Пример #1
def check_status(trades, orders):
    for trade in trades:
        found = None
        for order in orders:
            if str(trade.exchange_oid) == str(order[u"oid"]):
                found = order

        if found is not None:
            if trade.status == "selling" and found[u"status"] == u"invalid":
                trade.status = "not enough funds"

                trade_log = TradeLog(created_by=trade.user, trade=trade, log="not enough funds", log_desc="Not enough funds for trade %s." % (trade.pk))
                if (settings.bd_debug == True):
					console_log("not enoguh funds for sell at price: %s, amount: %s, currency: %s, trade: %s" % (trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation, trade.pk))
            if trade.status == "buying" and found[u"status"] == u"invalid":
                trade.status = "not enough funds"

                trade_log = TradeLog(created_by=trade.user, trade=trade, log="not enough funds", log_desc="Not enough funds for trade %s." % (trade.pk))
                if (settings.bd_debug == True):
					console_log("not enoguh funds for buy at price: %s, amount: %s, currency: %s, trade: %s" % (trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation, trade.pk))
            if trade.status == "selling":
                trade.status = "sold"

                trade_log = TradeLog(created_by=trade.user, trade=trade, log="sold", log_desc="Sold trade %s." % (trade.pk))
                if (settings.bd_debug == True):
				    console_log("sold %s bitcoins at %s %s" % (trade.amount, trade.price, trade.currency.abbreviation))
            elif trade.status == "buying":
                trade.status = "bought"

                trade_log = TradeLog(created_by=trade.user, trade=trade, log="bought", log_desc="Bought trade %s." % (trade.pk))
                if (settings.bd_debug == True):
					console_log("bought %s bitcoins at %s %s" % (trade.amount, trade.price, trade.currency.abbreviation))

Пример #2
def trade(trades):
    #last prices for every exchange
    last_prices_exchanges = {}
    for trade in trades:
        if trade.exchange.name in exchanges and trade.exchange.name not in last_prices_exchanges:
            last_price = exchanges[trade.exchange.name].get_last_price(trade.currency.abbreviation)
            last_prices_exchanges[trade.exchange.name] = last_price
        elif trade.exchange.name in exchanges:
            last_price = last_prices_exchanges[trade.exchange.name]

        if last_price is None: continue
            watch_price = Decimal(trade.watch_price)
            # we are BUYING, when last price is higher or equal to watch price (lp_higher == True) and there is no related "sell" order
            if trade.active == True and trade.lp_higher == True and trade.buy_or_sell == True and trade.related is None:
                if last_price >= watch_price:
                    response = exchanges[trade.exchange.name].buy(trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation)

                    if response and response is not None:
                        trade.active = False
                        trade.status = "buying"
                        trade.exchange_oid = response

                        trade_log = TradeLog(created_by=trade.user, trade=trade, log="buying", log_desc="Buying %s." % (trade.pk))

                        if settings.bd_debug == True:
                            console_log("buying, when last price (%s) is higher or equal than watch price (%s) and there is no related sell order (buying at price: %s, amount: %s, currency: %s)" % (last_price, trade.watch_price, trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation))

            # we are BUYING, when last price is lower or equal to watch price (lp_higher == False) and there is no related "sell" order
            elif trade.active == True and trade.lp_higher == False and trade.buy_or_sell == True and trade.related is None:
                if last_price <= watch_price:
                    response = exchanges[trade.exchange.name].buy(trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation)
                    if response and response is not None:
                        trade.active = False
                        trade.status = "buying"
                        trade.exchange_oid = response

                        trade_log = TradeLog(created_by=trade.user, trade=trade, log="buying", log_desc="Buying %s." % (trade.pk))

                        if settings.bd_debug == True:
                            console_log("buying, when last price (%s) is lower or equal that watch price (%s) and there is no related sell order (buying at price: %s, amount: %s, currency: %s)" % (last_price, trade.watch_price, trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation))

            # we are BUYING, when last price is higher or equal to watch price (lp_higher == True) and related "sell" order has been fully "sold"
            elif trade.active == True and trade.lp_higher == True and trade.buy_or_sell == True and trade.related is not None:
                if trade.related.status == "sold" and trade.status == "waiting":
                    if last_price >= watch_price:
                        response = exchanges[trade.exchange.name].buy(trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation)

                        if response and response is not None:
                            trade.active = False
                            trade.status = "buying"
                            trade.exchange_oid = response

                            trade_log = TradeLog(created_by=trade.user, trade=trade, log="buying", log_desc="Buying %s (related %s sold)." % (trade.pk, trade.related.pk))

                            if settings.bd_debug == True:
                                console_log("buying, when last price (%s) is higher or equal to watch price (%s) and related sell order was sold (buying at price: %s, amount: %s, currency: %s, related: %s)" % (last_price, trade.watch_price, trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation, trade.related.pk))

            # we are BUYING, when last price is lower or equal to watch price (lp_hihger == False) and related "sell" order has been fully "sold"
            elif trade.active == True and trade.lp_higher == False and trade.buy_or_sell == True and trade.related is not None:
                if trade.related.status == "sold" and trade.status == "waiting":
                    if last_price <= watch_price:
                        response = exchanges[trade.exchange.name].buy(trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation)

                        if response and response is not None:
                            trade.active = False
                            trade.status = "buying"
                            trade.exchange_oid = response

                            trade_log = TradeLog(created_by=trade.user, trade=trade, log="buying", log_desc="Buying %s (related %s sold)." % (trade.pk, trade.related.pk))

                            if settings.bd_debug == True:
                                console_log("buying, when last price (%s) is lower or equal to watch price (%s) and related sell order was sold (buying at price: %s, amount: %s, currency: %s, related: %s)" % (last_price, trade.watch_price, trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation, trade.related.pk))

            # we are SELLING, when last price is higher or equal to watch price (lp_higher == True) and there is no related "buy" order
            elif trade.active == True and trade.lp_higher == True and trade.buy_or_sell == False and trade.related is None:
                if last_price >= watch_price:
                    response = exchanges[trade.exchange.name].sell(trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation)

                    if response and response is not None:
                        trade.active = False
                        trade.status = "selling"
                        trade.exchange_oid = response

                        trade_log = TradeLog(created_by=trade.user, trade=trade, log="selling", log_desc="Selling %s." % (trade.pk))

                        if settings.bd_debug == True:
                            console_log("selling, when last price (%s) is higher or equal to watch price (%s) and there is no related buy order (selling at price: %s, amount: %s, currency: %s)" % (last_price, trade.watch_price, trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation))

            # we are SELLING, when last price is lower or equal to watch price (lp_higher == False) and there is no related "buy" order
            elif trade.active == True and trade.lp_higher == False and trade.buy_or_sell == False and trade.related is None:
                if last_price <= watch_price:
                    response = exchanges[trade.exchange.name].sell(trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation)
                    if response and response is not None:
                        trade.active = False
                        trade.status = "selling"
                        trade.exchange_oid = response

                        trade_log = TradeLog(created_by=trade.user, trade=trade, log="selling", log_desc="Selling %s." % (trade.pk))

                        if settings.bd_debug == True:
                            console_log("selling, when last price (%s) is lower or equal to watch price (%s) and there is no related buy order (selling at price: %s, amount: %s, currency: %s)" % (last_price, trade.watch_price, trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation))

            # we are SELLING, when last price is higher or equal to watch price (lp_higher == True) and related "buy" order has been fully "bought"
            elif trade.active == True and trade.lp_higher == True and trade.buy_or_sell == False and trade.related is not None:
                if trade.related.status == "bought" and trade.status == "waiting":
                    if last_price >= watch_price:
                        response = exchanges[trade.exchange.name].sell(trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation)

                        if response and response is not None:
                            trade.active = False
                            trade.status = "selling"
                            trade.exchange_oid = response

                            trade_log = TradeLog(created_by=trade.user, trade=trade, log="selling", log_desc="Selling %s (related %s bought)." % (trade.pk, trade.related.pk))

                            if settings.bd_debug == True:
                                console_log("selling, when last price (%s) is higher or equal to watch price (%s) and related buy was bought (selling at price: %s, amount: %s, currency: %s, related: %s)" % (last_price, trade.watch_price, trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation, trade.related.pk))

            # we are SELLING, when last price is lower or equal to watch price and related "buy" order has been fully "bought"
            elif trade.active == True and trade.lp_higher == False and trade.buy_or_sell == False and trade.related is not None:
                if trade.related.status == "bought" and trade.status == "waiting":
                    if last_price <= watch_price:
                        response = exchanges[trade.exchange.name].sell(trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation)

                        if response and response is not None:
                            trade.active = False
                            trade.status = "selling"
                            trade.exchange_oid = response

                            trade_log = TradeLog(created_by=trade.user, trade=trade, log="selling", log_desc="Selling %s (related %s bought)." % (trade.pk, trade.related.pk))

                            if settings.bd_debug == True:
                                console_log("selling, when last price (%s) is lower or equal to watch price (%s) and related buy was bought (selling at price: %s, amount: %s, currency: %s, related: %s)" % (last_price, trade.watch_price, trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation, trade.related.pk))
            elif trade.active == True and trade.lp_higher == False and trade.buy_or_sell == False and trade.related is not None:
                if trade.related.status == "bought" and trade.status == "waiting":
                    if last_price <= watch_price:
                        response = exchanges[trade.exchange.name].sell(trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation)

                        if response and response is not None:
                            trade.active = False
                            trade.status = "selling"
                            trade.exchange_oid = response

                            trade_log = TradeLog(created_by=trade.user, trade=trade, log="selling", log_desc="Selling %s (related %s bought)." % (trade.pk, trade.related.pk))

                            if settings.bd_debug == True:
                                console_log("selling, when last price (%s) is lower or equal to watch price (%s) and related buy was bought (selling at price: %s, amount: %s, currency: %s, related: %s)" % (last_price, trade.watch_price, trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation, trade.related.pk))
Пример #3
def check_status(trades, orders):
    for trade in trades:
        found = None
        for order in orders:
            if str(trade.exchange_oid) == str(order[u"oid"]):
                found = order

        if found is not None:
            if trade.status == "selling" and found[u"status"] == u"invalid":
                trade.status = "not enough funds"

                trade_log = TradeLog(created_by=trade.user, trade=trade, log="not enough funds", log_desc="Not enough funds for trade %s." % (trade.pk))
                if (settings.bd_debug == True):
					console_log("not enoguh funds for sell at price: %s, amount: %s, currency: %s, trade: %s" % (trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation, trade.pk))
            if trade.status == "buying" and found[u"status"] == u"invalid":
                trade.status = "not enough funds"

                trade_log = TradeLog(created_by=trade.user, trade=trade, log="not enough funds", log_desc="Not enough funds for trade %s." % (trade.pk))
                if (settings.bd_debug == True):
					console_log("not enoguh funds for buy at price: %s, amount: %s, currency: %s, trade: %s" % (trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation, trade.pk))
            if trade.status == "selling":
                trade.status = "sold"

                trade_log = TradeLog(created_by=trade.user, trade=trade, log="sold", log_desc="Sold trade %s." % (trade.pk))
                if (settings.bd_debug == True):
				    console_log("sold %s bitcoins at %s %s" % (trade.amount, trade.price, trade.currency.abbreviation))
            elif trade.status == "buying":
                trade.status = "bought"

                trade_log = TradeLog(created_by=trade.user, trade=trade, log="bought", log_desc="Bought trade %s." % (trade.pk))
                if (settings.bd_debug == True):
					console_log("bought %s bitcoins at %s %s" % (trade.amount, trade.price, trade.currency.abbreviation))

        if trade.exchange_oid is not None and trade.completed == False and (trade.status == "buying" or trade.status == "bought" or trade.status == "selling" or trade.status == "sold"):
            if (settings.bd_debug == True):
                if trade.status == "buying" or trade.status == "selling":
    	            console_log("trade %s at price %s, amount %s and currency %s is still not being completed, so we will check for completed transactions" % (trade.pk, trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation))
                elif trade.status == "bought" or trade.status == "sold":
    	            console_log("trade %s at price %s, amount %s and currency %s was fully executed, but we do not have a final sum of money we got/spent for the trade, so we will do this right now" % (trade.pk, trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation))
            exchanges[trade.exchange.name].order = None        
            exchanges[trade.exchange.name].order = exchanges[trade.exchange.name].get_order(trade)

            # isinstance not working properly, so we "hack" a little bit
            if hasattr(exchanges[trade.exchange.name].order, "sum_price") and hasattr(exchanges[trade.exchange.name].order, "sum_amount"):
                trade.total_price = exchanges[trade.exchange.name].order.sum_price
                trade.total_amount = exchanges[trade.exchange.name].order.sum_amount
                if (trade.status == "bought" or trade.status == "sold"):
                    if (settings.bd_debug == True):
                        console_log("trade %s at price %s, amount %s and currency %s completed" % (trade.pk, trade.price, trade.amount, trade.currency.abbreviation))
                    trade.completed = True