Пример #1
from standard_pattern import player

class player_weaponstats2:
	# "froggy420<2687><STEAM_0:1:9830121><CT>" triggered "weaponstats" (weapon "m4a1") (shots "27") (hits "3") (kills "0") (headshots "0") (tks "0") (damage "60") (deaths "0")
	pattern = re.compile(player()+" triggered \"weaponstats2\" \(weapon \"(?P<weapon>.*)\"\) \(head \"(?P<head>[0-9]+)\"\) \(chest \"(?P<chest>[0-9]+)\"\) \(stomach \"(?P<stomach>[0-9]+)\"\) \(leftarm \"(?P<leftarm>[0-9]+)\"\) \(rightarm \"(?P<rightarm>[0-9]+)\"\) \(leftleg \"(?P<leftleg>[0-9]+)\"\) \(rightleg \"(?P<rightleg>[0-9]+)\"\)")

	def isMatch(instr):
		return (player_weaponstats2.pattern.match(instr) != None)

	def __init__(self,instr):
		obj = player_weaponstats2.pattern.match(instr)
		self.name = obj.group("name")
		self.uniqueid = obj.group("uniqueid")
		self.steamid = obj.group("steamid")
		self.team = obj.group("team")

		self.weapon = obj.group("weapon")
		self.head = obj.group("head")
		self.chest = obj.group("chest")
		self.leftarm = obj.group("leftarm")
		self.rightarm = obj.group("rightarm")
		self.leftleg = obj.group("leftleg")
		self.rightleg = obj.group("rightleg")
	def __str__(self):
		return "player %s weaponstats2 for %s" % (self.name,self.weapon) 

from eventhandler import eventhandler
Пример #2
	pattern = re.compile(player()+" attacked "+player2()+" with \"(?P<weapon>.*)\" \(damage \"(?P<damage>[0-9]+)\"\) \(damage_armor \"(?P<damage_armor>[0-9]+)\"\) \(health \"(?P<health>[0-9]+)\"\) \(armor \"(?P<armor>[0-9]+)\"\) \(hitgroup \"(?P<hitgroup>[a-zA-Z_\s]+)\"\)")

	def isMatch(instr):
		return (player_attacked.pattern.match(instr) != None)

	def __init__(self,instr):
		obj = player_attacked.pattern.match(instr)
		self.attacker_name = obj.group("name")
		self.attacker_uniqueid = obj.group("uniqueid")
		self.attacker_steamid = obj.group("steamid")
		self.attacker_team = obj.group("team")

                self.victim_name = obj.group("name2")
                self.victim_uniqueid = obj.group("uniqueid2")
                self.victim_steamid = obj.group("steamid2")
                self.victim_team = obj.group("team2")

		self.weapon = obj.group("weapon")
		self.damage = int(obj.group("damage"))
		self.damage_armor = int(obj.group("damage_armor"))
		self.health = int(obj.group("health"))
		self.armor = int(obj.group("armor"))
		self.hitgroup = obj.group("hitgroup")
	def __str__(self):
		return "player %s did %s damage to %s" % (self.attacker_name,self.damage,self.victim_name) 

from eventhandler import eventhandler
Пример #3
import re

from standard_pattern import player

class player_suicide:
	# "[SC-UBW] Yahn<2292><BOT><TERRORIST>" committed suicide with "world"
	pattern = re.compile(player()+" committed suicide with \"(?P<weapon>.*)\"")

	def isMatch(instr):
		return (player_suicide.pattern.match(instr) != None)

	def __init__(self,instr):
		obj = player_suicide.pattern.match(instr)
		self.name = obj.group("name")
		self.uniqueid = obj.group("uniqueid")
		self.steamid = obj.group("steamid")
		self.team = obj.group("team")

		self.weapon = obj.group("weapon")
	def __str__(self):
		return "player %s committed suicide with %s" % (self.name,self.weapon) 

from eventhandler import eventhandler
Пример #4
import re

from standard_pattern import player

class player_connect:
	# "[SC-UBW] Don<2273><BOT><Team>" connected, address "none"
	pattern = re.compile(player()+" connected, address \"(?P<ip>.*)\"")

	def isMatch(instr):
		return (player_connect.pattern.match(instr) != None)

	def __init__(self,instr):
		obj = player_connect.pattern.match(instr)
		self.name = obj.group("name")
		self.uniqueid = obj.group("uniqueid")
		self.steamid = obj.group("steamid")
		self.ip = obj.group("ip")
		self.team = obj.group("team")
	def __str__(self):
		return "player connected %s (%s) (%s)" % (self.name,self.steamid,self.ip)

from eventhandler import eventhandler
Пример #5
import re

from standard_pattern import player

class player_validated:
	# "[SC-UBW] Don<2273><BOT><Team>" STEAM USERID validated
	pattern = re.compile(player()+" STEAM USERID validated")

	def isMatch(instr):
		return (player_validated.pattern.match(instr) != None)

	def __init__(self,instr):
		obj = player_validated.pattern.match(instr)
		self.name = obj.group("name")
		self.uniqueid = obj.group("uniqueid")
		self.steamid = obj.group("steamid")
		self.team = obj.group("team")
	def __str__(self):
		return "player steamid validated %s (%s)" % (self.name,self.steamid)

from eventhandler import eventhandler
Пример #6
import re

from standard_pattern import player

class player_joinedteam:
	# "[SC-UBW] Don<2273><BOT><Unassigned>" joined team "TERRORIST"
	pattern = re.compile(player()+" joined team \"(?P<new_team>.*)\"")

	def isMatch(instr):
		return (player_joinedteam.pattern.match(instr) != None)

	def __init__(self,instr):
		obj = player_joinedteam.pattern.match(instr)
                self.name = obj.group("name")
                self.uniqueid = obj.group("uniqueid")
                self.steamid = obj.group("steamid")
		self.oldteam = obj.group("team")
		self.newteam = obj.group("new_team")
	def __str__(self):
		return "player %s (%s) joined team %s" % (self.name,self.steamid,self.newteam)

from eventhandler import eventhandler
Пример #7
import re

class world_triggered:
	# World triggered "Round_End"
	pattern = re.compile("World triggered \"(?P<event>.*)\"")

	def isMatch(instr):
		return (world_triggered.pattern.match(instr) != None)

	def __init__(self,instr):
		obj = world_triggered.pattern.match(instr)
		self.event = obj.group("event")
	def __str__(self):
		return "World triggered %s" % (self.event)

from eventhandler import eventhandler
Пример #8
import re

class team_scored:
	# Team "CT" scored "1" with "4" players
	pattern = re.compile("Team \"(?P<team>.*)\" scored \"(?P<score>[0-9]+)\" with \"(?P<players>[0-9]+)\" players")

	def isMatch(instr):
		return (team_scored.pattern.match(instr) != None)

	def __init__(self,instr):
		obj = team_scored.pattern.match(instr)
		self.team = obj.group("team")
		self.score = obj.group("score")
		self.playercount = obj.group("players")
	def __str__(self):
		return "%s scored %s with %s players" % (self.team,self.score,self.playercount)

from eventhandler import eventhandler
Пример #9
import re

class server_map:
	# Started map "de_dust2" (CRC "1413637712")
	pattern = re.compile("Started map \"(?P<mapname>.*)\" \(CRC \"(?P<crc>[0-9]*)\"\)")

	def isMatch(instr):
		return (server_map.pattern.match(instr) != None)

	def __init__(self,instr):
		obj = server_map.pattern.match(instr)
		self.map = obj.group("mapname")
		self.crc = obj.group("crc")
	def __str__(self):
		return "server changed map to %s" % (self.map)

from eventhandler import eventhandler
Пример #10
import re

class server_cvar:
	# server_cvar: "mp_friendlyfire" "1"
	pattern = re.compile("server_cvar: \"(?P<cvar>.*)\" \"(?P<value>.*)\"")

	def isMatch(instr):
		return (server_cvar.pattern.match(instr) != None)

	def __init__(self,instr):
		obj = server_cvar.pattern.match(instr)
		self.cvar = obj.group("cvar")
		self.value = obj.group("value")
	def __str__(self):
		return "server_cvar: %s changed to \"%s\"" % (self.cvar,self.value)

from eventhandler import eventhandler
Пример #11
import re

from standard_pattern import player

class player_teamsay:
	# "[SC-UBW] Mike<2277><BOT><TERRORIST>" say_team "wtf?"
	pattern = re.compile(player()+" say_team \"(?P<message>.*)\"")

	def isMatch(instr):
		return (player_teamsay.pattern.match(instr) != None)

	def __init__(self,instr):
		obj = player_teamsay.pattern.match(instr)
		self.name = obj.group("name")
		self.uniqueid = obj.group("uniqueid")
		self.steamid = obj.group("steamid")
		self.message = obj.group("message")
	def __str__(self):
		return "%s team says %s" % (self.name,self.message)

from eventhandler import eventhandler
Пример #12
class player_killed:
	# "[SC-UBW] Irving<41><BOT><TERRORIST>" killed "[SC-UBW] Wyatt<38><BOT><CT>" with "mac10" (headshot)
	# "[SC-UBW] Derek<34><BOT><CT>" killed "[SC-UBW] Irving<41><BOT><TERRORIST>" with "usp"
	pattern = re.compile(player()+" killed "+player2()+" with \"(?P<weapon>.*)\"(?P<headshot>.*)")

	def isMatch(instr):
		return (player_killed.pattern.match(instr) != None)

	def __init__(self,instr):
		obj = player_killed.pattern.match(instr)
		self.attacker_name = obj.group("name")
		self.attacker_uniqueid = obj.group("uniqueid")
		self.attacker_steamid = obj.group("steamid")
		self.attacker_team = obj.group("team")

		self.victim_name = obj.group("name2")
		self.victim_uniqueid = obj.group("uniqueid2")
		self.victim_steamid = obj.group("steamid2")
		self.victim_team = obj.group("team2")

		self.weapon = obj.group("weapon")
		self.headshot = len(obj.group("headshot").strip()) > 1
	def __str__(self):
		return "player %s killed %s with %s headshot: %i" % (self.attacker_name,self.victim_name,self.weapon,self.headshot) 

from eventhandler import eventhandler
Пример #13
import re

from standard_pattern import player

class player_enteredgame:
	# "[SC-UBW] Don<2273><BOT><>" entered the game 
	pattern = re.compile(player()+" entered the game")

	def isMatch(instr):
		return (player_enteredgame.pattern.match(instr) != None)

	def __init__(self,instr):
		obj = player_enteredgame.pattern.match(instr)
                self.name = obj.group("name")
                self.uniqueid = obj.group("uniqueid")
                self.steamid = obj.group("steamid")
		self.oldteam = obj.group("team")
	def __str__(self):
		return "player %s (%s) entered the game" % (self.name,self.steamid)

from eventhandler import eventhandler
Пример #14
import re

class team_triggered:
	# Team "TERRORIST" triggered "Terrorists_Win" (CT "1") (T "4")
	pattern = re.compile("Team \"(?P<team>.*)\" triggered \"(?P<event>[\w\s]*)\"(?P<extradata>.*)")

	def isMatch(instr):
		return (team_triggered.pattern.match(instr) != None)

	def __init__(self,instr):
		obj = team_triggered.pattern.match(instr)
		self.team = obj.group("team")
		self.event = obj.group("event")
	def __str__(self):
		return "%s triggered %s" % (self.team,self.event)

from eventhandler import eventhandler
Пример #15
import re

from standard_pattern import player

class player_triggered:
	# "[SC-UBW] Don<2273><BOT><TERRORIST>" triggered "Got_The_Bomb"
	pattern = re.compile(player()+" triggered \"(?P<event>[A-Za-z0-9_]*)\"")

	def isMatch(instr):
		return (player_triggered.pattern.match(instr) != None)

	def __init__(self,instr):
		obj = player_triggered.pattern.match(instr)
                self.name = obj.group("name")
                self.uniqueid = obj.group("uniqueid")
                self.steamid = obj.group("steamid")
		self.team = obj.group("team")
		self.event = obj.group("event")
	def __str__(self):
		return "player %s (%s) triggered event %s" % (self.name,self.steamid,self.event)

from eventhandler import eventhandler