Пример #1
def to_pddlstream(belief_problem, collisions=True):
    locations = {l for (_, l, _) in belief_problem.initial + belief_problem.goal} | \
    observations = [True, False]
    uniform = UniformDist(locations)
    initial_bel = {o: MixtureDD(DeltaDist(l), uniform, p) for o, l, p in belief_problem.initial}
    max_p_collision = 0.25 if collisions else 1.0

    # TODO: separate pick and place for move
    init = [('Obs', obs) for obs in observations] + \
           [('Location', l) for l in locations]
    for o, d in initial_bel.items():
        init += [('Dist', o, d), ('BLoc', o, d)]
    for (o, l, p) in belief_problem.goal:
        init += [('Location', l), ('GoalProb', l, p)]
    goal_literals = [('BLocGE', o, l, p) for (o, l, p) in belief_problem.goal]
    goal = And(*goal_literals)

    directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    domain_pddl = read(os.path.join(directory, 'domain.pddl'))
    stream_pddl = read(os.path.join(directory, 'stream.pddl'))
    constant_map = {}
    stream_map = {
        'BCollision': get_collision_test(max_p_collision),
        'GE': from_test(ge_fn),
        'prob-after-move': from_fn(get_move_fn(belief_problem.p_move_s)),
        'MoveCost': move_cost_fn,
        'prob-after-look': from_fn(get_look_fn(belief_problem.p_look_fp, belief_problem.p_look_fn)),
        'LookCost': get_look_cost_fn(belief_problem.p_look_fp, belief_problem.p_look_fn),
        #'PCollision': from_fn(prob_occupied), # Then can use GE

    return domain_pddl, constant_map, stream_pddl, stream_map, init, goal
Пример #2
 def fn(l):
     # P(s2 | s1=loc1, a=(control_loc1, control_loc2))
     perfect_d = DeltaDist(loc2)
     fail_d = DeltaDist(l)
     # fail_d = UniformDist(locations)
     # return MixtureDD(perfect_d, fail_d, p_move_s)
     if loc1 == l:
         return MixtureDD(perfect_d, fail_d, p_move_s)
     return fail_d
Пример #3
def set_uniform_belief(task, b_on, body, p_other=0.5):
    # TODO: option to bias towards particular bottom
    other = DeltaDist(OTHER)
    uniform = UniformDist(task.get_supports(body))
    b_on[body] = MixtureDD(other, uniform, p_other)
Пример #4
def set_uniform_belief(task, b_on, body, p_other=0.):
    # p_other is the probability that it doesn't actually exist
    # TODO: option to bias towards particular bottom
    other = DeltaDist(OTHER)
    uniform = UniformDist(task.get_supports(body))
    b_on[body] = MixtureDD(other, uniform, p_other)