Пример #1
    def recalculate():
            Recalculate all the live synthesis counters
        livesynthesis = current_app.data.driver.db["livesynthesis"]
        live_current = livesynthesis.find_one()
        if live_current is None:
            data = {
                "hosts_total": 0,
                "hosts_up_hard": 0,
                "hosts_up_soft": 0,
                "hosts_down_hard": 0,
                "hosts_down_soft": 0,
                "hosts_unreachable_hard": 0,
                "hosts_unreachable_soft": 0,
                "hosts_acknowledged": 0,
                "hosts_in_downtime": 0,
                "hosts_flapping": 0,
                "hosts_business_impact": 0,
                "services_total": 0,
                "services_ok_hard": 0,
                "services_ok_soft": 0,
                "services_warning_hard": 0,
                "services_warning_soft": 0,
                "services_critical_hard": 0,
                "services_critical_soft": 0,
                "services_unknown_hard": 0,
                "services_unknown_soft": 0,
                "services_acknowledged": 0,
                "services_in_downtime": 0,
                "services_flapping": 0,
                "services_business_impact": 0,
            live_current = livesynthesis.find_one()
        # get all hosts
        hosts = current_app.data.driver.db["host"]
        hosts_cnt = hosts.find({"register": True}).count()
        livestates = current_app.data.driver.db["livestate"]
        if live_current["hosts_total"] != hosts_cnt:
            data = {"hosts_total": hosts_cnt}
            data["hosts_up_hard"] = livestates.find({"service_description": None, "state": "UP"}).count()
            data["hosts_down_hard"] = livestates.find({"service_description": None, "state": "DOWN"}).count()
            data["hosts_unreachable_hard"] = livestates.find(
                {"service_description": None, "state": "UNREACHABLE"}
            lookup = {"_id": live_current["_id"]}
            patch_internal("livesynthesis", data, False, False, **lookup)

        # get all services
        services = current_app.data.driver.db["service"]
        services_cnt = services.find({"register": True}).count()
        if live_current["services_total"] != services_cnt:
            data = {"services_total": services_cnt}
            data["services_ok_hard"] = livestates.find({"state": "OK"}).count()
            data["services_warning_hard"] = livestates.find({"state": "WARNING"}).count()
            data["services_critical_hard"] = livestates.find({"state": "CRITICAL"}).count()
            data["services_unknown_hard"] = livestates.find({"state": "UNKNOWN"}).count()
            lookup = {"_id": live_current["_id"]}
            patch_internal("livesynthesis", data, False, False, **lookup)
Пример #2
def on_updated_userservice_session_user(updates, original):
    A session user relation has been updated in the database:
    - Add a session.opened event

    :param items:
    :return: None
    if 'status' in updates:
        if updates['status'] == 'close':
            # Decrease session users
            _session = app.data.driver.db['userservice_session']
            session = _session.find_one({'_id': original['userservice_session']})
            if session and session['current_nb_users'] > 0:
                data = {
                    "current_nb_users": session['current_nb_users'] - 1
                # Close session if no more users in the session ...
                if data['current_nb_users'] == 0:
                    data['status'] = 'close'
                lookup = {"_id": original['userservice_session']}
                patch_internal('userservice_session', data, False, False, **lookup)

            # Add an event
            _users = app.data.driver.db['user']
            user = _users.find_one({'_id': original['user']})
            if user:
                data = {
                    'userservice_session': original['userservice_session'],
                    'user': user['_id'],
                    'date': datetime.utcnow(),
                    'type': 'session.left',
                    'message': 'User %s left the session' % user['name']
                post_internal("event", data)
Пример #3
def verify_password(user, plaintext):
    """Check password of user, rehash if necessary.

    It is possible that the password is None, e.g. if the user is authenticated
    via LDAP. In this case default to "not verified".

        user (dict): the user in question.
        plaintext (string): password to check

        bool: True if password matches. False if it doesn't or if there is no
            password set and/or provided.
    password_context = app.config['PASSWORD_CONTEXT']

    if (plaintext is None) or (user['password'] is None):
        return False

    is_valid = password_context.verify(plaintext, user['password'])

    if is_valid and password_context.needs_update(user['password']):
        # update password - hook will handle hashing
        update = {'password': plaintext}
        with admin_permissions():
            patch_internal("users", payload=update, _id=user['_id'])
    return is_valid
Пример #4
def hook_on_inserted(resource, items):
    """ Called after run one insert operation for a list of items.
    It sets for each parent the leaf as False.
    config = get_config(resource)
    processed = []
    for item in items:
        parent_id = item[config['PARENT']]

        # root node
        if not parent_id:

        # for bulk operations with the children that belong to the
        # same parent
        if parent_id in processed:

            resource, {config['LEAF']: False},
            **{current_app.config['ID_FIELD']: parent_id}

Пример #5
    def on_updated_service(updated, original):
            Update field business_impact if changed
        bi = True
        if 'business_impact' not in updated:
            bi = False
        elif updated['business_impact'] == original['business_impact']:
            bi = False

        name = ''
        if 'display_name' in updated and updated['display_name'] != '':
            name = updated['display_name']
        elif 'display_name' in original and original['display_name'] != '':
            name = ''
        elif 'alias' in updated and updated['alias'] != '':
            name = updated['alias']
        elif 'alias' in original and original['alias'] != '':
            name = ''
        elif 'service_description' in updated and updated['service_description'] != '':
            name = updated['service_description']

        if bi or name != '':
            livestate_db = current_app.data.driver.db['livestate']
            live_current = livestate_db.find_one({'service_description': original['_id']})
            data = {}
            if bi:
                data['business_impact'] = updated['business_impact']
            if name != '':
                data['display_name_service'] = name
            lookup = {"_id": live_current['_id']}
            patch_internal('livestate', data, False, False, **lookup)
Пример #6
def on_confirm_email(token):
    """Email confirmation endpoint.

    We try to confirm the specified signup and redirect to a webpage.
        s = URLSafeSerializer(get_token_secret())
        signup_id = ObjectId(s.loads(token))
    except BadSignature:
        return "Unknown token"

    patch_internal('eventsignups', {'confirmed': True},
                   **{current_app.config['ID_FIELD']: signup_id})

    # Now the user may be able to get accepted, so update the events waiting
    # list
    lookup = {current_app.config['ID_FIELD']: signup_id}
    signup = current_app.data.find_one('eventsignups', None, **lookup)


    redirect_url = current_app.config.get('EMAIL_CONFIRMED_REDIRECT')
    if redirect_url:
        return redirect(redirect_url)
        return current_app.config['CONFIRM_TEXT']
Пример #7
    def update_service_use_template(service, fields):
        """This update (patch) service with values of template

        :param service: fields / values of the service
        :type service: dict
        :param fields: fields updated in the template service
        :type fields: dict
        :return: None
        service_db = current_app.data.driver.db['service']

        # Get the field values from the service templates
        template_fields = {}
        for template_id in service['_templates']:
            temp = service_db.find_one({'_id': template_id})
            for (name, value) in iteritems(temp):
                template_fields[name] = value
        to_patch = {}
        for (name, value) in iteritems(fields):
            if name in service['_template_fields']:
                to_patch[name] = template_fields[name]
        if to_patch:
            g.ignore_hook_patch = True
            lookup = {"_id": service['_id']}
            patch_internal('service', to_patch, False, False, **lookup)
Пример #8
def cascade_delete(resource, item):
    """Cascade DELETE.

    Hook to delete all objects, which have the 'cascade_delete' option set
    in the data_relation and relate to the object, which was just deleted.
    domain = current_app.config['DOMAIN']
    deleted_id = item[domain[resource]['id_field']]

    for res, res_domain in domain.items():
        # Filter schema of `res` to get all fields containing references
        # to the resource of the deleted item
        relations = ((field, field_def['data_relation'])
                     for field, field_def in res_domain['schema'].items()
                     if 'data_relation' in field_def and
                     field_def['data_relation'].get('resource') == resource)
        for field, data_relation in relations:
            # All items in `res` with reference to the deleted item
            lookup = {field: deleted_id}
            with admin_permissions():
                    if data_relation.get('cascade_delete'):
                        # Delete the item as well
                        deleteitem_internal(res, concurrency_check=False,
                        # Don't delete, only remove reference
                        patch_internal(res, payload={field: None},
                except NotFound:
Пример #9
def verify_password(user, plaintext):
    """Check password of user, rehash if necessary.

    It is possible that the password is None, e.g. if the user is authenticated
    via LDAP. In this case default to "not verified".

        user (dict): the user in question.
        plaintext (string): password to check

        bool: True if password matches. False if it doesn't or if there is no
            password set and/or provided.
    password_context = app.config['PASSWORD_CONTEXT']

    if (plaintext is None) or (user['password'] is None):
        return False

    is_valid = password_context.verify(plaintext, user['password'])

    if is_valid and password_context.needs_update(user['password']):
        # update password - hook will handle hashing
        update = {'password': plaintext}
        with admin_permissions():
            patch_internal("users", payload=update, _id=user['_id'])
    return is_valid
Пример #10
def on_inserted_userservice_session_user(items):
    A user joined a session:
    - Add a sessionJoined event
    - Update last user activity in the session
    - Increase session users' number

    :param items:
    :return: None
    for index, item in enumerate(items):
        print "User: %s joined the session: %s" % (item['user'], item['userservice_session'])

        # New session event: sessionJoined
        _users = app.data.driver.db['user']
        user = _users.find_one({'_id': item['user']})
        if user:
            data = {
                'userservice_session': item['userservice_session'],
                'user': g.get('users_id', None),
                'date': datetime.utcnow(),
                'type': 'session.joined',
                'message': 'User %s joined the session' % user['name']
            post_internal("event", data)

        # Increase session users
        _session = app.data.driver.db['userservice_session']
        session = _session.find_one({'_id': item['userservice_session']})
        if session:
            data = {
                "current_nb_users": session['current_nb_users'] + 1
            lookup = {"_id": item['userservice_session']}
            patch_internal('userservice_session', data, False, False, **lookup)
Пример #11
def cron_timeseries():
    Cron used to add perfdata from retention to timeseries databases

    :return: None
    with app.test_request_context():
        timeseriesretention_db = current_app.data.driver.db[
        if timeseriesretention_db.find().count() > 0:
            tsc = timeseriesretention_db.find({
                'for_graphite': True,
                'for_influxdb': False
            for data in tsc:
                if not Timeseries.send_to_timeseries_graphite([data]):
                lookup = {"_id": data['_id']}
                deleteitem_internal('timeseriesretention', False, False,
            tsc = timeseriesretention_db.find({
                'for_graphite': False,
                'for_influxdb': True
            for data in tsc:
                if not Timeseries.send_to_timeseries_influxdb([data]):
                lookup = {"_id": data['_id']}
                deleteitem_internal('timeseriesretention', False, False,
            tsc = timeseriesretention_db.find({
                'for_graphite': True,
                'for_influxdb': True
            for data in tsc:
                graphite_serv = True
                influxdb_serv = True
                if not Timeseries.send_to_timeseries_graphite([data]):
                    graphite_serv = False
                if not Timeseries.send_to_timeseries_influxdb([data]):
                    influxdb_serv = False
                lookup = {"_id": data['_id']}
                if graphite_serv and influxdb_serv:
                    deleteitem_internal('timeseriesretention', False, False,
                elif graphite_serv and not influxdb_serv:
                                   {"for_graphite": False}, False, False,
                elif influxdb_serv and not graphite_serv:
                                   {"for_influxdb": False}, False, False,
Пример #12
 def push_review(self):
     for re in self.run_elements:
         if re.get('barcode'):
Пример #13
def mark_as_paid(payments):
    """After successful payment, set status to `accepted`."""
    # Check if payments is not a list
    if not isinstance(payments, list):
        payments = [payments]

    for payment in payments:

        for signup in payment['signups']:
            data = {'status': 'accepted'}
Пример #14
def mark_as_unpaid(payments):
    """Before a payment is deleted, set status to `reserved`."""
    # Check if payments is not a list
    if not isinstance(payments, list):
        payments = [payments]

    for payment in payments:

        for signup in payment['signups']:
            data = {'status': 'reserved'}
def pre_realm_patch(updates, original):
    Hook before updating existing realm

    :param updates: modified fields
    :type updates: dict
    :param original: original fields
    :type original: dict
    :return: None
    if not g.updateRealm:
        if '_tree_parents' in updates:
            abort(make_response("Updating _tree_parents is forbidden", 412))
        if '_children' in updates:
            abort(make_response("Updating _children is forbidden", 412))
        if '_all_children' in updates:
            abort(make_response("Updating _all_children is forbidden", 412))

    if '_parent' in updates and updates['_parent'] != original['_parent']:
        realmsdrv = current_app.data.driver.db['realm']

        # Add self reference in new parent children tree
        parent = realmsdrv.find_one({'_id': updates['_parent']})
        if original['_id'] not in parent['_children']:
        lookup = {"_id": parent['_id']}
        g.updateRealm = True
        patch_internal('realm', {"_children": parent['_children']}, False, False,
        g.updateRealm = False

        # Delete self reference in former parent children tree
        if len(original['_tree_parents']) > 0:
            parent = realmsdrv.find_one({'_id': original['_tree_parents'][-1]})
            if original['_id'] in parent['_children']:
            lookup = {"_id": parent['_id']}
            g.updateRealm = True
            patch_internal('realm', {"_children": parent['_children']}, False, False,
            g.updateRealm = False

        updates['_level'] = parent['_level'] + 1
        updates['_tree_parents'] = original['_tree_parents']
        if original['_parent'] in original['_tree_parents']:
        if updates['_parent'] not in original['_tree_parents']:
Пример #16
def pre_realm_patch(updates, original):
    Hook before updating existing realm

    :param updates: modified fields
    :type updates: dict
    :param original: original fields
    :type original: dict
    :return: None
    if not g.updateRealm:
        if '_tree_parents' in updates:
            abort(make_response("Updating _tree_parents is forbidden", 412))
        if '_children' in updates:
            abort(make_response("Updating _children is forbidden", 412))
        if '_all_children' in updates:
            abort(make_response("Updating _all_children is forbidden", 412))

    if '_parent' in updates and updates['_parent'] != original['_parent']:
        realmsdrv = current_app.data.driver.db['realm']

        # Add self reference in new parent children tree
        parent = realmsdrv.find_one({'_id': updates['_parent']})
        if original['_id'] not in parent['_children']:
        lookup = {"_id": parent['_id']}
        g.updateRealm = True
        patch_internal('realm', {"_children": parent['_children']}, False,
                       False, **lookup)
        g.updateRealm = False

        # Delete self reference in former parent children tree
        if len(original['_tree_parents']) > 0:
            parent = realmsdrv.find_one({'_id': original['_tree_parents'][-1]})
            if original['_id'] in parent['_children']:
            lookup = {"_id": parent['_id']}
            g.updateRealm = True
            patch_internal('realm', {"_children": parent['_children']}, False,
                           False, **lookup)
            g.updateRealm = False

        updates['_level'] = parent['_level'] + 1
        updates['_tree_parents'] = original['_tree_parents']
        if original['_parent'] in original['_tree_parents']:
        if updates['_parent'] not in original['_tree_parents']:
Пример #17
def forgot_password():

    data = request.values or request.get_json()
    if not data:
        abort(422, description='username or email required')

    expected_username = data.get('username')
    if not expected_username:
        abort(422, description='username or email required')

    expected_role = data.get('role')
    if not expected_role:
        abort(422, description='role required')
    expected_role = json.loads(expected_role)

    r = {'username': expected_username, 'role': expected_role[0]}
    user, *_ = getitem_internal(resource, **r)

    if not user:
        r = {'email': expected_username, 'role': expected_role[0]}
        user, *_ = getitem_internal(resource, **r)

    if not user:
        abort(404, description='username or email not found')

    new_password = str(uuid.uuid4())[:8]

    _ = patch_internal(resource, {'pass_': new_password}, **{'id': user['id']})

    body = template % (expected_username, new_password)

    msg = Message("Reset Password", body=body, recipients=[user['email']])
    return jsonify({})
Пример #18
def on_competence_put(response, original=None):

    if response.get('passed', False) is True:

        expiry = response.get('valid_until', None)

        # Set expiry to end year
        if expiry is None:
            expiry = _get_end_of_year()

        expiry = _fix_naive(expiry)

        person = _get_person(response.get('person_id', None))

        if '_id' in person:

            competence = person.get('competences', []).copy()

            # Add this competence?
            if expiry is not None and isinstance(
                    expiry, datetime) and expiry >= _get_now():

                        response.get('_code', None),
                        response.get('approved_by_person_id', None),
                        # 'paid': response.get('paid_date', None)

            # Always remove stale competences
            # Note that _code is for removing old competences, should be removed
            competence[:] = [
                d for d in competence
                if _fix_naive(d.get('expiry')) >= _get_now()
                and d.get('_code', None) is not None

            # Always unique by id
            competence = list({v['id']: v for v in competence}.values())

            # Patch if difference
            if _compare_list_of_dicts(competence, person.get('competence',
                                                             [])) is True:
                lookup = {'_id': person['_id']}
                resp, _, _, status = patch_internal(
                    RESOURCE_PERSONS_PROCESS, {'competences': competence},
                    False, True, **lookup)
                if status != 200:
                        'Patch returned {} for competence'.format(status))
Пример #19
    def on_update_host(updates, original):
        """Called by EVE HOOK (app.on_update_host)

        On update host, if not template, remove in '_template_fields' fields in updates because
        we update these fields, so they are now not dependant of template

        :param updates: modified fields
        :type updates: dict
        :param original: original fields
        :type original: dict
        :return: None
        if g.get('ignore_hook_patch', False):
        if not original['_is_template']:
            # case the host is not a template
            template_fields = original['_template_fields']
            do_patch = False
            for (field_name, _) in iteritems(updates):
                if field_name in template_fields:
                    do_patch = True
            if do_patch:
                lookup = {"_id": original['_id']}
                to_patch = {"_template_fields": template_fields}
                response = patch_internal('host', to_patch, False, False,
                updates['_etag'] = response[0]['_etag']
                original['_etag'] = response[0]['_etag']
Пример #20
def syndicate(service):
    Syndicate a post to the given service. Checks if the original post exists
    and if it hasn't been syndicated to the given service already.

    :param service: the service to syndicate to.
    service = service.lower()
    if service not in VALID_SERVICES:
        abort(400, 'Service not recognized.')

    if request.mimetype != 'application/json':
        abort(400, 'Syndication endpoint only accepts JSON data.')

    # Get the data and launch the handler for the appropriate service
    data = request.json
    meta_post = current_app.config.get('META_POST')
    post_id, links = eval('%s_handler' % service)(data, meta_post['entity'])
    # Patch the original post with the new links object
    response, _, _, status = patch_internal('posts', {'links': links},
                                            **{'_id': post_id})
    if status not in (200, 201):
    return render_response(response, 'item.html',
                           title="Syndicate to %s"
                           % (service.lower().capitalize(),))
Пример #21
def execute_patch(resource: str, payload: dict, identifier) -> dict:
    """Executes PATCH to the same DeviceHub with a new connection."""
    payload['_id'] = str(identifier)
    response = patch_internal(resource, payload, False, False, **{'_id': str(identifier)})
    if not (200 <= response[3] < 300):
        raise InnerRequestError(response[3], response[0])
    return response[0]
Пример #22
def _generate_all_links(response, now):
    """Generate a new link for the file and all its variations.

    :param response: the file document that should be updated.
    :param now: datetime that reflects 'now', for consistent expiry generation.

    project_id = str(
        response['project']) if 'project' in response else None  # TODO: add project id to all files
    backend = response['backend']
    response['link'] = generate_link(backend, response['file_path'], project_id)

    variations = response.get('variations')
    if variations:
        for variation in variations:
            variation['link'] = generate_link(backend, variation['file_path'], project_id)

    # Construct the new expiry datetime.
    validity_secs = current_app.config['FILE_LINK_VALIDITY'][backend]
    response['link_expires'] = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=validity_secs)

    patch_info = remove_private_keys(response)
    file_id = ObjectId(response['_id'])
    (patch_resp, _, _, _) = patch_internal('files', patch_info, _id=file_id)
    if patch_resp.get('_status') == 'ERR':
        log.warning('Unable to save new links for file %s: %r', response['_id'], patch_resp)
        # TODO: raise a snag.
        response['_updated'] = now
        response['_updated'] = patch_resp['_updated']

    # Be silly and re-fetch the etag ourselves. TODO: handle this better.
    etag_doc = current_app.data.driver.db['files'].find_one({'_id': file_id}, {'_etag': 1})
    response['_etag'] = etag_doc['_etag']
Пример #23
def get_files(data):
    if len(items)==0:
    for item in items:
        if item['ThumbnailUrl']=="":
            headers={"Authorization":"Bearer "+token}
            if img_data=="":
            patch_internal('file',payload,**{'_id': item['_id']})
Пример #24
def task():
    print("request", request)

    if request.method == "PATCH":
        return send_response("tasks", patch_internal("tasks", payload = request.json))
    return send_response("tasks", post_internal("tasks", request.json))
    def save_workflow(self, event):
        """ Will only trigger when it actually IS changed, so save every time this is called!
        patch_internal(self.known_resource, data, concurrency_check=False,**{'_id': self.item_id})
        patch_internal(resource, payload=None, concurrency_check=False,skip_validation=False, **lookup):

        Hmmm, need audit trail since version control will not cut this. Workflow should also increase the version number
        _id = self.db_wf.get('_id')
        _etag = self.db_wf.get('_etag')
        _version = self.db_wf.get('_version')
        self.action = event.event.name

        self.db_wf.get('workflow').update({'state': self.state})

        # Make a new without _id etc
        new = {'workflow': self.db_wf.get('workflow')}

        audit = {'a': event.event.name,
                 'r': self._trigger_attrs.get(event.event.name).get('resource'),
                 'u': self.user_id,
                 's': self.initial_state,
                 'd': self.state,
                 'v': _version + 1,
                 't': datetime.utcnow(),
                 'c': self.comment}

        new['workflow']['audit'].insert(0, audit)

        new['workflow']['last_transition'] = datetime.utcnow()

        # New owner it is!
        new['owner'] = app.globals['user_id']

        if self._trigger_attrs.get(event.event.name).get('comment', False):
            new.get('workflow').update({'comment': self.comment})

        # Always add
        new['workflow']['settings'] = self.wf_settings

        new['acl'] = self.set_acl()

        # Should really supply the e-tag here, will work! , '_etag': _etag
        # Can also use test_client to do this but it's rubbish or?
        # This will ignore the readonly field skip_validation AND you do not need another domain file for it!!
        response, last_modified, etag, status = patch_internal(RESOURCE_COLLECTION,
                                                               **{'_id': "%s" % _id, '_etag': "%s" % _etag})
        # test_client().post('/add', data = {'input1': 'a'}}
        # app.test_client().patch('/observations/%s' % _id, data=new, headers=[('If-Match', _etag)])

        # if self.state != self.initial_state:

        if status in [200, 201]:
            return True

        return False
Пример #26
def on_updated_userservice_session(updates, original):
    Hook before updating a user service session.

    Updating a session may be used to force session closing

    :param updates: list of fields to update
    :type updates: dict
    :param original: list of original fields
    :type original: dict
    :return: None
    if 'status' in updates:
        # Event: session status changed
        data = {
            'userservice_session': original['_id'],
            'user': g.get('users_id', None),
            'date': datetime.utcnow(),
            'type': 'session.status',
            'message': 'Session status changed to %s' % (updates['status'])
        post_internal("event", data)

        if updates['status'] == 'close':
            # Event: session closed
            data = {
                'userservice_session': original['_id'],
                'user': g.get('users_id', None),
                'date': datetime.utcnow(),
                'type': 'session.closed',
                'message': 'Session closed'
            post_internal("event", data)

            # Session / user relations should be closed
            _userservice_session_user = app.data.driver.db['userservice_session_user']
            userservice_session_users = _userservice_session_user.find({
                'userservice_session': original['_id'], 'status': 'open'
            for userservice_session_user in userservice_session_users:
                # Session / user relation closing date
                data = {
                    'status': 'close'
                lookup = {"_id": userservice_session_user['_id']}
                patch_internal('userservice_session_user', data, False, False, **lookup)
Пример #27
def execute_patch(resource: str, payload: dict, identifier) -> dict:
    """Executes PATCH to the same DeviceHub with a new connection."""
    payload['_id'] = str(identifier)
    response = patch_internal(resource, payload, False, False,
                              **{'_id': str(identifier)})
    if not (200 <= response[3] < 300):
        raise InnerRequestError(response[3], response[0])
    return response[0]
Пример #28
def _labrequests_set_expire_after(labrequest_id, minutes=1):
    expire_at = _datetime_to_rfc1123(datetime.now() +
    response, last_modified, etag, status = patch_internal(
        payload={'expireAt': expire_at},
    return response, last_modified, etag, status
Пример #29
 def test_patch_internal(self):
     # test that patch_internal is available and working properly.
     test_field = 'ref'
     test_value = "9876543210987654321098765"
     data = {test_field: test_value}
     with self.app.test_request_context(self.item_id_url):
         r, _, _, status = patch_internal(
             self.known_resource, data, concurrency_check=False,
             **{'_id': self.item_id})
     db_value = self.compare_patch_with_get(test_field, r)
     self.assertEqual(db_value, test_value)
Пример #30
def publish(content_id):

    lookup = {
        '$or': [{
            "acl.execute.roles": {
                '$in': app.globals['acl']['roles']
        }, {
            "acl.execute.users": {
                '$in': [app.globals.get('user_id')]

    acl = {
        'read': {
            'users': [app.globals.get('user_id')],
            'roles': ACL_CLOSED_ALL_LIST if request.method == 'POST' else []
        'write': {
            'users': [app.globals.get('user_id')],
            'roles': []
        'execute': {
            'users': [app.globals.get('user_id')],
            'roles': []
        'delete': {
            'users': [app.globals.get('user_id')],
            'roles': []

    published = True if request.method == 'POST' else False

    # response, last_modified, etag, status
    response, last_modified, etag, status = patch_internal(
        'content', {
            'acl': acl,
            'published': published,
            'owner': app.globals.get('user_id')
        }, False, True, **lookup)
    print(response, status)
    if status in [200, 201]:
        return eve_response(response, status)

        print(response, status)

    return eve_error_response('Error', 403)
def after_delete_realm(item):
    Hook after realm deletion. Update tree children of parent realm

    :param item: fields of the item / record
    :type item: dict
    :return: None
    realmsdrv = current_app.data.driver.db['realm']
    if len(item['_tree_parents']) > 0:
        parent = realmsdrv.find_one({'_id': item['_tree_parents'][-1]})
        if item['_id'] in parent['_children']:
        if item['_id'] in parent['_all_children']:
        lookup = {"_id": parent['_id']}
        g.updateRealm = True
        patch_internal('realm', {
            "_children": parent['_children'],
            "_all_children": parent['_children']
        }, False, False, **lookup)
        g.updateRealm = False
Пример #32
def after_delete_realm(item):
    Hook after realm deletion. Update tree children of parent realm

    :param item: fields of the item / record
    :type item: dict
    :return: None
    realmsdrv = current_app.data.driver.db['realm']
    if len(item['_tree_parents']) > 0:
        parent = realmsdrv.find_one({'_id': item['_tree_parents'][-1]})
        if item['_id'] in parent['_children']:
        if item['_id'] in parent['_all_children']:
        lookup = {"_id": parent['_id']}
        g.updateRealm = True
        patch_internal('realm', {
            "_children": parent['_children'],
            "_all_children": parent['_children']
        }, False, False, **lookup)
        g.updateRealm = False
def after_insert_realm(items):
    Hook after realm inserted. It calculate/update tree parents and children

    :param items: realm fields
    :type items: dict
    :return: None
    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    for dummy, item in enumerate(items):
        # update _children fields on all parents
        realmsdrv = current_app.data.driver.db['realm']
        parent = realmsdrv.find_one({'_id': item['_parent']})
        lookup = {"_id": parent['_id']}
        g.updateRealm = True
        patch_internal('realm', {
            "_children": parent['_children'],
            "_all_children": parent['_all_children']
        }, False, False, **lookup)
        g.updateRealm = False
Пример #34
 def test_patch_internal(self):
     # test that patch_internal is available and working properly.
     test_field = "ref"
     test_value = "9876543210987654321098765"
     data = {test_field: test_value}
     with self.app.test_request_context(self.item_id_url):
         r, _, _, status = patch_internal(self.known_resource,
                                          **{"_id": self.item_id})
     db_value = self.compare_patch_with_get(test_field, r)
     self.assertEqual(db_value, test_value)
def cron_timeseries():
    Cron used to add perfdata from retention to timeseries databases

    :return: None
    with app.test_request_context():
        timeseriesretention_db = current_app.data.driver.db['timeseriesretention']
        if timeseriesretention_db.find().count() > 0:
            tsc = timeseriesretention_db.find({'for_graphite': True, 'for_influxdb': False})
            for data in tsc:
                if not Timeseries.send_to_timeseries_graphite([data]):
                lookup = {"_id": data['_id']}
                deleteitem_internal('timeseriesretention', False, False, **lookup)
            tsc = timeseriesretention_db.find({'for_graphite': False, 'for_influxdb': True})
            for data in tsc:
                if not Timeseries.send_to_timeseries_influxdb([data]):
                lookup = {"_id": data['_id']}
                deleteitem_internal('timeseriesretention', False, False, **lookup)
            tsc = timeseriesretention_db.find({'for_graphite': True, 'for_influxdb': True})
            for data in tsc:
                graphite_serv = True
                influxdb_serv = True
                if not Timeseries.send_to_timeseries_graphite([data]):
                    graphite_serv = False
                if not Timeseries.send_to_timeseries_influxdb([data]):
                    influxdb_serv = False
                lookup = {"_id": data['_id']}
                if graphite_serv and influxdb_serv:
                    deleteitem_internal('timeseriesretention', False, False, **lookup)
                elif graphite_serv and not influxdb_serv:
                    patch_internal('timeseriesretention', {"for_graphite": False}, False, False,
                elif influxdb_serv and not graphite_serv:
                    patch_internal('timeseriesretention', {"for_influxdb": False}, False, False,
Пример #36
    def update_host_use_template(host, fields):
        """This update (patch) host with values of template

        :param host: fields / values of the host
        :type host: dict
        :param fields: fields updated in the template host
        :type fields: dict
        :return: None
        host_db = current_app.data.driver.db['host']
        template_fields = {}
        for template_id in host['_templates']:
            temp = host_db.find_one({'_id': template_id})
            for (name, value) in iteritems(temp):
                template_fields[name] = value
        to_patch = {}
        for (name, value) in iteritems(fields):
            if name in host['_template_fields']:
                to_patch[name] = template_fields[name]
        if to_patch:
            g.ignore_hook_patch = True
            lookup = {"_id": host['_id']}
            patch_internal('host', to_patch, False, False, **lookup)
Пример #37
    def update_user_use_template(user, fields):
        """This update (patch) user with values of template

        :param user: fields / values of the user
        :type user: dict
        :param fields: fields updated in the template user
        :type fields: dict
        :return: None
        user_db = current_app.data.driver.db['user']
        template_fields = {}
        for template_id in user['_templates']:
            temp = user_db.find_one({'_id': template_id})
            for (name, value) in iteritems(temp):
                template_fields[name] = value
        to_patch = {}
        for (name, value) in iteritems(fields):
            if name in user['_template_fields']:
                to_patch[name] = template_fields[name]
        if to_patch:
            g.ignore_hook_patch = True
            lookup = {"_id": user['_id']}
            patch_internal('user', to_patch, False, False, **lookup)
Пример #38
def after_insert_realm(items):
    Hook after realm inserted. It calculate/update tree parents and children

    :param items: realm fields
    :type items: dict
    :return: None
    # pylint: disable=unused-argument
    for dummy, item in enumerate(items):
        # update _children fields on all parents
        realmsdrv = current_app.data.driver.db['realm']
        parent = realmsdrv.find_one({'_id': item['_parent']})
        lookup = {"_id": parent['_id']}
        g.updateRealm = True
            'realm', {
                "_children": parent['_children'],
                "_all_children": parent['_all_children']
            }, False, False, **lookup)
        g.updateRealm = False
Пример #39
    def _perform_action(self):
        payload = self.reviewable_data.get(
        )  # patch with the whole subdict, or it gets overwritten

        if self.failing_metrics:
            payload[ELEMENT_REVIEWED] = 'fail'
            payload[ELEMENT_REVIEW_COMMENTS] = self.failure_comment
            payload[ELEMENT_REVIEWED] = 'pass'

        payload[ELEMENT_REVIEW_DATE] = self.current_time

        patch_internal('samples', {'rapid_analysis': payload},

        return {
            'action_id': self.sample_id + self.date_started,
            'date_finished': self.now(),
            'action_info': {
                'sample_id': self.sample_id
def after_update_realm(updated, original):
    Hook update tree children on realm parent after update tree children realm

    :param updates: modified fields
    :type updates: dict
    :param original: original fields
    :type original: dict
    :return: None
    if g.updateRealm:
        if '_all_children' in updated and updated['_all_children'] != original['_all_children']:
            s = set(original['_all_children'])
            diff = [x for x in updated['_all_children'] if x not in s]
            added_children = (diff != [])
            if not added_children:
                s = set(updated['_all_children'])
                diff = [x for x in original['_all_children'] if x not in s]

            realmsdrv = current_app.data.driver.db['realm']
            parent = realmsdrv.find_one({'_id': original['_parent']})
            if not parent:

            for d in diff:
                if added_children:
                    if d not in parent['_all_children']:
                    if d in parent['_all_children']:
            lookup = {"_id": parent['_id']}
            g.updateRealm = True
            patch_internal('realm', {
                "_all_children": parent['_all_children']
            }, False, False, **lookup)
            g.updateRealm = False
Пример #41
def after_update_realm(updated, original):
    Hook update tree children on realm parent after update tree children realm

    :param updates: modified fields
    :type updates: dict
    :param original: original fields
    :type original: dict
    :return: None
    if g.updateRealm:
        if '_all_children' in updated and updated['_all_children'] != original[
            s = set(original['_all_children'])
            diff = [x for x in updated['_all_children'] if x not in s]
            added_children = (diff != [])
            if not added_children:
                s = set(updated['_all_children'])
                diff = [x for x in original['_all_children'] if x not in s]

            realmsdrv = current_app.data.driver.db['realm']
            parent = realmsdrv.find_one({'_id': original['_parent']})
            if not parent:

            for d in diff:
                if added_children:
                    if d not in parent['_all_children']:
                    if d in parent['_all_children']:
            lookup = {"_id": parent['_id']}
            g.updateRealm = True
            patch_internal('realm', {"_all_children": parent['_all_children']},
                           False, False, **lookup)
            g.updateRealm = False
    def update_service_use_template(service, fields):
        This update (patch) service with values of template

        :param service: fields / values of the service
        :type service: dict
        :param fields: fields updated in the template service
        :type fields: dict
        :return: None
        service_db = current_app.data.driver.db['service']
        template_fields = {}
        for template_id in service['_templates']:
            temp = service_db.find_one({'_id': template_id})
            for (name, value) in iteritems(temp):
                template_fields[name] = value
        to_patch = {}
        for (name, value) in iteritems(fields):
            if name in service['_template_fields']:
                to_patch[name] = template_fields[name]
        if len(to_patch) > 0:
            g.ignore_hook_patch = True
            lookup = {"_id": service['_id']}
            patch_internal('service', to_patch, False, False, **lookup)
    def update_host_use_template(host, fields):
        This update (patch) host with values of template

        :param host: fields / values of the host
        :type host: dict
        :param fields: fields updated in the template host
        :type fields: dict
        :return: None
        host_db = current_app.data.driver.db['host']
        template_fields = {}
        for template_id in host['_templates']:
            temp = host_db.find_one({'_id': template_id})
            for (name, value) in iteritems(temp):
                template_fields[name] = value
        to_patch = {}
        for (name, value) in iteritems(fields):
            if name in host['_template_fields']:
                to_patch[name] = template_fields[name]
        if len(to_patch) > 0:
            g.ignore_hook_patch = True
            lookup = {"_id": host['_id']}
            patch_internal('host', to_patch, False, False, **lookup)
Пример #44
    def patch_internal(self,
                       resource: str,
        """Workaround for Eve issue https://github.com/nicolaiarocci/eve/issues/810"""
        from eve.methods.patch import patch_internal

        url = self.config['URLS'][resource]
        path = '%s/%s/%s' % (self.api_prefix, url, lookup['_id'])
        with self.__fake_request_url_rule('PATCH', path):
            return patch_internal(resource,
Пример #45
def _create_or_update_user(ldap_data):
    """Try to find user in database. Update if it exists, create otherwise."""
    query = {'nethz': ldap_data['nethz']}
    db_data = current_app.data.driver.db['users'].find_one(query)

    with admin_permissions():
        if db_data:
            # Membership will not be downgraded and email not be overwritten
            ldap_data.pop('email', None)
            if db_data.get('membership') != u"none":
                ldap_data.pop('membership', None)

            user = patch_internal('users', ldap_data, _id=db_data['_id'])[0]
            user = post_internal('users', ldap_data)[0]

    return user
Пример #46
def _update_with_retry(resource,
    item = _get_internal_item(resource, item_id)
    retries = 1
    response, last_modified, etag, status = None, None, None, None
    if item:
        while retries <= max_retries:
            item_etag = item.get('_etag')
                new_environ = flask.request.environ
                new_environ['HTTP_IF_MATCH'] = item_etag
                with app.request_context(new_environ):
                    logger.info("Updating item {} with {}".format(
                        item_id, patch_data))
                    response, last_modified, etag, status = patch_internal(
            except Exception as e:
                if "Precondition Failed" in str(e):
                        "Retrying {0}/{1} due to {2}\netag: {3}".format(
                            retries, max_retries, e, item_etag))
            retries += 1
            item = _get_internal_item(resource, item_id)
        return response, last_modified, etag, status
        return {
            "_status": "ERR",
            "_issues": "{} Not Found in {}".format(item_id, resource)
        }, None, None, 404
Пример #47
def _generate_all_links(response, now):
    """Generate a new link for the file and all its variations.

    :param response: the file document that should be updated.
    :param now: datetime that reflects 'now', for consistent expiry generation.

    project_id = str(
    ) if 'project' in response else None  # TODO: add project id to all files
    backend = response['backend']
    response['link'] = generate_link(backend, response['file_path'],

    variations = response.get('variations')
    if variations:
        for variation in variations:
            variation['link'] = generate_link(backend, variation['file_path'],

    # Construct the new expiry datetime.
    validity_secs = current_app.config['FILE_LINK_VALIDITY'][backend]
    response['link_expires'] = now + datetime.timedelta(seconds=validity_secs)

    patch_info = remove_private_keys(response)
    file_id = ObjectId(response['_id'])
    (patch_resp, _, _, _) = patch_internal('files', patch_info, _id=file_id)
    if patch_resp.get('_status') == 'ERR':
        log.warning('Unable to save new links for file %s: %r',
                    response['_id'], patch_resp)
        # TODO: raise a snag.
        response['_updated'] = now
        response['_updated'] = patch_resp['_updated']

    # Be silly and re-fetch the etag ourselves. TODO: handle this better.
    etag_doc = current_app.data.driver.db['files'].find_one({'_id': file_id},
                                                            {'_etag': 1})
    response['_etag'] = etag_doc['_etag']
Пример #48
def on_organizations_put(response, original=None):
    # Only on NIF groups / NLF clubs
    if response.get('type_id', 0) == 6 or len(response.get('activities',
                                                           [])) == 0:

        for v in response.get('_down'):
            if v.get('type') == 14:
                discipline = _get_org(v.get('id'))
                if 'activities' in discipline:
                    for a in discipline['activities']:
                if 'main_activity' in discipline:
                    response['main_activity'] = discipline.get('main_activity')

        response['activities'] = list(
            {v['id']: v
             for v in response['activities']}.values())

        lookup = {'_id': response['_id']}
        resp, _, _, status = patch_internal(
                'activities': response['activities'],
                'main_activity': response['main_activity']
            }, False, True, **lookup)
        if status != 200:
            app.logger.error('Patch returned {} for license'.format(status))

    # Broadcast to all activities and own org
            set([response['id']] +
                [x['id'] for x in response.get('activities', [])]))
Пример #49
def _create_or_update_user(ldap_data):
    """Try to find user in database. Update if it exists, create otherwise."""
    query = {'nethz': ldap_data['nethz']}
    db_data = current_app.data.driver.db['users'].find_one(query)

    with admin_permissions():
        if db_data:
            # Membership will not be downgraded and email not be overwritten
            # Newletter settings will also not be adjusted
            ldap_data.pop('email', None)
            ldap_data.pop('send_newsletter', None)
            if db_data.get('membership') != u"none":
                ldap_data.pop('membership', None)

            user = patch_internal('users',
            # For new members,

            user = post_internal('users', ldap_data)[0]

    return user
Пример #50
    def save_item(self, collection, specs, data, indexes=[]):
        Save or update item in collection:
            + collection - mongodb collection
            + specs - list parameters used for search
            + data - data to save
            + indexes - fields to index (specs will be used if empty)
        specs_params = {field: data[field] for field in specs}

        obj = self.db[collection].find_one(specs_params)
        if obj is None:
            # insert
            with api.test_request_context():
                api_response = post_internal(collection, data)
            logger.info("Item Saved: {}".format(api_response))
            # update
            update_this = {}
            for field in specs:
                del data[field]
            for key, value in data.items():
                if key not in obj:
                    update_this[key] = value
                    if value != obj[key]:
                        update_this[key] = value

            with api.test_request_context():
                api_response = patch_internal(collection, payload=update_this, _id=obj['_id'])
            logger.info("Item Updated: {}".format(api_response))

        if not indexes:
            indexes = specs

        for index in indexes:
Пример #51
    def on_update_service(updates, original):
        """Called by EVE HOOK (app.on_update_service)

        On update service, if not template, remove in '_template_fields' fields in updates because
        we update these fields, so they are now not dependant of template

        :param updates: modified fields
        :type updates: dict
        :param original: original fields
        :type original: dict
        :return: None
        if g.get('ignore_hook_patch', False):
        # check if not modified the _is_template field
        if '_is_template' in updates and not updates[
                '_is_template'] and original['_is_template']:
                    "Change a service template to not template is forbidden",
        # manage services not template
        if not original['_is_template']:
            template_fields = original['_template_fields']
            do_patch = False
            for (field_name, _) in iteritems(updates):
                if field_name in template_fields:
                    do_patch = True
            if do_patch:
                lookup = {"_id": original['_id']}
                to_patch = {"_template_fields": template_fields}
                response = patch_internal('service', to_patch, False, False,
                updates['_etag'] = response[0]['_etag']
                original['_etag'] = response[0]['_etag']
    def create_dashboard(self, host_id):  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        Create / update a dashboard in Grafana

        :param host_id: id of the host
        :type host_id: str
        :return: None
        if not self.datasource:
        headers = {"Authorization": "Bearer " + self.api_key}

        host_db = current_app.data.driver.db['host']
        service_db = current_app.data.driver.db['service']
        command_db = current_app.data.driver.db['command']

        host = host_db.find_one({'_id': host_id})
        hostname = host['name']
        command = command_db.find_one({'_id': host['check_command']})
        command_name = command['name']

        rows = []
        targets = []
        perfdata = PerfDatas(host['ls_perf_data'])
        for measurement in perfdata.metrics:
            fields = perfdata.metrics[measurement].__dict__
            targets.append(self.generate_target(fields['name'], {"host": hostname}))
        if len(targets) > 0:
            rows.append(self.generate_row(command_name, targets))
            if host['ls_last_check'] > 0:
                # Update host live state
                data = {
                    "ls_grafana": True,
                    "ls_grafana_panelid": 1
                lookup = {"_id": host['_id']}
                patch_internal('host', data, False, False, **lookup)

        # now get services
        services = service_db.find({'host': host_id})
        for service in services:
            if service['ls_last_check'] > 0:

                perfdata = PerfDatas(service['ls_perf_data'])
                targets = []
                for measurement in perfdata.metrics:
                    fields = perfdata.metrics[measurement].__dict__
                                                        {"host": hostname,
                                                         "service": service['name']}))
                if len(targets) > 0:
                    rows.append(self.generate_row(service['name'], targets))
                    # Update service live state
                    data = {
                        "ls_grafana": True,
                        "ls_grafana_panelid": len(rows)
                    lookup = {"_id": service['_id']}
                    patch_internal('service', data, False, False, **lookup)

        self.dashboard_template['id'] = None
        self.dashboard_template['title'] = "host_" + hostname
        self.dashboard_template['rows'] = rows

        data = {
            "dashboard": self.dashboard_template,
            "overwrite": True
        requests.post('http://' + self.host + ':' + self.port + '/api/dashboards/db', json=data,
Пример #53
def get_names(data):
    ''' Not used now '''
    name = {'downloads' : 0, 'keyword' : data.get('traduccion')}
    meaning = data.get('definicion_traduccion')
    if meaning:
        name['meaning'] = meaning
    return name

keys_im = {}
with app.test_request_context():
    for d in data:
        payload = data_to_payload(d)
        url = payload.get('url')
        if url in keys_im:
            original = get_document('images', concurrency_check=False, **{'url':url})
            response = patch_internal('images', {'names':original['names']}, **{'url':url})
            if response[-1] == 201 or response[-1] == 200:
                #print ('modificado ',  url)
                print ('Error modif.-> ', response, url )
            response = post_internal('images', payload)
            if response[-1] == 201:
                #print ('añadido ',  url)
                keys_im[url] = get_id(response)
                print ('Error -> ', response, url )
Пример #54
def on_inserted_event(items):
    A user has submitted an event:
    - Update last user activity in the session

    :param items:
    :return: None
    for index, item in enumerate(items):

        print "*** inserted event:", item['type']

        # Update service session CDR
        _userservice_cdr = app.data.driver.db['userservice_cdr']
        userservice_cdr = _userservice_cdr.find_one({
            'userservice_session': item['userservice_session']
        if userservice_cdr:
            # Update service CDR depending upon event type
            data = {}
            if item['type'] == 'session.joined':
                # A new user joined the session ... increase nb_users
                data["nb_users"] = userservice_cdr['nb_users'] + 1

                if userservice_cdr['nb_users'] == 0:
                    data["user_creator"] = item['user']

                if userservice_cdr['nb_users'] == 1:
                    data["user_participant"] = item['user']

            if item['type'] == 'session.closed':
                # Session got closed ... update closing date
                data["closing_date"] = datetime.utcnow()
                data["status"] = 'close'

            if item['type'] == 'attachment.document':
                # A new document has been transfered ... increase nb_documents
                data["nb_documents"] = userservice_cdr['nb_documents'] + 1

            if item['type'].startswith('video.'):
                # A new document has been transfered ... increase nb_documents
                data["videoconference"] = item['type']

            if data:
                lookup = {"_id": userservice_cdr['_id']}
                patch_internal('userservice_cdr', data, False, False, **lookup)

        # TODO: Really necessary?
        # Update user activity in the session
        _userservice_session_user = app.data.driver.db['userservice_session_user']
        userservice_session_user = _userservice_session_user.find_one({
            'userservice_session': item['userservice_session'],
            'user': g.get('users_id', None)
        if userservice_session_user:
            # Update last user activity in the session
            data = {
                # 'user': g.get('users_id', None),
                "last_ping": datetime.utcnow()
            lookup = {"_id": userservice_session_user['_id']}
            patch_internal('userservice_session_user', data, False, False, **lookup)

        # Increase session events counter
        _session = app.data.driver.db['userservice_session']
        session = _session.find_one({'_id': item['userservice_session']})
        if session:
            data = {
                "current_nb_events": session['current_nb_events'] + 1
            lookup = {"_id": item['userservice_session']}
            patch_internal('userservice_session', data, False, False, **lookup)
Пример #55
def after_inserting_project(project, db_user):
    project_id = project['_id']
    user_id = db_user['_id']

    # Create a project-specific admin group (with name matching the project id)
    result, _, _, status = post_internal('groups', {'name': str(project_id)})
    if status != 201:
        log.error('Unable to create admin group for new project %s: %s',
                  project_id, result)
        return abort_with_error(status)

    admin_group_id = result['_id']
    log.debug('Created admin group %s for project %s', admin_group_id, project_id)

    # Assign the current user to the group
    db_user.setdefault('groups', []).append(admin_group_id)

    result, _, _, status = patch_internal('users', {'groups': db_user['groups']}, _id=user_id)
    if status != 200:
        log.error('Unable to add user %s as member of admin group %s for new project %s: %s',
                  user_id, admin_group_id, project_id, result)
        return abort_with_error(status)
    log.debug('Made user %s member of group %s', user_id, admin_group_id)

    # Assign the group to the project with admin rights
    is_admin = authorization.is_admin(db_user)
    world_permissions = ['GET'] if is_admin else []
    permissions = {
        'world': world_permissions,
        'users': [],
        'groups': [
            {'group': admin_group_id,
             'methods': ['GET', 'PUT', 'POST', 'DELETE']},

    def with_permissions(node_type):
        copied = copy.deepcopy(node_type)
        copied['permissions'] = permissions
        return copied

    # Assign permissions to the project itself, as well as to the node_types
    project['permissions'] = permissions
    project['node_types'] = [

    # Allow admin users to use whatever url they want.
    if not is_admin or not project.get('url'):
        project['url'] = "p-{!s}".format(project_id)

    # Initialize storage page (defaults to GCS)
    if current_app.config.get('TESTING'):
        log.warning('Not creating Google Cloud Storage bucket while running unit tests!')
        gcs_storage = GoogleCloudStorageBucket(str(project_id))
        if gcs_storage.bucket.exists():
            log.info('Created CGS instance for project %s', project_id)
            log.warning('Unable to create CGS instance for project %s', project_id)

    # Commit the changes directly to the MongoDB; a PUT is not allowed yet,
    # as the project doesn't have a valid permission structure.
    projects_collection = current_app.data.driver.db['projects']
    result = projects_collection.update_one({'_id': project_id},
                                            {'$set': remove_private_keys(project)})
    if result.matched_count != 1:
        log.warning('Unable to update project %s: %s', project_id, result.raw_result)
    def recalculate():
            Recalculate all the live synthesis counters
        livesynthesis = current_app.data.driver.db['livesynthesis']
        realmsdrv = current_app.data.driver.db['realm']
        allrealms = realmsdrv.find()
        for _, realm in enumerate(allrealms):
            live_current = livesynthesis.find_one({'_realm': realm['_id']})
            if live_current is None:
                data = {
                    'hosts_total': 0,
                    'hosts_up_hard': 0,
                    'hosts_up_soft': 0,
                    'hosts_down_hard': 0,
                    'hosts_down_soft': 0,
                    'hosts_unreachable_hard': 0,
                    'hosts_unreachable_soft': 0,
                    'hosts_acknowledged': 0,
                    'hosts_in_downtime': 0,
                    'hosts_flapping': 0,
                    'hosts_business_impact': 0,
                    'services_total': 0,
                    'services_ok_hard': 0,
                    'services_ok_soft': 0,
                    'services_warning_hard': 0,
                    'services_warning_soft': 0,
                    'services_critical_hard': 0,
                    'services_critical_soft': 0,
                    'services_unknown_hard': 0,
                    'services_unknown_soft': 0,
                    'services_acknowledged': 0,
                    'services_in_downtime': 0,
                    'services_flapping': 0,
                    'services_business_impact': 0,
                    '_realm': realm['_id']
                live_current = livesynthesis.find_one({'_realm': realm['_id']})

            # Update hosts live synthesis
            hosts = current_app.data.driver.db['host']
            hosts_count = hosts.find({'_is_template': False, '_realm': realm['_id']}).count()
            if live_current['hosts_total'] != hosts_count:
                data = {"hosts_total": hosts_count}

                data['hosts_up_hard'] = hosts.find({
                    "ls_state": "UP", "ls_state_type": "HARD",
                    "ls_acknowledged": False, "_realm": realm["_id"]
                data['hosts_down_hard'] = hosts.find({
                    "ls_state": "DOWN", "ls_state_type": "HARD",
                    "ls_acknowledged": False, "_realm": realm["_id"]
                data['hosts_unreachable_hard'] = hosts.find({
                    "ls_state": "UNREACHABLE", "ls_state_type": "HARD",
                    "ls_acknowledged": False, "_realm": realm["_id"]

                data['hosts_up_soft'] = hosts.find({
                    "ls_state": "UP", "ls_state_type": "SOFT",
                    "ls_acknowledged": False, "_realm": realm["_id"]
                data['hosts_down_soft'] = hosts.find({
                    "ls_state": "DOWN", "ls_state_type": "SOFT",
                    "ls_acknowledged": False, "_realm": realm["_id"]
                data['hosts_unreachable_soft'] = hosts.find({
                    "ls_state": "UNREACHABLE", "ls_state_type": "SOFT",
                    "ls_acknowledged": False, "_realm": realm["_id"]

                data['hosts_acknowledged'] = hosts.find(
                    {'ls_acknowledged': True, "_realm": realm["_id"]}
                data['hosts_in_downtime'] = hosts.find(
                    {'ls_downtimed': True, "_realm": realm["_id"]}

                lookup = {"_id": live_current['_id']}
                patch_internal('livesynthesis', data, False, False, **lookup)

            # Update services live synthesis
            services = current_app.data.driver.db['service']
            services_count = services.find({'_is_template': False, '_realm': realm['_id']}).count()
            if live_current['services_total'] != services_count:
                data = {"services_total": services_count}

                data['services_ok_hard'] = services.find({
                    "ls_state": "OK", "ls_state_type": "HARD",
                    "ls_acknowledged": False, "_realm": realm["_id"]
                data['services_warning_hard'] = services.find({
                    "ls_state": "WARNING", "ls_state_type": "HARD",
                    "ls_acknowledged": False, "_realm": realm["_id"]
                data['services_critical_hard'] = services.find({
                    "ls_state": "CRITICAL", "ls_state_type": "HARD",
                    "ls_acknowledged": False, "_realm": realm["_id"]
                data['services_unknown_hard'] = services.find({
                    "ls_state": "UNKNOWN", "ls_state_type": "HARD",
                    "ls_acknowledged": False, "_realm": realm["_id"]

                data['services_ok_soft'] = services.find({
                    "ls_state": "OK", "ls_state_type": "SOFT",
                    "ls_acknowledged": False, "_realm": realm["_id"]
                data['services_warning_soft'] = services.find({
                    "ls_state": "WARNING", "ls_state_type": "SOFT",
                    "ls_acknowledged": False, "_realm": realm["_id"]
                data['services_critical_soft'] = services.find({
                    "ls_state": "CRITICAL", "ls_state_type": "SOFT",
                    "ls_acknowledged": False, "_realm": realm["_id"]
                data['services_unknown_soft'] = services.find({
                    "ls_state": "UNKNOWN", "ls_state_type": "SOFT",
                    "ls_acknowledged": False, "_realm": realm["_id"]

                data['services_acknowledged'] = services.find(
                    {"ls_acknowledged": True, "_realm": realm["_id"]}
                data['services_in_downtime'] = services.find(
                    {"ls_downtimed": True, "_realm": realm["_id"]}
                lookup = {"_id": live_current['_id']}
                patch_internal('livesynthesis', data, False, False, **lookup)
Пример #57
def login():
    username = None
    password = None
    logged_in = False

    m = Melwin()

    if m is None:
        app.logger.critical("Melwin service unavailable")
        eve_abort('503', 'Melwin service is unavailable')

    # Request via json
    rq = request.get_json()

        username = rq['username']
        password = rq['password']
        # Now it will fail in the next if

    if username == 'access_token':

            public_key = _get_public_key()
            decoded_token = jwt.decode(password, public_key, issuer=ISSUER, algorithm='HS256')
            logged_in = True
            username = decoded_token.get('melwin_id', None)
            if username is None:
                eve_abort(401, 'Could not validate the token, could not find username')
                #  print('Username', username)
                username = int(username)

        except jwt.exceptions.InvalidTokenError:
            logged_in = False
            eve_abort(401, 'Could not validate the token, InvalidTokenError')
        except jwt.exceptions.InvalidSignatureError:
            logged_in = False
            eve_abort(401, 'Could not validate the token, InvalidSignatureError')
        except jwt.exceptions.InvalidIssuerError:
            logged_in = False
            eve_abort(401, 'Could not validate the token, InvalidIssuerError')
        except jwt.exceptions.ExpiredSignatureError:
            logged_in = False
            eve_abort(401, 'Could not validate the token, ExpiredSignatureError')
        except Exception as e:
            logged_in = False
            eve_abort(401, 'Could not validate your token {}'.format(e))
            username = int(username)
            logged_in = m.login(username, password)
            logged_in = False
            eve_abort(503, 'Could not log you into Melwin')  # isinstance(username, int) and len(password) == 9 and

    # Now process user and successful authentication
    if logged_in is True:

            user, last_modified, etag, status = getitem_internal(resource='users', **{'id': username})
            user = None
            if not is_mongo_alive():
                eve_abort(502, 'Network problems')

        # If not existing, make from melwin!
        if user is None or status != 200:
            if not create_user(username):
                app.logger.error("502: Could not create user %i from Melwin" % username)
                eve_abort(502, 'Could not create user from Melwin')
                app.logger.info("Created user %i" % username)

        # token = uuid5(uuid4(),rq['username'])
        token = uuid4().hex

        # valid = utc.replace(hours=+2)  # @bug: utc and cet!!!
        utc = arrow.utcnow()
        valid = utc.replace(seconds=+app.config['AUTH_SESSION_LENGHT'])
        # Pure datetime
        # valid = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(seconds=60)

            response, last_modified, etag, status = patch_internal('users/auth',
                                                                   payload={'auth': {'token': token,
                                                                                     'valid': valid.datetime}},
                                                                   concurrency_check=False, **{'id': username})
            if status != 200:
                app.logger.error("Could not insert token for %i" % username)

            app.logger.exception("Could not update user %i auth token" % username)
            eve_abort(500, "Could not update user %i auth token" % username)

        t = '%s:' % token
        b64 = b64encode(t.encode('utf-8'))

        """return jsonify(**{'success': True,
                  'token': token,
                  'token64': b64,
                  'valid': valid,

        return eve_response(data={'success': True,
                                  'username': username,
                                  'token': token,
                                  'token64': b64.decode('utf-8'),
                                  'valid': valid.datetime},

    # On error sleep a little against brute force

    return eve_response({'success': False, 'username': None, 'token': None, 'token64': None, 'valid': None,
                         'message': 'Wrong username or password'})
Пример #58
def remove_file(item):
    patch_internal('file',payload,**{'_id': item['_id']})
Пример #59
def remove_project(item):
        "UserID":'removed-by-' + item['UserID']
    patch_internal('project',payload,**{'_id': item['_id']})