Пример #1
def resume():
    Serves Resume page
    #TO DO: Replace with SQLlite
    experience = []
        Exp("dolby.png", "Dolby Laboratories, Inc.", "Software Engineer", [
            "When I joined Dolby, the company was still trying to break into the VR market. I joined a brilliant team \
                            of software engineers aiming to adapt existing Dolby technologies for a VR environment. To do so, I initially \
                            tasked with streamlining the audio rendering portion of the the audio SDK. This required to me to develop a \
                            system to match the rotational axes of the the device, like an Oculus or GearVR, to our internal axes then map \
                            the changes in head position between axis systems to adjust audio according to head positioning. After finishing \
                            the task, I was responsible for making sure that my work had cross-platform functionality.",
            "After redesigning the audio rendering SDK, I was lucky enough to be given the opportunity to work on the \
                            complementary decoder library. I was told that Dolby was built off Hollywood and that all movies and soundtracks \
                            prior to 1994 were all encoded using an older standard of compression. Thus, I was given the chance to find \
                            a means of implementing backwards compatibility for legacy content, which I accomplished by establishing \
                            virtual audio sources set at home theatre locations and accounting for audio change according to a given \
                            surround sound set up."
        ], ["C++", "C", "C#", "Java", "Android NDK"]))
        Exp("ulukau.png", "Ulukau: The Hawaiian Electronic Library",
            "Software Engineer", [
                "Ulukau is the principle attempt at preserving Hawaiian culture digitally for all generations to come. \
                            The resources collected range from historical land deads to genealogy to children's story books written in \
                            Hawaiian. As a student at University of Hawaii, I wanted to use the skills I've learned to give back to the \
                            community that so graciously accepted me. When I learned that Ulukau was making the transition from Oahu to \
                            the Big Island, I reached out to see if there was anyway I could be a part of the process.",
                "Fortune smiled upon me as I reached out. They were looking for a Front End Software Engineer to revamp \
                            their appearance and provide a means of easily updating and maintaining the project after I finished since it was \
                            cost-prohibitive to hire a web administrator. Thus, my partner and I hopped on board to work out the major \
                            issues like Section 508 compliance before setting up routine back ups and redesigning the entire website \
                            from the ground up."
            ], ["PHP", "HTML", "CSS", "JavaScript", "JQuery", "MySQL"]))
        Exp("uhh.png", "University of Hawaii at Hilo",
            "Electrical Engineer, Intern", [
                "In Hawaii, energy costs are typically 6 times more expensive than on the mainland. A lot of Hawaiians choose \
                            to live off the grid, so the energy grid infrastructure is not as developed as it could be. To address the issue, \
                            Cornell University set up a joint task force of sorts to investigate leading causes of energy inefficiency. This \
                            included measuring phantom loads, which occurs when electricity is drawn when devices are turned off but plugged into \
                            an outlet, and finding infrastructure conflicts causing increased demand on energy, such as single paned windows or \
                            shutters that do not close. After combing through the electrical systems on campus, we mapped energy usage by building \
                            and identified that 20% of the energy was being wasted. After learning about the severity of the problem, the \
                            chancellor decided that she would have to look into budgeting for architectural and electrical upgrades throughout \
            ], []))
    return render_template('resume.html', pageHeader="Resume", exp=experience)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, rootdir):
        self.filemap = {}
        for k in CreateHg38.LISTFILES:
            self.filemap[k] = {}
            self.filemap[k + "_all"] = {}

        # for each assay
        for listfile in CreateHg38.LISTFILES:

            # load each exp accession from the existing list
            # for each, append only the first rep to one list and all reps to the other
            with open(os.path.join(rootdir, listfile), "r") as f:
                for line in f:
                    p = line.strip().split('\t')
                        e = Exp.fromJsonFile(p[0])
                        peaks, signal = CreateHg38._process(e)
                        k = p[4] if len(p) >= 5 else p[2]
                        self.filemap[listfile][(k, e.encodeID)] = (peaks[1].fileID, signal[1].fileID)
                        self.filemap[listfile + "_all"][(k, e.encodeID)] = [(peaks[x].fileID, signal[x].fileID) for x, _ in signal.iteritems()]
                        print("00_create_hg38$CreateHg38::__init__: could not process %s; skipping" % p[0])

            # if DNase, write all reps to Hotspot-List.txt
            if listfile == "dnase-list.txt":
                CreateHg38._writehotspots(self.filemap[listfile + "_all"], "/data/projects/cREs/hg38/Hotspot-List.txt")
                print("wrote /data/projects/cREs/hg38/Hotspot-List.txt")

            # write first reps to list file
            CreateHg38._writelist(self.filemap[listfile], "/data/projects/cREs/hg38/%s" % listfile)
            print("wrote /data/projects/cREs/hg38/%s" % listfile)
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, assembly, assay, toks):
        self.assembly = assembly
        self.assay = assay
        self.expID = toks[0]
        self.fileID = toks[1]
        self.cellTypeName = toks[2]

        exp = Exp.fromJsonFile(self.expID)
        self.tissue = DetermineTissue.TranslateTissue(assembly, exp)

        self.biosample_term_name = exp.biosample_term_name
        self.biosample_summary = exp.jsondata.get("biosample_summary",

        self.biosample_type = exp.jsondata["biosample_type"]
        if isinstance(self.biosample_type, list):
            if len(self.biosample_type) > 1:
                printt("multiple items for biosample_type:", self.biosample_type)
            self.biosample_type = self.biosample_type[0]

        if "mm10" == self.assembly:
            bs = self.biosample_summary
            bs = bs.replace("C57BL/6 ", "")
            matches = re.findall(r"\ (\((.*) days\))", bs)
            #printt(bs, matches, len(matches))
            if matches and 1 == len(matches):
                bs = bs.replace(matches[0][0], "e" + matches[0][1])
                bs = bs.replace("postnatal e", "p").replace("embryo e", "e")
            #printt("new bs", bs)
            self.biosample_summary = bs

        out = self.output().encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii')
Пример #4
def main():
    expID = 'ENCSR000BCA'  #ENCSR000SKS' #ENCSR000BCE' #'ENCSR000AEC'
    if 1:
        mw = MetadataWS(host="")
        exp = mw.exps([expID])[0]
        exp = Exp.fromJsonFile(expID)
    files = bigWigFilters("hg19", exp)
    print("found", len(files))
    for f in files:
        print(f, f.bio_rep)
Пример #5
    def __init__(self,ConfigFile):
        """Initialize a Job."""

#       Initialize Experiment specific stuff in base class
#       --------------------------------------------------

#       Job specific parameters (will raise exception if not present)
#       -------------------------------------------------------------
        self.nSegs = self.cf.nSegs
        self.recyclables = self.cf.recyclables # File list
        self.JobDelTime = self.cf.DelTime

#       Bring over resource files
#       -------------------------

#       Bring over recyclables to runing ExpExecDir
#       ---------------------------------- --------
Пример #6
def main(img_path):
    trials = 20
    framerate = 1/60.0
    width = 1920
    height = 1200
    w = width/4
    #img_path = '/Users/sb/neuro_comp/db/num_exp'
    pinfo = get_pinfo()
    kwargs = get_protocol(img_path,['png','jpg'],trials)
    exp = Exp(**kwargs)
    win = visual.Window(screen=1,fullscr=True)
    clock = core.Clock()
    for i in range(trials):
    exp_file = open('filename.obj','w')
Пример #7
 def __init__(self, path):
     self.tads = {}
     self.exps = {}
     with gzip.open(path, "r") as f:
         for line in f:
             p = line.strip().split('\t')
             acc = p[3].split("-")[0]
             if acc not in self.exps:
                 self.exps[acc] = Exp.fromJsonFile(acc).biosample_term_name
                 self.tads[acc] = {}
             if p[0] not in self.tads[acc]:
                 self.tads[acc][p[0]] = []
             self.tads[acc][p[0]].append([int(p[1]), int(p[2])])
Пример #8
    def loadExps(self):
        printt("loading exps...")
        with open(
                             "hg38-Hotspot-List.txt")) as f:
            lines = [line.rstrip().split() for line in f]

        self.exps = []
        for idx, line in enumerate(lines):
            expID = line[0]
            exp = Exp.fromJsonFile(expID)

            t = DetermineTissue.TranslateTissue("hg19", exp).strip()
            if not t:
                raise Exception("missing " + expID)

            self.exps.append((expID, exp, t, line[2]))
        printt("loaded", len(self.exps))
Пример #9
class TestTemplate(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        self.input = np.array(0.5)
        self.exp = Exp()

    def test_call(self):
        square_1 = Square()
        square_2 = Square()
        x = Variable(self.input)
        a = square_1(x)
        b = self.exp(a)
        y = square_2(b)
        self.assertEqual(0.25, a.data)
        self.assertEqual(1.2840254166877414, b.data)
        self.assertEqual(1.648721270700128, y.data)

    def test_forward(self):
        y = self.exp.forward(self.input)
        self.assertEqual(1.6487212707001282, y)
Пример #10
 def _parse(self):
     fnp = os.path.join(self.d, "list.txt")
     with open(fnp) as f:
         header = f.readline().rstrip('\n').split('\t')
         ctToExpIDsRows = [
             line.rstrip('\n').split('\t') for line in f if line
     allExps = {}
     for ctToExpIDs in ctToExpIDsRows:
         ct = ctToExpIDs[0]
         allExps[ct] = {}
         for idx, expID in enumerate(ctToExpIDs[1:]):
             allExps[ct][header[idx + 1]] = Exp.fromJsonFile(
                 expID)  # , True)
     if 0:
         for ct, exps in allExps.iteritems():
             print(ct, exps["DNase"], exps["H3K4me3"], exps["H3K27ac"],
     return allExps
Пример #11
    def processRow(self, row, outF, lookup):
        expID = row[0]
        fileID = row[1]
        replicate = row[2]
        exp = Exp.fromJsonFile(expID)
        j = exp.getExpJson()

        organ = self._organ(exp, j, lookup)
        cellCompartment = self._cellCompartment(exp, j)
        ageTitle = self._ageTitle(exp, j)
        signalFiles = self._signalFiles(exp, replicate)

        a = [
            expID, fileID, exp.biosample_term_name, organ, cellCompartment,
            exp.target, exp.lab, exp.assay_term_name, exp.biosample_type,
            exp.biosample_term_name, exp.biosample_summary, ageTitle,
        # print(a)
        outF.write('\t'.join(a) + '\n')
Пример #12
    def makeJobs(self):
        m = MetadataWS(Datasets.byAssembly(self.assembly))

        allExps = [(m.chipseq_tfs_useful(), "tf"),
                   (m.chipseq_histones_useful(), "histone")]
        allExpsIndiv = []
        for exps, etype in allExps:
            printt("found", len(exps), etype)
            exps = [Exp.fromJsonFile(e.encodeID) for e in exps]
            exps = filter(lambda e: "ERROR" not in e.jsondata["audit"], exps)
            printt("found", len(exps), etype,
                   "after removing ERROR audit exps")
            for exp in exps:
                allExpsIndiv.append((exp, etype))
        total = len(allExpsIndiv)

        i = 0
        jobs = []
        for exp, etype in allExpsIndiv:
            i += 1
                bed = exp.getUsefulPeakFile(self.assembly)
                if not bed:
                    printt("missing", exp)
                    "exp": exp,  # this is an Exp
                    "bed": bed,  # this is an ExpFile
                    "i": i,
                    "total": total,
                    "assembly": self.assembly,
                    "etype": etype
            except Exception, e:
                printt("bad exp:", exp)
Пример #13
 def setUp(self):
     self.input = np.array(0.5)
     self.exp = Exp()
Пример #14
def f(x):
    A = Square()
    B = Exp()
    C = Square()
    return C(B(A(x)))
Пример #15
### attacking selection
unitsInRange = []
attackUnitIndex = 0

font = pygame.font.Font('freesansbold.ttf', 52)

## custom class instances
myMainMenu = MainMenu()

myBattleForcast = BattleForcast(gameWidth)
mainCursor = Cursor(tileSize, mapWidth, mapHeight, gameWidth, gameHeight)
myCombatUI = CombatUI(0, gameHeight - 385)
myUnitInfo = UnitInfo()
myMapUnitUI = MapUnitUI(gameWidth, gameHeight)
myExp = Exp()
myLevelUp = LevelUp(gameWidth, gameHeight)

## creating units
protag = Unit(3, 3, tileSize)
protag.attack = 7
protag.defense = 6
protag.speed = 5
protag.skill = 7
protag.luck = 8

Jagen = Unit(3, 5, tileSize)
import json

from pathlib import Path
from tqdm import tqdm
from exp import Exp

def save_result(file_path, data):
    with open(file_path, 'w') as fp:
        json.dump(data, fp)

input_data_path = Path("/home/ntao/project/data/train.csv")
output_data_path = Path("/home/ntao/project/data/result.csv")
model_dir = "/home/ntao/project/data/models/"

exp = Exp(data_file_name=input_data_path,
          gpus=[2, 3, 4, 5])
