Пример #1
	def __init__ (self, configuration, name, program, protocol):
		self.configuration = configuration
		self.http_parser = self.HTTPParser(configuration)
		self.tls_parser = self.TLSParser(configuration)
		self.enabled = bool(program is not None) and configuration.redirector.enable
		self._transparent = configuration.http.transparent
		self.log = Logger('worker ' + str(name), configuration.log.worker)
		self.usage = UsageLogger('usage', configuration.log.worker)
		self.response_factory = self.ResponseFactory()
		self.child_factory = self.ChildFactory(configuration, name)

		self.wid = name							   # a unique name
		self.creation = time.time()				   # when the thread was created
	#	self.last_worked = self.creation			  # when the thread last picked a task

		self.program = program						# the squid redirector program to fork
		self.running = True						   # the thread is active

		self.stats_timestamp = None				   # time of the most recent outstanding request to generate stats

		self._proxy = 'ExaProxy-%s-id-%d' % (configuration.proxy.version,os.getpid())

		universal = configuration.redirector.protocol == 'url'
		# Do not move, we need the forking AFTER the setup
		if program:
			self.process = self.child_factory.createProcess(self.program, universal=universal)
			self.process = None
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, configuration, name, request_box, program):
        self.configuration = configuration
        self.icap_parser = self.ICAPParser(configuration)
        self.enabled = configuration.redirector.enable
        self.protocol = configuration.redirector.protocol
        self._transparent = configuration.http.transparent
        self.log = Logger('worker ' + str(name), configuration.log.worker)
        self.usage = UsageLogger('usage', configuration.log.worker)

        self.universal = True if self.protocol == 'url' else False
        self.icap = self.protocol[len('icap://'):].split(
            '/')[0] if self.protocol.startswith('icap://') else ''

        r, w = os.pipe()  # pipe for communication with the main thread
        self.response_box_write = os.fdopen(w, 'w',
                                            0)  # results are written here
        self.response_box_read = os.fdopen(r, 'r',
                                           0)  # read from the main thread

        self.wid = name  # a unique name
        self.creation = time.time()  # when the thread was created
        #	self.last_worked = self.creation			  # when the thread last picked a task
        self.request_box = request_box  # queue with HTTP headers to process

        self.program = program  # the squid redirector program to fork
        self.running = True  # the thread is active

        self.stats_timestamp = None  # time of the most recent outstanding request to generate stats

        self._proxy = 'ExaProxy-%s-id-%d' % (configuration.proxy.version,

        if self.protocol == 'url':
            self.classify = self._classify_url
        if self.protocol.startswith('icap://'):
            self.classify = self._classify_icap

        # Do not move, we need the forking AFTER the setup
        self.process = self._createProcess(
        )  # the forked program to handle classification