Пример #1
def Assembly(aprog):
    """ convert atomic program aprog to assembly program asprog """
    asprog = {}
    subj, wk, dl = exp.WhereD(aprog)
    if exp.VarP(subj):
        subj = exp.Operation1C(exp.IDWord, subj)
    odef = exp.DefinitionC(exp.VarC(exp.OUTPUTWord), pop.EQUALWord, subj)
    dl = pop.Cons(odef, dl)
    asprog = {}  #initialize the assembly program, a dictionary
    #that assigns to every variable name a tuple consisting
    #of the operation symbol and the array of the names of the variables
    #all python strings
    while dl != pop.Empty:  #loop through the definitions of the atomized program
        df, dl = pop.DeCons(dl)
        lhs, es, rhs = exp.DefinitionD(df)  #dismantle current definition
        vname = pio.Words(exp.Var(lhs))  #get name of var being defined
        if exp.LiteralP(
                rhs):  #if its a literal treat quote mark as a pseudo op
            asprog[vname] = ('"', exp.LiteralValue(rhs))
        if exp.VarP(rhs):  # rhs a single variable, add id operator
            rhs = exp.Operation1C(exp.IDWord, rhs)
            #its an operation applied to operands
        o, ods = exp.OperationD(
            rhs)  #break rhs into operation symbol and operand list
        odsa = []  #initialize array of operands
        while ods != pop.Empty:  #iterate through operand list
            vw, ods = pop.ConsD(ods)  #get current operand, a var, and advance
            vws = pio.Words(
                exp.Var(vw))  #name of current operand, a var, as a string
            odsa.append(vws)  #append to the array
            #finished looping throug operands, so odsa complete
        asprog[vname] = (pio.Words(o), odsa)
    return asprog
Пример #2
def Adefinition(df):
    """atomize a definition, returning atomic def and deflist"""
    rhs = exp.Rhs(df); lhs = exp.Lhs(df)
    assert exp.VarP(lhs), 'cannot handle compund definitions'
    if exp.LiteralP(rhs): #equated to a literal, no action
        return df,pop.Empty
    arhs, defs = Aexpr(rhs)
    return exp.DefinitionC(lhs,pop.EQUALWord, arhs), defs
Пример #3
def Aexpr(e):
    """ returns e1 dl where dl is the list of atomic definitions generated
        and e1 is the new atomic expression """
    if exp.OperationP(e): return Aoperation(e)
    if exp.VarP(e): return e, pop.Empty
    if exp.WhereP(e): return Awhere(e)
    assert not exp.CallP(e), ' cannot do function calls '
    assert exp.LiteralP(e), ' bad arg to Aexpr'
    v = VarGen()
    d = exp.DefinitionC(v,pop.EQUALWord,e)
    return v, pop.List1(d)
Пример #4
def Definition(ig):
    """ pick up a definition """
    lhs = Expr(ig)
    if lhs == '': return ''
    lex = pio.NextItem(ig)
    if lex != exp.EQUALWord and lex != exp.ISWord:
        pro.printf('Expected = or is')
        print('Found '); pio.Dump5(ig)
    rhs = Expr(ig)
    df = exp.DefinitionC(lhs,lex,rhs)
    if not Expect(exp.SEMICOLONWord,ig):
        return Interm(df)
    return df
Пример #5
def Aoperation(e):
    """ returns e1 dl where dl is the list of atomic definitions generated
        and e1 is the new atomic expression """
    o = exp.OperationSymbol(e)    #operator
    l = exp.OperationOperandL(e)  #operands
    vl = pop.Empty                #new variables introduced
    aeqs = pop.Empty              #list of equations generated
    while l != pop.Empty:          #iterate down operand list
        opd = pop.Head(l);l = pop.Tail(l)  #get next operand and advance
        if exp.VarP(opd):      #if it's a var nothing to do
            vl = pop.Cons(opd,vl)
        ae, dl = Aexpr(opd)         # process the operand
        aeqs = pop.Append(dl,aeqs)     # collect equations generated
        if not exp.VarP(ae):
            nv = VarGen()               # generate a new variable
            vl = pop.Cons(nv,vl)           # save it  
            d = exp.DefinitionC(nv,pop.EQUALWord,ae)      # generate new atomic definition
            aeqs = pop.Cons(d,aeqs) 
            vl = pop.Cons(ae,vl)
    vl = pop.Reverse(vl)               # variables accumulated in reverse order
    e1 = exp.OperationC(o,vl)           # new atomic expression
    return e1, aeqs                # return the atomic expression and equations generated