Пример #1
def CreateSlice(user_cert, urn_req=None):
    # Is this user allowed to create a slice?
    # first get the user with this cert
    username = get_username_from_cert(user_cert)
    except User.DoesNotExist:
        raise Exception("Unknown user %s." % username)
    if urn_req:
        # check the requested URN
        urn = URN(urn=urn_req)
        # make sure that we would generate the same urn if using the
        # same name (i.e. authority is the same...)
        urn_gen = get_slice_urn(urn.getName())
        if urn_gen != urn_req:
            raise BadURNException(
                "The requested URN is not one that would be generated"
                " by this clearinghouse. Requested was %s, but generated"
                " is %s" % (urn_req, urn_gen)
        # Generate a unique URN for the slice
        urn_req = create_slice_urn()
        slice_gid = create_x509_cert(urn_req)[0]
    except Exception as exc:
        logger.error("Could not create slice. Error\n %s"
                     % traceback.format_exc())
        raise Exception("Failed to create slice %s." % urn_req)

    # Now get the user GID which will have permissions on this slice.
    # It doesnt have the chain but should be signed
    # by this CHs cert, which should also be a trusted
    # root at any federated AM. So everyone can verify it as is.
    # Note that if a user from a different CH (installed
    # as trusted by this CH for some reason) called this method,
    # that user would be used here - and can still get a valid slice
        user_gid = gid.GID(string=user_cert)
    except Exception, exc:
        logger.error("CreateSlice failed to create user_gid from SSL client cert: %s", traceback.format_exc())
        raise Exception("Failed to create slice %s. Cant get user GID from SSL client certificate." % urn_req, exc)
Пример #2
def CreateUserCredential(user_gid):
    '''Return string representation of a user credential
    issued by this CH with caller/object this user_gid (string)
    with user privileges'''

    username = get_username_from_cert(user_gid)
    except User.DoesNotExist:
        raise Exception("Unknown user %s." % username)

    user_gid = gid.GID(string=user_gid)
    logger.info("Called CreateUserCredential for GID %s" % user_gid.get_hrn())
        ucred = create_user_credential(user_gid)
    except Exception, exc:
        logger.error("Failed to create user credential for %s: %s", user_gid.get_hrn(), traceback.format_exc())
        raise Exception("Failed to create user credential for %s" % user_gid.get_hrn(), exc)