Пример #1
def trans(gui, site_file):
    if not site_file: # return full transmission (ie. space) if no site given
        return numpy.array(aux.get_one(gui.interp.freq_list))

    site = ExcelReader(site_file)
    freq_raw = numpy.array(site.read_from_col('Hz',
            gui.interp.freq_range.min, gui.interp.freq_range.max), dtype='float')
    trans_raw = numpy.array(site.read_from_col(0,
            gui.interp.freq_range.min, gui.interp.freq_range.max, 'COMBIN TRANS'), dtype='float')

    return gui.interp.interpolate(freq_raw.tolist(), trans_raw.tolist())
Пример #2
def get_col(file_name, col1, col1n, col2, col2n, freq_range):

    # convert to form understood by excel reader
    if col1n == 0:
        col1n = ' '
    if col2n == 0:
        col2n = ' '

    # read two columns from file and return them as numpy arrays
    data = ExcelReader(file_name)
    return [numpy.array(data.read_from_col(col1, freq_range.min, freq_range.max, col1n), dtype='float'),
        numpy.array(data.read_from_col(col2, freq_range.min, freq_range.max, col2n), dtype='float')]
Пример #3
def signal(gui, aperture, site_file, source_file, spec_res):

    source = ExcelReader(source_file)
    freq_raw = numpy.array(source.read_from_col('Hz',
        gui.interp.freq_range.min, gui.interp.freq_range.max), dtype='float')

    intens_raw = 1e-26 * numpy.array(source.read_from_col('Jy',
        gui.interp.freq_range.min, gui.interp.freq_range.max), dtype='float')

    intensity = gui.interp.interpolate(freq_raw.tolist(), intens_raw.tolist())
    trans_list = trans(gui, site_file)

    return cal.TS(gui.interp.freq_array, intensity, trans_list, aperture, spec_res)
Пример #4
    def onGenerate(self, e):
        # initialization -> Parse inputs
        resol = float(self.parameter_inputs[0].GetValue())  # resolution @IndentOk
        d = float(self.parameter_inputs[1].GetValue())  # mirror diameters @IndentOk
        mirror_temp = float(self.parameter_inputs[2].GetValue())  # mirror temperature
        freq_start = float(self.parameter_inputs[3].GetValue())  # starting frequency
        freq_end = float(self.parameter_inputs[4].GetValue())  # ending frequency
        ratio = float(self.parameter_inputs[5].GetValue())  # signal to noise ratio
        # path = self.output_input.GetValue()
        site = self.parameter_site_combo.GetValue()
        source = self.parameter_source_combo.GetValue()

        resol = 3
        d = 10.0
        mirror_temp = 230.0
        freq_start = 0.1 #THz
        freq_end = 1 #THz
        ratio = 5.0
        # Calculate bling   
        bling = 0
        # CIB
        if self.background_checkboxs[0].IsChecked():
            cib_excel = file_refs.CIB_ref
            cib = ExcelReader(cib_excel)
            cib.set_freq_range(freq_start, freq_end)
            freq = cib.read_from_col(1)
            temp = cib.read_from_col(4)
            bling += cal.bling_sub(freq, temp, resol)
        # CMB
        if self.background_checkboxs[1].IsChecked():
            cmb_excel = file_refs.CMB_ref
            cmb = ExcelReader(cmb_excel)
            cmb.set_freq_range(freq_start, freq_end)
            freq = cmb.read_from_col(1)
            bling += cal.bling_CMB(freq, resol)
        # Galactic Emission    
        if self.background_checkboxs[2].IsChecked():
            index = self.galactic_direction_combo.GetCurrentSelection()
            ge = ExcelReader(file_refs.Galatic_Emission_refs[index])
            ge.set_freq_range(freq_start, freq_end)
            freq = ge.read_from_col(1)
            temp = ge.read_from_col(8)
            bling += cal.bling_sub(freq, temp, resol)
        # Thermal Mirror Emission    
        if self.background_checkboxs[3].IsChecked():
            index = self.thermal_mirror_material_combo.GetCurrentSelection()
            tme = ExcelReader(file_refs.TME_ref)
            tme.set_freq_range(freq_start, freq_end)
            freq = tme.read_from_col(1)
            sigma = const.sigma[index]
            bling += cal.bling_TME(freq, resol, sigma, mirror_temp)
        # Atmospheric Radiance
        if self.background_checkboxs[4].IsChecked(): 
            ar = ExcelReader(file_refs.atm_rad_refs[site])
            ar.set_freq_range(freq_start, freq_end)
            freq = ar.read_from_col(1)
            rad = ar.read_from_col(4)
            bling += cal.bling_AR(freq, rad, resol)
        # Zodiacal Emission
        if self.background_checkboxs[5].IsChecked():
            index = self.zodiacal_direction_combo.GetCurrentSelection()
            ze = ExcelReader(file_refs.ZODI_refs[index])
            ze.set_freq_range(freq_start, freq_end)
            freq = ze.read_from_col(1)
            temp = ze.read_from_col(4)
            bling += cal.bling_sub(freq, temp, resol)
        bling_TOT = bling ** 0.5
        # Source Intensity
        si = ExcelReader(file_refs.source_refs[source])
        si.set_freq_range_Hz(freq_start*10**12, freq_end*10**12)        #MODIFIED FOR TESTING
        freq = si.read_from_col(1)
        inte = si.read_from_col(5)
        print "Reading from source. DONE"
        # Source_Total Signal
        at = ExcelReader(file_refs.atm_tran_refs[site])
        at.set_freq_range_Hz(freq_start*10**12, freq_end*10**12)
        tau = at.read_from_col(4)
        print "Reading from atmosphere transmission. DONE"

        print "Calculating Total Signal.."
        start_time = time.time()
        ts = cal.TS(freq, inte, tau, d, resol)
        end_time = time.time()
        print "Total Signal calculation DONE"
        print "Time used for integration: ", end_time - start_time
        # Limiting Flux
        limiting_flux = cal.LF(freq, d, resol, ts)
        # Integration Time
        integration_time = cal.IT(freq, bling_TOT, ratio, ts)
        # writing

        # xw = ExcelXWriter(path)
        # xw.write_col('freq(cm^-1)', freq / (3 * 10**10))
        # xw.write_col('freq(Hz)', freq)
          freq_THz = freq * 10 ** (-12)  
        # xw.write_col('freq(THz)', freq_THz)
        # xw.write_col('wavelength(um)', (3 * 10**8) / freq * 10**6)

        freq = np.array(freq)
        freq_THz = freq * 10 ** (-12)                                   #MODIFIED FOR TESTING

        print "Start plotting..."
        # plot
        if self.generate_checkboxs[0].IsChecked():

        #    xw.write_col('Total Noise_BLING(W Hz^(-1/2))', bling_TOT)
            plotter.loglogplot(freq_THz, bling_TOT)
        if self.generate_checkboxs[1].IsChecked():
        #    xw.write_col('Total signal(W/m^2/sr/Hz)', ts)
            plotter.loglogplot(freq_THz, ts)
        if self.generate_checkboxs[2].IsChecked():
        #    xw.write_col('Limiting Flux(W)', limiting_flux)
            plotter.loglogplot(freq_THz, limiting_flux)
        if self.generate_checkboxs[3].IsChecked():
        #    xw.write_col('Integration Time(s)', integration_time)
            plotter.loglogplot(freq_THz, integration_time)
        # xw.save()
        print "Plotting. DONE"
        # message box alert
        message_dialog = wx.MessageDialog(self, message='Successfully Generated!')
        if message_dialog.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK: