Пример #1
 def send_intro_message(character, combatant=True):
     Displays intro message of combat to character
     if not combatant:
         msg = fill("{mYou are now in observer mode for a fight. {n" +
                    "Most combat commands will not function. To " +
                    "join the fight, use the {w+fight{n command.")
         msg = "{rEntering combat mode.{n\n"
         msg += "\n\n" + fill(COMBAT_INTRO)
Пример #2
    def format_help_entry(title, help_text, aliases=None, suggested=None):
        This visually formats the help entry.
        This method can be overriden to customize the way a help
        entry is displayed.

            title (str): the title of the help entry.
            help_text (str): the text of the help entry.
            aliases (list of str or None): the list of aliases.
            suggested (list of str or None): suggested reading.

        Returns the formatted string, ready to be sent.

        string = _SEP + "\n"
        if title:
            string += "|CHelp for |w%s|n" % title
        if aliases:
            string += " |C(aliases: %s|C)|n" % ("|C,|n ".join("|w%s|n" % ali for ali in aliases))
        if help_text:
            string += "\n%s" % dedent(help_text.rstrip())
        if suggested:
            string += "\n\n|CSuggested:|n "
            string += "%s" % fill("|C,|n ".join("|w%s|n" % sug for sug in suggested))
        string += "\n" + _SEP
        return string
Пример #3
    def render_examine_commands(self, viewer, avail_cmdset, styling):
        if not (len(self.obj.cmdset.all()) == 1
                and self.obj.cmdset.current.key == "_EMPTY_CMDSET"):
            # all() returns a 'stack', so make a copy to sort.
            stored_cmdsets = sorted(self.obj.cmdset.all(),
                                    key=lambda x: x.priority,
            string = "|wStored Cmdset(s)|n:\n %s" % ("\n ".join(
                "%s [%s] (%s, prio %s)" %
                (cmdset.path, cmdset.key, cmdset.mergetype, cmdset.priority)
                for cmdset in stored_cmdsets if cmdset.key != "_EMPTY_CMDSET"))

            # this gets all components of the currently merged set
            all_cmdsets = [(cmdset.key, cmdset)
                           for cmdset in avail_cmdset.merged_from]
            # we always at least try to add account- and session sets since these are ignored
            # if we merge on the object level.
            if hasattr(self, "account") and self.obj.account:
                    (cmdset.key, cmdset)
                    for cmdset in self.obj.account.cmdset.all()
                if self.obj.sessions.count():
                    # if there are more sessions than one on objdb it's because of multisession mode 3.
                    # we only show the first session's cmdset here (it is -in principle- possible that
                    # different sessions have different cmdsets but for admins who want such madness
                    # it is better that they overload with their own CmdExamine to handle it).
                        (cmdset.key, cmdset) for cmdset in
                    # we have to protect this since many objdb don't have sessions.
                        (cmdset.key, cmdset)
                        for cmdset in self.obj.get_session(
                except (TypeError, AttributeError):
                    # an error means we are merging an object without a session
            all_cmdsets = [cmdset for cmdset in dict(all_cmdsets).values()]
            all_cmdsets.sort(key=lambda x: x.priority, reverse=True)
            string += "\n|wMerged Cmdset(s)|n:\n %s" % ("\n ".join(
                "%s [%s] (%s, prio %s)" %
                (cmdset.path, cmdset.key, cmdset.mergetype, cmdset.priority)
                for cmdset in all_cmdsets))

            # list the commands available to this object
            avail_cmdset = sorted(
                [cmd.key for cmd in avail_cmdset if cmd.access(self, "cmd")])

            cmdsetstr = utils.fill(", ".join(avail_cmdset), indent=2)
            string += "\n|wCommands available to %s (result of Merged CmdSets)|n:\n %s" % (
            return [styling.styled_separator("Commands"), string
                    ] if string else []
Пример #4
    def func(self):
        This is the hook function that actually does all the work. It is called
         by the cmdhandler right after self.parser() finishes, and so has access
         to all the variables defined therein.
        # a simple test command to show the available properties
        string = "-" * 50
        string += "\n{w%s{n - Command variables from evennia:\n" % self.key
        string += "-" * 50
        string += "\nname of cmd (self.key): {w%s{n\n" % self.key
        string += "cmd aliases (self.aliases): {w%s{n\n" % self.aliases
        string += "cmd locks (self.locks): {w%s{n\n" % self.locks
        string += "help category (self.help_category): {w%s{n\n" % self.help_category
        string += "object calling (self.caller): {w%s{n\n" % self.caller
        string += "object storing cmdset (self.obj): {w%s{n\n" % self.obj
        string += "command string given (self.cmdstring): {w%s{n\n" % self.cmdstring
        # show cmdset.key instead of cmdset to shorten output
        string += utils.fill("current cmdset (self.cmdset): {w%s{n\n" % self.cmdset)

        string += "\n" + "-" * 50
        string +=  "\nVariables from MuxCommand baseclass\n"
        string += "-" * 50
        string += "\nraw argument (self.raw): {w%s{n \n" % self.raw
        string += "cmd args (self.args): {w%s{n\n" % self.args
        string += "cmd switches (self.switches): {w%s{n\n" % self.switches
        string += "space-separated arg list (self.arglist): {w%s{n\n" % self.arglist
        string += "lhs, left-hand side of '=' (self.lhs): {w%s{n\n" % self.lhs
        string += "lhs, comma separated (self.lhslist): {w%s{n\n" % self.lhslist
        string += "rhs, right-hand side of '=' (self.rhs): {w%s{n\n" % self.rhs
        string += "rhs, comma separated (self.rhslist): {w%s{n\n" % self.rhslist
        string += "-" * 50
Пример #5
    def func(self):
        This is the actual executing part of the command.  It is
        called directly after self.parse(). See the docstring of this
        module for which object properties are available (beyond those
        set in self.parse())

        variables = '\n'.join(" |w{}|n ({}): {}".format(key, type(val), val) for key, val in self.__dict__.items())
        string = f"""
Command {self} has no defined `func()` - showing on-command variables:

        # a simple test command to show the available properties
        string = "-" * 50
        string += "\n|w%s|n - Command variables from evennia:\n" % self.key
        string += "-" * 50
        string += "\nname of cmd (self.key): |w%s|n\n" % self.key
        string += "cmd aliases (self.aliases): |w%s|n\n" % self.aliases
        string += "cmd locks (self.locks): |w%s|n\n" % self.locks
        string += "help category (self.help_category): |w%s|n\n" % self.help_category.capitalize()
        string += "object calling (self.caller): |w%s|n\n" % self.caller
        string += "object storing cmdset (self.obj): |w%s|n\n" % self.obj
        string += "command string given (self.cmdstring): |w%s|n\n" % self.cmdstring
        # show cmdset.key instead of cmdset to shorten output
        string += fill("current cmdset (self.cmdset): |w%s|n\n" %
                       (self.cmdset.key if self.cmdset.key else self.cmdset.__class__))

Пример #6
    def func(self):
        This is the actual executing part of the command.  It is
        called directly after self.parse(). See the docstring of this
        module for which object properties are available (beyond those
        set in self.parse())

        # a simple test command to show the available properties
        string = "-" * 50
        string += "\n{w%s{n - Command variables from evennia:\n" % self.key
        string += "-" * 50
        string += "\nname of cmd (self.key): {w%s{n\n" % self.key
        string += "cmd aliases (self.aliases): {w%s{n\n" % self.aliases
        string += "cmd locks (self.locks): {w%s{n\n" % self.locks
        string += "help category (self.help_category): {w%s{n\n" % self.help_category.capitalize()
        string += "object calling (self.caller): {w%s{n\n" % self.caller
        string += "object storing cmdset (self.obj): {w%s{n\n" % self.obj
        string += "command string given (self.cmdstring): {w%s{n\n" % self.cmdstring
        # show cmdset.key instead of cmdset to shorten output
        string += fill(
            "current cmdset (self.cmdset): {w%s{n\n" % (self.cmdset.key if self.cmdset.key else self.cmdset.__class__)

Пример #7
def format_help_entry(title,
    This visually formats the help entry.
    string = SEP + "\n"
    if title:
        string += "{CHelp topic for {w%s{n" % title
    if aliases:
        string += " {C(aliases: {w%s{n{C){n" % (", ".join(aliases))
    if unavailable:
        string += "\n{rThis command is not presently available to you.{n"
    if help_text:
        string += "\n%s" % dedent(help_text.rstrip())
    if related_tags:
        entries = (HelpEntry.objects.exclude(db_key=title).filter(
                'db_key', flat=True))
        string += "\n\n{CRelated help entries: {w%s" % ", ".join(entries)
    if suggested:
        string += "\n\n{CSuggested:{n "
        string += "{w%s{n" % fill(", ".join(suggested))
    string += "\n" + SEP
    return string
Пример #8
    def format_help_entry(title, help_text, aliases=None, suggested=None):
        This visually formats the help entry.
        This method can be overriden to customize the way a help
        entry is displayed.

            title (str): the title of the help entry.
            help_text (str): the text of the help entry.
            aliases (list of str or None): the list of aliases.
            suggested (list of str or None): suggested reading.

        Returns the formatted string, ready to be sent.

        string = _SEP + "\n"
        if title:
            string += "|CHelp for |w%s|n" % title
        if aliases:
            string += " |C(aliases: %s|C)|n" % ("|C,|n ".join(
                "|w%s|n" % ali for ali in aliases))
        if help_text:
            string += "\n%s" % dedent(help_text.rstrip())
        if suggested:
            string += "\n\n|CSuggested:|n "
            string += "%s" % fill("|C,|n ".join("|w%s|n" % sug
                                                for sug in suggested))
        string += "\n" + _SEP
        return string
Пример #9
    def get_command_info(self):
        This is the default output of func() if no func() overload is done.
        Provided here as a separate method so that it can be called for debugging
        purposes when making commands.

        variables = "\n".join(
            " |w{}|n ({}): {}".format(key, type(val), val) for key, val in self.__dict__.items()
        string = f"""
Command {self} has no defined `func()` - showing on-command variables:
        # a simple test command to show the available properties
        string += "-" * 50
        string += "\n|w%s|n - Command variables from evennia:\n" % self.key
        string += "-" * 50
        string += "\nname of cmd (self.key): |w%s|n\n" % self.key
        string += "cmd aliases (self.aliases): |w%s|n\n" % self.aliases
        string += "cmd locks (self.locks): |w%s|n\n" % self.locks
        string += "help category (self.help_category): |w%s|n\n" % self.help_category.capitalize()
        string += "object calling (self.caller): |w%s|n\n" % self.caller
        string += "object storing cmdset (self.obj): |w%s|n\n" % self.obj
        string += "command string given (self.cmdstring): |w%s|n\n" % self.cmdstring
        # show cmdset.key instead of cmdset to shorten output
        string += fill(
            "current cmdset (self.cmdset): |w%s|n\n"
            % (self.cmdset.key if self.cmdset.key else self.cmdset.__class__)

Пример #10
    def func(self):
        This is the actual executing part of the command.  It is
        called directly after self.parse(). See the docstring of this
        module for which object properties are available (beyond those
        set in self.parse())

        # a simple test command to show the available properties
        string = "-" * 50
        string += "\n|w%s|n - Command variables from evennia:\n" % self.key
        string += "-" * 50
        string += "\nname of cmd (self.key): |w%s|n\n" % self.key
        string += "cmd aliases (self.aliases): |w%s|n\n" % self.aliases
        string += "cmd locks (self.locks): |w%s|n\n" % self.locks
        string += "help category (self.help_category): |w%s|n\n" % self.help_category.capitalize(
        string += "object calling (self.caller): |w%s|n\n" % self.caller
        string += "object storing cmdset (self.obj): |w%s|n\n" % self.obj
        string += "command string given (self.cmdstring): |w%s|n\n" % self.cmdstring
        # show cmdset.key instead of cmdset to shorten output
        string += fill(
            "current cmdset (self.cmdset): |w%s|n\n" %
            (self.cmdset.key if self.cmdset.key else self.cmdset.__class__))

Пример #11
def format_help_list(hdict_cmds, hdict_db):
    Output a category-ordered list. The input are the
    pre-loaded help files for commands and database-helpfiles
    string = ""
    if hdict_cmds and any(hdict_cmds.values()):
        string += "\n" + _SEP + "\n   {CCommand help entries{n\n" + _SEP
        for category in sorted(hdict_cmds.keys()):
            string += "\n  {w%s{n:\n" % (str(category).title())
            string += "{G" + fill(", ".join(sorted(hdict_cmds[category]))) + "{n"
    if hdict_db and any(hdict_db.values()):
        string += "\n\n" + _SEP + "\n\r  {COther help entries{n\n" + _SEP
        for category in sorted(hdict_db.keys()):
            string += "\n\r  {w%s{n:\n" % (str(category).title())
            string += "{G" + fill(", ".join(sorted([str(topic) for topic in hdict_db[category]]))) + "{n"
    return string
Пример #12
def format_help_list(hdict_cmds, hdict_db):
    Output a category-ordered list. The input are the
    pre-loaded help files for commands and database-helpfiles
    string = ""
    if hdict_cmds and any(hdict_cmds.values()):
        string += "\n" + _SEP + "\n   {CCommand help entries{n\n" + _SEP
        for category in sorted(hdict_cmds.keys()):
            string += "\n  {w%s{n:\n" % (str(category).title())
            string += "{G" + fill(", ".join(sorted(hdict_cmds[category]))) + "{n"
    if hdict_db and any(hdict_db.values()):
        string += "\n\n" + _SEP + "\n\r  {COther help entries{n\n" + _SEP
        for category in sorted(hdict_db.keys()):
            string += "\n\r  {w%s{n:\n" % (str(category).title())
            string += "{G" + fill(", ".join(sorted([str(topic) for topic in hdict_db[category]]))) + "{n"
    return string
Пример #13
 def render_examine_tags(self, viewer, cmdset, styling):
     tags_string = utils.fill(
         ", ".join("%s[%s]" % (tag, category)
                   for tag, category in self.obj.tags.all(
     if tags_string:
         return [f"|wTags[category]|n: {tags_string.strip()}"]
     return list()
Пример #14
 def format_help_list(hdict_cmds, hdict_db):
     Output a category-ordered list. The input are the
     pre-loaded help files for commands and database-helpfiles
     respectively.  You can override this method to return a
     custom display of the list of commands and topics.
     string = ""
     if hdict_cmds and any(hdict_cmds.values()):
         string += "\n" + _SEP + "\n   |CCommand help entries|n\n" + _SEP
         for category in sorted(hdict_cmds.keys()):
             string += "\n  |w%s|n:\n" % (str(category).title())
             string += "|G" + fill("|C, |G".join(sorted(hdict_cmds[category]))) + "|n"
     if hdict_db and any(hdict_db.values()):
         string += "\n\n" + _SEP + "\n\r  |COther help entries|n\n" + _SEP
         for category in sorted(hdict_db.keys()):
             string += "\n\r  |w%s|n:\n" % (str(category).title())
             string += "|G" + fill(", ".join(sorted([str(topic) for topic in hdict_db[category]]))) + "|n"
     return string
Пример #15
 def format_help_list(hdict_cmds, hdict_db):
     Output a category-ordered list. The input are the
     pre-loaded help files for commands and database-helpfiles
     respectively.  You can override this method to return a
     custom display of the list of commands and topics.
     string = ""
     if hdict_cmds and any(hdict_cmds.values()):
         string += "\n" + _SEP + "\n   |CCommand help entries|n\n" + _SEP
         for category in sorted(hdict_cmds.keys()):
             string += "\n  |w%s|n:\n" % (str(category).title())
             string += "|G" + fill("|C, |G".join(sorted(hdict_cmds[category]))) + "|n"
     if hdict_db and any(hdict_db.values()):
         string += "\n\n" + _SEP + "\n\r  |COther help entries|n\n" + _SEP
         for category in sorted(hdict_db.keys()):
             string += "\n\r  |w%s|n:\n" % (str(category).title())
             string += "|G" + fill(", ".join(sorted([str(topic) for topic in hdict_db[category]]))) + "|n"
     return string
Пример #16
 def render_examine_access(self, viewer, cmdset, styling):
     locks = str(self.obj.locks)
     if locks:
         locks_string = utils.fill("; ".join(
             [lock for lock in locks.split(";")]),
         locks_string = " Default"
     message = [
         f"|wPermissions|n: {', '.join(perms) if (perms := self.obj.permissions.all()) else '<None>'}",
     return message
Пример #17
def format_help_entry(title, help_text, aliases=None, suggested=None):
    This visually formats the help entry.
    string = _SEP + "\n"
    if title:
        string += "{CHelp for {w%s{n" % title
    if aliases:
        string += " {C(aliases: %s{C){n" % ("{C,{n ".join("{w%s{n" % ali for ali in aliases))
    if help_text:
        string += "\n%s" % dedent(help_text.rstrip())
    if suggested:
        string += "\n\n{CSuggested:{n "
        string += "%s" % fill("{C,{n ".join("{w%s{n" % sug for sug in suggested))
    string += "\n" + _SEP
    return string
Пример #18
def format_help_entry(title, help_text, aliases=None, suggested=None):
    This visually formats the help entry.
    string = _SEP + "\n"
    if title:
        string += "{CHelp for {w%s{n" % title
    if aliases:
        string += " {C(aliases: %s{C){n" % ("{C,{n ".join("{w%s{n" % ali for ali in aliases))
    if help_text:
        string += "\n%s" % dedent(help_text.rstrip())
    if suggested:
        string += "\n\n{CSuggested:{n "
        string += "%s" % fill("{C,{n ".join("{w%s{n" % sug for sug in suggested))
    string += "\n" + _SEP
    return string
Пример #19
    def func(self):
        This is the hook function that actually does all the work. It is called
         by the cmdhandler right after self.parser() finishes, and so has access
         to all the variables defined therein.
        variables = "\n".join(
            " |w{}|n ({}): {}".format(key, type(val), val) for key, val in self.__dict__.items()
        string = f"""
Command {self} has no defined `func()` - showing on-command variables: No child func() defined for {self} - available variables:
        # a simple test command to show the available properties
        string = "-" * 50
        string += "\n|w%s|n - Command variables from evennia:\n" % self.key
        string += "-" * 50
        string += "\nname of cmd (self.key): |w%s|n\n" % self.key
        string += "cmd aliases (self.aliases): |w%s|n\n" % self.aliases
        string += "cmd locks (self.locks): |w%s|n\n" % self.locks
        string += "help category (self.help_category): |w%s|n\n" % self.help_category
        string += "object calling (self.caller): |w%s|n\n" % self.caller
        string += "object storing cmdset (self.obj): |w%s|n\n" % self.obj
        string += "command string given (self.cmdstring): |w%s|n\n" % self.cmdstring
        # show cmdset.key instead of cmdset to shorten output
        string += utils.fill("current cmdset (self.cmdset): |w%s|n\n" % self.cmdset)
        string += "\n" + "-" * 50
        string += "\nVariables from MuxCommand baseclass\n"
        string += "-" * 50
        string += "\nraw argument (self.raw): |w%s|n \n" % self.raw
        string += "cmd args (self.args): |w%s|n\n" % self.args
        string += "cmd switches (self.switches): |w%s|n\n" % self.switches
        string += "cmd options (self.switch_options): |w%s|n\n" % self.switch_options
        string += "cmd parse left/right using (self.rhs_split): |w%s|n\n" % self.rhs_split
        string += "space-separated arg list (self.arglist): |w%s|n\n" % self.arglist
        string += "lhs, left-hand side of '=' (self.lhs): |w%s|n\n" % self.lhs
        string += "lhs, comma separated (self.lhslist): |w%s|n\n" % self.lhslist
        string += "rhs, right-hand side of '=' (self.rhs): |w%s|n\n" % self.rhs
        string += "rhs, comma separated (self.rhslist): |w%s|n\n" % self.rhslist
        string += "-" * 50
Пример #20
def format_help_list(hdict_cmds, hdict_db, viewer):
    Output a category-ordered list. The input are the
    pre-loaded help files for commands and database-helpfiles
    string = list()
    if hdict_cmds and any(hdict_cmds.values()):
        string.append(viewer.player.render.header('Command Help Entries'))
        help_table = viewer.player.render.make_table(["Category", "Files"], width=[16, 62], border='cells')
        for category in sorted(hdict_cmds.keys()):
            help_table.add_row('|w' + str(category).title() + '|n', ", ".join(sorted(hdict_cmds[category])))
    if hdict_db and any(hdict_db.values()):
        string.append(viewer.player.render.header('Other Help Entries'))
        other_table = viewer.player.render.make_table(["Category", "Files"], width=[16, 62], border='cells')
        for category in sorted(hdict_db.keys()):
            other_table.add('|w' + str(category).title() + '|n', "{G" + fill(", ".join(sorted([str(topic) for topic in hdict_db[category]]))) + "{n")
    return '\n'.join(unicode(line) for line in string)
Пример #21
def format_help_entry(title,
    This visually formats the help entry.
    string = SEP + "\n"
    if title:
        string += "{CHelp topic for {w%s{n" % title
    if aliases:
        string += " {C(aliases: {w%s{n{C){n" % (", ".join(aliases))
    if unavailable:
        string += "\n{rThis command is not presently available to you.{n"
    if help_text:
        string += "\n%s" % dedent(help_text.rstrip())
    if suggested:
        string += "\n\n{CSuggested:{n "
        string += "{w%s{n" % fill(", ".join(suggested))
    string += "\n" + SEP
    return string