Пример #1
def test_optimal_tree3():
    records = parse_data(r"test_optimal_tree3.txt")
    tree = optimal_tree(records, ["fever","cough","headache"],2)

    assert "influenza" == tree.positive_child.positive_child.data
    assert "meningitis" == tree.positive_child.negative_child.data
    assert "cold" == tree.negative_child.positive_child.data
    assert "healthy" == tree.negative_child.negative_child.data
Пример #2
def test_optimal_tree(capsys):
    symptoms = [
        'congestion', 'cough', 'fatigue', 'fever', 'headache', 'irritability',
        'muscle_ache', 'nausea', 'rigidity', 'sore_throat'

    for fn, successes in {
        [1 / 6, 2 / 6, 4 / 6, 5 / 6, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
            r'data/small_data.txt': [
                10 / 60, 20 / 60, 36 / 60, 49 / 60, 52 / 60, 53 / 60, 55 / 60,
                56 / 60, 56 / 60, 56 / 60, 56 / 60
            r'data/medium_data.txt': [
                100 / 600, 195 / 600, 346 / 600, 445 / 600, 491 / 600,
                517 / 600, 534 / 600, 540 / 600, 543 / 600, 544 / 600,
                545 / 600
        [1000 / 6000, 1951 / 6000, 3359 / 6000, 4403 / 6000],
        records = ex11.parse_data(fn)
        for i in range(len(symptoms) + 1):
            if fn.endswith('big_data.txt') and i > 3:
            tree = ex11.optimal_tree(records, symptoms, i)
            if CHECK_OPTIMAL_TREE:
                actual = repr_tree(tree)
                # open(fn + '.4expected' + str(i), 'w').write(actual)
                expected1 = open(fn + '.expected' + str(i)).read()
                expected2 = open(fn + '.2expected' + str(i)).read()
                expected3 = open(fn + '.3expected' + str(i)).read()
                expected4 = open(fn + '.4expected' + str(i)).read()
                assert actual in (expected1, expected2, expected3, expected4), \
                    "Maybe your answer is correct, check it carefully. " \
                    "If it's OK, remove this assert."
            cur_diagnoser = ex11.Diagnoser(tree)
            # print(diagnoser.calculate_success_rate(records), end=', ')
            actual = cur_diagnoser.calculate_success_rate(records)
            expected = successes[i]
            assert actual == expected, \
                f"tree: {repr_tree(cur_diagnoser.root)}\n" \
                f"records from: {fn}\n" \
                f"num of symptoms: {i}\n" \
                f"expected: {expected}\n" \
                f"actual: {actual}"

            # if fn.endswith('big_data.txt') and i == 3:
            #     with open('data/big_diagnoser.dmp', 'wb') as f:
            #         pickle.dump(diagnoser, f)
            # if fn.endswith('medium_data.txt') and i == 6:
            #     with open('data/medium_diagnoser.dmp', 'wb') as f:
            #         pickle.dump(diagnoser, f)
        # print()

    out, err = capsys.readouterr()
    assert not out and not err, f"Don't print. out: '{out}', err: '{err}'"
Пример #3
    # test 5
    expected = [[True, False, True], [False, True, False]]
    result = diagnoser.paths_to_illness("influenza")
    check(5, expected, result, "influenza", list_check)

    # test 6
    result = build_tree(records, ["cough", "sneezing", "fever"])
    check(6, root, result, "", tree_check)
    if not tree_check(result, root):
        print("expected: ")
        print("result: ")

    # test 7
    result = optimal_tree(records, ["cough", "sneezing", "fever"], 2)
    new_leaf1 = Node("influenza", None, None)
    new_leaf2 = Node("cold", None, None)
    new_fever1 = Node("fever", new_leaf1, new_leaf2)

    new_leaf3 = Node("dead", None, None)
    new_leaf4 = Node("healthy", None, None)
    new_fever2 = Node("fever", new_leaf3, new_leaf4)

    new_root = Node("cough", new_fever1, new_fever2)

    if not tree_check(result, new_root):
        print("expected: ")
        print("result: ")
Пример #4
def test_optimal_tree2():
    records = parse_data(r"test_optimal_tree2.txt")
    tree = optimal_tree(records,["cough", "fever", "headache"],1)

    assert "fever" == tree.data or "headache" == tree.data
Пример #5
def test_optimal_tree1():
    records = parse_data(r"test_optimal_tree1.txt")
    tree = optimal_tree(records, ["cough", "fever", "headache"], 2)
    assert "cough" == tree.data or "fever" == tree.data
    assert "cough" == tree.positive_child.data or "fever" == tree.positive_child.data