def publish_imu(self): msg = String() val = "temp: {} euler: {} grav: {}".format(self.sensor.temperature, self.sensor.euler, self.sensor.gravity) = "" + val self.imu_publisher.publish(msg)
def test_add_filter(): filter = AddFilter() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('add') filter.add_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args( ['-t', '/data', '--type', 'example_interfaces/msg/String', '-v', 'test/data.yaml', '--align-to', '/align']) filter.set_args(None, args) topic_metadata = TopicMetadata( '/align', 'example_interfaces/msg/String', 'cdr') topics = filter.filter_topic(topic_metadata) assert(len(topics) == 2) assert(topics[0].name == '/align') assert(topics[0].type == 'example_interfaces/msg/String') assert(topics[1].name == '/data') assert(topics[1].type == 'example_interfaces/msg/String') msg = String() = 'align' msgs = filter.filter_msg(('/align', serialize_message(msg), 1)) assert(len(msgs) == 2) (topic0, data0, t0) = msgs[0] (topic1, data1, t1) = msgs[1] assert(topic0 == '/align') assert(topic1 == '/data') assert(t0 == t1) assert(deserialize_message(data0, String).data == 'align') assert(deserialize_message(data1, String).data == 'out')
def publish_news(self): result = msg = String() = "Last valid input:" + str( + " Temperature: " + str( result.temperature) self.publisher_.publish(msg)
def test_cut_filter(): filter = CutFilter() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('cut') filter.add_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args(['--duration', '0.5']) filter.set_args([read_metadata('test/test.bag')], args) string_msg = String() = 'in' # timestamp before bag start msg = ('/data', serialize_message(string_msg), 0) assert(filter.filter_msg(msg) == FilterResult.DROP_MESSAGE) # exact start timestamp msg = ('/data', serialize_message(string_msg), 1000) assert(filter.filter_msg(msg) == msg) # timestamp within the bag and cut duration msg = ('/data', serialize_message(string_msg), 500 * 1000 * 1000 - 1000) assert(filter.filter_msg(msg) == msg) # timestamp after the requested duration, but before the last message in the test bag msg = ('/data', serialize_message(string_msg), 1000 * 1000 * 1000 + 1000) assert(filter.filter_msg(msg) == FilterResult.STOP_CURRENT_BAG)
def timer_call(self): msg=String() if (self.curv > 1):"The robot is turning with a curvature" + str(self.curv) self.obj_pub.publish(msg) else:"The path is straight" self.obj_pub.publish(msg)
def timer_call(self): msg=String() if(self.flag == True):"Hi" self.flag=False self.obj_pub.publish(msg) elif(self.flag == False):"Hello" self.flag=True self.obj_pub.publish(msg)
def timer_call(self): msg = String() if (self.dif_yaw < 0): = "The robot is turning to the right with a curv" + str( self.curv) self.obj_pub.publish(msg) else: = "The robot is turning to the left with curv" + str( self.curv) self.obj_pub.publish(msg)
def create_test_bag(path): writer = SequentialWriter() storage_options, converter_options = get_rosbag_options(path), converter_options) topic = TopicMetadata('/data', 'example_interfaces/msg/String', 'cdr') writer.create_topic(topic) msg = String() = 'test_start' writer.write('/data', serialize_message(msg), 1000) = 'test_end' writer.write('/data', serialize_message(msg), CONVERSION_CONSTANT + 2000)
def setUp(self): self.tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() bag_file_name = "{}{}{}".format(, os.sep, BAGNAME) with baggie.BagWriter(bag_file_name) as bag: for i in range(N_MSGS): int_msg = Int32() = i str_msg = String() = "The count is: %s" % i bag.write(TOPIC_INT, int_msg) bag.write(TOPIC_STR, str_msg) time.sleep(1. / N_MSGS)
def timer_callBack(self): #Increase the counter with every callback self.counter = self.counter + 1 #Printing messages with counter value every call self.get_logger().info("Msg number #{}".format(self.counter)) #Creating a local object from class String msg = String() #Overloading data over msg object to be published over "New_topic" topic = "Pusblish msg number #{}".format(self.counter) #Publish msg data over selected topic self.varPublisher.publish(msg)
def test_rename_filter(): filter = RenameFilter() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('rename') filter.add_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args(['-t', '/data', '--name', '/renamed']) filter.set_args(None, args) topic_metadata = TopicMetadata( '/data', 'example_interfaces/msg/String', 'cdr') assert(filter.filter_topic(topic_metadata).name == '/renamed') msg = String() = 'test' # timestamp within the bag and cut duration bag_msg = ('/data', serialize_message(msg), 1) (topic, _, _) = filter.filter_msg(bag_msg) assert(topic == '/renamed')
def callback(self, msg): #pos=self.get_logger().info( pos = int( directions = String() if pos == 0: = "no gate detected" else: if (pos - 1) // 3 == 0: str1 = "UP" elif (pos - 1) // 3 == 1: str1 = "" elif (pos - 1) // 3 == 2: str1 = "down" if (pos - 1) % 3 == 0: str2 = " left" elif (pos - 1) % 3 == 1: str2 = " forward" elif (pos - 1) % 3 == 2: str2 = " right" = str1 + str2 self.publisher_.publish(directions)
def setUp(self): self.tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() bag_file_name = "{}{}{}".format(, os.sep, BAGNAME) bag = baggie.Baggie(bag_file_name, mode="w", compress=False) bag_comp_file_name = "{}{}{}".format(, os.sep, BAGNAME_COMPRESSED) bag_comp = baggie.Baggie(bag_comp_file_name, mode="w", compress=True) for i in range(N_MSGS): int_msg = Int32() = i str_msg = String() = "The count is: %s" % i bag.write(TOPIC_INT, int_msg) bag.write(TOPIC_STR, str_msg) bag_comp.write(TOPIC_INT, int_msg) bag_comp.write(TOPIC_STR, str_msg) time.sleep(1. / N_MSGS)
def test_replace_filter(): filter = ReplaceFilter() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser('replace') filter.add_arguments(parser) args = parser.parse_args(['-t', '/data', '-v', 'test/data.yaml']) filter.set_args(None, args) string_msg = String() = 'in' msg = ('/data', serialize_message(string_msg), 0) with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): # if topic hasn't been found, filter_msg fails with error filter.filter_msg(msg) topic_metadata = TopicMetadata( '/data', 'example_interfaces/msg/String', 'cdr') assert(filter.filter_topic(topic_metadata) == topic_metadata) (topic, result_data, t) = filter.filter_msg(msg) assert(topic == '/data') result_msg = deserialize_message(result_data, String) assert( == 'out') assert(t == 0)
def create_day_time_bag(path): writer = SequentialWriter() storage_options, converter_options = get_rosbag_options(path), converter_options) topic = TopicMetadata('/data', 'example_interfaces/msg/String', 'cdr') writer.create_topic(topic) HOUR_TO_NS = 60 * 60 * CONVERSION_CONSTANT msg = String() = 'msg0' writer.write('/data', serialize_message(msg), 13 * HOUR_TO_NS - 1000) = 'msg1' writer.write('/data', serialize_message(msg), 13 * HOUR_TO_NS) = 'msg2' writer.write('/data', serialize_message(msg), 14 * HOUR_TO_NS) = 'msg2' writer.write('/data', serialize_message(msg), 14 * HOUR_TO_NS + 1000)
def publish_news(self): msg = String() = "Hello, this is " + str(self.robot_name) self.publisher_.publish(msg)
def sub_callBack(self, msg): state = String() poses_length = len(msg.poses) curvature = 0 direction = 0 curve_point1_x = 0 curve_point1_y = 0 curve_point2_x = int(poses_length / 10) curve_point2_y = int(poses_length / 10) curve_point3_x = int(poses_length / 5) curve_point3_y = int(poses_length / 5) if poses_length > 10: p1_x = msg.poses[0].pose.position.x p1_y = msg.poses[0].pose.position.y v = msg.poses[0].pose.orientation r, p, yaw_1 = self.euler_from_quaternion( msg.poses[0].pose.orientation) p2_x = msg.poses[5].pose.position.x p2_y = msg.poses[5].pose.position.y r, p, yaw_2 = self.euler_from_quaternion( msg.poses[5].pose.orientation) p3_x = msg.poses[10].pose.position.x p3_y = msg.poses[10].pose.position.y r, p, yaw_3 = self.euler_from_quaternion( msg.poses[10].pose.orientation) direction = (yaw_1 - yaw_3) curvature = self.menger_curvature(p1_x, p1_y, p2_x, p2_y, p3_x, p3_y) if curvature > 1: = ( " The robot is turning with a curvature:{} where {} is the curavature of the path." .format(curvature, curvature)) self.string_pub.publish(state) if direction > 0: self.get_logger().info( " The robot is turning RIGHT with a curvature:{} where {} is the curavature of the path." .format(curvature, curvature)) else: self.get_logger().info( " The robot is turning LEFT with a curvature:{} where {} is the curavature of the path." .format(curvature, curvature)) else: = ("The path is straight :{}".format(curvature)) self.get_logger().info( "The path is straight :{}".format(curvature)) self.string_pub.publish(state) self.get_logger().info("The path is :{}".format(direction))
def process_img(self): cap = cv2.VideoCapture('/home/islam/Videos/right_log11.avi') fps = 5 cnt = 0 # cv2.namedWindow('HSV') # cv2.resizeWindow('HSV',640,480) # cv2.createTrackbar('th1','HSV',80,180,empty) # cv2.createTrackbar('th2','HSV',150,180,empty) # cv2.createTrackbar('hue min','HSV',0,180,empty) # cv2.createTrackbar('hue max','HSV',84,180,empty) # cv2.createTrackbar('Min sat','HSV',0,255,empty) # cv2.createTrackbar('Max sat','HSV',143,255,empty) # cv2.createTrackbar('Min val','HSV',0,255,empty) # cv2.createTrackbar('Max val','HSV',255,255,empty) if cap.isOpened() == False: print( "Error opening the video file. Please double check your file path for typos. Or move the movie file to the same location as this script/notebook" ) while cap.isOpened(): success, frame = if success == True: framehsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) # th1=cv2.getTrackbarPos('th1','HSV') # th2=cv2.getTrackbarPos('th2','HSV') # x=cv2.getTrackbarPos('hue min','HSV') # h_max=cv2.getTrackbarPos('hue max','HSV') # s_min=cv2.getTrackbarPos('Min sat','HSV') # s_max=cv2.getTrackbarPos('Max sat','HSV') # v_min=cv2.getTrackbarPos('Min val','HSV') # v_max=cv2.getTrackbarPos('Max val','HSV') # if x%2!=1 and x!=100: # cv2.setTrackbarPos("hue min","HSV",x+1) # x+=1 # elif x==100: # x-=1 #lower=np.array([h_min,s_min,v_min]) #upper=np.array([h_max,s_max,v_max]) mask_orange1 = cv2.inRange(framehsv, np.array([0, 0, 0]), np.array([90, 136, 148])) result_mask = cv2.bitwise_and(frame, frame, mask=mask_orange1) result = np.array(result_mask) result = getcontours(1, result, [80, 150]) contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(result, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_NONE) Rects = [] areas = [] for c in contours: peri = cv2.arcLength(c, True) approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(c, 0.02 * peri, True) if cv2.contourArea(c) > 1000 and len(approx) > 2 and len( approx) < 7: (x, y, w, h) = cv2.boundingRect(c) (win_w, win_h, j) = frame.shape flag = 0 if y + h > 150 and y < .8 * win_h: Rects.append((x, y, w, h)) cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (255, 0, 255), 2) Rects.sort() #print(Rects) if len(Rects) == 0: pos = 0 elif len(Rects) == 1: (x, y, w, h) = Rects[0] pos = 0 else: (x, y, w, h) = Rects[0] (x2, y2, w2, h2) = Rects[len(Rects) - 1] p1 = (x, y) p2 = (x2 + w2, y2 + h2) area = (x2 - x + w2) * (y2 + h2 - y) if area > 8000: if len(Rects) == 2 or len(Rects) > 3: if y < y2: cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y), (x2 + w2, y2 + h2), (255, 255, 0), 2) #elf.publisher_.publish(pos) else: p1 = (x, y2) p2 = (x2 + w2, y + h) cv2.rectangle(frame, (x, y2), (x2 + w2, y + h), (255, 255, 0), 2) pos = getPos(frame.copy(), p1, p2) elif len(Rects) == 3: (x1, y1, w1, h1) = Rects[0] (x2, y2, w2, h2) = Rects[1] (x3, y3, w3, h3) = Rects[2] if x2 + int(w2 / 2) - x3 - int(w3 / 2) > x1 + int( w1 / 2) - x2 - int(w2 / 2): if y1 > y3: p1 = (x1, y1) p2 = (x3 + w3, y3 + h3) else: p1 = (x, y3) p2 = (x3 + w3, y1 + h1) p3, p4 = (x2 + w2, y2), (x3 + w3, y3 + h3) cv2.rectangle(frame, (x2 + w2, y2), (x3 + w3, y3 + h3), (0, 255, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, 'Bonus', (x2 + w2, y2), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, .7, (0, 255, 255), 2) else: if y1 > y3: p1 = (x1, y1) p2 = (x3 + w3, y3 + h3) else: p1 = (x, y3) p2 = (x3 + w3, y1 + h1) p3, p4 = (x2 + w2, y2), (x1, y1 + h1) cv2.rectangle(frame, (x2 + w2, y2), (x1, y1 + h1), (0, 255, 255), 2) cv2.putText(frame, 'Bonus', (x2 + w2 + 20, y2), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, .7, (0, 255, 255), 2) pos = getPos(frame.copy(), p3, p4) cv2.rectangle(frame, p1, p2, (255, 255, 0), 2) msg = String() = str(pos) self.publisher_.publish(msg) frame = np.array(frame) #imgs=stackImages(.8,[frame,result_mask,result]) cv2.imshow('frame', frame) cv2.resizeWindow('frame', 1000, 1000) time.sleep(1 / fps) key = cv2.waitKey(1) if key == ord('q'): break if key == ord('p'): cv2.waitKey(-1) else: break cap.release() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def publish_news(self): msg = String() # create an instance = "Hi, this is " + str(self.robot_name_) + " from the robot_news_station." self.publisher_.publish(msg)
def publish_news(self): msg = String() = "Hello, this is " + str( self.robot_name_) + "at the robot news station." self.publisher_.publish(msg)
def timer_callback(self): self.counter_ += 1 data = String() = "Hello " + str(self.counter_) self.publisher.publish(data) self.get_logger().info("Hello " + str(self.counter_))
def publish_news(self): msg = String() = "Hi, this is " + \ str(self.robot_name_) + " from the Robot News Station" self.publisher_.publish(msg)
def publish_news(self): msg = String() = "Hi, this is " + self.robot_name_ + "!" self.publisher_.publish(msg)
def publish_news(self): msg = String() = f"publishing: {self.count}" self.publisher.publish(msg) self.count += 1