Пример #1
def subgroup_deltas(df, variants, n_bins=4, deltaWorker=statx.make_delta()):
	Calculates the feature dependent delta.

	  df (pandas DataFrame): 3 columns. The order of the columns is expected
	      to be variant, feature, kpi.
	  variants (list of 2): 2 entries, first entry is the treatment variant,
	      second entry specifies the baseline variant
	  n_bins (integer): number of bins to create if binning is None
	  deltaWorker: a closure generated by statitics.make_delta(), holding
	      the numerical parameters of delta calculations

	  pandas.DataFrame: bin-name, mean, percentile and corresponding values
	  list: binning used

	# Push computation to _binned_deltas() function
	result = _binned_deltas(df=df, variants=variants, n_bins=n_bins, binning=None,
			                cumulative=False, label_format_str='{standard}',

	# TODO: Add binning to result metadata

	# Reformating of the index names in the result data frame object
	result.df.reset_index('subgroup', drop=True, inplace=True)
	result.df.index.set_names('subgroup', level=2, inplace=True)
							   level='subgroup_metric', inplace=True)

	# Returning Result object containing result and the binning
	return result
Пример #2
def _delta_all_variants(metric_df, baseline_variant, weighted=False,
	"""Applies delta to all variants, given a metric and a baseline variant.

	metric_df has 4 columns: entity, variant, metric, reference_kpi
	baseline_metric  = metric_df.iloc[:, 2][metric_df.iloc[:, 1] == baseline_variant]
	baseline_weights = metric_df.iloc[:, 3][metric_df.iloc[:, 1] == baseline_variant]

	if weighted:
		# - reference KPI is never NaN (such that sum works the same as np.nansum)
		# - whenever the reference KPI is 0, it means the derived KPI is NaN,
		#	and therefore should not be counted (only works for ratio)
		x_weights = lambda f: f.iloc[:,3]/sum(f.iloc[:,3])*sum(f.iloc[:,3]!=0)
		y_weights = lambda f: baseline_weights/sum(baseline_weights)*sum(baseline_weights!=0)
		x_weights = lambda f: 1
		y_weights = lambda f: 1

	do_delta = (lambda f: delta_to_dataframe_all_variants(f.columns[2],
					 x_weights = x_weights(f),
					 y_weights = y_weights(f))))

	# Actual calculation
	return metric_df.groupby('variant').apply(do_delta).unstack(0)
Пример #3
	def feature_check(self, feature_subset=None, variant_subset=None,
					  threshold=0.05, percentiles=[2.5, 97.5], assume_normal=True,
					  min_observations=20, nruns=10000, relative=False):

	    Compute feature check on all features, and return dataframe with column
	    telling if feature check passed.

	        feature_subset (list): Features for which to perfom delta. If set to
	            None all metrics are used.
	        variant_subset (list): Variants to use compare against baseline. If
	            set to None all variants are used.
	        threshold (float): p-value used for dismissing null hypothesis (i.e.
	            no difference between features for variant and baseline).

	        assume_normal (boolean): specifies whether normal distribution
	            assumptions can be made
	        min_observations (integer): minimum observations necessary. If
	            less observations are given, then NaN is returned
	        nruns (integer): number of bootstrap runs to perform if assume
	            normal is set to False.

	        pd.DataFrame containing boolean column named 'ok' stating if
	            feature chek was ok for the feature and variant combination
	            specified in the corresponding columns.
		# TODO: this should return a results structure, like all the others?
		# - can monkey patch it with a function to just get the 'ok' column

		res = Results(None, metadata=self.metadata)

		# Check if data exists TODO: Necessary or guarantted by __init__() ?
		if self.features is None:
			warnings.warn('Empty data set entered to analysis.'
						  + 'Returning empty result set')
			return res
		# TODO: Check if subsets are valid
		# If no subsets use superset
		if feature_subset is None:
			feature_subset = self.feature_names
		if variant_subset is None:
			variant_subset = self.variant_names

		deltaWorker = statx.make_delta(assume_normal, percentiles, min_observations,
				                       nruns, relative)
		# Iterate over the features
		for feature in feature_subset:
			df = (_feature_check_all_variants(self.features.reset_index()[['entity', 'variant', feature]],
											  self.baseline_variant, deltaWorker))
			if res.df is None:
				res.df = df
				res.df = res.df.append(df)

		return res
Пример #4
	def delta(self, method='fixed_horizon', kpi_subset=None, derived_kpis=None,
			  assume_normal=True, percentiles=[2.5, 97.5], min_observations =20,
			  nruns=10000, relative=False, weighted_kpis=None):
		Wrapper for different delta functions with 'method' being the following:

		'fixed_horizon': 		self.fixed_horizon_delta()
		'group_sequential': 	self.group_sequential_delta()
		'bayes_factor':			self.bayes_factor_delta()
		'bayes_precision':		self.bayes_precision_delta()
		res = Results(None, metadata=self.metadata)
		res.metadata['reference_kpi'] = {}
		res.metadata['weighted_kpis'] = weighted_kpis

		reference_kpis = {}
		pattern = '([a-zA-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_]*)'

		# determine the complete KPI name list
		kpis_to_analyse = self.kpi_names.copy()
		if derived_kpis is not None:
			for dk in derived_kpis:
				kpiName = dk['name']
				# assuming the columns in the formula can all be cast into float
				# and create the derived KPI as an additional column
				self.kpis.loc[:,kpiName] = eval(re.sub(pattern, r'self.kpis.\1.astype(float)', dk['formula']))
				# store the reference metric name to be used in the weighting
				# TODO: only works for ratios
				res.metadata['reference_kpi'][kpiName] = re.sub(pattern+'/', '', dk['formula'])
				reference_kpis[kpiName] = re.sub(pattern+'/', '', dk['formula'])

		if kpi_subset is not None:
		self.dbg(3, 'kpis_to_analyse: ' + ','.join(kpis_to_analyse))

		defaultArgs = [res, kpis_to_analyse]
		deltaWorker = statx.make_delta(assume_normal, percentiles, min_observations,
				                       nruns, relative)
		method_table = {
			'fixed_horizon':    (self.fixed_horizon_delta,    defaultArgs + [reference_kpis, weighted_kpis, deltaWorker]),
			'group_sequential': (self.group_sequential_delta, defaultArgs                                               ),
			'bayes_factor':     (self.bayes_factor_delta,     defaultArgs                                               ),
			'bayes_precision':  (self.bayes_precision_delta,  defaultArgs                                               ),

		if not method in method_table:
			raise NotImplementedError
			entry = method_table[method]
			f     = entry[0]
			vargs = entry[1]
			return f(*vargs)
Пример #5
def time_dependent_deltas(df, variants, time_step=1, cumulative=False,
	Calculates the time dependent delta.

	  df (pandas DataFrame): 3 columns. The order of the columns is expected
	      to be variant, time, kpi.
	  variants (list of 2): 2 entries, first entry is the treatment variant,
	      second entry specifies the baseline variant
	  time_step (integer): time_step used for analysis.
	  cumulative (Boolean): whether to accumulate values over time
	  deltaWorker: a closure generated by statitics.make_delta(), holding
	      the numerical parameters of delta calculations

	  pandas.DataFrame: bin-name, mean, percentile and corresponding values
	  list: binning used
	# TODO: allow times to have time stamp format
	# TODO: allow start time and end time format
	# TODO: fill with zeros

	# Create time binning with time_step
	#time_bin = (lambda x: round(x / float(time_step) + 0.5) * time_step)

	# Apply time binning vectorized to each element in the input array
	#df['_tmp_time_'] = df.iloc[:, 1].apply(time_bin)

	# Get appropriate bin number
	#n_bins = len(pd.unique(df['_tmp_time_']))

	# create binning manually, ASSUMING uniform sampling
	tpoints = np.unique(df.iloc[:,1])
	binning = binmodule.NumericalBinning(uppers=tpoints, lowers=tpoints,
		up_closed=[True]*len(tpoints), lo_closed=[True]*len(tpoints))

	# Push computation to _binned_deltas() function
	result = _binned_deltas(df=df, variants=variants, binning=binning,
	                        cumulative=cumulative, label_format_str='{mid}',

	# Reformating of the index names in the result data frame object
	result.df.index.set_names('time', level=2, inplace=True)

	# Returning Result object containing result and the binning
	return result
Пример #6
	def trend(self, kpi_subset=None, variant_subset=None, time_step=1,
			  cumulative=True, assume_normal=True, percentiles=[2.5, 97.5],
			  min_observations=20, nruns=10000, relative=False, **kwargs):
	    Compute time delta (with confidence bounds) on all applicable
	    metrics, and returns in the standard Results format.

	    Does this for all non-baseline variants.

	        kpi_subset (list): KPIs for which to perfom delta computations.
	            If set to None all features are used.
	        variant_subset (list): Variants to use compare against baseline. If
	            set to None all variants are used.
	        time_step (integer): time increment over which to aggregate data.
	        cumulative (boolean): Trend is calculated using data from
	            start till the current bin or the current bin only

	        assume_normal (boolean): specifies whether normal distribution
	            assumptions can be made
	        percentiles (list): list of percentile values to compute
	        min_observations (integer): minimum observations necessary. If
	            less observations are given, then NaN is returned
	        nruns (integer): number of bootstrap runs to perform if assume
	            normal is set to False.
	        relative (boolean): If relative==True, then the values will be
	            returned as distances below and above the mean, respectively,
	            rather than the	absolute values. In	this case, the interval is
	            mean-ret_val[0] to mean+ret_val[1]. This is more useful in many
	            situations because it corresponds with the sem() and std()

	        Results object containing the computed deltas.
		res = Results(None, metadata=self.metadata)
		# Check if data exists
		if self.kpis_time is None:
			warnings.warn('Empty data set entered to analysis. '
						  + 'Returning empty result set')
			res.metadata['warnings']['Experiment.trend'] = \
				UserWarning('Empty data set entered to analysis.')
			return res
		# Check if time is in dataframe column
		if 'time_since_treatment' not in self.kpis_time.index.names:
			warnings.warn('Need time column for trend analysis.'
						  + 'Returning empty result set')
			res.metadata['warnings']['Experiment.trend'] = \
				UserWarning('Need time column for trend analysis.')
			return res
		# TODO: Check if subsets are valid
		# If no subsets use superset
		if kpi_subset is None:
			kpi_subset = self.kpi_names
		if variant_subset is None:
			variant_subset = self.variant_names
		# Remove baseline from variant_set
		variant_subset = variant_subset - set([self.baseline_variant])
		# Iterate over the kpis and variants
		# TODO: Check if this is the right approach
		deltaWorker = statx.make_delta(assume_normal, percentiles, min_observations,
				                       nruns, relative)
		for kpi in kpi_subset:
			for variant in variant_subset:
				# TODO: Add metadata to res.metadata
				res_obj = time_dependent_deltas(
												  'time_since_treatment', kpi]],
					variants=[variant, self.baseline_variant],
				res.df = pd.concat([res.df, res_obj.df])

		# NB: assuming all binning objects based on the same feature are the same
		# Return the result object
		return res
Пример #7
	def sga(self, feature_subset=None, kpi_subset=None, variant_subset=None,
			n_bins=4, binning=None,
			assume_normal=True, percentiles=[2.5, 97.5],
			min_observations=20, nruns=10000, relative=False,
	    Compute subgroup delta (with confidence bounds) on all applicable
	    metrics, and returns in the standard Results format.

	    Does this for all non-baseline variants.

	        feature_subset (list): Features which are binned for which to
	            perfom delta computations. If set to None all features are used.
	        kpi_subset (list): KPIs for which to perfom delta computations.
	            If set to None all features are used.
	        variant_subset (list): Variants to use compare against baseline. If
	            set to None all variants are used.
	        n_bins (integer): number of bins to create if binning is None

	        binning (list of bins): preset (if None then binning is created)
	        assume_normal (boolean): specifies whether normal distribution
	            assumptions can be made
	        percentiles (list): list of percentile values to compute
	        min_observations (integer): minimum observations necessary. If
	            less observations are given, then NaN is returned
	        nruns (integer): number of bootstrap runs to perform if assume
	            normal is set to False.
	        relative (boolean): If relative==True, then the values will be
	            returned as distances below and above the mean, respectively,
	            rather than the	absolute values. In	this case, the interval is
	            mean-ret_val[0] to mean+ret_val[1]. This is more useful in many
	            situations because it corresponds with the sem() and std()

	        Results object containing the computed deltas.
		res = Results(None, metadata=self.metadata)

		# Check if data exists
		if self.metrics is None:
			warnings.warn('Empty data set entered to analysis.'
						  + 'Returning empty result set')
			return res
		# TODO: Check if subsets are valid
		# If no subsets use superset
		if kpi_subset is None:
			kpi_subset = self.kpi_names
		if feature_subset is None:
			feature_subset = self.feature_names
		if variant_subset is None:
			variant_subset = self.variant_names
		# Remove baseline from variant_set
		variant_subset = variant_subset - set([self.baseline_variant])
		# Iterate over the kpis, features and variants
		# TODO: Check if this is the right approach,
		# groupby and unstack as an alternative?
		deltaWorker = statx.make_delta(assume_normal, percentiles, min_observations,
				                       nruns, relative)
		for kpi in kpi_subset:
			for feature in feature_subset:
				res.df = pd.concat([
						self.metrics.reset_index()[['variant', feature, kpi]],
						variants=['dummy', self.baseline_variant],
		# Return the result object
		return res
Пример #8
	def fixed_horizon_delta(self,
							kpis_to_analyse = None,
							reference_kpis  = {},
							weighted_kpis   = None,
							deltaWorker     = statx.make_delta(),
	    Compute delta (with confidence bounds) on all applicable kpis,
	    and returns in the standard Results format.

	    Does this for all non-baseline variants.

	    TODO: Extend this function to metrics again with type-checking

			res: a Results object which is to be extended.
	        kpis_to_analyse (list): kpis for which to perfom delta. If set to
	            None all kpis are used.
		    reference_kpis: dict with the names of reference KPIs parameterized
			    by the name of the primary KPI
			weighted_kpis: names of KPIs that should be treated as weighted
			deltaWorker: a closure over statistics.delta() as described by

	        Results object containing the computed deltas.
		kpis_to_analyse = kpis_to_analyse or self.kpi_names.copy()

		for mname in kpis_to_analyse:
			# the weighted approach implies that derived_kpis is not None
			if weighted_kpis is not None and mname in weighted_kpis:
				reference_kpi = reference_kpis[mname]
				weighted = True
				reference_kpi = mname
				weighted = False

				with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
					# Cause all warnings to always be triggered.
					df = (_delta_all_variants(self.kpis.reset_index()[['entity', 'variant', mname, reference_kpi]],
					if len(w):
						res.metadata['warnings']['Experiment.delta'] = w[-1].message

					if res.df is None:
						res.df = df
						res.df = res.df.append(df)

			except ValueError as e:
				res.metadata['errors']['Experiment.delta'] = e

		# res.calculate_prob_uplift_over_zero()

		return res
Пример #9
def _binned_deltas(df, variants, n_bins=4, binning=None, cumulative=False,
		           label_format_str='{standard}', deltaWorker=statx.make_delta()):
	Calculates the feature dependent delta. Only used internally. All
	calculation by subgroup_delta() and time_dependant_delta() is pushed here.

	  df (pandas DataFrame): 3 columns. The order of the columns is expected
	      to be variant, feature, kpi.
	  variants (list of 2): 2 entries, first entry is the treatment variant,
	      second entry specifies the baseline variant
	      TODO: currently only the baseline variant is extracted from this list
	      and deltas are calculated for all variants (see bug OCTO-869)
	  n_bins (integer): number of bins to create if binning is None
	  binning (list of bins): preset (if None then binning is created)
	  cumulative (Bool): whether to accumulate data (for time trend analysis)
	  label_format_str (string): format string for the binning label function
	  deltaWorker: a closure generated by statitics.make_delta(), holding
	      the numerical parameters of delta calculations

	  pandas.DataFrame: bin-name, mean, percentile and corresponding values
	  list: binning used

	# Performing binning of feature on feat2
	if binning is None:
		binning = binmodule.create_binning(df.iloc[:, 1], nbins=n_bins)

	if cumulative==True and type(binning)!=binmodule.NumericalBinning:
		raise ValueError("Cannot calculate cumulative deltas for non-numerical binnings")

	# Applying binning to feat1 and feat2 arrays
	df.loc[:, '_tmp_bin_'] = binning.label(data=df.iloc[:, 1],

	# Initialize result object as data frame with bin keys as index
	def do_delta(f, bin_name):
		# find the corresponding bin in the baseline variant
		baseline_metric = f.iloc[:, 2][(f.iloc[:, 0] == variants[1])]

		for v in f['variant'].unique():
			v_metric =  f.iloc[:, 2][ (f.iloc[:,0]==v) ]
			df = delta_to_dataframe_all_variants(f.columns[2], *deltaWorker(x=v_metric,

			# add new index levels for variant and binning
			df['variant'] = v
			df.set_index(['variant', '_tmp_bin_'], append=True, inplace=True)
			df=df.reorder_levels(['variant', '_tmp_bin_', 'metric',
			                      'subgroup_metric', 'subgroup',
			                      'statistic', 'pctile'])

		return out_df

	# Actual calculation
	result = pd.DataFrame()
	for bin in unique_tmp_bins:
		if not cumulative:
			result=result.append(do_delta(df[df['_tmp_bin_'] == bin], bin))
			result=result.append(do_delta(df[df['_tmp_bin_'] <= bin], bin))

	# unstack variant
	result = result.unstack(0)
	# drop _tmp_bin_ in the input data frame
	del df['_tmp_bin_']

	result.index = result.index.swaplevel(0, 2)
	result.index = result.index.swaplevel(0, 1)
	# Return result and binning
	return Results(result, {'binning': binning})