Пример #1
 def __init__(self, field):
     Element.__init__(self, field)
     # there is then field.maincontent, field.width, field.height, field.correctx, field.correcty , etc.
     self.mainContentElement = TextAreaElement(field.mainContentField)
     self.targetXElement = TextElement(field.targetX)
     self.targetYElement = TextElement(field.targetY)
     self.widthElement = TextElement(field.width)
     self.heightElement = TextElement(field.height)
     self.toleranceElement = TextElement(field.tolerance)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.mainTextAreaElements = {}
        self.mainTextElements = {}
        self.clickableAreaElements = []
        self.questionOrderChoiceElement = ChoiceElement(
        self.timerChoiceElement = ChoiceElement(idevice.timerChoiceField)
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)

        for textAreaFieldName, textAreaFieldVals in idevice.textAreaFieldNames.iteritems(
            self.mainTextAreaElements[textAreaFieldName] = TextAreaElement(

        for textFieldName, textFieldVals in idevice.textFieldNames.iteritems():
            self.mainTextElements[textFieldName] = TextElement(

        for clickableAreaField in idevice.clickableAreaFields:
            newClickableElement = ClickInOrderClickableAreaElement(
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, field):
        Element.__init__(self, field)

        self.textElements = {}
        self.textAreaElements = {}

        for textFieldName, textFieldDetails in field.textFieldNames.iteritems(
            self.textElements[textFieldName] = TextElement(

        for textAreaFieldName, textAreaFieldDetails in field.textAreaFieldNames.iteritems(
            self.textAreaElements[textAreaFieldName] = TextAreaElement(
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)
        self.contentElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.content)
        self.contentElement.height = 250
        self.chanceImageElements = []

        #go through all image fields in the list and create an image element linked to that field
        for chanceImageField in idevice.chanceImageFields:
            newImgElement = ImageElement(chanceImageField)

        self.wordElements = []
        self.hintElements = []
        #go through all of the word fields and hint fields and create an 
        for wordIndex, word in enumerate(idevice.wordTextFields):
            newWordElement = TextElement(word)
            newHintElement = TextElement(idevice.hintTextFields[wordIndex])

        #make an element for the alphabet
        self.alphabetElement = TextElement(idevice.alphabet)

        #element for the messages that are shown to the player
        self.wrongGuessTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.wrongGuessMessageField)
        self.lostLevelTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.lostLevelMessageField)
        self.levelPassedTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.levelPasssedMessageField)
        self.gameWonTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.gameWonMessageField)
        self.letterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.letterButtonStyle)
        self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.wrongLetterButtonStyle)
        self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.rightLetterButtonStyle)

        self.hintFieldStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.hintFieldStyle)
        self.wordAreaStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.wordAreaStyle)

        self.resetButtonTextElement = TextElement(self.idevice.resetButtonText)
        self.resetButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.resetButtonStyle)
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.mainTextAreaElements = {}        
        self.mainTextElements = {}
        self.clickableAreaElements = []
        self.questionOrderChoiceElement = ChoiceElement(idevice.questionOrderChoiceField)
        self.timerChoiceElement = ChoiceElement(idevice.timerChoiceField)
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)

        for textAreaFieldName, textAreaFieldVals in idevice.textAreaFieldNames.iteritems():
            self.mainTextAreaElements[textAreaFieldName] = TextAreaElement(idevice.textAreaFields[textAreaFieldName])

        for textFieldName, textFieldVals in idevice.textFieldNames.iteritems():
            self.mainTextElements[textFieldName] = TextElement(idevice.textFields[textFieldName])

        for clickableAreaField in idevice.clickableAreaFields:
            newClickableElement = ClickInOrderClickableAreaElement(clickableAreaField)
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.contentElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.content)
        self.contentElement.height = 250
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)

        self.mainAreaElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.mainArea)
        self.mainAreaElement.height = 200
        self.placableObjectElements = []
        for placableObjectField in idevice.objectsToPlace:
            newPlacableElement = PlacableObjectElement(placableObjectField)

        self.positiveResponseElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.positiveResponseArea)
        self.negativeResponseElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.negativeResponseArea)
        self.clickToStartElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.clickToStartGameArea)
        self.gameTimeLimit = TextElement(idevice.gameTimeLimit)
        self.gameTimerShown = TextElement(idevice.gameTimerShown)
        self.partbinNumCols = TextElement(idevice.partbinNumCols)
Пример #7
def field_engine_build_elements_on_block(fieldInfoDict, fieldDict, idevice):
    fieldCounter = 0
    elementDict = {}
    for fieldInfoKey, fieldInfoArr in fieldInfoDict.items():
        elementTypeName = fieldInfoArr[EXEFIELDINFO_TYPE]

        #check the field - if this is a new one or src code edit etc. then add this field...
        field_engine_check_field(fieldInfoKey, fieldInfoDict, fieldDict,
        newElement = ""
        if elementTypeName == 'image':
            newElement = ImageElement(fieldDict[fieldInfoKey])
        elif elementTypeName == 'text':
            newElement = TextElement(fieldDict[fieldInfoKey])
        elif elementTypeName == 'textarea':
            newElement = TextAreaElement(fieldDict[fieldInfoKey])
        elif elementTypeName == 'choice':
            newElement = ChoiceElement(fieldDict[fieldInfoKey])

        if newElement != "":
            elementDict[fieldInfoKey] = newElement

    return elementDict
Пример #8
class PlaceTheObjectsBlockInc(Block):
    ExampleBlock can render and process ExampleIdevices as XHTML
    GenericBlock will replace it..... one day
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.contentElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.content)
        self.contentElement.height = 250
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)

        self.mainAreaElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.mainArea)
        self.mainAreaElement.height = 200
        self.placableObjectElements = []
        for placableObjectField in idevice.objectsToPlace:
            newPlacableElement = PlacableObjectElement(placableObjectField)

        self.positiveResponseElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.positiveResponseArea)
        self.negativeResponseElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.negativeResponseArea)
        self.clickToStartElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.clickToStartGameArea)
        self.gameTimeLimit = TextElement(idevice.gameTimeLimit)
        self.gameTimerShown = TextElement(idevice.gameTimerShown)
        self.partbinNumCols = TextElement(idevice.partbinNumCols)

    def process(self, request):
        Process the request arguments from the web server to see if any
        apply to this block
        Block.process(self, request)


        if "addPlacableObject" + unicode(self.id) in request.args:
            self.idevice.edit = True
            self.idevice.undo = False
        if "checktimer" + unicode(self.id) in request.args:
            if "enabletimer" + unicode(self.id) in request.args:
                self.idevice.gameTimerShown.content = True
                self.idevice.gameTimerShown.content = False

        self.idevice.title = self.titleElement.renderView()

        for placableObjectElement in self.placableObjectElements:

    def _makeObjectDivId(self, elementTypeName, placeableObjectElement):
        Makes an id for a div that is the drag or drop element 
        as specified by elementTypeName = draggable | droppable
        for placeableObjectElement

        objectdivid = "placetheobjects" + self.id + "_" + elementTypeName + placeableObjectElement.id
        return objectdivid

    def _renderForGame(self, style, previewMode = False):
        Renders the block as the script and XHTML elements that will be needed in order
        to make this run as a game
        viewModeStr = "view"
        scriptPrefix = ""
        if previewMode == True:
            scriptPrefix = "resources/"
            viewModeStr = "preview"

        html = "<script src='%sjquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js' type='text/javascript'></script>\n" % scriptPrefix
        html += "<script src='%splacetheobjects.js' type='text/javascript'></script>\n" % scriptPrefix
        html += common.ideviceHeader(self, style, viewModeStr)
        #this shows the instructions
        html += self.contentElement.renderView()

        Here we make the droppable target divs
        for placeableObjectElement in self.placableObjectElements:
            borderStr = ""
            if previewMode == True:
                borderStr = "border: 1px solid red;"
            tolerance = int(placeableObjectElement.toleranceElement.renderView())

            html += """<div id='%(droppableid)s' class='placeTheObjectTargetClass%(gameId)s' style='position: absolute; 
                        margin-left: %(marginleft)dpx; margin-top: %(margintop)dpx;
                        width: %(width)dpx; height: %(height)dpx; %(borderstr)s '>
                """ % { "droppableid" : self._makeObjectDivId("droppable", placeableObjectElement), \
                        "marginleft" : int(placeableObjectElement.targetXElement.renderView()) - tolerance, \
                        "margintop" : int(placeableObjectElement.targetYElement.renderView()) - tolerance, \
                        "width": int(placeableObjectElement.widthElement.renderView()) + (tolerance * 2), \
                        "height": int(placeableObjectElement.heightElement.renderView()) + (tolerance * 2), \
                        "borderstr": borderStr, "gameId" : str(self.id) }

        """+ve/-ve feedback areas"""
        html += "<div id='placetheobjects_" + self.id +"_positivefeedback'" \
                +" style='position: absolute; z-index: 1; '>"
        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.positiveResponseElement.renderPreview()
            html += self.positiveResponseElement.renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += "<div id='placetheobjects_" + self.id + "_negativefeedback' " \
                + "style='position: absolute; z-index: 1;'>" 
        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.negativeResponseElement.renderPreview()
            html += self.negativeResponseElement.renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        """What to click to start the game"""
        html += "<div id='placetheobjects_" + self.id + "_clicktostart' style='position: " \
                + "absolute; cursor: pointer; z-index: 3' onclick='startPlaceGame(\"" + self.id + "\")'>"
        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.clickToStartElement.renderPreview()
            html += self.clickToStartElement.renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        This is the main area background where the elements are going to be dropped...
        html += "<div style='z-index: -4;' id='placetheobjects_" + self.id + "_main'>"
        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainAreaElement.renderPreview()
            html += self.mainAreaElement.renderView()

        html += "</div>"
        Here we make the part bin that will contain the elements that will be dragged 
        and dropped in place

        html += "<div id='placetheobjects" + self.id + "_partbin'>\n"
        html += "<table cellpadding='2' cellspacing='2'>"
        numCols = int(self.partbinNumCols.renderView())
        html += "<!-- num cols = " + str(numCols) + "-->"
        colCount = 0
        elementCount = 0

        for placeableObjectElement in self.placableObjectElements:
            if elementCount % numCols == 0:
                #we need to make a new row...
                if elementCount > 0:
                    html += "</tr>"
                html += "<tr>"
            idname = self._makeObjectDivId("draggable", placeableObjectElement)
            elementDimensions = {"width" : int(placeableObjectElement.widthElement.renderView()), \
                "height" : int(placeableObjectElement.heightElement.renderView()) }
            html += "<td style='width: %(width)dpx; height: $(height)spx;'>"
            html += "<div id='" + idname + "' onclick=\"objectPlacePickupElement('%(gameid)s', '%(draggableid)s')\" style='cursor: pointer;  " \
                % {"gameid" : str(self.id), "draggableid" : idname}
            html += "width: %(width)dpx; height: %(height)dpx; overflow: hidden; z-index: 1;'>\n" \
                % elementDimensions
            html += placeableObjectElement.mainContentElement.renderView()
            html += "</div>\n"
            html += "</td>"
            elementCount += 1

        html += "</tr></table>"        
        html += "</div>\n"

        html += "<!-- Javascript Code Generated by placetheobjectsblock.py - DO NOT MODIFY -->\n"
        html += "<script type='text/javascript'>\n"
        html +="initPlaceTheObjectsGameData('" + self.id + "');\n"
        html += "placeTheObjectsGameData['" + self.id + "']['showtimer'] = '" + str(self.gameTimerShown.field.content) + "';\n"
        html += "placeTheObjectsGameData['" + self.id + "']['timelimit'] = '" + str(self.gameTimeLimit.field.content) + "';\n"

        for placeableObjectElement in self.placableObjectElements:
            draggable_id = self._makeObjectDivId("draggable", placeableObjectElement)
            droppable_id = self._makeObjectDivId("droppable", placeableObjectElement)

            perItemCode = """
                if(exe_isTouchScreenDev == false) {
                    $(function() {
                            revert : 'invalid',
                            start: function(event, ui) {
                            stop: function (event, ui) {
                                    setTimeout('checkObjectPlaceOK("%(gameId)s", "%(draggableid)s")', 300);
                    accept: "#%(draggableid)s",
                    activeClass: "ui-state-hover",
                    hoverClass: "ui-state-active",
                            drop: function(event, ui) {
                                    $("#%(draggableid)s").effect("pulsate", {}, "fast");
                                    objectPlaceOK("%(gameId)s", "%(draggableid)s");
                    document.getElementById("%(draggableid)s").onclick = null;   
                placeTheObjectsGameData['%(gameId)s']['elements']['%(draggableid)s'] = new Array();
                placeTheObjectsGameData['%(gameId)s']['elements']['%(draggableid)s']['status'] = 'notplaced';
                placeTheObjectsGameData['%(gameId)s']['elements']['%(draggableid)s']['bounds'] = new Array(%(targetx)s, %(targety)s, %(width)s, %(height)s ); 
                """ % { "draggableid" : draggable_id, "droppableid" : droppable_id, "gameId" : str(self.id), \
                "targetx": placeableObjectElement.targetXElement.renderView() , "targety" : placeableObjectElement.targetYElement.renderView(),\
                "width" : placeableObjectElement.widthElement.renderView(),  "height" : placeableObjectElement.heightElement.renderView() }
            html += perItemCode

        html += "</script>\n"
        html += common.ideviceFooter(self, style, viewModeStr)
        return html

    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html  = u"<div>\n"
        html += self.titleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.contentElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.mainAreaElement.renderEdit()

        html +=u"<strong>"+_("Game Options") +"</strong>"
        html += self.clickToStartElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.positiveResponseElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.negativeResponseElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.partbinNumCols.renderEdit()
        Timer Options
        html += "<input type='hidden' name='checktimer%s' value='true'/>" % self.id
        html += common.checkbox("enabletimer%s" % self.id, self.idevice.gameTimerShown.content, \
                title=_("Enable Timer"), instruction=_("Enable showing the timer in the game"))
        html += self.gameTimeLimit.renderEdit()

        for placableObjectElement in self.placableObjectElements:
            html += placableObjectElement.renderEdit()
        html += "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addPlacableObject"+unicode(self.id), _("Add Placable Object"))
        html += "<br/>"
        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderPreview(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for previewing this block
        html = self._renderForGame(style, True)

        return html

    def renderView(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for viewing this block
        html = self._renderForGame(style, previewMode=False)

        return html
Пример #9
class ClickInOrderBlockInc(Block):
    ClickInOrderBlock renders ClickInOrderIdevice
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.mainTextAreaElements = {}        
        self.mainTextElements = {}
        self.clickableAreaElements = []
        self.questionOrderChoiceElement = ChoiceElement(idevice.questionOrderChoiceField)
        self.timerChoiceElement = ChoiceElement(idevice.timerChoiceField)
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)

        for textAreaFieldName, textAreaFieldVals in idevice.textAreaFieldNames.iteritems():
            self.mainTextAreaElements[textAreaFieldName] = TextAreaElement(idevice.textAreaFields[textAreaFieldName])

        for textFieldName, textFieldVals in idevice.textFieldNames.iteritems():
            self.mainTextElements[textFieldName] = TextElement(idevice.textFields[textFieldName])

        for clickableAreaField in idevice.clickableAreaFields:
            newClickableElement = ClickInOrderClickableAreaElement(clickableAreaField)

    def process(self, request):
        Process the request arguments from the web server to see if any
        apply to this block
        self.idevice.message = ""
        Block.process(self, request)



        if "addClickableArea" + unicode(self.id) in request.args:
            self.idevice.edit = True
            self.idevice.undo = False

        for textAreaFieldName, textAreaElement in self.mainTextAreaElements.iteritems():

        for textFieldName, textElement in self.mainTextElements.iteritems():

        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
        #validate integer fields are actually integers
        field_engine_check_fields_are_ints(self.mainTextElements, \
                            ["width", "height", "hintWidth", "hintHeight"], thisIdevice=self.idevice)

    def renderXML(self, style):
        previewMode = False
        xml = ""
        xml += "<idevice type=\"clickinorder\" id=\"%s\">\n" % self.idevice.id
        xml += "<clickinorderoptions "
        if self.questionOrderChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            xml += " randomizequestions=\"randomizequestions\" "
        if self.timerChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            xml += " timermode = \"%(timerMode)s\" " % \
        xml += self.mainTextAreaElements['Instructions'].renderView()

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaGameCompleteFeedback' + self.id + '" style="position: absolute; z-index: 3">'
        html += self.mainTextAreaElements['CompleteFeedback'].renderPreview() if previewMode \
                else self.mainTextAreaElements['CompleteFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaPositiveFeedback' + self.id +'" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1">'
        html += self.mainTextAreaElements['PositiveFeedback'].renderPreview() if previewMode \
                else self.mainTextAreaElements['PositiveFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaNegativeFeedback' + self.id +'" style="position: absolute; z-index: 2">'
        html += self.mainTextAreaElements['NegativeFeedback'].renderPreview() if previewMode \
                else self.mainTextAreaElements['NegativeFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

    Renders the code for the game...
    def _renderGame(self, style, mode="view"):
        previewMode = False
        resourcePath = ""
        if mode == "preview":
            previewMode = True
            resourcePath = "resources/"

        html = common.ideviceHeader(self, style, mode)
        html += \
        <script src="%(resourcePath)sjquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>
        <script src="%(resourcePath)sclickinorder.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>

        <script type="text/javascript">
        var clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s = new ClickInOrder('%(gameId)s');
        """ % { 'gameId' : str(self.id), 'resourcePath': resourcePath }
        if self.questionOrderChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            html += "clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.randomizeQuestions = true;\n" % { 'gameId' : str(self.id) }
        if self.timerChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            html += "clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.timerMode = %(timerMode)s;\n" % \
                {"gameId" : str(self.id), "timerMode" : self.timerChoiceElement.renderView() }

        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
            hideDelayStr = clickableAreaElement.textElements['hideDelay'].renderView()
            if len(hideDelayStr) < 1:
                hideDelayStr = "0"
            html += "clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.addClickableArea(\"%(clickableId)s\", %(hideDelay)s, %(bounds)s);\n" \
              % {'gameId' : str(self.id), 'clickableId' : str(clickableAreaElement.id), \
              'hideDelay' : int(hideDelayStr),\
              'bounds' : "new Array(" + clickableAreaElement.textElements['left'].renderView() + "," \
                + clickableAreaElement.textElements['top'].renderView() + ","
                + clickableAreaElement.textElements['width'].renderView() + ","
                + clickableAreaElement.textElements['height'].renderView() +")"}
        html += "</script>\n"

        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['Instructions'].renderPreview()
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['Instructions'].renderView()

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaGameCompleteFeedback' + self.id + '" style="position: absolute; z-index: 3">'
        if previewMode == True:
            html +=self.mainTextAreaElements['CompleteFeedback'].renderPreview()
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['CompleteFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaPositiveFeedback' + self.id +'" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1">'
        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['PositiveFeedback'].renderPreview()
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['PositiveFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaNegativeFeedback' + self.id +'" style="position: absolute; z-index: 2">'
        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['NegativeFeedback'].renderPreview()
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['NegativeFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        if self.timerChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":        
            html += '<input id="clickinordertimer' + self.id + '" style="' + \
                self.mainTextElements['timerStyle'].renderView() + ' "/>\n'

        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
            posStyleTopLeft = "position: absolute; margin-left: %(left)spx; margin-top: %(top)spx; z-index: 2; " \
                % { 'left' : clickableAreaElement.textElements['left'].renderView(), \
                'top' : clickableAreaElement.textElements['top'].renderView() }

            posStyleWidthHeight = "height: %(height)spx; width: %(width)spx; " % \
                { 'width' : clickableAreaElement.textElements['width'].renderView(), \
                  'height' : clickableAreaElement.textElements['height'].renderView() }
            divDictArgs = { 'gameId' : str(self.id), \
                        'clickableAreaId' : str(clickableAreaElement.id), \
                        'posStyle' : posStyleTopLeft, \
                        'posStyleWH' : posStyleWidthHeight }
            html += """<div id="clickableArea_%(gameId)s_%(clickableAreaId)s" style="%(posStyle)s %(posStyleWH)s "  
                    onclick="clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.checkClick(\'%(clickableAreaId)s\')"> </div>""" \
                        % divDictArgs
            html += '<div id="clickableAreaShowMe_%(gameId)s_%(clickableAreaId)s" style="%(posStyle)s">' \
                        % divDictArgs
            if previewMode == True:
                html += clickableAreaElement.textAreaElements['ShowMe'].renderPreview()
                html += clickableAreaElement.textAreaElements['ShowMe'].renderView()
            html += '</div>'

        #the click to start area
        gameSizeArgs = { 'gameId' : str(self.id), \
                'width' : self.mainTextElements['width'].renderView() ,\
                'height' : self.mainTextElements['height'].renderView()}

        html += """<div id=\"clickinordercontainer%(gameId)s\" style=\"width: %(width)spx; height: %(height)spx; overflow: hidden;\" 
                 >""" \
                % gameSizeArgs
        html += """<div id="clickinorderstartarea%(gameId)s\" onclick="clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.startGame()"  
                style=\"width: %(width)spx; height: %(height)spx; position: absolute;\">""" \
                % gameSizeArgs
        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['ClickToStartArea'].renderPreview()
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['ClickToStartArea'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"
        #the main area
        html += """<div id="clickinordermainarea%(gameId)s" onclick="clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.validateClick" 
                style=\"width: %(width)spx; height: %(height)spx; position: absolute;\">""" \
                % gameSizeArgs

        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['MainArea'].renderPreview()
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['MainArea'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += "</div>"
        #the hints
        html += "<div id=\"clickInOrderHints" + self.id + "\" style=\"" \
                + "width: " + self.mainTextElements['hintWidth'].renderView() + "px; " \
                + "height: " + self.mainTextElements['hintHeight'].renderView() + "px; " \
                + self.mainTextElements['hintAreaStyle'].renderView() + "\">\n"
        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
            html += "<div id=\"clickableAreaInstruction_%(gameId)s_%(clickableAreaId)s\" style=\"position: absolute\">" \
                        % { 'gameId' : str(self.id), 'clickableAreaId' : str(clickableAreaElement.id) }
            if previewMode == True:
                html += clickableAreaElement.textAreaElements['Hint'].renderPreview()
                html += clickableAreaElement.textAreaElements['Hint'].renderView()
            html += "</div>\n"

        html += "</div>"
        html += '<input id="clickinordercounter' + self.id + '" style="' + \
                self.mainTextElements['elementCounterStyle'].renderView() +' " value="1"/>\n'
        html += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.init();</script>\n" % { 'gameId': str(self.id) }
        html += common.ideviceFooter(self, style, mode)
        return html

    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html  = u"<div>\n"
        html += common.ideviceShowEditMessage(self)
        html += \
        <h2>Click The Elements in Order Game</h2>
                This builds a Javascript game where the player has to click on a certain place on the main area according to the hint.  
                When they click correctly the positive feedback will come and the game will advance.  When they click the wrong
                area negative feedback will be shown.  When they click on the correct area an item can be revealed there.  A delay
                can be set to make the item disappear if desired after a delay.

        html += self.titleElement.renderEdit()
        for textAreaFieldName, textAreaElement in self.mainTextAreaElements.iteritems():
            html += textAreaElement.renderEdit()

        #for textFieldName, textElement in self.mainTextElements.iteritems():
        #    html += textElement.renderEdit()
        for textFieldName in self.idevice.textFieldsBasic:
            html += self.mainTextElements[textFieldName].renderEdit()
        divId = "fieldtype_advanced"  + self.id
        html += "<input name='showbox" + divId + "' type='checkbox' onchange='$(\"#" + divId + "\").toggle()'/>"
        html += _("Show advanced options") + "<br/>"
        html += "<div id='" + divId + "' style='display: none' "
        html += ">"
        for textFieldName in self.idevice.textFieldsAdvanced:
            html += self.mainTextElements[textFieldName].renderEdit()
        html += "</div>"
        html += "<br/>"

        html += self.questionOrderChoiceElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.timerChoiceElement.renderEdit()

        html += _("<h2>Clickable Areas</h2>")
        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
            html += clickableAreaElement.renderEdit()

        html += "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addClickableArea"+unicode(self.id), _("Add Clickable Area"))
        html += "<br/>"

        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderPreview(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for previewing this block
        html = ""
        html += self._renderGame(style, "preview")
        return html

    def renderView(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for viewing this block
        html = ""
        html += self._renderGame(style, "view")
        return html
Пример #10
class HangmanBlockInc(Block):
    ExampleBlock can render and process ExampleIdevices as XHTML
    GenericBlock will replace it..... one day
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)
        self.contentElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.content)
        self.contentElement.height = 250
        self.chanceImageElements = []

        #go through all image fields in the list and create an image element linked to that field
        for chanceImageField in idevice.chanceImageFields:
            newImgElement = ImageElement(chanceImageField)

        self.wordElements = []
        self.hintElements = []
        #go through all of the word fields and hint fields and create an 
        for wordIndex, word in enumerate(idevice.wordTextFields):
            newWordElement = TextElement(word)
            newHintElement = TextElement(idevice.hintTextFields[wordIndex])

        #make an element for the alphabet
        self.alphabetElement = TextElement(idevice.alphabet)

        #element for the messages that are shown to the player
        self.wrongGuessTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.wrongGuessMessageField)
        self.lostLevelTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.lostLevelMessageField)
        self.levelPassedTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.levelPasssedMessageField)
        self.gameWonTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.gameWonMessageField)
        self.letterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.letterButtonStyle)
        self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.wrongLetterButtonStyle)
        self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.rightLetterButtonStyle)

        self.hintFieldStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.hintFieldStyle)
        self.wordAreaStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.wordAreaStyle)

        self.resetButtonTextElement = TextElement(self.idevice.resetButtonText)
        self.resetButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.resetButtonStyle)

    def process(self, request):
        Process the request arguments from the web server to see if any
        apply to this block
        #Make sure that we don't do anything when it's time to die...
        Block.process(self, request)
        self.idevice.message = ""
        if field_engine_is_delete_request(request):

        self.idevice.title = self.titleElement.renderView()


        #see if we need to delete a word
        blankWords = False
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            if self.wordElements[wordIndex].renderView() == "":
                blankWords = True
            elif self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView() == "":
                blankWords = True
        if blankWords is True:
            self.idevice.message = _("One or more words or hints are blank.  Please do not have any blank hints or words - you can delete unused ones.")
            self.idevice.edit = True
        #see if we need to add another chance
        if ("addChance"+unicode(self.id)) in request.args: 
            self.idevice.edit = True
            # disable Undo once a question has been added:
            self.idevice.undo = False
        if("addWord"+unicode(self.id)) in request.args:
            self.idevice.edit = True
            self.idevice.undo = False

        content = self.contentElement.process(request)
        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if "action" in request.args and request.args["action"][0] == imgElement.id:
                imgElement.field.idevice.undo = False
                imgElement.field.idevice.edit = True

        for wordElement in self.wordElements:
            if "action" in request.args and request.args["action"][0] == wordElement.id:
                wordIdx = self.wordElements.index(wordElement)
                wordElement.field.idevice.undo = False
                wordElement.field.idevice.edit = True
        for hintElement in self.hintElements:

        if content:
            self.idevice.content = content

    # Get an TextArea render back according to mode
    def _renderHTMLElement(self, mode, element, containerId = None):
        retVal = ""
        idStr = ""
        if containerId is not None:
            idStr = " id='%s' " % containerId
        retVal += "<div %s >" % idStr
        if mode == "preview":
            retVal += element.renderPreview()
            retVal += element.renderView()
        retVal += "</div>"
        return retVal
    # This will generate the HTML elements and javascript that will be required
    # for this to be shown as a Javascript game in the web browser
    def _renderGame(self, style, mode = "view"):
        hangmanGameId = "hangman" + self.id
        resPath = ""
        if mode ==  "preview":
            resPath = "/templates/"       
        html = u"<script src='" + resPath + "hangman.js' type='text/javascript'></script>\n"
        html += common.ideviceHeader(self, style, mode)
        html += "<div id='hangman%(gameId)smessageStore' style='display: none'>" % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId}
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.wrongGuessTextElement, "hmwrong" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.lostLevelTextElement, "hmlost" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.levelPassedTextElement, "hmpassed" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.gameWonTextElement, "hmwon" + hangmanGameId)
        html += "</div>"
        html += u"<script type='text/javascript'>\n"

        #Go through the images and find out the max height and maxwidth
        imgMaxHeight = 0
        imgMaxWidth = 0

        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource and imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                if(int(imgElement.field.width) > imgMaxWidth):
                    imgMaxWidth = int(imgElement.field.width)

                if(imgElement.field.height > imgMaxHeight):
                    imgMaxHeight = int(imgElement.field.height)

        #Makes a javascript array of the list of words that the user has given
        html += "hangman_words['%s'] = new Array();\n" % hangmanGameId
        html += "hangman_buttonStyles['%s'] = new Array();\n" % hangmanGameId
        for wordIndex, word in enumerate(self.wordElements):
            html += u"hangman_words['%(gameId)s'][%(index)d] = new Array('%(word)s', '%(hint)s');\n" % \
                {"index" : wordIndex, "word" : word.renderView(), \
                "hint" : self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView(), \
                "gameId" : hangmanGameId }
        #make the style for the buttons
        html += "hangman_buttonStyles['%(gameId)s'][HANGMAN_BEFORE_GUESS] = \"%(style)s\";\n" \
                % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId, "style" : self.letterButtonStyleElement.renderView()}
        html += "hangman_buttonStyles['%(gameId)s'][HANGMAN_CORRECT_GUESS] = \"%(style)s\";\n" \
                % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId, "style" : self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement.renderView()}
        html += "hangman_buttonStyles['%(gameId)s'][HANGMAN_WRONG_GUESS] = \"%(style)s\";\n" \
                % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId, "style" : self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement.renderView()}

        #Makes a javscript string of the alphabet that the user can guess from
        html += u"hangman_alphabet['%(gameId)s'] = '%(alphabet)s';\n" % \
        {"alphabet" : self.alphabetElement.renderView(), \
        "gameId" : hangmanGameId }

        #Makes an array of the ids of the divs that hold the chance images
        html += u"hangman_chanceimgids['%s'] = new Array();\n" % hangmanGameId
        for imgIndex, imgElement in enumerate(self.chanceImageElements):
            html += "hangman_chanceimgids['%(gameId)s'][%(index)d] = '%(imgdivid)s';\n" % \
                {"index" : imgIndex, "imgdivid" : "hangman" + self.id + "img" + imgElement.id, \
                "gameId" : hangmanGameId }

        #Make the messages for this game
        html += u"playerMessages['%s'] = new Array();\n" % hangmanGameId
        messagesStr = """
        playerMessages['%(gameid)s']['wrongguess'] = 
        playerMessages['%(gameid)s']['lostlevel'] =
        playerMessages['%(gameid)s']['levelpassed'] = 
        playerMessages['%(gameid)s']['gamewon'] = 
        """ % {"gameid" : hangmanGameId }
        html += messagesStr

        html += "<div id='hangman" + self.id + "_img'>"
        #render view of these images
        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource and imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                html += "<div id='hangman" + self.id + "img" + imgElement.id + "' style='display: none'>"
                if mode == "view":
                    html += imgElement.renderView()
                    html += imgElement.renderPreview()
                html += "</div>"
        html += "</div>"

        messageTopMargin = (imgMaxHeight - 30) / 2
        gameWidth = max(600, imgMaxWidth)
        gameAreaHTML = """
<div id="%(gameId)s_gamearea" style='width: %(width)dpx;' class='exehangman_gamearea'>
        <div class='exehangman_alertarea' id="%(gameId)s_alertarea" style='position: absolute; z-index: 10; text-align: center; border: 1px; background-color: white; width: %(width)dpx; margin-top: %(messagetopmargin)dpx; visibility: hidden'>
        <div id="%(gameId)s_imgarea" style='height: %(height)dpx; z-index: 1;' class='exehangman_imgarea'>

        <input type='text' style='%(hintStyle)s' id='%(gameId)s_hintarea' style='width: %(width)dpx' class='exehangman_hintarea'/>
        <input type='text' style='%(wordStyle)s' id='%(gameId)s_wordarea' style='width: %(width)dpx' class='exehangman_wordarea'/>
        <div id="%(gameId)s_letterarea" class='exehangman_letterarea'>
        <input class='exehangman_resetbutton' type='button' value='%(resetText)s' style='%(resetStyle)s' onclick='restartLevel("%(gameId)s")'/>

        """ % { "gameId" : hangmanGameId, "width" : gameWidth, "height": imgMaxHeight, \
                "messagetopmargin" : messageTopMargin, 'hintStyle' : self.hintFieldStyleElement.renderView(), \
                'wordStyle' : self.wordAreaStyleElement.renderView(), 'resetText' : self.resetButtonTextElement.renderView(), \
                'resetStyle' : self.resetButtonStyleElement.renderView() }
        html += gameAreaHTML
        html += "<script type='text/javascript'>setupGame('%s');</script>" % hangmanGameId

        return html

    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html  = u"<div>\n"
        html += common.ideviceShowEditMessage(self)
        html += self.titleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.contentElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.alphabetElement.renderEdit()

        #messages to show the user for different events
        html += self.wrongGuessTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.lostLevelTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.levelPassedTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.gameWonTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.resetButtonTextElement.renderEdit()

        divId = "fieldtype_advanced"  + self.id
        html += "<input name='showbox" + divId + "' type='checkbox' onchange='$(\"#" + divId + "\").toggle()'/>"
        html += _("Show Advanced Options") + "<br/>"
        html += "<div id='" + divId + "' style='display: none' "
        html += ">"
        #styles for buttons
        html += self.letterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()

        #style of the text fields
        html += self.hintFieldStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.wordAreaStyleElement.renderEdit()

        html += self.resetButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += "</div>"
        #render edit of these images
        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            html += imgElement.renderEdit()
            html += common.submitImage(imgElement.id, imgElement.field.idevice.id, 
                                   _("Remove This Life")) + "<br/>"

        addChanceButtonLabel = _("Add Chance")
        html += common.submitButton("addChance"+unicode(self.id), addChanceButtonLabel)
        html += "<br/>"

        #show words to be guessed
        html += _("<h2>Words to Guess</h2>")
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            word = self.wordElements[wordIndex]
            html += word.renderEdit()
            html += self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderEdit()
            html += "<br/>"
            if wordIndex > 0:
                html += common.submitImage(word.id, word.field.idevice.id, 
                                   _("Remove This Word")) + "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addWord"+unicode(self.id), _("Add Word"))        
        html += "<br/>"
        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderPreview(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for previewing this block
        html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice "
        html += u"emphasis"+unicode(self.idevice.emphasis)+"\" "
        html += u"ondblclick=\"submitLink('edit',"+self.id+", 0);\">\n"
        html += self.contentElement.renderView()
        html += self._renderGame(style, mode = "preview")

        html += self.renderViewButtons()
        html += "</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderXML(self, style):
        xml = u""
        mediaConverter = ExportMediaConverter.getInstance()
        width = mediaConverter.getProfileWidth()
        height = mediaConverter.getProfileHeight()
        if mediaConverter is not None:
            for imgElement in  self.chanceImageElements:
                if imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                    mediaConverter.resizeImg(XMLPage.currentOutputDir/imgElement.field.imageResource.storageName, \
                         width, height, {}, {"resizemethod" : "stretch"})
        xml += "<idevice type='hangman' id='%s'>\n" % self.idevice.id
        xml += "<chanceimages>\n"
        for imgElement in  self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                xml += "<img src='%s'/>\n" % imgElement.field.imageResource.storageName
        xml += "</chanceimages>\n"
        xml += "<alphabet>%s</alphabet>\n" % self.alphabetElement.renderView()
        xml += "<wrongguessmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></wrongguessmessage>\n" % self.wrongGuessTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<lostlevelmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></lostlevelmessage>\n" % self.lostLevelTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<levelpassedmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></levelpassedmessage>\n" % self.levelPassedTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<gamewonmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></gamewonmessage>\n" % self.gameWonTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<words>"
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            word = self.wordElements[wordIndex]
            if word != "":
                xml += "<word>\n<hint>%(hint)s</hint>\n<answer>%(answer)s</answer>\n</word>\n" \
                    % {"answer" : word.renderView() , "hint" : self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView()}
        xml += "</words>\n"
        xml += "</idevice>\n"
        return xml

    def renderView(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for viewing this block
        html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice "
        html += u"emphasis"+unicode(self.idevice.emphasis)+"\">\n"
        html += self.contentElement.renderView()
        html += self._renderGame(style, mode = "view")
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html
Пример #11
class HangmanBlockInc(Block):
    ExampleBlock can render and process ExampleIdevices as XHTML
    GenericBlock will replace it..... one day
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)
        self.contentElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.content)
        self.contentElement.height = 250
        self.chanceImageElements = []

        #go through all image fields in the list and create an image element linked to that field
        for chanceImageField in idevice.chanceImageFields:
            newImgElement = ImageElement(chanceImageField)

        self.wordElements = []
        self.hintElements = []
        #go through all of the word fields and hint fields and create an 
        for wordIndex, word in enumerate(idevice.wordTextFields):
            newWordElement = TextElement(word)
            newHintElement = TextElement(idevice.hintTextFields[wordIndex])

        #make an element for the alphabet
        self.alphabetElement = TextElement(idevice.alphabet)

        #element for the messages that are shown to the player
        self.wrongGuessTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.wrongGuessMessageField)
        self.lostLevelTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.lostLevelMessageField)
        self.levelPassedTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.levelPasssedMessageField)
        self.gameWonTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.gameWonMessageField)
        self.letterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.letterButtonStyle)
        self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.wrongLetterButtonStyle)
        self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.rightLetterButtonStyle)

        self.hintFieldStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.hintFieldStyle)
        self.wordAreaStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.wordAreaStyle)

        self.resetButtonTextElement = TextElement(self.idevice.resetButtonText)
        self.resetButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.resetButtonStyle)

    def process(self, request):
        Process the request arguments from the web server to see if any
        apply to this block
        #Make sure that we don't do anything when it's time to die...
        Block.process(self, request)
        self.idevice.message = ""
        if field_engine_is_delete_request(request):

        self.idevice.title = self.titleElement.renderView()


        #see if we need to delete a word
        blankWords = False
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            if self.wordElements[wordIndex].renderView() == "":
                blankWords = True
            elif self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView() == "":
                blankWords = True
        if blankWords is True:
            self.idevice.message = _("One or more words or hints are blank.  Please do not have any blank hints or words - you can delete unused ones.")
            self.idevice.edit = True
        #see if we need to add another chance
        if ("addChance"+unicode(self.id)) in request.args: 
            self.idevice.edit = True
            # disable Undo once a question has been added:
            self.idevice.undo = False
        if("addWord"+unicode(self.id)) in request.args:
            self.idevice.edit = True
            self.idevice.undo = False

        content = self.contentElement.process(request)
        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if "action" in request.args and request.args["action"][0] == imgElement.id:
                imgElement.field.idevice.undo = False
                imgElement.field.idevice.edit = True

        for wordElement in self.wordElements:
            if "action" in request.args and request.args["action"][0] == wordElement.id:
                wordIdx = self.wordElements.index(wordElement)
                wordElement.field.idevice.undo = False
                wordElement.field.idevice.edit = True
        for hintElement in self.hintElements:

        if content:
            self.idevice.content = content

    # Get an TextArea render back according to mode
    def _renderHTMLElement(self, mode, element, containerId = None):
        retVal = ""
        idStr = ""
        if containerId is not None:
            idStr = " id='%s' " % containerId
        retVal += "<div %s >" % idStr
        if mode == "preview":
            retVal += element.renderPreview()
            retVal += element.renderView()
        retVal += "</div>"
        return retVal
    # This will generate the HTML elements and javascript that will be required
    # for this to be shown as a Javascript game in the web browser
    def _renderGame(self, style, mode = "view"):
        hangmanGameId = "hangman" + self.id
        resPath = ""
        if mode ==  "preview":
            resPath = "resources/"       
        html = u"<script src='" + resPath + "hangman.js' type='text/javascript'></script>\n"
        html += common.ideviceHeader(self, style, mode)
        html += "<div id='hangman%(gameId)smessageStore' style='display: none'>" % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId}
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.wrongGuessTextElement, "hmwrong" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.lostLevelTextElement, "hmlost" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.levelPassedTextElement, "hmpassed" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.gameWonTextElement, "hmwon" + hangmanGameId)
        html += "</div>"
        html += u"<script type='text/javascript'>\n"

        #Go through the images and find out the max height and maxwidth
        imgMaxHeight = 0
        imgMaxWidth = 0

        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource and imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                if(int(imgElement.field.width) > imgMaxWidth):
                    imgMaxWidth = int(imgElement.field.width)

                if(imgElement.field.height > imgMaxHeight):
                    imgMaxHeight = int(imgElement.field.height)

        #Makes a javascript array of the list of words that the user has given
        html += "hangman_words['%s'] = new Array();\n" % hangmanGameId
        html += "hangman_buttonStyles['%s'] = new Array();\n" % hangmanGameId
        for wordIndex, word in enumerate(self.wordElements):
            html += u"hangman_words['%(gameId)s'][%(index)d] = new Array('%(word)s', '%(hint)s');\n" % \
                {"index" : wordIndex, "word" : word.renderView(), \
                "hint" : self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView(), \
                "gameId" : hangmanGameId }
        #make the style for the buttons
        html += "hangman_buttonStyles['%(gameId)s'][HANGMAN_BEFORE_GUESS] = \"%(style)s\";\n" \
                % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId, "style" : self.letterButtonStyleElement.renderView()}
        html += "hangman_buttonStyles['%(gameId)s'][HANGMAN_CORRECT_GUESS] = \"%(style)s\";\n" \
                % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId, "style" : self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement.renderView()}
        html += "hangman_buttonStyles['%(gameId)s'][HANGMAN_WRONG_GUESS] = \"%(style)s\";\n" \
                % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId, "style" : self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement.renderView()}

        #Makes a javscript string of the alphabet that the user can guess from
        html += u"hangman_alphabet['%(gameId)s'] = '%(alphabet)s';\n" % \
        {"alphabet" : self.alphabetElement.renderView(), \
        "gameId" : hangmanGameId }

        #Makes an array of the ids of the divs that hold the chance images
        html += u"hangman_chanceimgids['%s'] = new Array();\n" % hangmanGameId
        for imgIndex, imgElement in enumerate(self.chanceImageElements):
            html += "hangman_chanceimgids['%(gameId)s'][%(index)d] = '%(imgdivid)s';\n" % \
                {"index" : imgIndex, "imgdivid" : "hangman" + self.id + "img" + imgElement.id, \
                "gameId" : hangmanGameId }

        #Make the messages for this game
        html += u"playerMessages['%s'] = new Array();\n" % hangmanGameId
        messagesStr = """
        playerMessages['%(gameid)s']['wrongguess'] = 
        playerMessages['%(gameid)s']['lostlevel'] =
        playerMessages['%(gameid)s']['levelpassed'] = 
        playerMessages['%(gameid)s']['gamewon'] = 
        """ % {"gameid" : hangmanGameId }
        html += messagesStr

        html += "<div id='hangman" + self.id + "_img'>"
        #render view of these images
        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource and imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                html += "<div id='hangman" + self.id + "img" + imgElement.id + "' style='display: none'>"
                if mode == "view":
                    html += imgElement.renderView()
                    html += imgElement.renderPreview()
                html += "</div>"
        html += "</div>"

        messageTopMargin = (imgMaxHeight - 30) / 2
        gameWidth = max(600, imgMaxWidth)
        gameAreaHTML = """
<div id="%(gameId)s_gamearea" style='width: %(width)dpx;' class='exehangman_gamearea'>
        <div class='exehangman_alertarea' id="%(gameId)s_alertarea" style='position: absolute; z-index: 10; text-align: center; border: 1px; background-color: white; width: %(width)dpx; margin-top: %(messagetopmargin)dpx; visibility: hidden'>
        <div id="%(gameId)s_imgarea" style='height: %(height)dpx; z-index: 1;' class='exehangman_imgarea'>

        <input type='text' style='%(hintStyle)s' id='%(gameId)s_hintarea' style='width: %(width)dpx' class='exehangman_hintarea'/>
        <input type='text' style='%(wordStyle)s' id='%(gameId)s_wordarea' style='width: %(width)dpx' class='exehangman_wordarea'/>
        <div id="%(gameId)s_letterarea" class='exehangman_letterarea'>
        <input class='exehangman_resetbutton' type='button' value='%(resetText)s' style='%(resetStyle)s' onclick='restartLevel("%(gameId)s")'/>

        """ % { "gameId" : hangmanGameId, "width" : gameWidth, "height": imgMaxHeight, \
                "messagetopmargin" : messageTopMargin, 'hintStyle' : self.hintFieldStyleElement.renderView(), \
                'wordStyle' : self.wordAreaStyleElement.renderView(), 'resetText' : self.resetButtonTextElement.renderView(), \
                'resetStyle' : self.resetButtonStyleElement.renderView() }
        html += gameAreaHTML
        html += "<script type='text/javascript'>setupGame('%s');</script>" % hangmanGameId

        return html

    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html  = u"<div>\n"
        html += common.ideviceShowEditMessage(self)
        html += self.titleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.contentElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.alphabetElement.renderEdit()

        #messages to show the user for different events
        html += self.wrongGuessTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.lostLevelTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.levelPassedTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.gameWonTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.resetButtonTextElement.renderEdit()

        divId = "fieldtype_advanced"  + self.id
        html += "<input name='showbox" + divId + "' type='checkbox' onchange='$(\"#" + divId + "\").toggle()'/>"
        html += _("Show Advanced Options") + "<br/>"
        html += "<div id='" + divId + "' style='display: none' "
        html += ">"
        #styles for buttons
        html += self.letterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()

        #style of the text fields
        html += self.hintFieldStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.wordAreaStyleElement.renderEdit()

        html += self.resetButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += "</div>"
        #render edit of these images
        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            html += imgElement.renderEdit()
            html += common.submitImage(imgElement.id, imgElement.field.idevice.id, 
                                   _("Remove This Life")) + "<br/>"

        addChanceButtonLabel = _("Add Chance")
        html += common.submitButton("addChance"+unicode(self.id), addChanceButtonLabel)
        html += "<br/>"

        #show words to be guessed
        html += _("<h2>Words to Guess</h2>")
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            word = self.wordElements[wordIndex]
            html += word.renderEdit()
            html += self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderEdit()
            html += "<br/>"
            if wordIndex > 0:
                html += common.submitImage(word.id, word.field.idevice.id, 
                                   _("Remove This Word")) + "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addWord"+unicode(self.id), _("Add Word"))        
        html += "<br/>"
        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderPreview(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for previewing this block
        html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice "
        html += u"emphasis"+unicode(self.idevice.emphasis)+"\" "
        html += u"ondblclick=\"submitLink('edit',"+self.id+", 0);\">\n"
        html += self.contentElement.renderView()
        html += self._renderGame(style, mode = "preview")

        html += self.renderViewButtons()
        html += "</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderXML(self, style):
        xml = u""
        mediaConverter = ExportMediaConverter.getInstance()
        width = mediaConverter.getProfileWidth()
        height = mediaConverter.getProfileHeight()
        if mediaConverter is not None:
            for imgElement in  self.chanceImageElements:
                if imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                    mediaConverter.resizeImg(XMLPage.currentOutputDir/imgElement.field.imageResource.storageName, \
                         width, height, {}, {"resizemethod" : "stretch"})
        xml += "<idevice type='hangman' id='%s'>\n" % self.idevice.id
        xml += "<chanceimages>\n"
        for imgElement in  self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                xml += "<img src='%s'/>\n" % imgElement.field.imageResource.storageName
        xml += "</chanceimages>\n"
        xml += "<alphabet>%s</alphabet>\n" % self.alphabetElement.renderView()
        xml += "<wrongguessmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></wrongguessmessage>\n" % self.wrongGuessTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<lostlevelmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></lostlevelmessage>\n" % self.lostLevelTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<levelpassedmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></levelpassedmessage>\n" % self.levelPassedTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<gamewonmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></gamewonmessage>\n" % self.gameWonTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<words>"
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            word = self.wordElements[wordIndex]
            if word != "":
                xml += "<word>\n<hint>%(hint)s</hint>\n<answer>%(answer)s</answer>\n</word>\n" \
                    % {"answer" : word.renderView() , "hint" : self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView()}
        xml += "</words>\n"
        xml += "</idevice>\n"
        return xml

    def renderView(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for viewing this block
        html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice "
        html += u"emphasis"+unicode(self.idevice.emphasis)+"\">\n"
        html += self.contentElement.renderView()
        html += self._renderGame(style, mode = "view")
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html
Пример #12
 def __init__(self, field, showDelFileButton=True):
     Element.__init__(self, field)
     self.fileDescriptionElement = TextElement(field.fileDescription)
     self.showDelFile = showDelFileButton
Пример #13
class FileElement(Element):
    def __init__(self, field, showDelFileButton=True):
        Element.__init__(self, field)
        self.fileDescriptionElement = TextElement(field.fileDescription)
        self.showDelFile = showDelFileButton

    Check and see if a new file has been uploaded
    or if we need to delete a file on user request

    def process(self, request):

        if "upload" + self.id in request.args:
            if "path" + self.id in request.args:
                filePath = request.args["path" + self.id][0]
                self.field.idevice.edit = True
                self.field.idevice.undo = False

        if "action" in request.args and request.args["action"][
                0] == "delfile" + self.id:
            self.field.idevice.edit = True
            self.field.idevice.undo = False

    def renderEdit(self):
        html = u"<div>\n"

        html += common.textInput("path"+self.id, "", 50, \
                    onclick="addFile('%s')" % self.id, readonly="readonly" )
        html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addFile(\'%s\')"' % self.id
        html += u'value="%s" />\n' % _(u"Browse")

        buttonName = _(u"Replace")
        if self.field.fileResource is None:
            buttonName = _(u"Upload")

        html += u'<input type="submit" name="%s" value="%s" />' % (
            "upload" + self.id, buttonName)
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.field.fileInstruc)

        html += self.fileDescriptionElement.renderEdit()

        if self.field.fileResource is not None:
            html += "<div class='block'><strong>"
            html += _("File") + ": %s " % self.field.fileResource.storageName

            if self.showDelFile:
                html += common.submitImage("delfile" + self.id,
                                           _("Delete File"))
            html += "</strong></div>"
            html += "<i>" + _("No File Uploaded Currently") + "</i>"
        html += "<br/></div>"

        html += field_engine_make_delete_button(self)

        return html

    def renderView(self):
        return ""

    Return the filename of this item if there is one now

    def getFileName(self):
        if self.field.fileResource is not None:
            return self.field.fileResource.storageName

        return ""

    Return the description if there is one now

    def getDescription(self):
        return self.fileDescriptionElement.renderView()

    def renderPreview(self):
        html = ""
        if self.field.fileResource is not None:
            html += _(
                "Attachment") + ": %s " % self.field.fileResource.storageName
            html += _("Attachment") + " :  <i>" + _("None") + "</i>"
        html += "<br/>"
        return html
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)
        self.contentElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.content)
        self.contentElement.height = 250
        self.chanceImageElements = []

        #go through all image fields in the list and create an image element linked to that field
        for chanceImageField in idevice.chanceImageFields:
            newImgElement = ImageElement(chanceImageField)

        self.wordElements = []
        self.hintElements = []
        #go through all of the word fields and hint fields and create an 
        for wordIndex, word in enumerate(idevice.wordTextFields):
            newWordElement = TextElement(word)
            newHintElement = TextElement(idevice.hintTextFields[wordIndex])

        #make an element for the alphabet
        self.alphabetElement = TextElement(idevice.alphabet)

        #element for the messages that are shown to the player
        self.wrongGuessTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.wrongGuessMessageField)
        self.lostLevelTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.lostLevelMessageField)
        self.levelPassedTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.levelPasssedMessageField)
        self.gameWonTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.gameWonMessageField)
        self.letterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.letterButtonStyle)
        self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.wrongLetterButtonStyle)
        self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.rightLetterButtonStyle)

        self.hintFieldStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.hintFieldStyle)
        self.wordAreaStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.wordAreaStyle)

        self.resetButtonTextElement = TextElement(self.idevice.resetButtonText)
        self.resetButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.resetButtonStyle)
Пример #15
class FileElement(Element):
    def __init__(self, field, showDelFileButton = True):
        Element.__init__(self, field)
        self.fileDescriptionElement = TextElement(field.fileDescription)
        self.showDelFile = showDelFileButton
    Check and see if a new file has been uploaded
    or if we need to delete a file on user request
    def process(self, request):
        if "upload" + self.id in request.args:
            if "path" + self.id in request.args:
                filePath = request.args["path"+self.id][0]
                self.field.idevice.edit = True    
                self.field.idevice.undo = False
        if "action" in request.args and request.args["action"][0] == "delfile"+self.id:
            self.field.idevice.edit = True
            self.field.idevice.undo = False
    def renderEdit(self):
        html  = u"<div>\n"
        html += common.textInput("path"+self.id, "", 50, \
                    onclick="addFile('%s')" % self.id, readonly="readonly" )
        html += u'<input type="button" onclick="addFile(\'%s\')"' % self.id
        html += u'value="%s" />\n' % _(u"Browse")
        buttonName = _(u"Replace")
        if self.field.fileResource is None:
            buttonName = _(u"Upload") 
        html += u'<input type="submit" name="%s" value="%s" />' % ("upload"+self.id,
        html += common.elementInstruc(self.field.fileInstruc)
        html += self.fileDescriptionElement.renderEdit()
        if self.field.fileResource is not None:
            html += "<div class='block'><strong>"
            html += _("File") + ": %s " % self.field.fileResource.storageName
            if self.showDelFile:
                html += common.submitImage("delfile" + self.id, self.field.fileResource.storageName,
                                            _("Delete File"))
            html += "</strong></div>"
            html += "<i>"+_("No File Uploaded Currently") + "</i>"
        html += "<br/></div>"
        html += field_engine_make_delete_button(self)
        return html
    def renderView(self):
        return ""
    Return the filename of this item if there is one now
    def getFileName(self):
        if self.field.fileResource is not None:
            return self.field.fileResource.storageName
        return ""
    Return the description if there is one now
    def getDescription(self):
        return self.fileDescriptionElement.renderView()
    def renderPreview(self):
        html = ""
        if self.field.fileResource is not None:
            html += _("Attachment") + ": %s " % self.field.fileResource.storageName
            html += _("Attachment") +" :  <i>" + _("None") + "</i>"
        html += "<br/>"
        return html
class HangmanBlockInc(Block):
    ExampleBlock can render and process ExampleIdevices as XHTML
    GenericBlock will replace it..... one day
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)
        self.contentElement = TextAreaElement(idevice.content)
        self.contentElement.height = 250
        self.chanceImageElements = []

        #go through all image fields in the list and create an image element linked to that field
        for chanceImageField in idevice.chanceImageFields:
            newImgElement = ImageElement(chanceImageField)

        self.wordElements = []
        self.hintElements = []
        #go through all of the word fields and hint fields and create an 
        for wordIndex, word in enumerate(idevice.wordTextFields):
            newWordElement = TextElement(word)
            newHintElement = TextElement(idevice.hintTextFields[wordIndex])

        #make an element for the alphabet
        self.alphabetElement = TextElement(idevice.alphabet)

        #element for the messages that are shown to the player
        self.wrongGuessTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.wrongGuessMessageField)
        self.lostLevelTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.lostLevelMessageField)
        self.levelPassedTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.levelPasssedMessageField)
        self.gameWonTextElement = TextAreaElement(self.idevice.gameWonMessageField)
        self.letterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.letterButtonStyle)
        self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.wrongLetterButtonStyle)
        self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.rightLetterButtonStyle)

        self.hintFieldStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.hintFieldStyle)
        self.wordAreaStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.wordAreaStyle)

        self.resetButtonTextElement = TextElement(self.idevice.resetButtonText)
        self.resetButtonStyleElement = TextElement(self.idevice.resetButtonStyle)

    def process(self, request):
        Process the request arguments from the web server to see if any
        apply to this block
        #Make sure that we don't do anything when it's time to die...
        Block.process(self, request)
        self.idevice.message = ""
        if field_engine_is_delete_request(request):

        self.idevice.title = self.titleElement.renderView()


        #see if we need to delete a word
        blankWords = False
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            if self.wordElements[wordIndex].renderView() == "":
                blankWords = True
            elif self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView() == "":
                blankWords = True
        if blankWords is True:
            self.idevice.message = _("One or more words or hints are blank.  Please do not have any blank hints or words - you can delete unused ones.")
            self.idevice.edit = True
        #see if we need to add another chance
        if ("addChance"+unicode(self.id)) in request.args: 
            self.idevice.edit = True
            # disable Undo once a question has been added:
            self.idevice.undo = False
        if("addWord"+unicode(self.id)) in request.args:
            self.idevice.edit = True
            self.idevice.undo = False

        content = self.contentElement.process(request)
        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if "action" in request.args and request.args["action"][0] == imgElement.id:
                imgElement.field.idevice.undo = False
                imgElement.field.idevice.edit = True

        for wordElement in self.wordElements:
            if "action" in request.args and request.args["action"][0] == wordElement.id:
                wordIdx = self.wordElements.index(wordElement)
                wordElement.field.idevice.undo = False
                wordElement.field.idevice.edit = True
        for hintElement in self.hintElements:

        if content:
            self.idevice.content = content

    # Get an TextArea render back according to mode
    def _renderHTMLElement(self, mode, element, containerId = None):
        retVal = ""
        idStr = ""
        if containerId is not None:
            idStr = " id='%s' " % containerId
        retVal += "<div %s >" % idStr
        if mode == "preview":
            retVal += element.renderPreview()
            retVal += element.renderView()
        retVal += "</div>"
        return retVal
    # This will generate the HTML elements and javascript that will be required
    # for this to be shown as a Javascript game in the web browser
    def _renderGame(self, style, mode = "view"):
        hangmanGameId = "hangman" + self.id
        resPath = ""
        if mode ==  "preview":
            resPath = "/scripts/"       
        html = u"<script src='" + resPath + "hangman.js' type='text/javascript'></script>\n"
        html += common.ideviceHeader(self, style, mode)
        html += "<div id='hangman%(gameId)smessageStore' style='display: none'>" % {"gameId" : hangmanGameId}
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.wrongGuessTextElement, "hmwrong" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.lostLevelTextElement, "hmlost" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.levelPassedTextElement, "hmpassed" + hangmanGameId)
        html += self._renderHTMLElement(mode, self.gameWonTextElement, "hmwon" + hangmanGameId)
        html += "</div>"

        #Go through the images and find out the max height and maxwidth
        imgMaxHeight = 0
        imgMaxWidth = 0

        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource and imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                if(int(imgElement.field.width) > imgMaxWidth):
                    imgMaxWidth = int(imgElement.field.width)

                if(imgElement.field.height > imgMaxHeight):
                    imgMaxHeight = int(imgElement.field.height)

        #Makes a javascript array of the list of words that the user has given
        #This assigned as data-hangman-words
        num_words = len(self.wordElements)
        word_attr = "["
        for wordIndex, word in enumerate(self.wordElements):
            word_attr += "[&#34;%(word)s&#34;, &#34;%(hint)s&#34;]" % {
                "word" : word.renderView(),
                "hint" : self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView(), 
            if wordIndex < num_words -1:
                word_attr += ","
        word_attr += "]"
        """Make main element to hold values for the exercise """
        html += """<div class='exehangmanblock' id=\"exe%(id)s\"
            """ % {
                "id" : hangmanGameId, "words" : word_attr,
                "button_style_before" : 
                "button_style_correct" :
                 "button_style_wrong" :
        html += "<div class=\"hangmanimage_series\">"
        #render view of these images
        for imgElement in self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource and imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                img_str = None
                if mode == "view":
                    img_str = imgElement.renderView() 
                    img_str = imgElement.renderPreview()
                #make it stay within what it should do on a phone
                img_str = img_str[:4] + " style='max-width: 100%' " + img_str[4:]
                html += img_str
        html += "</div>"

        messageTopMargin = (imgMaxHeight - 30) / 2
        gameWidth = max(600, imgMaxWidth)
        game_area_dict = { "gameId" : hangmanGameId, "width" : gameWidth, "height": imgMaxHeight, \
                "messagetopmargin" : messageTopMargin, 'hintStyle' : self.hintFieldStyleElement.renderView(), \
                'wordStyle' : self.wordAreaStyleElement.renderView(), 'resetText' : self.resetButtonTextElement.renderView(), \
                'resetStyle' : self.resetButtonStyleElement.renderView() }
        game_area_str ="""
<div id="%(gameId)s_gamearea" style='width: %(width)dpx; max-width: 100%%; overflow-x: hidden; margin-bottom: 130px;' class='exehangman_gamearea'>
        <div class='exehangman_alertarea' id="%(gameId)s_alertarea" 
        style='position: absolute; z-index: 10; text-align: center; border: 1px; background-color: white; width: %(width)dpx; margin-top: %(messagetopmargin)dpx; visibility: hidden'>
        <div id="%(gameId)s_imgarea" style='height: %(height)dpx; z-index: 1;' class='exehangman_imgarea'>

        <input type='text' id='%(gameId)s_hintarea' style='%(hintStyle)s width: %(width)dpx; max-width: 100%%;' class='exehangman_hintarea'/>
        <input type='text' id='%(gameId)s_wordarea' style='%(wordStyle)s width: %(width)dpx; max-width: 100%%' class='exehangman_wordarea'/>
        <div id="%(gameId)s_letterarea" class='exehangman_letterarea'>
        <input class='exehangman_resetbutton' type='button' value='%(resetText)s' style='%(resetStyle)s' onclick='restartLevel("%(gameId)s")'/>

        gameAreaHTML = game_area_str % game_area_dict
        html += gameAreaHTML

        return html

    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html  = u"<div>\n"
        html += common.ideviceShowEditMessage(self)
        html += """<div class='edit_inline_hint'>The Hangman activity 
        creates a game where the learner has to guess the letters in a
        word from a hint.  Everytime a letter is guessed incorrectly they
        lose a life, represented by an image (e.g. a series of pictures
        with less and less apples on a tree)
        html += self.titleElement.renderEdit()
        #show words to be guessed
        html += _("<h2>Words to Guess</h2>")
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            html += "<div class='idevice_item_container' style='width: 500px;'>"
            word = self.wordElements[wordIndex]
            html += "<table width='99%'><tr><td valign='top'>"
            html += "<strong>"
            html += _("Word %s" % str(wordIndex+1))
            html += "</strong>"
            html += self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderEdit()
            html += word.renderEdit()
            html += "</td><td valign='top' style='text-align: right'>"
            if wordIndex > 0:
                html += common.submitImage(word.id, word.field.idevice.id, 
                                   _("Remove This Word")) + "<br/>"
            html += "</td></tr></table>"
            html += "</div>"
        html += common.submitButton("addWord"+unicode(self.id),\
                         _("Add Word"), extra_classes="add_item_button")
        #render edit of these images
        for img_count in range(0, len(self.chanceImageElements)):
            imgElement = self.chanceImageElements[img_count]
            html += "<div class='idevice_item_container' style='width: 700px;'>"
            html += "<table><tr><td valign='top'>"
            html += "<strong>"
            html += "Chance %s" % str(img_count+1)
            html += "</strong>"
            html += imgElement.renderEdit()
            html += "</td><td valign='top' style='text-align: right'>"
            html += common.submitImage(imgElement.id, imgElement.field.idevice.id, 
                                   _("Remove This Chance"))
            html += "</td></tr></table>"
            html += "</div>"
        addChanceButtonLabel = _("Add Chance")
        html += common.submitButton("addChance"+unicode(self.id), \
                            addChanceButtonLabel, extra_classes="add_item_button")     
        html += self.contentElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.alphabetElement.renderEdit()

        #messages to show the user for different events
        html += self.wrongGuessTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.lostLevelTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.levelPassedTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.gameWonTextElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.resetButtonTextElement.renderEdit()

        divId = "fieldtype_advanced"  + self.id
        html += "<input name='showbox" + divId + "' type='checkbox' onchange='$(\"#" + divId + "\").toggle()'/>"
        html += _("Show Advanced Options") + "<br/>"
        html += "<div id='" + divId + "' style='display: none' "
        html += ">"
        #styles for buttons
        html += self.letterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.wrongLetterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.rightLetterButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()

        #style of the text fields
        html += self.hintFieldStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.wordAreaStyleElement.renderEdit()

        html += self.resetButtonStyleElement.renderEdit()
        html += "</div>"

        html += "<br/>"

        html += "<br/>"
        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderPreview(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for previewing this block
        html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice "
        html += u"emphasis"+unicode(self.idevice.emphasis)+"\" "
        html += u"ondblclick=\"submitLink('edit',"+self.id+", 0);\">\n"
        html += self.contentElement.renderView()
        html += self._renderGame(style, mode = "preview")

        html += self.renderViewButtons()
        html += "</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderXML(self, style):
        xml = u""
        mediaConverter = ExportMediaConverter.getInstance()
        width = mediaConverter.getProfileWidth()
        height = mediaConverter.getProfileHeight()
        if mediaConverter is not None:
            for imgElement in  self.chanceImageElements:
                if imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                    mediaConverter.resizeImg(XMLPage.currentOutputDir/imgElement.field.imageResource.storageName, \
                         width, height, {}, {"resizemethod" : "stretch"})
        xml += "<idevice type='hangman' id='%s'>\n" % self.idevice.id
        xml += "<chanceimages>\n"
        for imgElement in  self.chanceImageElements:
            if imgElement.field.imageResource is not None:
                xml += "<img src='%s'/>\n" % imgElement.field.imageResource.storageName
        xml += "</chanceimages>\n"
        xml += "<alphabet>%s</alphabet>\n" % self.alphabetElement.renderView()
        xml += "<wrongguessmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></wrongguessmessage>\n" % self.wrongGuessTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<lostlevelmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></lostlevelmessage>\n" % self.lostLevelTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<levelpassedmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></levelpassedmessage>\n" % self.levelPassedTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<gamewonmessage><![CDATA[ %s ]]></gamewonmessage>\n" % self.gameWonTextElement.renderView()
        xml += "<words>"
        for wordIndex in range(0, len(self.wordElements)):
            word = self.wordElements[wordIndex]
            if word != "":
                xml += "<word>\n<hint>%(hint)s</hint>\n<answer>%(answer)s</answer>\n</word>\n" \
                    % {"answer" : word.renderView() , "hint" : self.hintElements[wordIndex].renderView()}
        xml += "</words>\n"
        xml += "</idevice>\n"
        return xml

    def renderView(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for viewing this block
        html  = u"<div class=\"iDevice "
        html += u"emphasis"+unicode(self.idevice.emphasis)+"\">\n"
        html += self.contentElement.renderView()
        html += self._renderGame(style, mode = "view")
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html
Пример #17
class PlacableObjectElement(Element):
    #here field should be placeableobjectfield
    def __init__(self, field):
        Element.__init__(self, field)
        # there is then field.maincontent, field.width, field.height, field.correctx, field.correcty , etc.
        self.mainContentElement = TextAreaElement(field.mainContentField)
        self.targetXElement = TextElement(field.targetX)
        self.targetYElement = TextElement(field.targetY)
        self.widthElement = TextElement(field.width)
        self.heightElement = TextElement(field.height)
        self.toleranceElement = TextElement(field.tolerance)

    def process(self, request):
        field_engine_check_delete(self, request, self.field.idevice.objectsToPlace)

    def renderEdit(self):
        html = ""
        html += self.mainContentElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.targetXElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.targetYElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.widthElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.heightElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.toleranceElement.renderEdit()
        html += field_engine_make_delete_button(self)
        return html
    def renderView(self):
        html = ""
        html += self.mainContentElement.renderView()
        html += self.mainContentElement.renderView()
        html += self.targetXElement.renderView()
        html += self.targetYElement.renderView()
        html += self.widthElement.renderView()
        html += self.heightElement.renderView()
        html += self.toleranceElement.renderView()

        return html

    def renderPreview(self):
        html = ""
        html += self.renderView()
        return html
Пример #18
 def __init__(self, field, showDelFileButton = True):
     Element.__init__(self, field)
     self.fileDescriptionElement = TextElement(field.fileDescription)
     self.showDelFile = showDelFileButton
Пример #19
class ClickInOrderBlockInc(Block):
    ClickInOrderBlock renders ClickInOrderIdevice
    def __init__(self, parent, idevice):
        Block.__init__(self, parent, idevice)
        self.mainTextAreaElements = {}
        self.mainTextElements = {}
        self.clickableAreaElements = []
        self.questionOrderChoiceElement = ChoiceElement(
        self.timerChoiceElement = ChoiceElement(idevice.timerChoiceField)
        self.titleElement = TextElement(idevice.titleField)

        for textAreaFieldName, textAreaFieldVals in idevice.textAreaFieldNames.iteritems(
            self.mainTextAreaElements[textAreaFieldName] = TextAreaElement(

        for textFieldName, textFieldVals in idevice.textFieldNames.iteritems():
            self.mainTextElements[textFieldName] = TextElement(

        for clickableAreaField in idevice.clickableAreaFields:
            newClickableElement = ClickInOrderClickableAreaElement(

    def process(self, request):
        Process the request arguments from the web server to see if any
        apply to this block
        self.idevice.message = ""
        Block.process(self, request)




        if "addClickableArea" + unicode(self.id) in request.args:
            self.idevice.edit = True
            self.idevice.undo = False

        for textAreaFieldName, textAreaElement in self.mainTextAreaElements.iteritems(

        for textFieldName, textElement in self.mainTextElements.iteritems():

        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:

        #validate integer fields are actually integers
        field_engine_check_fields_are_ints(self.mainTextElements, \
                            ["width", "height", "hintWidth", "hintHeight"], thisIdevice=self.idevice)

    def renderXML(self, style):
        previewMode = False

        xml = ""
        xml += "<idevice type=\"clickinorder\" id=\"%s\">\n" % self.idevice.id
        xml += "<clickinorderoptions "
        if self.questionOrderChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            xml += " randomizequestions=\"randomizequestions\" "
        if self.timerChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            xml += " timermode = \"%(timerMode)s\" " % \
        xml += self.mainTextAreaElements['Instructions'].renderView()

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaGameCompleteFeedback' + self.id + '" style="position: absolute; z-index: 3">'
        html += self.mainTextAreaElements['CompleteFeedback'].renderPreview() if previewMode \
                else self.mainTextAreaElements['CompleteFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaPositiveFeedback' + self.id +'" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1">'
        html += self.mainTextAreaElements['PositiveFeedback'].renderPreview() if previewMode \
                else self.mainTextAreaElements['PositiveFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaNegativeFeedback' + self.id +'" style="position: absolute; z-index: 2">'
        html += self.mainTextAreaElements['NegativeFeedback'].renderPreview() if previewMode \
                else self.mainTextAreaElements['NegativeFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

    Renders the code for the game...

    def _renderGame(self, style, mode="view"):
        previewMode = False
        resourcePath = ""
        if mode == "preview":
            previewMode = True
            resourcePath = "resources/"

        html = common.ideviceHeader(self, style, mode)

        html += \
        <script src="%(resourcePath)sjquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.min.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>
        <script src="%(resourcePath)sclickinorder.js" type="text/javascript"> </script>

        <script type="text/javascript">
        var clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s = new ClickInOrder('%(gameId)s');
        """ % { 'gameId' : str(self.id), 'resourcePath': resourcePath }

        if self.questionOrderChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            html += "clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.randomizeQuestions = true;\n" % {
                'gameId': str(self.id)

        if self.timerChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            html += "clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.timerMode = %(timerMode)s;\n" % \
                {"gameId" : str(self.id), "timerMode" : self.timerChoiceElement.renderView() }

        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
            hideDelayStr = clickableAreaElement.textElements[
            if len(hideDelayStr) < 1:
                hideDelayStr = "0"

            html += "clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.addClickableArea(\"%(clickableId)s\", %(hideDelay)s, %(bounds)s);\n" \
              % {'gameId' : str(self.id), 'clickableId' : str(clickableAreaElement.id), \
              'hideDelay' : int(hideDelayStr),\
              'bounds' : "new Array(" + clickableAreaElement.textElements['left'].renderView() + "," \
                + clickableAreaElement.textElements['top'].renderView() + ","
                + clickableAreaElement.textElements['width'].renderView() + ","
                + clickableAreaElement.textElements['height'].renderView() +")"}

        html += "</script>\n"

        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['Instructions'].renderPreview()
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['Instructions'].renderView()

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaGameCompleteFeedback' + self.id + '" style="position: absolute; z-index: 3">'

        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements[
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['CompleteFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaPositiveFeedback' + self.id + '" style="position: absolute; z-index: 1">'

        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements[
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['PositiveFeedback'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        html += '<div id="clickableAreaNegativeFeedback' + self.id + '" style="position: absolute; z-index: 2">'

        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements[
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['NegativeFeedback'].renderView()

        html += "</div>"

        if self.timerChoiceElement.renderView() == "1":
            html += '<input id="clickinordertimer' + self.id + '" style="' + \
                self.mainTextElements['timerStyle'].renderView() + ' "/>\n'

        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
            posStyleTopLeft = "position: absolute; margin-left: %(left)spx; margin-top: %(top)spx; z-index: 2; " \
                % { 'left' : clickableAreaElement.textElements['left'].renderView(), \
                'top' : clickableAreaElement.textElements['top'].renderView() }

            posStyleWidthHeight = "height: %(height)spx; width: %(width)spx; " % \
                { 'width' : clickableAreaElement.textElements['width'].renderView(), \
                  'height' : clickableAreaElement.textElements['height'].renderView() }

            divDictArgs = { 'gameId' : str(self.id), \
                        'clickableAreaId' : str(clickableAreaElement.id), \
                        'posStyle' : posStyleTopLeft, \
                        'posStyleWH' : posStyleWidthHeight }
            html += """<div id="clickableArea_%(gameId)s_%(clickableAreaId)s" style="%(posStyle)s %(posStyleWH)s "  
                    onclick="clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.checkClick(\'%(clickableAreaId)s\')"> </div>""" \
                        % divDictArgs
            html += '<div id="clickableAreaShowMe_%(gameId)s_%(clickableAreaId)s" style="%(posStyle)s">' \
                        % divDictArgs
            if previewMode == True:
                html += clickableAreaElement.textAreaElements[
                html += clickableAreaElement.textAreaElements[
            html += '</div>'

        #the click to start area
        gameSizeArgs = { 'gameId' : str(self.id), \
                'width' : self.mainTextElements['width'].renderView() ,\
                'height' : self.mainTextElements['height'].renderView()}

        html += """<div id=\"clickinordercontainer%(gameId)s\" style=\"width: %(width)spx; height: %(height)spx; overflow: hidden;\" 
                 >""" \
                % gameSizeArgs
        html += """<div id="clickinorderstartarea%(gameId)s\" onclick="clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.startGame()"  
                style=\"width: %(width)spx; height: %(height)spx; position: absolute;\">""" \
                % gameSizeArgs
        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements[
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['ClickToStartArea'].renderView()
        html += "</div>"

        #the main area
        html += """<div id="clickinordermainarea%(gameId)s" onclick="clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.validateClick" 
                style=\"width: %(width)spx; height: %(height)spx; position: absolute;\">""" \
                % gameSizeArgs

        if previewMode == True:
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['MainArea'].renderPreview()
            html += self.mainTextAreaElements['MainArea'].renderView()

        html += "</div>"

        html += "</div>"
        #the hints
        html += "<div id=\"clickInOrderHints" + self.id + "\" style=\"" \
                + "width: " + self.mainTextElements['hintWidth'].renderView() + "px; " \
                + "height: " + self.mainTextElements['hintHeight'].renderView() + "px; " \
                + self.mainTextElements['hintAreaStyle'].renderView() + "\">\n"

        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
            html += "<div id=\"clickableAreaInstruction_%(gameId)s_%(clickableAreaId)s\" style=\"position: absolute\">" \
                        % { 'gameId' : str(self.id), 'clickableAreaId' : str(clickableAreaElement.id) }
            if previewMode == True:
                html += clickableAreaElement.textAreaElements[
                html += clickableAreaElement.textAreaElements[

            html += "</div>\n"

        html += "</div>"

        html += '<input id="clickinordercounter' + self.id + '" style="' + \
                self.mainTextElements['elementCounterStyle'].renderView() +' " value="1"/>\n'

        html += "<script type=\"text/javascript\">clickInOrderGame%(gameId)s.init();</script>\n" % {
            'gameId': str(self.id)

        html += common.ideviceFooter(self, style, mode)

        return html

    def renderEdit(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string with the form element for editing this block
        html = u"<div>\n"
        html += common.ideviceShowEditMessage(self)

        html += \
        <h2>Click The Elements in Order Game</h2>
                This builds a Javascript game where the player has to click on a certain place on the main area according to the hint.  
                When they click correctly the positive feedback will come and the game will advance.  When they click the wrong
                area negative feedback will be shown.  When they click on the correct area an item can be revealed there.  A delay
                can be set to make the item disappear if desired after a delay.

        html += self.titleElement.renderEdit()

        for textAreaFieldName, textAreaElement in self.mainTextAreaElements.iteritems(
            html += textAreaElement.renderEdit()

        #for textFieldName, textElement in self.mainTextElements.iteritems():
        #    html += textElement.renderEdit()
        for textFieldName in self.idevice.textFieldsBasic:
            html += self.mainTextElements[textFieldName].renderEdit()

        divId = "fieldtype_advanced" + self.id
        html += "<input name='showbox" + divId + "' type='checkbox' onchange='$(\"#" + divId + "\").toggle()'/>"

        html += _("Show advanced options") + "<br/>"
        html += "<div id='" + divId + "' style='display: none' "
        html += ">"

        for textFieldName in self.idevice.textFieldsAdvanced:
            html += self.mainTextElements[textFieldName].renderEdit()

        html += "</div>"
        html += "<br/>"

        html += self.questionOrderChoiceElement.renderEdit()
        html += self.timerChoiceElement.renderEdit()

        html += _("<h2>Clickable Areas</h2>")
        for clickableAreaElement in self.clickableAreaElements:
            html += clickableAreaElement.renderEdit()

        html += "<br/>"
        html += common.submitButton("addClickableArea" + unicode(self.id),
                                    _("Add Clickable Area"))
        html += "<br/>"

        html += self.renderEditButtons()
        html += u"</div>\n"
        return html

    def renderPreview(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for previewing this block
        html = ""
        html += self._renderGame(style, "preview")
        return html

    def renderView(self, style):
        Returns an XHTML string for viewing this block
        html = ""
        html += self._renderGame(style, "view")
        return html