def initialize(self, image, region): if len(region) == 8: x_ = np.array(region[::2]) y_ = np.array(region[1::2]) region = [ np.min(x_), np.min(y_), np.max(x_) - np.min(x_) + 1, np.max(y_) - np.min(y_) + 1 ] self.window = max(region[2], region[3]) * self.parameters.enlarge_factor left = max(region[0], 0) top = max(region[1], 0) right = min(region[0] + region[2], image.shape[1] - 1) bottom = min(region[1] + region[3], image.shape[0] - 1) self.position = (region[0] + region[2] / 2, region[1] + region[3] / 2) self.size = (round(region[2]), round(region[3])) self.template = image[int(top):int(bottom), int(left):int(right)] self.kernel = create_epanechnik_kernel(self.size[0], self.size[1], self.parameters.kernel_sigma) self.q = normalize_histogram( extract_histogram(self.template, self.parameters.histogram_bins, weights=self.kernel))
def track(self, image): left = max(round(self.position[0] - float(self.window) / 2), 0) top = max(round(self.position[1] - float(self.window) / 2), 0) right = min(round(self.position[0] + float(self.window) / 2), image.shape[1] - 1) bottom = min(round(self.position[1] + float(self.window) / 2), image.shape[0] - 1) if right - left < self.template.shape[ 1] or bottom - top < self.template.shape[0]: return [ self.position[0] + self.size[0] / 2, self.position[1] + self.size[1] / 2, self.size[0], self.size[1] ], 0 new_x, new_y, iters = mean_shift(image, self.position, self.size, self.q, self.kernel, self.parameters.histogram_bins, self.parameters.epsilon) # MODEL UPDATE self.template, _ = get_patch(image, (new_x, new_y), self.size) self.q = ( 1 - self.parameters.update_alpha ) * self.q + self.parameters.update_alpha * normalize_histogram( extract_histogram(self.template, self.parameters.histogram_bins, weights=self.kernel)) self.position = (new_x, new_y) return [new_x, new_y, self.size[0], self.size[1]], iters
def mean_shift(image, position, size, q, kernel, nbins, epsilon): k_size = [size[1], size[0]] if k_size[0] % 2 == 0: k_size[0] = k_size[0] - 1 if k_size[1] % 2 == 0: k_size[1] = k_size[1] - 1 kernel_x, kernel_y = create_kernel(k_size) patch_size = (k_size[1], k_size[0]) converged = False iters = 0 while not converged: patch, mask = get_patch(image, position, patch_size) p = normalize_histogram(extract_histogram(patch, nbins, weights=kernel)) v = np.sqrt(np.divide(q, p + epsilon)) w = backproject_histogram(patch, v, nbins, kernel) x_change = np.divide(np.sum(np.multiply(kernel_x, w)), np.sum(w)) y_change = np.divide(np.sum(np.multiply(kernel_y, w)), np.sum(w)) # print([floor(n) for n in position], x_change, y_change) if abs(x_change) < epsilon and abs(y_change) < epsilon: converged = True else: position = position[0] + x_change, position[1] + y_change iters += 1 return int(floor(position[0])), int(floor(position[1])), iters
def track(self, image): left = max(round(self.position[0] - float(self.window) / 2), 0) top = max(round(self.position[1] - float(self.window) / 2), 0) right = min(round(self.position[0] + float(self.window) / 2), image.shape[1] - 1) bottom = min(round(self.position[1] + float(self.window) / 2), image.shape[0] - 1) i = 0 # print(f"Position at start: {self.position}") should_finish = False while i < 20 and not should_finish: current_frame = ex2_utils.get_patch(image, self.position, self.size)[0] # print(f"TRACK template shape: {current_frame.shape}") # print(f"TRACK Kernel shape: {self.kernel.shape}") # print(f"TRACK Size : {self.size}") # print(f"TRACK position: {self.position}") h2 = ex2_utils.extract_histogram(current_frame, 16, weights=self.kernel) h2 = h2 / np.sum(h2) vu = np.sqrt(self.current_model / (h2 + self.parameters.epsilon)) back_proj = ex2_utils.backproject_histogram(current_frame, vu, 16) # cv2.imshow("Backpproj",back_proj) # cv2.imshow("Kernel",self.kernel) # cv2.waitKey(0) next_x, next_y, should_finish = mean_shift( back_proj, int(self.position[0]), int(self.position[1]), kernel="uniform", ) if self.position == (next_x, next_y): keep_tracking = False self.position = (next_x, next_y) # print(f"Position at iteration; {i} --> {self.position}") i += 1 self.current_model = ( 1 - self.parameters.alpha ) * self.current_model + self.parameters.alpha * h2 # self.template = ex2_utils.get_patch(image, self.position, self.size)[0] # cv2.imshow("back proj", back_proj) # cv2.waitKey(0) bounding_box = [ self.position[0] - self.size[0] / 2, self.position[1] - self.size[1] / 2, self.size[0], self.size[1] ] # bounding_box = [left + max_loc[0], top + max_loc[1], self.size[0], self.size[1]] return bounding_box
def initialize(self, img, region): """ Initialize the mean-shift tracker. Args: img (numpy.ndarray): First image. region (list): bounding box specification for the object on the first image. First and second values represent the position of the left-upper corner. The third and fourth values represent the width and the height of the bounding box respectively. """ # Set tracker name. = "mean-shift-tracker" # Number of iterations performed to reposition bounding box, # maximum number of iterations performed and umber of trackings performed. self.num_it = [] self.max_it = 0 self.num_tracking_runs = 0 # Get initialized position. self.pos = [region[0] + region[2] / 2, region[1] + region[3] / 2] # Set tracking patch size. Increment size by one if even. self.size = (int(region[2]) + abs(int(region[2]) % 2 - 1), int(region[3]) + abs(int(region[3]) % 2 - 1)) # Initialize tracking window indices grid. self.mesh_x, self.mesh_y = np.meshgrid( np.arange(-self.size[0] // 2 + 1, self.size[0] // 2 + 1), np.arange(-self.size[1] // 2 + 1, self.size[1] // 2 + 1)) # Initialize kernels. self.kern1 = create_epanechnik_kernel(self.size[0], self.size[1], 2) self.kern2 = np.ones((self.size[1], self.size[0])) self.kern_bandwidth = 4 # Get initial patch. patch = get_patch(img, self.pos, self.size) # Extract hitrogram from template using the specified kernel. hist_ = extract_histogram(patch[0], self.parameters.n_bins, weights=self.kern1) self.hist = hist_ / np.sum(hist_)
def initialize(self, image, region): if len(region) == 8: x_ = np.array(region[::2]) y_ = np.array(region[1::2]) region = [ np.min(x_), np.min(y_), np.max(x_) - np.min(x_) + 1, np.max(y_) - np.min(y_) + 1 ] self.window = max(region[2], region[3]) * self.parameters.enlarge_factor left = max(region[0], 0) top = max(region[1], 0) right = min(region[0] + region[2], image.shape[1] - 1) bottom = min(region[1] + region[3], image.shape[0] - 1) self.position = (region[0] + region[2] / 2, region[1] + region[3] / 2) self.size = (region[2], region[3]) self.template = ex2_utils.get_patch(image, self.position, self.size)[0] # print(self.size) # print(self.position) # print(self.window) # cv2.imshow("Init", self.template) # cv2.waitKey(0) ep_kernel = ex2_utils.create_epanechnik_kernel( self.size[0], self.size[1], self.parameters.kernel_sigma) self.kernel = ep_kernel[:self.template.shape[0], :self.template. shape[1]] # print(f"template shape: {self.template.shape}") # print(f"Kernel shape: {self.kernel.shape}") # print(f"Size 0: {self.size[0]}") # print(f"Size 1: {self.size[1]}") h1 = ex2_utils.extract_histogram(self.template, 16, weights=self.kernel) self.current_model = h1 / np.sum(h1)
def initialize(self, image, region): region = [int(el) for el in region] if (region[2] % 2 == 0): region[2] += 1 if (region[3] % 2 == 0): region[3] += 1 self.kernel_sigma = 0.5 self.histogram_bins = 8 self.n_of_particles = 50 self.enlarge_factor = 2 self.distance_sigma = 0.11 self.update_alpha = 0.01 self.color_change = (True, "YCRCB") self.draw_particles = False self.dynamic_model = "NCV" if self.color_change[0]: image = change_colorspace(image, self.color_change[1]) if len(region) == 8: x_ = np.array(region[::2]) y_ = np.array(region[1::2]) region = [ np.min(x_), np.min(y_), np.max(x_) - np.min(x_) + 1, np.max(y_) - np.min(y_) + 1 ] self.window = max(region[2], region[3]) * self.enlarge_factor self.position = (region[0] + region[2] / 2, region[1] + region[3] / 2) self.size = (region[2], region[3]) self.template, _ = get_patch(image, self.position, self.size) image_pl = image.shape[0] * image.shape[1] patch_pl = self.size[0] * self.size[1] q = int(patch_pl / image_pl * 200) self.q = q if q > 0 else 1 #self.q = 100 # CREATING VISUAL MODEL self.kernel = create_epanechnik_kernel(self.size[0], self.size[1], self.kernel_sigma) self.patch_size = self.kernel.shape self.template_histogram = normalize_histogram( extract_histogram(self.template, self.histogram_bins, weights=self.kernel)) # GENERATING DYNAMIC MODEL MATRICES self.system_matrix, self.system_covariance = get_dynamic_model_matrices( self.q, self.dynamic_model) self.particle_state = [self.position[0], self.position[1]] if self.dynamic_model == "NCV": self.particle_state.extend([0, 0]) if self.dynamic_model == "NCA": self.particle_state.extend([0, 0, 0, 0]) # GENERATING N PARTICLES AROUND POSITION self.particles = sample_gauss(self.particle_state, self.system_covariance, self.n_of_particles) self.weights = np.array( [1 / self.n_of_particles for _ in range(self.n_of_particles)])
def track(self, image): left = max(round(self.position[0] - float(self.window) / 2), 0) top = max(round(self.position[1] - float(self.window) / 2), 0) right = min(round(self.position[0] + float(self.window) / 2), image.shape[1] - 1) bottom = min(round(self.position[1] + float(self.window) / 2), image.shape[0] - 1) if right - left < self.template.shape[ 1] or bottom - top < self.template.shape[0]: return [ self.position[0] + self.size[0] / 2, self.position[1] + self.size[1] / 2, self.size[0], self.size[1] ] if self.color_change[0]: image = change_colorspace(image, self.color_change[1]) # PARTICLE SAMPLING weights_cumsumed = np.cumsum(self.weights) rand_samples = np.random.rand(self.n_of_particles, 1) sampled_idxs = np.digitize(rand_samples, weights_cumsumed) particles_new = self.particles[sampled_idxs.flatten(), :] noises = sample_gauss([0 for _ in range(self.system_matrix.shape[0])], self.system_covariance, self.n_of_particles) self.particles = np.transpose( np.matmul(self.system_matrix, np.transpose(particles_new))) + noises for index, p in enumerate(particles_new): p_x = self.particles[index][0] p_y = self.particles[index][1] try: patch, _ = get_patch(image, (p_x, p_y), self.patch_size) histogram = normalize_histogram( extract_histogram(patch, self.histogram_bins, weights=self.kernel)) hell_dist = hellinger(histogram, self.template_histogram) prob = dist_to_prob(hell_dist, self.distance_sigma) except Exception as e: prob = 0 self.weights[index] = prob # NORMALIZE WEIGHTS self.weights = self.weights / np.sum(self.weights) # DRAWING PARTICLES if self.draw_particles: draw_particles(image, self.particles, self.weights, self.position, self.size, (255, 0, 0)) # COMPUTE NEW POSITION new_x = sum([ particle[0] * self.weights[index] for index, particle in enumerate(self.particles) ]) new_y = sum([ particle[1] * self.weights[index] for index, particle in enumerate(self.particles) ]) self.position = (new_x, new_y) # UPDATE VISUAL MODEL if self.update_alpha > 0: self.template, _ = get_patch(image, (new_x, new_y), self.patch_size) self.template_histogram = ( 1 - self.update_alpha ) * self.template_histogram + self.update_alpha * normalize_histogram( extract_histogram( self.template, self.histogram_bins, weights=self.kernel)) return [ new_x - self.size[0] / 2, new_y - self.size[1] / 2, self.size[0], self.size[1] ]
def track(self, img): """ Perform tracking on next image using reference color histogram model. Args: img (numpy.ndarray): Image on which to localize the object using the reference model. Returns: (list): bounding box specification for the object on the first image. First and second values represent the position of the left-upper corner. The third and fourth values represent the width and the height of the bounding box respectively. """ # Initialize convergence flag. convergence_flg = False # Initialize iteration counter. num_it = 0 # Repeat until convergence or until maximum number of iterations # exceeded. while not convergence_flg and num_it < self.parameters.max_it: # Increment iteration counter. num_it += 1 # Extract histogram and current location. patch = get_patch(img, self.pos, self.size) hist_ = extract_histogram(patch[0], self.parameters.n_bins, weights=self.kern1) hist_nxt = hist_ / np.sum(hist_) # Compute the weights w_{i}. weights = np.sqrt(self.hist / (hist_nxt + 1.0e-4)) # Backproject within extracted patch using weights v. bp = backproject_histogram(patch[0], weights, self.parameters.n_bins) # Get changes in x and y directions. delta_x = np.sum(self.mesh_x * bp) / np.sum(bp) delta_y = np.sum(self.mesh_y * bp) / np.sum(bp) # Check if division successful. if np.isnan(delta_x) or np.isnan(delta_y): break # If changes sufficiently small or if maximum number of iterations exceeded. if abs(delta_x) < 1.0 and abs(delta_y) < 1.0: # Set convergence flag. convergence_flg = True # Increment number of total iterations and trackings. self.num_it.append(num_it) self.num_tracking_runs += 1 # If new maximum of iteration number observed. if num_it > self.max_it: self.max_it = num_it else: # Add changes in x and y direction to current position. self.pos[0] += np.round(delta_x) self.pos[1] += np.round(delta_y) # Update reference model with current model. self.hist = (1 - self.parameters.alpha ) * self.hist + self.parameters.alpha * hist_nxt # Return found position. return [ self.pos[0] - self.size[0] / 2, self.pos[1] - self.size[1] / 2, self.size[0], self.size[1] ]