeCandidates(lst, sieve):
    ''' Make a list of candidates for this problem. '''
    primeSet = set()
    for p in lst:
        digits = digitize(p)
        if len(digits) != 4: continue
        # Check if at least 3 permutations give primes and add the maximum
        # value from the permutations to the candidates
        count = 0
        m = 0
        for perm in permuteInts(digits):
            if perm > 1000 and primeSieve[perm]:
                count += 1
                m = max(perm, m)
        if count >= 3:

    permList = []
    for p in primeSet:
        tmpLst = []
        for perm in permuteInts(digitize(p)):
            if primeSieve[perm] and perm > 1000:

    return permList
Пример #2
def solve():
    potentialPrimes = []
    # Compute potential candidates (could be sped up by removing this)
    for p in primeList:
        possibleDigits = possible(p)
        if possibleDigits:
            potentialPrimes.append((p, possibleDigits))

    # Loop through potential primes
    for p, digitList in potentialPrimes:
        digits = digitize(p)
        for d in digitList:
            # Count the size of the family
            familySize = 0
            for i in xrange(10):
                # Replace the desired digits
                newDigits = listReplace(digits, d, i)
                newNum = undigitize(newDigits)
                # Make sure that we are not replacing the leading
                # number with a 0
                if len(digitize(newNum)) < len(digits):
                if primeSieve[newNum]:
                    familySize += 1
            if familySize >= FAMILY_SIZE:
                return p

    # No answer found...
    return None
Пример #3
def findTruncatable():
    primeCount = 0
    primeSum = 0

    # Guess at an upper bound
    primeList, primeSieve = slowPrimes(1000000)

    for p in primeList[4:]:
        digits = digitize(p)

        for i in xrange(1, len(digits)):
            num = undigitize(digits[i:])
            if not primeSieve[num]:
            num = undigitize(digits[:-1*i])
            if not primeSieve[num]:
            primeCount += 1
            primeSum += p
        if primeCount == 11:

    # Check that we reached 11 primes
    return primeSum
Пример #4
def rotate(n):
    ''' Rotate the number n.
    e.g. 123 -> 123, 231, 312
    This is a generator.
    digitList = digitize(n)
    for i in xrange(len(digitList)):
        yield undigitize(digitList[i:] + digitList[:i])
Пример #5
def multiples():
    ''' Find largest pandigital number formed as a concatenated product
    of an integer with (1, 2, ..., n) with n > 1
    maxProd = 918273645
    # Check up to 4 digit numbers
    for i in xrange(9111, 10000):
        prod = digitize(i)
        if prod[0] != 9:
        p = 2
        while(len(prod) < 9):
            prod += digitize(p * i)
            p += 1
        if isPandigital(prod):
            maxProd = max(undigitize(prod), maxProd)
    return maxProd
Пример #6
def possible(p):
    # We know this lower bound from the question statement
    if p < 56000: return False
    digits = digitize(p)
    digitCount = Counter(digits)
    # Possible digits are ones that are repeated a multiple of 3 times
    possibleDigits = {d for d, c in digitCount.items() if c % 3 == 0}
    return possibleDigits
Пример #7
def isLychrel(n):
    ''' Determine if n is a "Lychrel" number. '''
    for _ in range(0, 50):
        digits = euler.digitize(n)
        revN = euler.undigitize(digits[::-1])

        n = revN + n
        if isPalindrome(n):
            return False

    return True
Пример #8
def getAnswer():
    answerList = []

    for n in xrange(10, 1000, 2):
        d = digitize(n)
        if n < 100:
            d.insert(0, 0)
        sd = set(d)
        if len(d) != len(sd):
        compute([17, 13, 11, 7, 5, 3], d, sd, answerList)

    return sum(answerList)
Пример #9
def dblPal():
    ''' Find sum of all double palindromes (base 2 and 10) below 1000000. '''

    palSum = 0

    # Also do the 1 digit numbers
    for num in xrange(1, 10, 2):
        if isPalindrome(bin(num)[2:]):
            palSum += num

    # All palindromes that are 2, 3, 4, 5 digits in length
    for x in xrange(1, 100):
        digits = digitize(x)
        if digits[0] % 2 == 0: continue
        endDigits = digits[::-1]
        num = undigitize(digits + endDigits)

        if isPalindrome(bin(num)[2:]):
            palSum += num

        for d in xrange(10):
            num = undigitize(digits + [d] + endDigits)
            if isPalindrome(bin(num)[2:]):
                palSum += num

    # Also do the 6 digit numbers
    for x in xrange(100, 1000):
        digits = digitize(x)
        if digits[0] % 2 == 0: continue
        endDigits = digits[::-1]
        num = undigitize(digits + endDigits)

        if isPalindrome(bin(num)[2:]):
            palSum += num

    return palSum
Пример #10
def findCircular(n):
    ''' Find all circular primes below n. '''

    primeList, primeSieve = primes(n)
    # 2 and 5 will be skipped
    circleCount = 2

    for p in primeList:
        # If any even nums then at least 1 permutation cannot be prime
        if any(n % 2 == 0  or n == 5 for n in digitize(p)):
        if all(primeSieve[(r - 3) / 2] for r in rotate(p)):
            circleCount += 1

    return circleCount
Пример #11
def getDigit(n):
    ''' Retrieve the nth digit from Champernowe's constant. '''
    digits = 1
    while True:
        if getDigit.numDigits[digits-1] > n:
        n -= getDigit.numDigits[digits-1]
        digits += 1
    pwr = 10**(digits-1)
    n -= 1
    # n is now the number of digits into this we go
    # Find what number after the power of 10 n belongs to
    num = n / digits
    num += pwr
    return digitize(num)[n % digits]
Пример #12
def isPalindrome(n):
    ''' Determine if n is a palindrome. '''
    digits = euler.digitize(n)
    return euler.isPalindrome(digits)
Пример #13
from collections import Counter
from euler import digitize, undigitize

n = 100
while True:
    digits = digitize(n)
    digits.insert(0, 1)
    dCount = Counter(digits)
    newNum = undigitize(digits)
    for i in xrange(2, 7):
        if Counter(digitize(newNum*i)) != dCount:
    n += 1