def run_main_experiment(): time_start = core.getTime() time_play = time_start order = Exp.make_random_stim_order() Nonethird = np.floor(len(order)/3) Ntwothird = np.floor(2*len(order)/3) Exp = exp_param.exp_param() rate = Exp.rate a = 1000 # amplitude of sounds to play (scaling sounds of rms 1) # plotting and playing stimuli R_inf = 10000 A_broad = sb.make_act_target(Exp.RATIO[4],Exp.f0,Exp.BROAD,Exp) A_dark = sb.make_act_target(Exp.RATIO[4],Exp.f0,Exp.DARK,Exp) B_broad = sb.make_act_target(R_inf,Exp.f0,Exp.BROAD,Exp) B_dark = sb.make_act_target(R_inf,Exp.f0,Exp.DARK,Exp) couples = [ [A_broad,B_broad],[A_dark,B_dark]] t = 0 for i in np.arange(0,100): t = t+1 snr_type = random.randint(0,1) timbre_type = random.randint(0,1) AXB_type = random.randint(0,1) WXZ_type = random.randint(0,1) pair = couples[snr_type] A = pair[int(WXZ_type)] B = pair[int(not WXZ_type)] X = [A,B][AXB_type] blank = np.zeros((Exp.rate,1),float) seq = np.append(blank,A) seq = np.append(seq,blank) seq = np.append(seq,X) seq = np.append(seq,blank) seq = np.append(seq,B) seq = np.append(seq,blank) snrdb = [0,-6][snr_type] s = sb.add_lpnoise_at_snrdb(seq,snrdb,Exp) s = sound_build.make_noisy_stim(i,Exp) scaled = np.int16(s/np.max(np.abs(s)) * 32767) write('test.wav', 44100, scaled) core.wait(time_play - core.getTime()) set_msg('AAB or ABB?','MAIN') win.flip() playsound(s,vol) core.wait(0.1) #core.wait(0.5) #wait 500ms; but use a loop of x frames for more accurate timing in fullscreen thisResp = get_response() iscorrect = (get_response()==AXB_type) time_play = core.getTime() + iti dataFile.write('%i,%i,%i,%i,%i,%i\n' %(snr_type,timbre_type,AXB_type,WXZ_type, thisResp,iscorrect)) dataFile.close()
def perform_analysis(filename): #path = '../data/' #filename = 'gui_short2014_Jan_03_1512' #filename = 'remi_short2014_Jan_03_1512' #filename = 'VINCENT5JAN' #with open(path+filename+'.csv', 'r') as f: with open(filename, 'r') as f: reader = csv.reader(f) x = list(reader) y = [[int(string) for string in inner] for inner in x] INDEX_hct = [15,16,17,18] CORRECT_hct = [0,0,1,1] counts_hct = np.zeros((len(INDEX_hct),3),float) # correct, incorrect, missed INDEX_control = [19,20,21,22] CORRECT_control = [0,0,1,1] counts_control = np.zeros((len(INDEX_control),3),float) # correct, incorrect, missed # Extract counts for HCT i_index = -1 for index in INDEX_hct: i_index += 1 for row in y: if (row[0] == index): if (row[2] == 1): #correct counts_hct[i_index,0] += 1 elif (row[2] == 0): #incorrect counts_hct[i_index,1] += 1 elif (row[2] == -1):#missed counts_hct[i_index,2] += 1 # Compute Accuracy for HCT accuracy_hct = np.zeros((4),float) i_index = -1 for row in counts_hct: i_index += 1 a = row[1]/(row[0]+row[1]) x = CORRECT_hct[i_index] accuracy_hct[i_index] = a**x*(1-a)**(1-x) # Extract counts for CONTROLS (counts of correct answers) i_index = -1 for index in INDEX_control: i_index += 1 for row in y: if (row[0] == index): if (row[2] == 1): #correct counts_control[i_index,0] += 1 elif (row[2] == 0): #incorrect counts_control[i_index,1] += 1 elif (row[2] == -1):#missed counts_control[i_index,2] += 1 # Compute Accuracy for HCT accuracy_control = np.zeros((4),float) i_index = -1 for row in counts_control: i_index += 1 a = row[1]/(row[0]+row[1]) x = CORRECT_hct[i_index] accuracy_control[i_index] = a**x*(1-a)**(1-x) # Make psychometric curve for mains Exp = exp_param.exp_param() INDEX_ambi = Exp.Ambi_exp_sounds # [0...14] for ACT N_ambi = len(INDEX_ambi) counts_ambi = np.zeros((N_ambi,3),float) # 3 timbre/snr, 5 ratios, 3 possible responses # Extract counts for mains i_index = -1 for index in INDEX_ambi: i_index += 1 for row in y: if (row[0] == index): if (row[1] == 1): #pressed up counts_ambi[i_index,0] += 1 elif (row[1] == -1): #pressed down counts_ambi[i_index,1] += 1 else:# pressed other key (miss)#psy_curve = np.zeros((3,5)) # cond * ratio counts_ambi[i_index,2] += 1 # Compute Accuracy for main accuracy_ambi = np.zeros((len(INDEX_ambi)),float) i_index = -1 for row in counts_ambi: i_index += 1 accuracy_ambi[i_index] = row[0]/(row[0]+row[1]) # Merge accuracies to build psychometric curves # indices of sounds of increasing ratio for the 3 conditions ind_by_cond = [np.arange(0,N_ambi,3), np.arange(1,N_ambi,3), np.arange(2,N_ambi,3)] psy_curve = [[accuracy_ambi[index] for index in row] for row in ind_by_cond] psy_curve_std = [[accuracy_ambi[index]*(1-accuracy_ambi[index]) for index in row] for row in ind_by_cond] # compute std std_control = ((1-accuracy_control)*accuracy_control) std_hct = ((1- accuracy_hct)*accuracy_hct) std_ambi= ((1- accuracy_ambi)*accuracy_ambi) ######################################### N = 2 ind = np.arange(N) # the x locations for the groups width = 0.35 # the width of the bars hctf250m = accuracy_hct[[0,2]] hctf250std = std_hct[[0,2]] hctf500m = accuracy_hct[[1,3]] hctf500std = std_hct[[1,3]] controlf250m = accuracy_control[[0,2]] controlf250std = std_control[[0,2]] controlf500m = accuracy_control[[1,3]] controlf500std = std_control[[1,3]] print(counts_ambi) print(counts_hct) print(counts_control) print(accuracy_ambi) print(accuracy_hct) print(accuracy_control) print(hctf250m) print(hctf500m) print(controlf250m) print(controlf500m) RATIO = Exp.RATIO def press(event): print('press', event.key) sys.stdout.flush() if event.key=='enter': sys.exit() ######################################### fig1, ax1 = plt.subplots() rects1 =, hctf500m, width, color='r', yerr=hctf500std) rects2 =, hctf250m, width, color='y', yerr=hctf250std) ax1.set_ylabel('fraction high') ax1.set_xticks(ind+width) ax1.set_xticklabels( ('500 Hz', '250 Hz') ) ax1.legend( (rects1[0], rects2[0]), ('Broad', 'Dark') ) ax1.set_title('HCT') plt.ylim(0,1) ######################################### fig2, ax2 = plt.subplots() rects1 =, controlf500m, width, color='r', yerr=controlf500std #accuracy_control[i_index] = row[0]/(row[0]+row[1]) ) rects2 =, controlf250m, width, color='y', yerr=controlf250std) ax2.set_ylabel('fraction high') ax2.set_xticks(ind+width) ax2.set_xticklabels( ('500 Hz', '250 Hz') ) ax2.legend( (rects1[0], rects2[0]), ('Broad', 'Dark') ) ax2.set_title('Controls') plt.ylim(0,1) ######################################### fig3, ax3 = plt.subplots() for i in np.arange(0,np.shape(psy_curve)[0]): ax3.errorbar(RATIO, psy_curve[i], yerr=psy_curve_std[i] , linestyle="dashed", marker="o") ax3.legend(['0db dark','0db', '-6dB']) ax3.set_xlabel('ratio') ax3.set_ylabel('fraction high') ax3.grid(True) ax3.set_title('Timbral effects, main') plt.ioff() plt.ylim(0,1) fig1.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', press) fig2.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', press) fig3.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', press)
from psychopy.misc import fromFile, toFile from import write import numpy as np import pygame import random import os, sys # realpath() with make your script run, even if you symlink it :) #cmd_subfolder = os.path.realpath(os.path.abspath(os.path.split(inspect.getfile( inspect.currentframe() ))[0]) + "/scripts") cmd_subfolder = os.path.realpath('..')+'/scripts' if cmd_subfolder not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, cmd_subfolder) import sound_build, exp_param #------------ load global experiment parameters Exp = exp_param.exp_param() iti = Exp.iti # constants initialization TOP_POS = [0,+3] CENTER_POS = [0,0] BOTTOM_POS = [0,-4] # function definition def get_subject_info(): try: expInfo = fromFile('../data/lastParams.pickle') # check existence of previous parameter file except: expInfo = {'pseudo':'pseudo'} expInfo['date']= data.getDateStr() #add current time #present a dialog box to get user info