Пример #1
class Robot():
    def __init__(self, baseSpeed=500, dt=50):
        self.leftMotor = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_C)
        self.rightMotor = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_A)
        self.steeringDrive = MoveSteering(OUTPUT_C, OUTPUT_A)
        self.craneMotor = MediumMotor(OUTPUT_B)
        self.baseSpeed = baseSpeed
        self.dt = dt

    def steer(self, controlSignal):
        # ograniczenie sterowania
        leftMotorU = max(-1000, min(self.baseSpeed + controlSignal, 1000))
        rightMotorU = max(-1000, min(self.baseSpeed - controlSignal, 1000))

        # sterowanie silnikami

        sleep(self.dt / 1000)

    def rotateLeft(self):
        self.steeringDrive.on_for_rotations(-72, 40, 1)

    def rotateRight(self):
        self.steeringDrive.on_for_rotations(72, 40, 1)

    def liftCrane(self):
        self.craneMotor.on_for_degrees(20, 45)

    def dipCrane(self):
        self.craneMotor.on_for_degrees(-20, 45)
Пример #2
class MindstormsGadget(AlexaGadget):
    A Mindstorms gadget that performs movement in sync with music tempo.
    def __init__(self):
        Performs Alexa Gadget initialization routines and ev3dev resource allocation.

        # Ev3dev initialization
        self.leds = Leds()
        self.sound = Sound()
        self.left_motor = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_B)
        self.right_motor = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_C)

        # Gadget states
        self.bpm = 0
        self.trigger_bpm = "off"

    def on_connected(self, device_addr):
        Gadget connected to the paired Echo device.
        :param friendly_name: the friendly name of the gadget that has connected to the echo device
        self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "GREEN")
        self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "GREEN")
        print("{} connected to Echo device".format(self.friendly_name))

    def on_disconnected(self, device_addr):
        Gadget disconnected from the paired Echo device.
        :param friendly_name: the friendly name of the gadget that has disconnected from the echo device
        self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "BLACK")
        self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "BLACK")
        print("{} disconnected from Echo device".format(self.friendly_name))

    def on_alexa_gadget_musicdata_tempo(self, directive):
        Provides the music tempo of the song currently playing on the Echo device.
        :param directive: the music data directive containing the beat per minute value
        tempo_data = directive.payload.tempoData
        for tempo in tempo_data:

            print("tempo value: {}".format(tempo.value))
            if tempo.value > 0:
                # dance pose
                self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=750, time_sp=2500)
                self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-750, time_sp=2500)
                self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "GREEN")
                self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "GREEN")
                # starts the dance loop
                self.trigger_bpm = "on"
                                 args=(tempo.value, )).start()

            elif tempo.value == 0:
                # stops the dance loop
                self.trigger_bpm = "off"
                self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "BLACK")
                self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "BLACK")

    def _dance_loop(self, bpm):
        Perform motor movement in sync with the beat per minute value from tempo data.
        :param bpm: beat per minute from AGT
        color_list = ["GREEN", "RED", "AMBER", "YELLOW"]
        led_color = random.choice(color_list)
        motor_speed = 400
        milli_per_beat = min(1000, (round(60000 / bpm)) * 0.65)
        print("Adjusted milli_per_beat: {}".format(milli_per_beat))
        while self.trigger_bpm == "on":

            # Alternate led color and motor direction
            led_color = "BLACK" if led_color != "BLACK" else random.choice(
            motor_speed = -motor_speed

            self.leds.set_color("LEFT", led_color)
            self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", led_color)
            self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=motor_speed, time_sp=150)
            self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-motor_speed, time_sp=150)
            time.sleep(milli_per_beat / 1000)

        print("Exiting BPM process.")
Пример #3
class MindstormsGadget(AlexaGadget):
    A Mindstorms gadget that performs movement in sync with music tempo.
    def __init__(self):
        Performs Alexa Gadget initialization routines and ev3dev resource allocation.

        # Ev3dev initialization
        self.leds = Leds()
        self.sound = Sound()
        self.left_motor = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_B)
        self.right_motor = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_C)
        self.hand_motor = MediumMotor(OUTPUT_A)
        # Gadget states
        self.bpm = 0
        self.trigger_bpm = "off"
        self.drive = MoveTank(OUTPUT_B, OUTPUT_C)
        self.weapon = MediumMotor(OUTPUT_A)

    def on_connected(self, device_addr):
        Gadget connected to the paired Echo device.
        :param friendly_name: the friendly name of the gadget that has connected to the echo device
        self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "GREEN")
        self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "GREEN")
        print("{} connected to Echo device".format(self.friendly_name))

    def on_disconnected(self, device_addr):
        Gadget disconnected from the paired Echo device.
        :param friendly_name: the friendly name of the gadget that has disconnected from the echo device
        self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "BLACK")
        self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "BLACK")
        print("{} disconnected from Echo device".format(self.friendly_name))

    def on_custom_mindstorms_gadget_control(self, directive):
        Handles the Custom.Mindstorms.Gadget control directive.
        :param directive: the custom directive with the matching namespace and name
            payload = json.loads(directive.payload.decode("utf-8"))
            print("Control payload: {}".format(payload))
            control_type = payload["type"]
            if control_type == "spin":
                print("Move command found")
                self.hand_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=1050, time_sp=2500)
            if control_type == "movef":
                print("Move Forward command found")
                self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=1050, time_sp=1000)
                self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=1050, time_sp=1000)
            if control_type == "moveb":
                print("Move backward command found")
                self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-1050, time_sp=1000)
                self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-1050, time_sp=1000)
            if control_type == "mover":
                print("Move right command found")
                self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-1050, time_sp=1000)
                self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=1050, time_sp=1000)
            if control_type == "movel":
                print("Move left command found")
                self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=1050, time_sp=1000)
                self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-1050, time_sp=1000)

            if control_type == "command":
                self.hand_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=1050, time_sp=2500)
        except KeyError:
            print("Missing expected parameters: {}".format(directive))

    def on_alexa_gadget_musicdata_tempo(self, directive):
        Provides the music tempo of the song currently playing on the Echo device.
        :param directive: the music data directive containing the beat per minute value
        tempo_data = directive.payload.tempoData
        for tempo in tempo_data:

            print("tempo value: {}".format(tempo.value))
            if tempo.value > 0:
                # dance pose
                self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=750, time_sp=2500)
                self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-750, time_sp=2500)
                self.hand_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=750, time_sp=2500)
                self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "GREEN")
                self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "GREEN")
                # starts the dance loop
                self.trigger_bpm = "on"
                                 args=(tempo.value, )).start()

            elif tempo.value == 0:
                # stops the dance loop
                self.trigger_bpm = "off"
                self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "BLACK")
                self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "BLACK")

    def on_alexa_gadget_statelistener_stateupdate(self, directive):
        Listens for the wakeword state change and react by turning on the LED.
        :param directive: contains a payload with the updated state information from Alexa
        color_list = ['BLACK', 'AMBER', 'YELLOW', 'GREEN']
        for state in directive.payload.states:
            if state.name == 'wakeword':

                if state.value == 'active':
                    print("Wake word active - turn on LED")
                    self.sound.play_song((('A3', 'e'), ('C5', 'e')))
                    for i in range(0, 4, 1):
                        self.leds.set_color("LEFT", color_list[i], (i * 0.25))
                        self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", color_list[i], (i * 0.25))

                elif state.value == 'cleared':
                    print("Wake word cleared - turn off LED")
                    self.sound.play_song((('C5', 'e'), ('A3', 'e')))
                    for i in range(3, -1, -1):
                        self.leds.set_color("LEFT", color_list[i], (i * 0.25))
                        self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", color_list[i], (i * 0.25))

    def _dance_loop(self, bpm):
        Perform motor movement in sync with the beat per minute value from tempo data.
        :param bpm: beat per minute from AGT
        color_list = ["GREEN", "RED", "AMBER", "YELLOW"]
        led_color = random.choice(color_list)
        motor_speed = 400
        milli_per_beat = min(1000, (round(60000 / bpm)) * 0.65)
        print("Adjusted milli_per_beat: {}".format(milli_per_beat))
        while self.trigger_bpm == "on":

            # Alternate led color and motor direction
            led_color = "BLACK" if led_color != "BLACK" else random.choice(
            motor_speed = -motor_speed

            self.leds.set_color("LEFT", led_color)
            self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", led_color)
            self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=motor_speed, time_sp=150)
            self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-motor_speed, time_sp=150)
            time.sleep(milli_per_beat / 1000)

        print("Exiting BPM process.")
Пример #4
from ev3dev2.motor import LargeMotor, OUTPUT_B, SpeedPercent, MoveTank, OUTPUT_A, OUTPUT_C, MediumMotor, OUTPUT_D

l_speed = 500
r_speed = 50

print(l_speed, r_speed)

left_motor = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_A)
right_motor = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_D)


left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=l_speed, time_sp=3000)
right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=r_speed, time_sp=3000)
Пример #5
class MindstormsGadget(AlexaGadget):
    A Mindstorms gadget that performs movement based on voice commands.
    Two types of commands are supported, directional movement and preset.
    def __init__(self):
        Performs Alexa Gadget initialization routines and ev3dev resource allocation.

        # Gadget state
        self.heel_mode = False
        self.patrol_mode = False
        self.sitting = False

        # Ev3dev initialization
        self.leds = Leds()
        self.sound = Sound()

        # Connect infrared and touch sensors.
        self.ir = InfraredSensor()
        self.ts = TouchSensor()
        # Init display
        self.screen = Display()
        self.dance = False
        self.sound = Sound()
        self.drive = MoveTank(OUTPUT_B, OUTPUT_C)
        self.sound.speak('Hello, my name is Beipas!')

        # Connect medium motor on output port A:
        self.medium_motor = MediumMotor(OUTPUT_A)
        # Connect two large motors on output ports B and C:
        self.left_motor = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_B)
        self.right_motor = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_C)

        # Gadget states
        self.bpm = 0
        self.trigger_bpm = "off"
        self.eyes = True

        # Start threads
        threading.Thread(target=self._dance_thread, daemon=True).start()
        threading.Thread(target=self._patrol_thread, daemon=True).start()
        threading.Thread(target=self._heel_thread, daemon=True).start()
        threading.Thread(target=self._touchsensor_thread, daemon=True).start()
        threading.Thread(target=self._eyes_thread, daemon=True).start()

    def on_connected(self, device_addr):
        Gadget connected to the paired Echo device.
        :param device_addr: the address of the device we connected to
        self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "GREEN")
        self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "GREEN")
        logger.info("{} connected to Echo device".format(self.friendly_name))

    def on_disconnected(self, device_addr):
        Gadget disconnected from the paired Echo device.
        :param device_addr: the address of the device we disconnected from
        self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "BLACK")
        self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "BLACK")
        logger.info("{} disconnected from Echo device".format(

    def on_custom_mindstorms_gadget_control(self, directive):
        Handles the Custom.Mindstorms.Gadget control directive.
        :param directive: the custom directive with the matching namespace and name
            payload = json.loads(directive.payload.decode("utf-8"))
            print("Control payload: {}".format(payload), file=sys.stderr)
            control_type = payload["type"]
            if control_type == "move":

                speed = random.randint(3, 4) * 25
                # Expected params: [direction, duration, speed]
                self._move(payload["direction"], int(payload["duration"]),

            if control_type == "command":
                # Expected params: [command]

        except KeyError:
            print("Missing expected parameters: {}".format(directive),

    def _dance_thread(self):
        Perform motor movement in sync with the beat per minute value from tempo data.
        :param bpm: beat per minute from AGT
        bpm = 100
        color_list = ["GREEN", "RED", "AMBER", "YELLOW"]
        led_color = random.choice(color_list)
        motor_speed = 400
        milli_per_beat = min(1000, (round(60000 / bpm)) * 0.65)
        print("Adjusted milli_per_beat: {}".format(milli_per_beat))
        while True:
            while self.dance == True:
                # Alternate led color and motor direction
                led_color = "BLACK" if led_color != "BLACK" else random.choice(
                motor_speed = -motor_speed

                self.leds.set_color("LEFT", led_color)
                self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", led_color)

                self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=motor_speed, time_sp=150)
                self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-motor_speed, time_sp=150)
                time.sleep(milli_per_beat / 1000)

                self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-motor_speed, time_sp=150)
                self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=motor_speed, time_sp=150)
                time.sleep(milli_per_beat / 1000)

                self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=350, time_sp=300)
                self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-350, time_sp=300)
                time.sleep(milli_per_beat / 1000)

                self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=motor_speed, time_sp=150)
                self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-motor_speed, time_sp=150)
                time.sleep(milli_per_beat / 1000)

    def _move(self, direction, duration: int, speed=70, is_blocking=False):
        Handles move commands from the directive.
        Right and left movement can under or over turn depending on the surface type.
        :param direction: the move direction
        :param duration: the duration in seconds
        :param speed: the speed percentage as an integer
        :param is_blocking: if set, motor run until duration expired before accepting another command
        print("Move command: ({}, {}, {}, {})".format(direction, speed,
                                                      duration, is_blocking),
        if direction in Direction.FORWARD.value:

        if direction in Direction.BACKWARD.value:

        if direction in (Direction.RIGHT.value):


        if direction in (Direction.LEFT.value):


        if direction in Direction.STOP.value:
            self.patrol_mode = False
            self.dance = False

    def _activate(self, command):
        Handles preset commands.
        :param command: the preset command
        print("Activate command: ({}".format(command))
        if command in Command.COME.value:
            #call _come method
            self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=750, time_sp=2500)
            self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=750, time_sp=2500)

        if command in Command.HEEL.value:
            #call _hell method
            self.heel_mode = True

        if command in Command.SIT.value:
            # call _sit method
            self.heel_mode = False

            self.trigger_bpm == "on"

        if command in Command.SENTRY.value:
            # call _stay method

            self.trigger_bpm == "on"
            self.heel_mode = False

        if command in Command.STAY.value:
            # call _stay method
            self.heel_mode = False

        if command in Command.ANGRY.value:
            # call _stay method

        if command in Command.CUTE.value:
            # call _stay method

        if command in Command.COFFIN.value:
            # call _stay method
            self.dance = True
            self.trigger_bpm = "on"
            self.dance = False

        if command in Command.DANCE.value:
            # call _stay method
            self.trigger_bpm = "on"
            self.dance = True

    def _turn(self, direction, speed):
        Turns based on the specified direction and speed.
        Calibrated for hard smooth surface.
        :param direction: the turn direction
        :param speed: the turn speed
        if direction in Direction.LEFT.value:
            #self.drive.on_for_seconds(SpeedPercent(0), SpeedPercent(speed), 2)
            self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=0, time_sp=100)
            self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=750, time_sp=100)

        if direction in Direction.RIGHT.value:
            #self.drive.on_for_seconds(SpeedPercent(speed), SpeedPercent(0), 2)
            self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=750, time_sp=100)
            self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=0, time_sp=100)

    def _patrol_thread(self):
        Performs random movement when patrol mode is activated.
        while True:
            while self.patrol_mode:
                print("Patrol mode activated randomly picks a path")
                direction = random.choice(list(Direction))
                duration = random.randint(1, 5)
                speed = random.randint(1, 4) * 25

                while direction == Direction.STOP:
                    direction = random.choice(list(Direction))

                # direction: all except stop, duration: 1-5s, speed: 25, 50, 75, 100
                self._move(direction.value[0], duration, speed)

    def _send_event(self, name: EventName, payload):
        Sends a custom event to trigger a sentry action.
        :param name: the name of the custom event
        :param payload: the sentry JSON payload
        self.send_custom_event('Custom.Mindstorms.Gadget', name.value, payload)

    def _heel_thread(self):
        Monitors the distance between the puppy and an obstacle when heel command called.
        If the maximum distance is breached, decrease the distance by following an obstancle
        while True:
            while self.heel_mode:
                distance = self.ir.proximity
                print("Proximity distance: {}".format(distance))
                # keep distance and make step back from the object
                if distance < 35:
                    # self._send_event(EventName.BARK, {'distance': distance})
                    # follow the object
                if distance > 50:
                    # otherwise stay still

    def _touchsensor_thread(self):
        print("Touch sensor activated")
        while True:
            if self.ts.is_pressed:
                self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "RED")
                self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "RED")
                if (self.sitting):
                    self.sitting = False
                    self.sitting = True
                self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "GREEN")
                self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "GREEN")

    def _eyes_thread(self):
        print("Drawing Eyes")
        while True:
            while self.eyes:

    def _sitdown(self):
        self.medium_motor.on_for_rotations(SpeedPercent(20), 0.5)

    def _standup(self):
        # run the wheels backwards to help the puppy to stand up.
        self.medium_motor.on_for_rotations(SpeedPercent(50), -0.5)

    def __back(self):
        self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-350, time_sp=1000)
        self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-350, time_sp=1000)

    def __movebackwards(self):
        self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-750, time_sp=2500)
        self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-750, time_sp=2500)

    def __moveforwards(self):
        self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=750, time_sp=2500)
        self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=750, time_sp=2500)

    def __stay(self):
        self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=0, time_sp=1000)
        self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=0, time_sp=1000)

    def _angrybark(self):

    def _cutebark(self):

    def _coffinbark(self):

    def _draweyes(self):
        close = True

        while True:
            # if close:
            #     self.screen.draw.line(50,65,90, 100, width=5)
            #     self.screen.draw.line(50,105,90, 105, width=5)

            #     self.screen.draw.line(120,100,160,65, width=5)
            #     self.screen.draw.line(120,105,160,105, width=5)

            #     time.sleep(10)
            # else:
            #     self.screen.draw.rectangle(50,45,90, 125, radius=10, fill_color='white')
            #     self.screen.draw.rectangle(120,45,160,125, radius=10, fill_color='white')

            #     self.screen.draw.rectangle(65,65,80, 105, radius=7, fill_color='black')
            #     self.screen.draw.rectangle(130,65,145,105, radius=7, fill_color='black')

            ## alt
            # self.screen.draw.line(50,105,90, 105, width=5).rotate(135)
            # self.screen.draw.line(50,105,90, 105, width=5)

            # self.screen.draw.line(50,105,90, 105, width=5).rotate(45)
            # self.screen.draw.line(50,105,90, 105, width=5)
            if close:
                # self.screen.draw.ellipse(( 5, 30,  75, 50),fill='white')
                # self.screen.draw.ellipse((103, 30, 173, 50), fill='white')
                self.screen.draw.rectangle((5, 60, 75, 50), fill='black')
                self.screen.draw.rectangle((103, 60, 173, 50), fill='black')

                # self.screen.draw.rectangle(( 5, 30,  75, 50), fill='black')
                # self.screen.draw.rectangle((103, 30, 173, 50), fill='black')
                # self.screen.draw.ellipse(( 5, 30,  75, 100))
                # self.screen.draw.ellipse((103, 30, 173, 100))
                # self.screen.draw.ellipse(( 35, 30,  105, 30),fill='black')
                # self.screen.draw.ellipse((133, 30, 203, 30), fill='black')
                self.screen.draw.rectangle((5, 10, 75, 100), fill='black')
                self.screen.draw.rectangle((103, 10, 173, 100), fill='black')

            close = not close  # toggle between True and False

            # Update screen display
            # Applies pending changes to the screen.
            # Nothing will be drawn on the screen screen
            # until this function is called.
Пример #6
    def run(self):

        # sensors
        cs = ColorSensor()

        cs.mode = 'COL-REFLECT'  # measure light intensity

        # motors
        lm = LargeMotor('outC')
        rm = LargeMotor('outB')

        speed = 360 / 2  # deg/sec, [-1000, 1000]
        dt = 500  # milliseconds
        stop_action = "coast"

        # PID tuning
        Kp = 1  # proportional gain
        Ki = 0.002  # integral gain
        Kd = 0.01  # derivative gain

        integral = 0
        previous_error = 0

        # initial measurment
        target_value = 35

        # Start the main loop
        while not self.shut_down:

            # Calculate steering using PID algorithm
            error = target_value - cs.value()

            if previous_error > 0 and error < 0:
                integral = 0

            integral += (error * dt)
            derivative = (error - previous_error) / dt

            # u zero:     on target,  drive forward
            # u positive: too bright, turn right
            # u negative: too dark,   turn left

            u = (Kp * error) + (Ki * integral) + (Kd * derivative)

            # limit u to safe values: [-1000, 1000] deg/sec
            if speed + abs(u) > 1000:
                if u >= 0:
                    u = 1000 - speed
                    u = speed - 1000

            # run motors
            if u >= 0:
                             speed_sp=speed + abs(u),
                rm.run_timed(time_sp=dt, speed_sp=0, stop_action=stop_action)
                sleep(dt / 2000)
                lm.run_timed(time_sp=dt, speed_sp=0, stop_action=stop_action)
                             speed_sp=speed + abs(u),
                sleep(dt / 2000)

            previous_error = error
Пример #7
class MindstormsGadget(AlexaGadget):
    A Mindstorms gadget that performs movement based on voice commands.
    Four types of commands are supported: sit, stay, come, speak, heel.
    def __init__(self):
        Performs Alexa Gadget initialization routines and ev3dev resource allocation.


        # Gadget state
        self.heel_mode = False
        self.patrol_mode = False
        self.sitting = False

        # Ev3dev initialization
        self.leds = Leds()
        self.sound = Sound()

        # Connect infrared and touch sensors.
        self.ir = InfraredSensor()
        self.ts = TouchSensor()
        # Init display
        self.screen = Display()

        # Connect medium motor on output port A:
        self.medium_motor = MediumMotor(OUTPUT_A)
        # Connect two large motors on output ports B and C:
        self.left_motor = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_B)
        self.right_motor = LargeMotor(OUTPUT_C)

        # Gadget states
        self.bpm = 0
        self.trigger_bpm = "off"

        # Start threads
        threading.Thread(target=self._patrol_thread, daemon=True).start()
        threading.Thread(target=self._heel_thread, daemon=True).start()
        threading.Thread(target=self._touchsensor_thread, daemon=True).start()

    # ------------------------------------------------
    # Callbacks
    # ------------------------------------------------
    def on_connected(self, device_addr):
        Gadget connected to the paired Echo device.
        :param device_addr: the address of the device we connected to
        print("{} Connected to Echo device".format(self.friendly_name))

        # Draw blinking eyes of the puppy
        threading.Thread(target=self._draweyes, daemon=True).start()

        # Turn lights on:
        for light in ('LEFT', 'RIGHT'):
            self.leds.set_color(light, 'GREEN')

    def on_disconnected(self, device_addr):
        Gadget disconnected from the paired Echo device.
        :param device_addr: the address of the device we disconnected from
        # Turn lights off:
        for light in ('LEFT', 'RIGHT'):
            self.leds.set_color(light, 'BLACK')

    def on_custom_mindstorms_gadget_control(self, directive):
        Handles the Custom.Mindstorms.Gadget control directive.
        :param directive: the custom directive with the matching namespace and name
            payload = json.loads(directive.payload.decode("utf-8"))
            print("Control payload: {}".format(payload))
            control_type = payload["type"]

            if control_type == "command":
                # Expected params: [command]

        except KeyError:
            print("Missing expected parameters: {}".format(directive))

    # On Amazon music play
    def on_alexa_gadget_musicdata_tempo(self, directive):
        Provides the music tempo of the song currently playing on the Echo device.
        :param directive: the music data directive containing the beat per minute value
        tempo_data = directive.payload.tempoData
        for tempo in tempo_data:

            print("tempo value: {}".format(tempo.value))
            if tempo.value > 0:
                # dance pose
                #self.drive.on_for_seconds(SpeedPercent(5), SpeedPercent(25), 1)
                self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=750, time_sp=2500)
                self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-750, time_sp=2500)
                # shake ev3 head

                self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "GREEN")
                self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "GREEN")
                # starts the dance loop
                self.trigger_bpm = "on"
                                 args=(tempo.value, )).start()

            elif tempo.value == 0:
                # stops the dance loop
                self.trigger_bpm = "off"
                self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "BLACK")
                self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "BLACK")

    def _dance_loop(self, bpm):
        Perform motor movement in sync with the beat per minute value from tempo data.
        :param bpm: beat per minute from AGT
        color_list = ["GREEN", "RED", "AMBER", "YELLOW"]
        led_color = random.choice(color_list)
        motor_speed = 400
        milli_per_beat = min(1000, (round(60000 / bpm)) * 0.65)
        print("Adjusted milli_per_beat: {}".format(milli_per_beat))
        while self.trigger_bpm == "on":

            # Alternate led color and motor direction
            led_color = "BLACK" if led_color != "BLACK" else random.choice(
            motor_speed = -motor_speed

            self.leds.set_color("LEFT", led_color)
            self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", led_color)

            self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=motor_speed, time_sp=150)
            self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-motor_speed, time_sp=150)
            time.sleep(milli_per_beat / 1000)

            self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-motor_speed, time_sp=150)
            self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=motor_speed, time_sp=150)
            time.sleep(milli_per_beat / 1000)

            self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=350, time_sp=300)
            self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-350, time_sp=300)
            time.sleep(milli_per_beat / 1000)

            self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=motor_speed, time_sp=150)
            self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-motor_speed, time_sp=150)
            time.sleep(milli_per_beat / 1000)

    def _move(self, direction, duration: int, speed: int, is_blocking=False):
        Handles move commands from the directive.
        Right and left movement can under or over turn depending on the surface type.
        :param direction: the move direction
        :param duration: the duration in seconds
        :param speed: the speed percentage as an integer
        :param is_blocking: if set, motor run until duration expired before accepting another command
        print("Move command: ({}, {}, {}, {})".format(direction, speed,
                                                      duration, is_blocking))
        if direction in Direction.FORWARD.value:
            #self.drive.on_for_seconds(SpeedPercent(speed), SpeedPercent(speed), duration, block=is_blocking)
            self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-750, time_sp=2500)
            self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-750, time_sp=2500)

        if direction in Direction.BACKWARD.value:
            #self.drive.on_for_seconds(SpeedPercent(-speed), SpeedPercent(-speed), duration, block=is_blocking)
            self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=750, time_sp=2500)
            self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=750, time_sp=2500)

        if direction in (Direction.RIGHT.value + Direction.LEFT.value):
            self._turn(direction, speed)
            #self.drive.on_for_seconds(SpeedPercent(speed), SpeedPercent(speed), duration, block=is_blocking)
            self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=750, time_sp=2500)
            self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-750, time_sp=2500)

        if direction in Direction.STOP.value:
            self.heel_mode = False
            self.patrol_mode = False

    def _activate(self, command):
        Handles preset commands.
        :param command: the preset command
        print("Activate command: ({}".format(command))
        if command in Command.COME.value:
            #call _come method
            self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=750, time_sp=2500)
            self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=50, time_sp=100)

        if command in Command.HEEL.value:
            #call _hell method
            self.heel_mode = True

        if command in Command.SIT.value:
            # call _sit method
            self.heel_mode = False

        if command in Command.STAY.value:
            # call _stay method
            self.heel_mode = False

    def _turn(self, direction, speed):
        Turns based on the specified direction and speed.
        Calibrated for hard smooth surface.
        :param direction: the turn direction
        :param speed: the turn speed
        if direction in Direction.LEFT.value:
            #self.drive.on_for_seconds(SpeedPercent(0), SpeedPercent(speed), 2)
            self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=0, time_sp=100)
            self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=750, time_sp=100)

        if direction in Direction.RIGHT.value:
            #self.drive.on_for_seconds(SpeedPercent(speed), SpeedPercent(0), 2)
            self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=750, time_sp=100)
            self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=0, time_sp=100)

    def _send_event(self, name: EventName, payload):
        Sends a custom event to trigger a sentry action.
        :param name: the name of the custom event
        :param payload: the sentry JSON payload
        self.send_custom_event('Custom.Mindstorms.Gadget', name.value, payload)

    def _heel_thread(self):
        Monitors the distance between the puppy and an obstacle when heel command called.
        If the maximum distance is breached, decrease the distance by following an obstancle
        while True:
            while self.heel_mode:
                distance = self.ir.proximity
                print("Proximity distance: {}".format(distance))
                # keep distance and make step back from the object
                if distance < 45:
                    self._send_event(EventName.BARK, {'distance': distance})
                    # follow the object
                if distance > 60:
                    # otherwise stay still

    def _touchsensor_thread(self):
        print("Touch sensor activated")
        while True:
            if self.ts.is_pressed:
                self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "RED")
                self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "RED")
                if (self.sitting):
                    self.sitting = False
                    self.sitting = True
                self.leds.set_color("LEFT", "GREEN")
                self.leds.set_color("RIGHT", "GREEN")

    def _sitdown(self):
        self.medium_motor.on_for_rotations(SpeedPercent(20), 0.5)

    def _standup(self):
        # run the wheels backwards to help the puppy to stand up.
        self.medium_motor.on_for_rotations(SpeedPercent(50), -0.5)

    def __back(self):
        self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-350, time_sp=1000)
        self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-350, time_sp=1000)

    def __movebackwards(self):
        self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-650, time_sp=1000)
        self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=-650, time_sp=1000)

    def __moveforwards(self):
        self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=650, time_sp=1000)
        self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=650, time_sp=1000)

    def __stay(self):
        self.right_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=0, time_sp=1000)
        self.left_motor.run_timed(speed_sp=0, time_sp=1000)

    def _draweyes(self):
        close = True

        while True:

            if close:
                #self.screen.draw.ellipse(( 5, 30,  75, 50),fill='white')
                #self.screen.draw.ellipse((103, 30, 173, 50), fill='white')
                self.screen.draw.rectangle((5, 60, 75, 50), fill='black')
                self.screen.draw.rectangle((103, 60, 173, 50), fill='black')

                #self.screen.draw.rectangle(( 5, 30,  75, 50), fill='black')
                #self.screen.draw.rectangle((103, 30, 173, 50), fill='black')
                #self.screen.draw.ellipse(( 5, 30,  75, 100))
                #self.screen.draw.ellipse((103, 30, 173, 100))
                #self.screen.draw.ellipse(( 35, 30,  105, 30),fill='black')
                #self.screen.draw.ellipse((133, 30, 203, 30), fill='black')
                self.screen.draw.rectangle((5, 10, 75, 100), fill='black')
                self.screen.draw.rectangle((103, 10, 173, 100), fill='black')

            close = not close  # toggle between True and False

            # Update screen display
            # Applies pending changes to the screen.
            # Nothing will be drawn on the screen screen
            # until this function is called.

    def _patrol_thread(self):
        Performs random movement when patrol mode is activated.
        while True:
            while self.patrol_mode:
                print("Patrol mode activated randomly picks a path")
                direction = random.choice(list(Direction))
                duration = random.randint(1, 5)
                speed = random.randint(1, 4) * 25

                while direction == Direction.STOP:
                    direction = random.choice(list(Direction))

                # direction: all except stop, duration: 1-5s, speed: 25, 50, 75, 100
                self._move(direction.value[0], duration, speed)