def resources(self): for r in super(Thread, self).resources(): yield r for w in self.widgets.itervalues(): for r in w.resources(): yield r yield ew.JSScript(''' $(document).ready(function () { var thread_tag = $('a.thread_tag'); var thread_spam = $('a.sidebar_thread_spam'); var tag_thread_holder = $('#tag_thread_holder'); var allow_moderate = $('#allow_moderate'); var mod_thread_link = $('#mod_thread_link'); var mod_thread_form = $('#mod_thread_form'); if (mod_thread_link.length) { if (mod_thread_form.length) { (e) { mod_thread_form.toggle(); return false; }); } } if (thread_tag.length) { if (tag_thread_holder.length) { var submit_button = $('input[type="submit"]', tag_thread_holder); var cancel_button = $('<a href="#" class="btn link">Cancel</a>').click(function(evt){ evt.preventDefault(); tag_thread_holder.hide(); thread_tag.removeClass('active'); }); submit_button.after(cancel_button); (e) {; thread_tag.addClass('active'); // focus the submit to scroll to the form, then focus the subject for them to start typing submit_button.focus(); $('input[type="text"]', tag_thread_holder).focus(); return false; }); } } if (thread_spam.length) { if (allow_moderate.length) { thread_spam[0].style.display='block'; } } }); ''') yield ew.JSScript(''' var global_reactions = %s; ''' % utils.get_reactions_json()) yield ew.JSLink('js/reactions.js')
def resources(self): for r in super(TicketForm, self).resources(): yield r yield ew.JSScript(''' $(function(){ $('#show_attach').click(function(evt) { $('#view_attach').show(); $('#show_attach').hide(); evt.preventDefault(); }); $('form').submit(function() { var value = $('div.tagsinput div input').val(); var exists = $('input.label_edit').tagExist(value); var default_value = $('div.tagsinput div input').attr('data-default'); if ((value !== default_value) && (!exists) && value !== ''){ $('input.label_edit').addTag(value); } $('input[type=submit]', this).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); }); $('div.reply.discussion-post a.markdown_preview').click(function(){ var arrow = $(this).closest('.discussion-post').find('span.arw'); arrow.hide(); }); $('div.reply.discussion-post a.markdown_edit').click(function(){ var arrow = $(this).closest('.discussion-post').find('span.arw');; }); });''')
def resources(self): for r in super(SubscriptionForm, self).resources(): yield r yield ew.JSScript(''' $(window).load(function () { $('tbody').children(':even').addClass('even'); });''')
def resources(self): yield ew.CSSScript('''.deck li input, .deck li select { margin: 2px 0 2px 3px; width: 148px; }''') yield ew.JSScript('''$(function() { $('.active-card').each(function() { var newitem = $('.new-item', this); var adder = $('.adder', this); var deleters = $('.deleter', this); newitem.remove(); newitem.removeClass('new-item'); { evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); $this.closest('li').remove(); }); { evt.stopPropagation(); evt.preventDefault(); newitem.clone().insertBefore(adder.closest('li')); }); }); });''')
def resources(self): for r in super(NewPostForm, self).resources(): yield r yield ew.JSScript(''' $(function() { $('input[name="title"]').focus(); }); ''')
def resources(self): for r in super(WikiSubscribeForm, self).resources(): yield r yield ew.JSScript(""" $('a[href$="#toggle-subscribe"]').click(function() { $('#wiki_subscribe_form').submit(); return false; })""")
def resources(self): for r in super(CreatePageWidget, self).resources(): yield r yield ew.JSScript('''$(function () { $('#lightbox_create_wiki_page form').submit(function(){ location.href = $('#sidebar a.add_wiki_page').attr('href') + encodeURIComponent($('input[name=name]', $(this)).val().replace('/', '-')) + '/edit'; return false; }); });''');
def resources(self): for r in super(ModeratePosts, self).resources(): yield r yield ew.JSScript(''' (function($){ var tbl = $('form table'); var checkboxes = $('input[type=checkbox]', tbl); $('a[href=#]', tbl).click(function () { checkboxes.each(function () { if(this.checked) { this.checked = false; } else { this.checked = true; } }); return false; }); }(jQuery));''')
def resources(self): for r in super(NeighborhoodOverviewForm, self).resources(): yield r yield ew.CSSLink('css/colorPicker.css') yield ew.CSSLink('css/jqfontselector.css') yield ew.CSSScript(''' table.table_class, table.input_inner{ margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 99%; } table.table_class .left{ text-align: left; } table.table_class .right{ text-align: right; width: 50%;} table.table_class tbody tr td { border: none; } table.table_class select.add_opt {width: 5em; margin:0; padding: 0;} ''') yield ew.JSLink('js/jquery.colorPicker.js') yield ew.JSLink('js/jqfontselector.js') yield ew.JSScript(''' $(function(){ $('.table_class').find('input[type="checkbox"]').each(function(index, element) { var cb_name = $(this).attr('name'); var inp_name = cb_name.substr(0, cb_name.length-4); var inp_el = $('div[class="'+inp_name+'-inp"]'); if ($(this).prop('checked')) { inp_el.hide(); } $(element).click(function(e) { if ($(this).prop('checked')) { inp_el.hide(); } else {; } }); }); $('.table_class').find('input.color').each(function(index, element) { $(element).colorPicker(); }); $('.table_class').find('input.font').each(function(index, element) { $(element).fontSelector(); }); }); ''')
def resources(self): for r in ew.TextField(name='subject').resources(): yield r for r in ffw.MarkdownEdit(name='text').resources(): yield r yield ew.JSScript('''$(document).ready(function () { $("a.attachment_form_add_button").click(function(evt){ $(this).hide(); $(".attachment_form_fields", this.parentNode).show(); evt.preventDefault(); }); $("a.cancel_edit_post").click(function(evt){ $("textarea", this.parentNode).val($("input.original_value", this.parentNode).val()); $(".attachment_form_fields input", this.parentNode).val(''); evt.preventDefault(); }); });''')
def resources(self): for r in super(TicketForm, self).resources(): yield r yield ew.JSScript(''' // Sometimes IE11 is not firing jQuery's ready callbacks like // "$(function(){...})" or "$(document).ready(function(){...});" $(window).load(function(){ $('form').submit(function() { $('input[type=submit]', this).prop('disabled', true); }); $('div.reply.discussion-post a.markdown_preview').click(function(){ var arrow = $(this).closest('.discussion-post').find('span.arw'); arrow.hide(); }); $('div.reply.discussion-post a.markdown_edit').click(function(){ var arrow = $(this).closest('.discussion-post').find('span.arw');; }); });''')
def resources(self): for r in super(TicketForm, self).resources(): yield r yield ew.JSScript(''' $(function(){ $('#show_attach input').click(function(){ $('#view_attach').show(); $('#show_attach').hide(); }); $('form').submit(function() { $('input[type=submit]', this).attr('disabled', 'disabled'); }); $('div.reply.discussion-post a.markdown_preview').click(function(){ var arrow = $(this).closest('.discussion-post').find('span.arw'); arrow.hide(); }); $('div.reply.discussion-post a.markdown_edit').click(function(){ var arrow = $(this).closest('.discussion-post').find('span.arw');; }); });''')
def resources(self): yield ew.JSLink('js/') yield ew.JSScript(''' $(document).ready(function () { var badges = $('small.badge'); var i = badges.length; while (i) { i--; var tipHolder = document.createElement('div'); = "tip" + i; tipHolder.className = "tip"; document.body.appendChild(tipHolder); $(badges[i]).parent('a[title]').tooltip({ tip: '#tip' + i, opacity: '.9', offset: [-10, 0] }); } }); ''')
def resources(self): for r in super(ModeratePosts, self).resources(): yield r yield ew.JSScript(''' (function($){ var tbl = $('form table'); var checkboxes = $('input[type=checkbox]', tbl); $('a[href=#]', tbl).click(function () { checkboxes.each(function () { if(this.checked) { this.checked = false; } else { this.checked = true; } }); return false; }); $('.col-checkbox').click(function(e){ if ( === "INPUT") { return; }; var checkbox = $(this).find('input[type=checkbox]').get(0); checkbox.checked = !checkbox.checked; }); }(jQuery));''')
def resources(self): def _append(x, y): return x + y yield ew.JSScript(''' var $allTimezones = $("#tz").clone(); var $t = {}; ''' + reduce(_append, [ '$t["' + el + '"] = ' + str([name.encode('utf-8') for name in country_timezones[el]]) + ";\n" for el in country_timezones]) + ''' function selectTimezone($country){ if($country == " "){ $("#tz").replaceWith($allTimezones); } else{ $("#tz option:gt(0)").remove(); $.each($t[$country], function(index, value){ $("#tz").append($("<option></option>").attr("value", value).text(value)) }) } }''')
def resources(self): for r in super(Post, self).resources(): yield r for w in self.widgets.itervalues(): for r in w.resources(): yield r yield ew.CSSScript(''' div.moderate { color:grey; } ''') yield ew.JSLink('js/jquery.lightbox_me.js') yield ew.JSScript(''' (function () { $('div.discussion-post').each(function () { var post = this; $('.submit', post).button(); $('.moderate_post', post).click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var mod = $(this).text(); if ($(this).hasClass('delete')) mod = 'Delete'; else if ($(this).hasClass('approve')) mod = 'Approve'; else if ($(this).hasClass('spam')) mod = 'Spam'; else if ($(this).hasClass('undo')) mod = 'Undo'; if (mod === 'Delete' && !confirm('Really delete this post?')) { return; } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: this.parentNode.action, data: jQuery(this.parentNode).serialize(), success: function() { if (mod === 'Delete'){ $(post).remove(); } else if (mod === 'Approve'){ $('a.shortlink, form.moderate_spam, form.moderate_approve', post).toggle(); $('div.moderate', post).removeClass('moderate'); } else if (mod == 'Spam'){ spam_block_display($(post), 'show_spam'); } else if (mod == 'Undo'){ spam_block_display($(post), 'hide_spam'); } } }); }); function spam_block_display($post, display_type) { var spam_block = $post.find('.info.grid-15.spam-present'); var row = $post.find('.row').eq(0); if (display_type == 'show_spam') {; row.hide(); } else if (display_type == 'hide_spam') { spam_block.hide();; } } function get_cm($elem) { return $('.CodeMirror', $elem)[0].CodeMirror; } if($('a.edit_post', post)){ $('a.edit_post', post).click(function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); $('.display_post', post).hide(); // remove the options column, but have to adjust the width of the middle section which is // already hard-coded var $opts = $('.options:first', post); var opts_width = $opts.outerWidth(true); $opts.hide(); var $post_middle = $('div.grid-14:first', post); $'original-width', $post_middle.width()); $post_middle.width($post_middle.width() + opts_width); var $edit_post_form = $('.edit_post_form', post); var cm = get_cm($edit_post_form); $; cm.refresh(); cm.focus(); }); $("a.cancel_edit_post", post).click(function(evt){ $('.display_post', post).show(); $('.options', post).show(); $('.edit_post_form', post).hide(); var $post_middle = $('div.grid-14:first', post); $post_middle.width($'original-width')); }); } if($('.reply_post', post)){ $('.reply_post', post).click(function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var $reply_post_form = $('.reply_post_form', post); var cm = get_cm($reply_post_form); $; cm.focus(); }); $('.reply_post', post).button(); } if($('.add_attachment', post)){ $('.add_attachment', post).click(function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); $('.add_attachment_form', post).show(); }); } if($('.shortlink', post)){ var popup = $('.shortlink_popup', post); $('.shortlink', post).click(function(evt){ evt.preventDefault(); popup.lightbox_me({ onLoad: function() { $('input', popup).select(); } }); }); $('.close', popup).bind('click', function() { popup.hide(); }); } }); //lightbox_me script to create lightbox of attached images $('.lightbox').click(function(e) { var image_source = $(this).data("src"); var image = $('#lightbox').find('img:first'); image.attr("src", image_source); $('#lightbox').lightbox_me({ centered: true }); e.preventDefault(); }); }()); ''')
def resources(self): for r in super(Post, self).resources(): yield r for w in self.widgets.itervalues(): for r in w.resources(): yield r yield ew.JSLink('js/jquery.lightbox_me.js') yield ew.JSScript(''' (function () { $('div.discussion-post').each(function () { var post = this; $('.submit', post).button(); $('.flag_post', post).click(function (ele) { this.parentNode.submit(); return false; }); $('.moderate_post', post).click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var mod = $(this).text(); if (mod === 'Delete' && !confirm('Really delete this post?')) { return; } var id_post = $(post).attr('id'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: this.parentNode.action, data: jQuery(this.parentNode).serialize(), success: function() { if (mod == 'Delete'){ $(post).remove(); } else if (mod == 'Approve'){ $('a.reply_post, a.shortlink, form.moderate_spam, form.moderate_approve', post).toggle(); $('div.moderate', post).removeClass('moderate'); } else if (mod == 'Spam'){ $(post).remove(); } } }); }); if($('a.edit_post', post)){ $('a.edit_post', post).click(function (ele) { $('.display_post', post).hide(); $('.edit_post_form', post).show(); $('.edit_post_form textarea', post).focus(); return false; }); $("a.cancel_edit_post", post).click(function(evt){ $('.display_post', post).show(); $('.edit_post_form', post).hide(); }); } if($('.reply_post', post)){ $('.reply_post', post).click(function (ele) { $('.reply_post_form', post).show(); $('.reply_post_form textarea', post).focus(); return false; }); $('.reply_post', post).button(); } if($('.add_attachment', post)){ $('.add_attachment', post).click(function (ele) { $('.add_attachment_form', post).show(); return false; }); } if($('.promote_to_thread', post)){ $('.promote_to_thread', post).click(function (ele) { $('.promote_to_thread_form', post).show(); return false; }); } if($('.shortlink', post)){ var popup = $('.shortlink_popup', post); $('.shortlink', post).click(function(evt){ evt.preventDefault(); popup.lightbox_me({ onLoad: function() { $('input', popup).select(); } }); }); $('.close', popup).bind('click', function() { popup.hide(); }); } }); }()); ''')
def resources(self): for r in super(Post, self).resources(): yield r for w in self.widgets.itervalues(): for r in w.resources(): yield r yield ew.JSLink('js/jquery.lightbox_me.js') yield ew.JSScript(''' (function () { $('div.discussion-post').each(function () { var post = this; $('.submit', post).button(); $('.flag_post, .delete_post', post).click(function (ele) { this.parentNode.submit(); return false; }); if($('a.edit_post', post)){ $('a.edit_post', post).click(function (ele) { $('.display_post', post).hide(); $('.edit_post_form', post).show(); $('.edit_post_form textarea', post).focus(); return false; }); $("a.cancel_edit_post", post).click(function(evt){ $('.display_post', post).show(); $('.edit_post_form', post).hide(); }); } if($('.reply_post', post)){ $('.reply_post', post).click(function (ele) { $('.reply_post_form', post).show(); $('.reply_post_form textarea', post).focus(); return false; }); $('.reply_post', post).button(); } if($('.add_attachment', post)){ $('.add_attachment', post).click(function (ele) { $('.add_attachment_form', post).show(); return false; }); } if($('.promote_to_thread', post)){ $('.promote_to_thread', post).click(function (ele) { $('.promote_to_thread_form', post).show(); return false; }); } if($('.shortlink', post)){ var popup = $('.shortlink_popup', post); $('.shortlink', post).click(function(evt){ evt.preventDefault(); popup.lightbox_me({ onLoad: function() { $('input', popup).select(); } }); }); $('.close', popup).bind('click', function() { popup.hide(); }); } }); }()); ''')
def register_js_snippet(self, text, **kw): self.resource_manager.register(ew.JSScript(text, **kw))
def resources(self): for r in super(Post, self).resources(): yield r for w in self.widgets.itervalues(): for r in w.resources(): yield r yield ew.JSLink('js/jquery.lightbox_me.js') yield ew.JSScript(''' (function () { $('div.discussion-post').each(function () { var post = this; $('.submit', post).button(); $('.flag_post', post).click(function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); this.parentNode.submit(); }); $('.moderate_post', post).click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var mod = $(this).text(); if (mod === 'Delete' && !confirm('Really delete this post?')) { return; } var id_post = $(post).attr('id'); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: this.parentNode.action, data: jQuery(this.parentNode).serialize(), success: function() { if (mod == 'Delete'){ $(post).remove(); } else if (mod == 'Approve'){ $('a.reply_post, a.shortlink, form.moderate_spam, form.moderate_approve', post).toggle(); $('div.moderate', post).removeClass('moderate'); } else if (mod == 'Spam'){ $(post).remove(); } } }); }); function get_cm($elem) { return $('.CodeMirror', $elem)[0].CodeMirror; } if($('a.edit_post', post)){ $('a.edit_post', post).click(function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); $('.display_post', post).hide(); // remove the options column, but have to adjust the width of the middle section which is // already hard-coded var $opts = $('.options:first', post); var opts_width = $opts.outerWidth(true); $opts.hide(); var $post_middle = $('div.grid-14:first', post); $'original-width', $post_middle.width()); $post_middle.width($post_middle.width() + opts_width); var $edit_post_form = $('.edit_post_form', post); var cm = get_cm($edit_post_form); $; cm.refresh(); cm.focus(); }); $("a.cancel_edit_post", post).click(function(evt){ $('.display_post', post).show(); $('.options', post).show(); $('.edit_post_form', post).hide(); var $post_middle = $('div.grid-14:first', post); $post_middle.width($'original-width')); }); } if($('.reply_post', post)){ $('.reply_post', post).click(function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); var $reply_post_form = $('.reply_post_form', post); var cm = get_cm($reply_post_form); $; cm.focus(); }); $('.reply_post', post).button(); } if($('.add_attachment', post)){ $('.add_attachment', post).click(function (evt) { evt.preventDefault(); $('.add_attachment_form', post).show(); }); } if($('.shortlink', post)){ var popup = $('.shortlink_popup', post); $('.shortlink', post).click(function(evt){ evt.preventDefault(); popup.lightbox_me({ onLoad: function() { $('input', popup).select(); } }); }); $('.close', popup).bind('click', function() { popup.hide(); }); } }); }()); ''')
def onready(text): return ew.JSScript('$(function () {%s});' % text)
def resources(self): for r in super(NeighborhoodAddProjectForm, self).resources(): yield r yield ew.CSSLink('css/add_project.css') neighborhood = g.antispam.enc('neighborhood') project_name = g.antispam.enc('project_name') project_unixname = g.antispam.enc('project_unixname') yield ew.JSScript(''' $(function(){ var $scms = $('input[type=checkbox].scm'); var $nbhd_input = $('input[name="%(neighborhood)s"]'); var $name_input = $('input[name="%(project_name)s"]'); var $unixname_input = $('input[name="%(project_unixname)s"]'); var $project_url = $('#project_url'); var $url_fragment = $('#url_fragment'); var $form = $name_input.closest('form'); var delay = (function(){ var timers = {}; return function(callback, ms){ clearTimeout (timers[callback]); timers[callback] = setTimeout(callback, ms); }; })(); $name_input.focus(); var update_icon = function($input) { var $success_icon = $input.parent().next().find('.success_icon'); var $error_icon = $input.parent().next().find('.error_icon'); var is_error = $input.nextAll('.error').is(':visible'); $success_icon.toggle(!is_error); $error_icon.toggle(is_error); }; if ($name_input.val() !== '') { update_icon($name_input); } if ($unixname_input.val() !== '') { update_icon($unixname_input); } var handle_error = function($input, message) { var $error_field = $input.nextAll('.error'); if ($error_field.length === 0) { $error_field = $('<div class="error" style="display: none"></div>').insertAfter($input); } $error_field.text(message).toggle(!!message); $project_url.toggle(!message); update_icon($input); }; $form.submit(function(e) { var has_errors = $name_input.add($unixname_input).nextAll('.error').is(':visible'); if (has_errors || $name_input.val() === '' || $unixname_input.val() === '') { e.preventDefault(); alert('You must resolve the issues with the project name.'); return false; } }); $scms.change(function(){ if ( $(this).prop('checked') ) { var on = this; $scms.each(function(){ if ( this !== on ) { $(this).prop('checked', false); } }); } }); var suggest_name = function(project_name) { return project_name.replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9]+/g, '-').toLowerCase(); }; var check_names = function() { var data = { 'neighborhood': $nbhd_input.val(), 'project_name': $name_input.val(), 'project_unixname': $unixname_input.val() }; $.getJSON('check_names', data, function(result){ handle_error($name_input, result.project_name); handle_error($unixname_input, result.project_unixname); }); }; var manual = false; $name_input.on('input', function(){ if (!manual) { var suggested_name = suggest_name($name_input.val()); $unixname_input.val(suggested_name); $url_fragment.text(suggested_name); } delay(check_names, 20); }); $unixname_input.change(function() { manual = true; }); $unixname_input.on('input', function(){ $url_fragment.text($unixname_input.val()); delay(check_names, 20); }); }); ''' % dict(neighborhood=neighborhood, project_name=project_name, project_unixname=project_unixname))