Пример #1
    def test_zero_max_size(self):
        q = Queue(0)

        def sender(evt, q):

        def receiver(evt, q):
            x = q.join()

        e1 = Event()
        e2 = Event()

        spawn(sender, e1, q)
        self.assert_(not e1.ready())
        spawn(receiver, e2, q)
        self.assertEquals(e2.wait(), 'hi')
        self.assertEquals(e1.wait(), 'done')
Пример #2
    def test_zero_max_size (self):
        q = Queue(0)

        def sender (evt, q):

        def receiver (evt, q):
            x = q.join()

        e1 = Event()
        e2 = Event()

        spawn(sender, e1, q)
        self.assert_(not e1.ready())
        spawn(receiver, e2, q)
        self.assertEquals(e2.wait(), 'hi')
        self.assertEquals(e1.wait(), 'done')
Пример #3
class Queue(LightQueue):
    Create a queue object with a given maximum size.

    If *maxsize* is less than zero or ``None``, the queue size is infinite.

    ``Queue(0)`` is a channel, that is, its :meth:`put` method always blocks 
    until the item is delivered. (This is unlike the standard :class:`Queue`, 
    where 0 means infinite size).
    In all other respects, this Queue class resembled the standard library,
    def __init__(self, maxsize=None):
        LightQueue.__init__(self, maxsize)
        self.unfinished_tasks = 0
        self._cond = Event()

    def _format(self):
        result = LightQueue._format(self)
        if self.unfinished_tasks:
            result += ' tasks=%s _cond=%s' % (self.unfinished_tasks,
        return result

    def _put(self, item):
        LightQueue._put(self, item)

    def _put_bookkeeping(self):
        self.unfinished_tasks += 1
        if self._cond.ready():

    def task_done(self):
        Indicate that a formerly enqueued task is complete. Used by queue consumer threads.
        For each :meth:`get <Queue.get>` used to fetch a task, a subsequent call to :meth:`task_done` tells the queue
        that the processing on the task is complete.

        If a :meth:`join` is currently blocking, it will resume when all items have been processed
        (meaning that a :meth:`task_done` call was received for every item that had been
        :meth:`put <Queue.put>` into the queue).

        Raises a :exc:`ValueError` if called more times than there were items placed in the queue.

        if self.unfinished_tasks <= 0:
            raise ValueError('task_done() called too many times')
        self.unfinished_tasks -= 1
        if self.unfinished_tasks == 0:

    def join(self):
        Block until all items in the queue have been gotten and processed.

        The count of unfinished tasks goes up whenever an item is added to the queue.
        The count goes down whenever a consumer thread calls :meth:`task_done` to indicate
        that the item was retrieved and all work on it is complete. When the count of
        unfinished tasks drops to zero, :meth:`join` unblocks.
        return self._cond.wait()
Пример #4
class Queue(LightQueue):
    Create a queue object with a given maximum size.

    If *maxsize* is less than zero or ``None``, the queue size is infinite.

    ``Queue(0)`` is a channel, that is, its :meth:`put` method always blocks 
    until the item is delivered. (This is unlike the standard :class:`Queue`, 
    where 0 means infinite size).
    In all other respects, this Queue class resembled the standard library,

    def __init__ (self, maxsize = None):
        LightQueue.__init__(self, maxsize)
        self.unfinished_tasks = 0
        self._cond = Event()

    def _format (self):
        result = LightQueue._format(self)
        if self.unfinished_tasks:
            result += ' tasks=%s _cond=%s' % (self.unfinished_tasks, self._cond)
        return result

    def _put (self, item):
        LightQueue._put(self, item)

    def _put_bookkeeping (self):
        self.unfinished_tasks += 1
        if self._cond.ready():

    def task_done (self):
        Indicate that a formerly enqueued task is complete. Used by queue consumer threads.
        For each :meth:`get <Queue.get>` used to fetch a task, a subsequent call to :meth:`task_done` tells the queue
        that the processing on the task is complete.

        If a :meth:`join` is currently blocking, it will resume when all items have been processed
        (meaning that a :meth:`task_done` call was received for every item that had been
        :meth:`put <Queue.put>` into the queue).

        Raises a :exc:`ValueError` if called more times than there were items placed in the queue.

        if self.unfinished_tasks <= 0:
            raise ValueError('task_done() called too many times')
        self.unfinished_tasks -= 1
        if self.unfinished_tasks == 0:

    def join (self):
        Block until all items in the queue have been gotten and processed.

        The count of unfinished tasks goes up whenever an item is added to the queue.
        The count goes down whenever a consumer thread calls :meth:`task_done` to indicate
        that the item was retrieved and all work on it is complete. When the count of
        unfinished tasks drops to zero, :meth:`join` unblocks.
        return self._cond.wait()