Пример #1
    def color(self, u, v=None):
        Return the color of an edge.


        If ``v`` is ``None``, then ``u`` is consider to be an edge.
        Otherwise, ``uv`` is taken as the edge.


            sage: from flexrilog import FlexRiGraph
            sage: G = FlexRiGraph(graphs.CompleteBipartiteGraph(3,3))
            sage: delta = G.NAC_colorings()[0]
            sage: delta.color(0,3)
            sage: delta.color([2,4])
            sage: delta.color(1,2)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: There is no edge [1, 2]

        if not v is None:
            if not self._graph.has_edge(u, v):
                raise exceptions.ValueError('There is no edge ' + str([u, v]))
            return 'red' if Set([u, v]) in self._red_edges else 'blue'
            if not self._graph.has_edge(u[0], u[1]):
                raise exceptions.ValueError('There is no edge ' +
                                            str([u[0], u[1]]))
            return 'red' if Set([u[0], u[1]]) in self._red_edges else 'blue'
Пример #2
    def is_blue(self, u, v=None):
        Return if the edge is blue.


        If ``v`` is ``None``, then ``u`` is consider to be an edge.
        Otherwise, ``uv`` is taken as the edge.


            sage: from flexrilog import FlexRiGraph
            sage: G = FlexRiGraph(graphs.CompleteBipartiteGraph(3,3))
            sage: delta = G.NAC_colorings()[0]
            sage: delta.is_blue(2,4)
            sage: delta.is_blue([0,4])
            sage: delta.is_blue(1,2)
            Traceback (most recent call last):
            ValueError: There is no edge [1, 2]

        if v:
            if not self._graph.has_edge(u, v):
                raise exceptions.ValueError('There is no edge ' + str([u, v]))
            return Set([u, v]) in self._blue_edges
            if not self._graph.has_edge(u[0], u[1]):
                raise exceptions.ValueError('There is no edge ' +
                                            str([u[0], u[1]]))
            return Set([u[0], u[1]]) in self._blue_edges
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, R=None, t=None):
        if (R is None):
            raise exceptions.ValueError('Rotation matrix must be defined.')
        if (t is None):
            raise exceptions.ValueError('Translation vector must be defined')

        self.R = np.array(R)
        self.t = np.array(t)
        self.t = self.t.reshape(3, 1)
Пример #4
def tag_of_enclosing_csquare(lon, lat, resol):
    ## Identify enclosing csquare tag for point (lon, lat) at resolution resol degrees
    #  @param lon   : longitude[deg] of target point
    #  @param lat   : latitude[deg] of target point
    #  @param resol : resolution[deg] desired c-square
    #  @return      : c-square tag corresponding to input
    # ===============================================================================
    # resol must be a standard step: 10, 5, 1, 0.5, 0.1, ....
    # handle boundary cases
    # ===============================================================================
    if not -180 < lon < 180:
        raise exceptions.ValueError("range error: lon = %f " % lon)
    if not -90  < lat < 90:
        raise exceptions.ValueError("range error: lat = %f " % lat)
    # identify global WMO quadrant and tag
    if lon>0:
        if lat>0:
            wmo_quadrant = 1
            wmo_quadrant = 3
        if lat>0:
            wmo_quadrant = 7
            wmo_quadrant = 5
    # --- fold to NE quadrant
    lon  = abs(lon)/10
    lat  = abs(lat)/10
    ilon = int(lon)
    ilat = int(lat)
    this_resol = 10.0 # avoid integer division below
    tag  = "%1d%1d%02d" % (wmo_quadrant, ilat, ilon) # include leading zeros from lon designator
    # csquare quadrant labelling is different from WMO
    while this_resol/resol > 1.001: 
        lon = 10*(lon-ilon) # reap next lon digit
        lat = 10*(lat-ilat) # reap next lat digit
        csq_quadrant = 1
        if lon>5:
                csq_quadrant += 1
        if lat>5:
                csq_quadrant += 2
        ilon = int(lon)
        ilat = int(lat)
        tag  = tag + ":%1d%1d%1d" % (csq_quadrant, ilat, ilon)
        this_resol /= 10. # corresponding to current tag
    if this_resol/resol < 0.201: # last step was half division
        tag = tag[:-2]   # drop last two digits to back up half step
    return tag
Пример #5
def evaluate_expression(strexp, track, globals, locals):
    # Evaluate conditions in strexp.
    tmpl = ''  # Resultant template string.
    conditions = []  # Condition stack.
    i = 0
    while i < len(strexp):
        if strexp.startswith('##', i):
            tmpl += '#'
            i += 2
        elif strexp.startswith('#if{', i):
            begin = i + 4
            end = strexp.find('}', begin)
            if begin <= end:
                b = eval(strexp[begin:end], globals, locals)
                i = end + 1
                raise exceptions.ValueError("'}' is missing (pos = %d)\n%s" %
                                            (i, strexp))
        elif strexp.startswith('#elif{', i):
            begin = i + 6
            end = strexp.find('}', begin)
            if begin <= end:
                b = eval(strexp[begin:end], globals, locals)
                i = end + 1
                raise exceptions.ValueError("'}' is missing (pos = %d)\n%s" %
                                            (i, strexp))
        elif strexp.startswith('#else', i):
            if not conditions:
                raise exceptions.ValueError(
                    "Corresponding #if is missing (pos = %d)\n%s" %
                    (i, strexp))
            i += 5
            b = conditions.pop()
            condidions.append(not b)
        elif strexp.startswith('#endif', i):
            if not conditions:
                raise exceptions.ValueError(
                    "Corresponding #if is missing (pos = %d)\n%s" %
                    (i, strexp))
            i += 6
            b = conditions.pop()
        elif not conditions or conditions[-1]:
            tmpl += strexp[i]
            i += 1
            i += 1

    return string.Template(tmpl).substitute(track)
    def unproject(self, data):
        """ Projects the data back to the input space.

        :param data: Data to unproject.
        :type data: numpy array [num data point, data dimension]

        :return: Projected data.
        :rtype: numpy array [num data point, data dimension]
        if self.input_dim != data.shape[1]:
            raise ex.ValueError("Wrong data dimensionality.")
        if not self.trained:
            raise ex.ValueError("Train model first!")
        return data * self.standard_deviation + self.mean
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, db_file_path):
        if not db_file_path:
            raise exceptions.ValueError("db_file_path")

        if not os.path.exists(db_file_path):
            raise exceptions.OSError("db_file_path")

        if not db_file_path.endswith('.db'):
            raise exceptions.ValueError("db_file_path")

        self.db_file_path = db_file_path
        self.zone = os.path.basename(db_file_path)[:-3]

Пример #8
 def __init__(self, G, coloring, name=None, check=True):
     from flexible_rigid_graph import FlexRiGraph
     if type(G) == FlexRiGraph or 'FlexRiGraph' in str(
             type(G)) or isinstance(G, FlexRiGraph):
         self._graph = G
         raise exceptions.TypeError('The graph G must be FlexRiGraph.')
     if type(coloring) in [list, Set] and len(coloring) == 2:
         self._red_edges = Set([Set(e) for e in coloring[0]])
         self._blue_edges = Set([Set(e) for e in coloring[1]])
     elif type(coloring) == dict:
         self._red_edges = Set(
             [Set(e) for e in coloring if coloring[e] == 'red'])
         self._blue_edges = Set(
             [Set(e) for e in coloring if coloring[e] == 'blue'])
     elif type(coloring) == NACcoloring or isinstance(
             coloring, NACcoloring) or 'NACcoloring' in str(type(coloring)):
         self._red_edges = copy(coloring._red_edges)
         self._blue_edges = copy(coloring._blue_edges)
         raise exceptions.TypeError(
             'The coloring must be a dict, list consisting of two lists or an instance of NACcoloring.'
     self._name = name
     if check and not self.is_NAC_coloring():
         raise exceptions.ValueError('The coloring is not a NAC-coloring.')
Пример #9
    def __init__(self,
        if len(argv) > 1: host = argv[1]
        else: host = None

        if len(argv) > 2: port = argv[2]
        else: port = None

        self.client = None

        from gnuradio.ctrlport.RPCConnection import RPCMethods
        if RPCMethods.has_key(rpcmethod):
            from gnuradio.ctrlport.RPCConnectionThrift import RPCConnectionThrift
            if rpcmethod == 'thrift':
                #print("making RPCConnectionThrift")
                self.client = RPCConnectionThrift(host, port)
                #print("made %s" % self.client)

                #print("making callback call")
                if not callback is None:

                #print("making blockingcallback call")
                if not blockingcallback is None:
            print("Unsupported RPC method: ", rpcmethod)
            raise exceptions.ValueError()
Пример #10
 def dihedrals(self, by_type):
     if not hasattr(self, "topology_data"):
         raise exc.ValueError("Topology file doesn't contain any data.")
     self.dihedrals = []
     topology_dihedrals_list = topology_data[
         "DIHEDRALS_INC_HYDROGEN"] + topology_data[
     if by_type is True:
         while topology_dihedrals_list:
             atom_1 = old_div(topology_dihedrals_list.pop(0), 3)
             atom_2 = old_div(topology_dihedrals_list.pop(0), 3)
             atom_3 = old_div(topology_dihedrals_list.pop(0), 3)
             atom_4 = old_div(topology_dihedrals_list.pop(0), 3)
             bond_type = topology_dihedrals_list.pop(0)
                 (atom_1, atom_2, atom_3, atom_4, bond_type))
         while topology_dihedrals_list:
             atom_1 = old_div(topology_dihedrals_list.pop(0), 3)
             atom_2 = old_div(topology_dihedrals_list.pop(0), 3)
             atom_3 = old_div(topology_dihedrals_list.pop(0), 3)
             atom_4 = old_div(topology_dihedrals_list.pop(0), 3)
             bond_type = topology_dihedrals_list.pop(0)
             self.dihedrals.append((atom_1, atom_2, atom_3, atom_4))
     return self.dihedrals
Пример #11
 def _edges_with_same_length(self):
     tmp = {}
     for u, v in self._graph.edges(labels=False):
         s = self._parametrization[u] - self._parametrization[v]
         l = s.inner_product(s)
         if self._par_type == 'rational' and not l in self._field.constant_field():
             raise exceptions.ValueError('The edge ' + str((u, v)) + ' does not have constant length.')
         if self._par_type == 'symbolic':
             l = l.simplify_full()
             if not l.simplify_full().is_constant():
                 raise exceptions.ValueError('The edge ' + str((u, v)) + ' does not have constant length.')
         if tmp.has_key(l):
             tmp[l].append([u, v])
             tmp[l] = [[u, v]]
     self._same_lengths = tmp.values()
Пример #12
 def Deltoid(cls, par_type='rational'):
     Return a deltoid motion.
     if par_type == 'rational':
         FF = FunctionField(QQ, 't')
         t = FF.gen()
         C = {
             _sage_const_0 : vector((_sage_const_0 , _sage_const_0 )),
             _sage_const_1 : vector((_sage_const_1 , _sage_const_0 )),
             _sage_const_2 : vector((_sage_const_4 *(t**_sage_const_2  - _sage_const_2
                                                     )/(t**_sage_const_2  + _sage_const_4 ), _sage_const_12 *t/(t**_sage_const_2  + _sage_const_4 ))),
             _sage_const_3 : vector(((t**_sage_const_4  - _sage_const_13 *t**_sage_const_2  + _sage_const_4
                                      )/(t**_sage_const_4  + _sage_const_5 *t**_sage_const_2  + _sage_const_4 ),
                                      _sage_const_6 *(t**_sage_const_3  - _sage_const_2 *t)/(t**_sage_const_4  + _sage_const_5 *t**_sage_const_2  + _sage_const_4 )))
         G = FlexRiGraph([[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [0, 3]])
         return GraphMotion.ParametricMotion(G, C, 'rational', sampling_type='tan', check=False)
     elif par_type == 'symbolic':
         t = var('t')
         C = {
             _sage_const_0 : vector((_sage_const_0 , _sage_const_0 )),
             _sage_const_1 : vector((_sage_const_1 , _sage_const_0 )),
             _sage_const_2 : vector((_sage_const_4 *(t**_sage_const_2  - _sage_const_2
                                                     )/(t**_sage_const_2  + _sage_const_4 ), _sage_const_12 *t/(t**_sage_const_2  + _sage_const_4 ))),
             _sage_const_3 : vector(((t**_sage_const_4  - _sage_const_13 *t**_sage_const_2  + _sage_const_4
                                      )/(t**_sage_const_4  + _sage_const_5 *t**_sage_const_2  + _sage_const_4 ),
                                      _sage_const_6 *(t**_sage_const_3  - _sage_const_2 *t)/(t**_sage_const_4  + _sage_const_5 *t**_sage_const_2  + _sage_const_4 )))
         G = FlexRiGraph([[0, 1], [1, 2], [2, 3], [0, 3]])
         return ParametricGraphMotion.ParametricMotion(G, C, 'symbolic', sampling_type='tan', check=False)
         raise exceptions.ValueError('Deltoid with par_type ' + str(par_type) + ' is not supported.')
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, dirPath, obsNames=None,
                 create=False, refDirPath=None, name=None, ppExePath=None, ppOutputFile=None, studyConfig=None, # options for creating new study
                  update=False, # options for updating existing study
                  verbose=False, parameters={}):
        Create an instance of HadCM3 class. Default behaviour is to read from dirPath and prohibit updates.
        :param dirPath -- path to directory where model simulation exists or is to be created
        :param create (optional with default False). If True create new directory and populate it.
            Afterwards the ModelSimulation will be readOnly.
            These options should be specified when creating a new study otherwise they are optional and ignored
            :param refDirPath -- reference directory. Copy all files from here into dirPath
            :param name -- name of the model simulation. If not provided will be taken from dirPath
            :param ppExePath --  path to post proessing executable
            :param ppOutputFile -- output file for  post processing executable
            :param obsNames -- list of observations to be readin. (see readObs())
            :param studyConfig -- written into directory.
            :param parameters -- a dict on pandas series specifying hte parameter values
        :param update -- allow updates to the simulation information.
        :param verbose -- provide  verbose output. (See individual methods). Default is False.
        :returns initialised object.

        # no parameters should be provided unless create or update provided
        if len(parameters) >0 and  not (create  or update):
            raise exceptions.ValueError("Provided parameters but not specified create or update")

        # call superclass init
        super(EddieModel, self).__init__(dirPath,
                obsNames=obsNames, create=create, refDirPath=refDirPath, name=name, ppExePath=ppExePath,
                ppOutputFile=ppOutputFile, parameters=parameters,  # options for creating new study
                update=update,  # options for updating existing study
        if studyConfig is not None:
            studyConfig.save(filename=os.path.join(self.dirPath,"config.json")) # write study configuration for fakemodel.
Пример #14
    def readNameList(self, params, fail=False, verbose=False):
        Read parameter value from registered namelist
        :param fail: If True fail if param not found
        :param verbose (Optional -- default False). Provide verbose information.
        :param params -- a list of parameters.
        :example self.readNameList(['RHCRIT', 'VF1'])
        :return:An OrderedDict with the values indexed by the param names

        result = collections.OrderedDict()
        for param in params:
            # have it as meta function?
            if param in self._metaFn:  # have a meta funcion -- takes priority.
                result[param] = self.readMetaNameList(param, verbose=verbose)
            elif param in self._convNameList:  # in the conversion index
                nlValue = self.readNameListVar(self._convNameList[param],
                if len(nlValue) != 1:
                    raise exceptions.ValueError("Should only have one key")
                for k in nlValue.keys(
                ):  # in this case shoudl only have one key and we don't want it as a list
                    result[param] = nlValue[k]
                # just want the value and as single param SHOULD return
            elif fail:  # not found it and want to fail
                raise exceptions.KeyError("Param %s not found" % param)
        return result  # return the result.
Пример #15
    def __init__(self, model, data=None):
        """ The constructor initializes the CD trainer with a given model and data.

        :param model: The model to sample from.
        :type model: Valid model class.

        :param data: Data for initialization, only has effect if the centered gradient is used.
        :type data: numpy array [num. samples x input dim]
        # Store model variable
        self.model = model

        # Create the Gibbs-sampler
        self.sampler = sampler.GibbsSampler(model)

        # Count the number of parameters
        parameters = self.model.get_parameters()
        self.num_parameters = len(parameters)

        self.hidden_offsets = 0.5 * numx.ones((1, self.model.output_dim))
        if data is not None:
            if self.model.input_dim != data.shape[1]:
                raise ex.ValueError("Data dimension and model input dimension have to be equal!")
            self.visible_offsets = data.mean(axis=0).reshape(1, data.shape[1])
            self.visible_offsets = 0.5 * numx.ones((1, self.model.input_dim))
        # Storage variables for the gradients
        self.parameter_updates = []
        for i in range(self.num_parameters):
Пример #16
def file_chunker(file_handler, chunk_count, chunk_index):
    """Access a chunk of a file
    @param: file_handler - the file object
    @param: chunk_count - the number of section to divide this file into
    @param: chunk_index - the index of the chunk to read from

    @yield: lines of the chunk identified by the chunk_index
    if 1 > chunk_count:
        raise exceptions.ValueError("Chunk count must be > 0 ")
    if chunk_index > chunk_count:
        raise exceptions.IndexError("Chunk index out of bound")
    # seek to the end of file
    file_handler.seek(0, 2)
    file_size = file_handler.tell()
    # in case file is too small
    chunk_size = max(1, file_size // chunk_count)
    chunk_start = chunk_index * chunk_size
    chunk_end = chunk_start + chunk_size

    # Set the file position at the start of the first line in the chunk
    if chunk_start == 0:
        file_handler.seek(chunk_start - 1)

    # Start yielding line within the chunk identified by the chunk index
    while file_handler.tell() < chunk_end:
        line = file_handler.readline()
        if not line:
            # End of file, readline() include new line character for blank line
        # Next line
        yield line.strip()
Пример #17
def getcamera(band, camera=None):
    """ If camera is None, define the camera for the given unique band.
    If camera is a string, reformat it for use as a key to the dicts.
    :param band:
    :param camera:
    import exceptions
    magsys = 'AB'
    band = band.upper()
    if camera is None:
        if band in ZPTDICT[magsys]['ACSWFC'] and band in ZPTDICT[magsys][
            raise exceptions.ValueError(
                "you must specify a camera for filter %s" % band)
        elif band in ZPTDICT[magsys]['ACSWFC']:
            camera = 'ACSWFC'
        elif band in ZPTDICT[magsys]['WFC3IR']:
            camera = 'WFC3IR'
        elif band in ZPTDICT[magsys]['WFC3UVIS']:
            camera = 'WFC3UVIS'
        camera = camera.upper().translate(None, '_-+/ ')
        if camera.startswith('ACS'): camera = 'ACSWFC'
        elif camera.endswith('IR'): camera = 'WFC3IR'
        elif camera.endswith('UVIS'): camera = 'WFC3UVIS'
    return (camera)
Пример #18
    def __init__(self, model):
        """ Initializes the sampler with the model.

        :param model: The model to sample from.
        :type model: Valid model class like BinaryBinary-RBM.
        # Set the model                
        if not hasattr(model, 'probability_h_given_v'):
            raise ex.ValueError("The model needs to implement the function probability_h_given_v!")
        if not hasattr(model, 'probability_v_given_h'):
            raise ex.ValueError("The model needs to implement the function probability_v_given_h!")
        if not hasattr(model, 'sample_h'):
            raise ex.ValueError("The model needs to implement the function sample_h!")
        if not hasattr(model, 'sample_v'):
            raise ex.ValueError("The model needs to implement the function sample_v!")
        self.model = model
Пример #19
    def n(self, wl_nm, axis="mix"):
        """ Axis specifies crystal axis, either o, e, or mix. If mix, class
            instances value for theta sets mixing angle (0 = pure ordinary). 
            Following experimental results from Willer, Blanke, Schade
            'Difference frequency generation in AgGaSe2: sellmeier and 
            temperature-dispersion equations', use rational-exponent 
            Sellmeier from Roberts (1996) """
        wl_um = wl_nm * 1.0e-3
        no = np.sqrt(self.Ao + self.Bo / (np.power(wl_um, self.ao) - self.Co) +
                     self.Fo / (np.power(wl_um, self.bo) - self.Go) + self.Jo /
                     (np.power(wl_um, self.co) - self.Ko) + self.Do /
                     (1. - self.Eo / np.power(wl_um, self.do)))

        ne = np.sqrt(self.Ae + self.Be / (np.power(wl_um, self.ae) - self.Ce) +
                     self.Fe / (np.power(wl_um, self.be) - self.Ge) + self.Je /
                     (np.power(wl_um, self.ce) - self.Ke) + self.De /
                     (1. - self.Ee / np.power(wl_um, self.de)))

        if axis == 'mix':
            return 1.0 / np.sqrt(
                np.sin(self.theta)**2 / ne**2 + np.cos(self.theta)**2 / no**2)
        elif axis == 'o':
            return no
        elif axis == 'e':
            return ne
        raise exceptions.ValueError("Axis was ", str(axis),
                                    "; must be 'mix', 'o', or 'e'")
Пример #20
def ang2vec(theta, phi):
    """ang2vec : convert angles to 3D position vector

    theta : float, scalar or arry-like
      colatitude in radians measured southward from north pole (in [0,pi]). 
    phi : float, scalar or array-like
      longitude in radians measured eastward (in [0, 2*pi]). 

    vec : float, array
      if theta and phi are vectors, the result is a 2D array with a vector per row
      otherwise, it is a 1D array of shape (3,)

    See Also
    vec2ang, rotator.dir2vec, rotator.vec2dir
    if npy.any(theta < 0) or npy.any(theta > npy.pi):
        raise exceptions.ValueError('THETA is out of range [0,pi]')
    sintheta = npy.sin(theta)
    return npy.array([sintheta*npy.cos(phi),
    def train(self, data, iterations=1000, convergence=0.0, status=False):
        """ Training the model (full batch).

        :param data: data for training.
        :type data: numpy array [num data point, data dimension]

        :param iterations: Number of iterations
        :type iterations: int

        :param convergence: If the angle (in degrees) between filters of two updates is less than the given value, \
                            training is terminated.
        :type convergence: double

        :param status: If true the progress is printed to the console.
        :type status: bool
        if self.input_dim != data.shape[1]:
            raise ex.ValueError("Wrong data dimensionality.")
        # Random init
        self.projection_matrix = numx.random.randn(data.shape[1],
        projection_matrix_old = numx.copy(self.projection_matrix)
        for epoch in range(0, iterations):
            # One iteration
            hyptan = 1.0 - 2.0 / (
                numx.exp(2.0 * numx.dot(data, self.projection_matrix)) + 1.0)
            self.projection_matrix = (
                numx.dot(data.T, hyptan) / data.shape[0] - numx.array(
                        (data.shape[1], 1)
                    ), numx.matrix(numx.mean(1.0 - hyptan**2.0, axis=0)))) *
            tmp = numx.linalg.inv(
                numx.dot(self.projection_matrix.T, self.projection_matrix))

            ew, ev = numx.linalg.eig(tmp)
            self.projection_matrix = numx.dot(
                                            numx.diag(ew)**0.5), ev.T)))

            angle = numx.mean(
            if angle < convergence or 180.0 - angle < convergence:
            projection_matrix_old = numx.copy(self.projection_matrix)

            if status is True:
                import pydeep.misc.measuring as mea
                mea.print_progress(epoch, iterations, True)

        # Set results
        self.mean = numx.zeros((1, data.shape[1]))
        self.unprojection_matrix = self.projection_matrix.T

        self.trained = True
Пример #22
 def __init__(self, input):
     ## constructor for class CSquareList
     #  @param input : designation[ | designation [ | designation [ ... ]]] (see below)
     # ===========================================================================
     # input is either a parsable string or list of CSquares
     # If string, instantiate list of CSquare corresponding to string pattern
     # input string may contain wildcards ("*" or "***") and reference multiple 
     # c-squares (separated by "|") as described in format specification
     # Parse input string as follows: 
     #   input       = designation[ | designation [ | designation [ ... ]]]
     #   designation = tag | tag\* | tag\*\*\*
     # List order is left-to-right, with wildcards expanded in reproducable order
     # set by loops below. Do not check for duplicates nor resolution consistency
     # ===========================================================================
     if isinstance(input, basestring):
         for designation in input.split("|"):
             if   designation[-4:] == ":***": # all subsquares of level above
                 basetag = designation[:-4]
                 for ix in range(10):
                     for iy in range(10):
                         csq_quadrant = 1
                         if ix>4:
                             csq_quadrant += 1
                         if iy>4:
                             csq_quadrant += 2
                         tag = basetag + (":%d%d%d" % (csq_quadrant,iy,ix))
             elif designation[-2:] == ":*":   # append corresponding 4 half-squares
                 basetag = designation[:-2]
                 for csq_quadrant in range(1,5):
                     tag = basetag + (":%d" % csq_quadrant)
             else: # assume it is a primitive tag
         if not hasattr(input, "__len__"):
             raise exceptions.ValueError("CSquareList instantiation: input not a sequence")
         for i,member in enumerate(input): # validate all members in list
             if not isinstance(member, CSquare):
                 raise exceptions.ValueError("CSquareList instantiation: element %d is not CSquare instance" % i)
Пример #23
 def get_reflection(self):
     r1 = self.get_t1_reflection()
     r2 = self.get_t2_reflection()
     if (r1 != r2):
         print "\nWARNING:  Crystals not matched (c1='%s', c2='%s')\n" % (
             r1, r2)
         raise exceptions.ValueError("Invalid Crystal Arrangement")
     return r1
Пример #24
 def __init__(self, *args):
     ## constructor for class CSquare:
     #  @param args   : eiter a primitive C-Square tag (precedence) or a (lon[deg],lat[deg],resolution[deg]) of an enclosed point
     # ===========================================================================
     # args is eiter a primitive C-Square tag (precedence) or a (lon,lat,resolution) tuple
     # corresponding to a point enclosed by the desired C-Square
     # ===========================================================================
     if isinstance(args[0], basestring):
         if len(args)>1:
             raise exceptions.ValueError("CSquare instantiation: expect no args beyond tag" )
         self.bbx, self.resolution = tag2bbox(args[0])
         self.id = args[0]
         if len(args) != 3:
             raise exceptions.ValueError("CSquare instantiation: expect args (lon,lat,resolution)")
         self.id = tag_of_enclosing_csquare(*args)
         self.bbx, self.resolution = tag2bbox(self.id)
Пример #25
 def getState(next_waypoint, light):
     for state in State.AVAILABLE_STATES:
         if state.next_waypoint == next_waypoint and state.light == light:
             return state
     # State not found
     raise exceptions.ValueError(
         'State not found: next_waypoint {}, light {}'.format(
             next_waypoint, light))
Пример #26
 def edge_lengths(self):
     Return the dictionary of edge lengths.
     res = {}
     for u, v in self._graph.edges(labels=False):
         s = self._parametrization[u] - self._parametrization[v]
         l = s.inner_product(s)
         if self._par_type == 'rational':
             if not l in self._field.constant_field():
                 raise exceptions.ValueError('The edge ' + str((u, v)) + ' does not have constant length.')
             l = self._field.constant_field()(l)
         elif self._par_type == 'symbolic':
             l = l.simplify_full()
             if not l.simplify_full().is_constant():
                 raise exceptions.ValueError('The edge ' + str((u, v)) + ' does not have constant length.')
         res[(u, v)] = sqrt(l)
     return res
Пример #27
    def __init__(self,
        """ Initializes the sampler with the model.

        :param model: The model to sample from.
        :type model: Valid model Class.

        :param num_samples: The number of samples to generate.
                            .. Note:: Optimal performance (ATLAS,MKL) is achieved if the number of samples equals the \
        :type num_samples:

        :param num_chains: The number of Markov chains.
        :type num_chains: int

        :param betas: Array of inverse temperatures to sample from, its dimensionality needs to equal the number of \
                      chains or if None is given the inverse temperatures are initialized linearly from 0.0 to 1.0 \
                      in 'num_chains' steps.
        :type betas: int, None
        if not model._fast_PT:
            raise ex.NotImplementedError("Only more efficient for Binary RBMs")

        # Check and set the model                
        if not hasattr(model, 'probability_h_given_v'):
            raise ex.ValueError("The model needs to implement the function probability_h_given_v!")
        if not hasattr(model, 'probability_v_given_h'):
            raise ex.ValueError("The model needs to implement the function probability_v_given_h!")
        if not hasattr(model, 'sample_h'):
            raise ex.ValueError("The model needs to implement the function sample_h!")
        if not hasattr(model, 'sample_v'):
            raise ex.ValueError("The model needs to implement the function sample_v!")
        if not hasattr(model, 'energy'):
            raise ex.ValueError("The model needs to implement the function energy!")
        if not hasattr(model, 'input_dim'):
            raise ex.ValueError("The model needs to implement the parameter input_dim!")
        self.model = model

        # Initialize persistent Markov chains to Gaussian random samples.
        self.num_samples = num_samples
        self.chains = model.sample_v(numx.random.randn(num_chains * self.num_samples, model.input_dim) * 0.01)

        # Sets the beta values
        self.num_betas = num_chains
        if betas is None:
            self.betas = numx.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num_chains).reshape(num_chains, 1)
            self.betas = self.betas.reshape(numx.array(betas).shape[0], 1)
            if self.betas.shape[0] != num_chains:
                raise ex.ValueError("The number of betas and Markov chains must be equivalent!")

        # Repeat betas batchsize times
        self.betas = numx.tile(self.betas.T, self.num_samples).T.reshape(num_chains * self.num_samples, 1)

        # Indices of the chains on temperature beta = 1.0
        self.select_indices = numx.arange(self.num_betas - 1, self.num_samples * self.num_betas, self.num_betas)
Пример #28
    def addChild(self, bitfield):

        if (self.__length < (bitfield.position() + len(bitfield))):

            raise (exceptions.ValueError('Bitfield \'%s\' is out of bounds.' %

        bitfield.__parent = self

        self.__children[bitfield.name()] = bitfield
Пример #29
 def calculate_overlap(self, A, B):
     """ calculate overlap integral between fields A and B. A & B must be
     integers between 0-2 (0 = pump, 1 = signal, 3 = idler.)"""
     if (type(A) is not int) or (type(B) is not int):
         e = exceptions.TypeError('A & B must both be integers.')
         raise e
     if A < 0 or A > 3 or B < 0 or B > 3:
         e = exceptions.ValueError('A & B must be in range [0,3].')
         raise e
     return (self.waists[A] + self.waists[B]) / 2.0
Пример #30
    def value(self, v=None):

        if (self.__parent is None):

            current_value = self.__value


            current_value = self.__parent.value()

        mask = self.__createMask()

        if (v is None): return ((current_value & mask) >> self.__position)

        if (type(v) == types.StringType):

            for item in self.__cipher.items():

                if (item[1] == v):

                    v = item[0]

            if (type(v) == types.StringType):

                raise exceptions.ValueError(v + ' is an unknown symbol.')

        if (v > long(mask)):

            raise exceptions.ValueError(
                'Value exceeds length of this bit field.')
        new_value = (current_value & ~mask) | (v << self.__position)

        if (self.__parent is None):

            self.__value = new_value



        return (self)