Пример #1
def DateToTicks(value):
    """Converts a Date object to ticks."""
    timeStruct = Date(value.year, value.month, value.day).timetuple()
        return int(time.mktime(timeStruct))
        raise DataError("Year out of range")
Пример #2
    def getClob(self):
        """Read the next Clob(Character Large OBject) value off the session."""
        typeCode = self._getTypeCode()

        if typeCode in range(protocol.CLOBLEN0, protocol.CLOBLEN4 + 1):
            strLength = fromByteString(self._takeBytes(typeCode - 194))
            return self._takeBytes(strLength)

        raise DataError('Not a clob')
Пример #3
    def getBlob(self):
        """Read the next Blob(Binary Large OBject) value off the session."""
        typeCode = self._getTypeCode()

        if typeCode in range(protocol.BLOBLEN0, protocol.BLOBLEN4 + 1):
            strLength = fromByteString(self._takeBytes(typeCode - 189))
            return datatype.Binary(self._takeBytes(strLength))

        raise DataError('Not a blob')
Пример #4
    def getBoolean(self):
        """Read the next Boolean value off the session."""
        typeCode = self._getTypeCode()

        if typeCode == protocol.TRUE:
            return True
        if typeCode == protocol.FALSE:
            return False

        raise DataError('Not a boolean')
Пример #5
    def getScaledInt(self):
        """Read the next Scaled Integer value off the session."""
        typeCode = self._getTypeCode()

        if typeCode in range(protocol.SCALEDLEN0, protocol.SCALEDLEN8 + 1):
            scale = fromByteString(self._takeBytes(1))
            value = fromSignedByteString(self._takeBytes(typeCode - 60))
            return decimal.Decimal(value) / decimal.Decimal(10**scale)

        raise DataError('Not a scaled integer')
Пример #6
    def getScaledDate(self):
        """Read the next Scaled Date value off the session."""
        typeCode = self._getTypeCode()

        if typeCode in range(protocol.SCALEDDATELEN1,
                             protocol.SCALEDDATELEN8 + 1):
            scale = fromByteString(self._takeBytes(1))
            date = fromSignedByteString(self._takeBytes(typeCode - 200))
            return datatype.DateFromTicks(round(date / 10.0**scale))

        raise DataError('Not a scaled date')
Пример #7
    def getInt(self):
        """Read the next Integer value off the session."""
        typeCode = self._getTypeCode()

        if typeCode in range(protocol.INTMINUS10, protocol.INT31 + 1):
            return typeCode - 20

        elif typeCode in range(protocol.INTLEN1, protocol.INTLEN8 + 1):
            return fromSignedByteString(self._takeBytes(typeCode - 51))

        raise DataError('Not an integer')
Пример #8
    def getUUID(self):
        """Read the next UUID value off the session."""
        if self._getTypeCode() == protocol.UUID:
            return uuid.UUID(bytes=self._takeBytes(16))
        if self._getTypeCode() == protocol.SCALEDCOUNT1:
            # before version 11
        if self._getTypeCode() == protocol.SCALEDCOUNT2:
            # version 11 and later

        raise DataError('Not a UUID')
Пример #9
    def getOpaque(self):
        """Read the next Opaque value off the session."""
        typeCode = self._getTypeCode()

        if typeCode in range(protocol.OPAQUELEN0, protocol.OPAQUELEN39 + 1):
            return datatype.Binary(self._takeBytes(typeCode - 149))

        if typeCode in range(protocol.OPAQUECOUNT1, protocol.OPAQUECOUNT4 + 1):
            strLength = fromByteString(self._takeBytes(typeCode - 72))
            return datatype.Binary(self._takeBytes(strLength))

        raise DataError('Not an opaque value')
Пример #10
    def getString(self):
        """Read the next String off the session."""
        typeCode = self._getTypeCode()

        if typeCode in range(protocol.UTF8LEN0, protocol.UTF8LEN39 + 1):
            return self._takeBytes(typeCode - 109)

        if typeCode in range(protocol.UTF8COUNT1, protocol.UTF8COUNT4 + 1):
            strLength = fromByteString(self._takeBytes(typeCode - 68))
            return self._takeBytes(strLength)

        raise DataError('Not a string')
Пример #11
    def getScaledTime(self):
        """Read the next Scaled Time value off the session."""
        typeCode = self._getTypeCode()

        if typeCode in range(protocol.SCALEDTIMELEN1,
                             protocol.SCALEDTIMELEN8 + 1):
            scale = fromByteString(self._takeBytes(1))
            time = fromByteString(self._takeBytes(typeCode - 208))
            ticks = decimal.Decimal(str(time)) / decimal.Decimal(10**scale)
            return datatype.TimeFromTicks(
                round(int(ticks)), int((ticks % 1) * decimal.Decimal(1000000)))

        raise DataError('Not a scaled time')
Пример #12
    def getTime(self):
        """Read the next Time value off the session."""
        typeCode = self._getTypeCode()

        if typeCode in range(protocol.MILLISECLEN0, protocol.MILLISECLEN8 + 1):
            return fromSignedByteString(self._takeBytes(typeCode - 86))

        if typeCode in range(protocol.NANOSECLEN0, protocol.NANOSECLEN8 + 1):
            return fromSignedByteString(self._takeBytes(typeCode - 95))

        if typeCode in range(protocol.TIMELEN0, protocol.TIMELEN4 + 1):
            return fromByteString(self._takeBytes(typeCode - 104))

        raise DataError('Not a time')
Пример #13
    def getDouble(self):
        """Read the next Double off the session."""
        typeCode = self._getTypeCode()

        if typeCode == protocol.DOUBLELEN0:
            return 0.0

        if typeCode in range(protocol.DOUBLELEN0 + 1, protocol.DOUBLELEN8 + 1):
            test = self._takeBytes(typeCode - 77)
            if typeCode < protocol.DOUBLELEN8:
                for i in xrange(0, protocol.DOUBLELEN8 - typeCode):
                    test = test + chr(0)
            return struct.unpack('!d', test)[0]

        raise DataError('Not a double')
Пример #14
def TimestampToTicks(value):
    """Converts a Timestamp object to ticks."""
    timeStruct = Timestamp(value.year, value.month, value.day, value.hour,
                           value.minute, value.second).timetuple()
        if value.microsecond:
            micro = decimal.Decimal(
                value.microsecond) / decimal.Decimal(1000000)
            return (int(
                (decimal.Decimal(int(time.mktime(timeStruct))) + micro) *
                decimal.Decimal(int(10**(len(str(micro)) - 2)))),
                    len(str(micro)) - 2)
            return (int(time.mktime(timeStruct)), 0)
        raise DataError("Year out of range")
Пример #15
def TypeObjectFromNuodb(nuodb_type_name):
    """TODO:  this is very fragile.  The driver should map type numbers not typenames."""
    """Returns one of STRING, BINARY, NUMBER, DATETIME, ROWID based on the 
    supplied NuoDB column type name

    if nuodb_type_name == "<null>":
        return None

    elif nuodb_type_name == "string":
        return STRING

    elif nuodb_type_name == "char":
        return STRING

    elif nuodb_type_name == "varchar":
        return STRING

    elif nuodb_type_name == "smallint":
        return NUMBER

    elif nuodb_type_name == "integer":
        return NUMBER

    elif nuodb_type_name == "bigint":
        return NUMBER

    elif nuodb_type_name == "float":
        return NUMBER

    elif nuodb_type_name == "double":
        return NUMBER

    elif nuodb_type_name == "date":
        return DATETIME

    elif nuodb_type_name == "timestamp":
        return DATETIME

    elif nuodb_type_name == "time":
        return DATETIME

    elif nuodb_type_name == "clob":
        return BINARY

    elif nuodb_type_name == "blob":
        return BINARY

    elif nuodb_type_name == "numeric":
        return NUMBER

    elif nuodb_type_name == "number":
        return NUMBER

    elif nuodb_type_name == "bytes":
        return BINARY

    elif nuodb_type_name == "binarystring":
        return BINARY

    elif nuodb_type_name == "binaryvaryingstring":
        return BINARY

    elif nuodb_type_name == "boolean":
        #TODO: Not sure about this?
        return NUMBER

    elif nuodb_type_name == "binary":
        return BINARY

        raise DataError('received unknown column type (%s) from the database' %
Пример #16
 def getNull(self):
     """Read the next Null value off the session."""
     if self._getTypeCode() != protocol.NULL:
         raise DataError('Not null')