Пример #1
    def run_on_vessels(self, vessel_handlers, filename, *vessel_args):
      Runs a program on a set of vessels. A batch wrapper around the Experiment
      Library function run_parallelized, with logging and parallelization support.

        A list of vesselhandles of vessels to which a file is to be uploaded.
        The filename of the program to run.
        Optional additional arguments required by the program to be run on


    <Side Effects>
      Logger will make an entry for each successful and failed start-ups
      Process is parallelized

      A list of vesselhandles of vessels that started the program successfully
        self.logger.info("Starting '" + filename + "' on " +
                         str(len(vessel_handlers)) + " vessels")

        # Clear the list of successful_handlers for a new operation
        self.successful_handlers = []

        explib.run_parallelized(vessel_handlers, self._run_on_vessels,
                                filename, *vessel_args)

        return self.successful_handlers
Пример #2
    def run_on_vessels(self, vessel_handlers, filename, *vessel_args):
      Runs a program on a set of vessels. A batch wrapper around the Experiment
      Library function run_parallelized, with logging and parallelization support.

        A list of vesselhandles of vessels to which a file is to be uploaded.
        The filename of the program to run.
        Optional additional arguments required by the program to be run on


    <Side Effects>
      Logger will make an entry for each successful and failed start-ups
      Process is parallelized

      A list of vesselhandles of vessels that started the program successfully
        self.logger.info("Starting '" + filename + "' on " + str(len(vessel_handlers)) + " vessels")

        # Clear the list of successful_handlers for a new operation
        self.successful_handlers = []

        explib.run_parallelized(vessel_handlers, self._run_on_vessels, filename, *vessel_args)

        return self.successful_handlers
Пример #3
    def upload_to_vessels(self, vessel_handlers, filename_list):
      Uploads a list of file to a set of vessels. A batch wrapper around the Experiment
      Library function upload_file_to_vessel, with logging and parallelization support.

        A list of vesselhandles of vessels to which the file is to be uploaded.
        The filename of the file to be uploaded.


    <Side Effects>
      A list of vessels to which the upload succeeded.
        self.logger.info("Uploading '" + str(filename_list) + "' to " +
                         str(len(vessel_handlers)) + " vessels")

        # Clear the list of successful_handlers for a new operation
        self.successful_handlers = []

                                self._upload_to_vessels_helper, filename_list)

        return self.successful_handlers
Пример #4
    def upload_to_vessels(self, vessel_handlers, filename_list):
      Uploads a list of file to a set of vessels. A batch wrapper around the Experiment
      Library function upload_file_to_vessel, with logging and parallelization support.

        A list of vesselhandles of vessels to which the file is to be uploaded.
        The filename of the file to be uploaded.


    <Side Effects>
      A list of vessels to which the upload succeeded.
        self.logger.info("Uploading '" + str(filename_list) + "' to " + str(len(vessel_handlers)) + " vessels")

        # Clear the list of successful_handlers for a new operation
        self.successful_handlers = []

        explib.run_parallelized(vessel_handlers, self._upload_to_vessels_helper, filename_list)

        return self.successful_handlers
def _run_monitor(monitordict):
  """Performs the actual monitoring of vessels."""
  # Copy the vesselhandle_list so that changes made to the list can't happen
  # while the parallelized call is being done.
  vesselhandle_list = monitordict['vesselhandle_list'][:]
  experimentlib.run_parallelized(vesselhandle_list, _check_vessel_status_change, monitordict)
  # We finished the last run, now schedule another.
  monitordict['timerhandle'] = settimer(monitordict['waittime'], _run_monitor, [monitordict])
Пример #6
def _run_monitor(monitordict):
    """Performs the actual monitoring of vessels."""
    # Copy the vesselhandle_list so that changes made to the list can't happen
    # while the parallelized call is being done.
    vesselhandle_list = monitordict['vesselhandle_list'][:]

                                   _check_vessel_status_change, monitordict)

    # We finished the last run, now schedule another.
    monitordict['timerhandle'] = settimer(monitordict['waittime'],
                                          _run_monitor, [monitordict])
def main():

    identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(

    nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(
    print("Number of advertising nodes: " + str(len(nodelocation_list)))

    if MAX_NODES_TO_LOOK_AT is not None:
        print("DEBUG: only looking at " + str(MAX_NODES_TO_LOOK_AT) +
              " nodes.")
        nodelocation_list = nodelocation_list[:MAX_NODES_TO_LOOK_AT]

    # Talk to each nodemanager to find out vessel information.
    browse_successlist, failurelist = \
        experimentlib.run_parallelized(nodelocation_list, browse_node_for_available_vessels)

    # Create a dictionary whose keys are the nodeids and values are lists of
    # vesseldicts of the available vessels on that node.
    available_vesseldicts_by_node = {}
    for (nodeid, available_vesseldicts) in browse_successlist:
        if available_vesseldicts:
            available_vesseldicts_by_node[nodeid] = available_vesseldicts

    print("Number of nodes that SeattleGENI vessels are available on: " +
Пример #8
def main():

  identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(PUBLICKEY_FILENAME, PRIVATEKEY_FILENAME)

  nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(identity)

  print("Number of advertising nodes: " + str(len(nodelocation_list)))

  browse_successlist, browse_failurelist = experimentlib.run_parallelized(nodelocation_list,
                                                                          experimentlib.browse_node, identity)

  vesseldict_list = []
  for (nodeid, vesseldicts_of_node) in browse_successlist:
    vesseldict_list += vesseldicts_of_node

  print("Good vessels: " + str(len(vesseldict_list)))

  set_keys_successlist, set_keys_failure_list = experimentlib.run_parallelized(vesseldict_list, set_keys, identity)
  print("Vessels with proper user keys: " + str(len(set_keys_successlist)))
  print("Vessels that failed user key setting: " + str(len(set_keys_failure_list)))

def main():

  identity = experimentlib.create_identity_from_key_files(SEATTLEGENI_PUBLICKEY_FILENAME)

  nodelocation_list = experimentlib.lookup_node_locations_by_identity(identity)
  print("Number of advertising nodes: " + str(len(nodelocation_list)))

  if MAX_NODES_TO_LOOK_AT is not None:
    print("DEBUG: only looking at " + str(MAX_NODES_TO_LOOK_AT) + " nodes.")
    nodelocation_list = nodelocation_list[:MAX_NODES_TO_LOOK_AT]

  # Talk to each nodemanager to find out vessel information.
  browse_successlist, failurelist = \
      experimentlib.run_parallelized(nodelocation_list, browse_node_for_available_vessels)

  # Create a dictionary whose keys are the nodeids and values are lists of
  # vesseldicts of the available vessels on that node.
  available_vesseldicts_by_node = {}
  for (nodeid, available_vesseldicts) in browse_successlist:
    if available_vesseldicts:
      available_vesseldicts_by_node[nodeid] = available_vesseldicts

  print("Number of nodes that SeattleGENI vessels are available on: " + 
Пример #10
def check_nodes(identitydict, nodelogfile, vessellogfile):
    Determines which nodes are advertising under the keys in identitydict and
    contacts any nodes that need to be contacted.

        A dictionary where the keys are public key names and the value is an
        Experiment Library identity for that key.

        An open file for logging new advertising and contactability events.

        An open file for logging the node dictionaries returned by browse_node.


  <Side Effects>
    Writes to nodelogfile and vessellogfile.


    currenttime = time.time()

    # Currently advertising node locations.
    advertisingset = set()

    # Locations that started advertising under some key.
    addedlocationset = set()

    # Locations that stopped advertising under some key.
    droppedlocationset = set()

    for keyname in identitydict:

        # Locations that were advertising last time we checked this publickey.
        oldlocationlist = oldlocationdict[keyname]

        # Find all the node locations advertising under this key. If we don't expect
        # there to be many nodes advertising, then don't bother retrying many times.
        locationlist = advertising_lookup(identitydict[keyname],
                                          min(len(oldlocationlist), 10))

        if locationlist is None:
            print currenttime, "ERROR: advertising lookup failed for", keyname

        oldlocationdict[keyname] = locationlist

        advertisingset = advertisingset.union(locationlist)

        # Find any changes in the list of advertising nodes.
        startedadvertisingset = set(locationlist).difference(oldlocationlist)
        stoppedadvertisingset = set(oldlocationlist).difference(locationlist)

        addedlocationset = addedlocationset.union(startedadvertisingset)
        droppedlocationset = droppedlocationset.union(stoppedadvertisingset)

        for nodelocation in startedadvertisingset:
                str(currenttime) + " " + nodelocation + " advertising " +
                keyname + "\n")

        for nodelocation in stoppedadvertisingset:
                str(currenttime) + " " + nodelocation + " not_advertising " +
                keyname + "\n")

    for location in addedlocationset:
        # Contact this node immediately since it started advertising.
        nextlookupdict[location] = 0

    for location in droppedlocationset:
        if location in contactabledict or location in advertisingset:
            # Contact this node immediately since it stopped advertising.
            nextlookupdict[location] = 0
            # This node isn't advertising or contactable, so there's no real reason
            # to contact it until it starts advertising again.
            if location in nextlookupdict:
                del nextlookupdict[location]
                print currenttime, "ERROR:", location, \
                    "not in nextlookupdict when it stopped advertising"

    # The list of node locations to try to contact at this time.
    currentlookuplist = []

    for location in nextlookupdict:
        if nextlookupdict[location] < currenttime:

    # Contact all list of node we're currently interested in. This lookup is
    # parallelized to improve speed. Especially for the mass lookup that occurs
    # when the script starts, increasing experimentlib.num_worker_threads to a
    # larger number will further increase the speed of this lookup.
    successlist, failurelist = experimentlib.run_parallelized(
        currentlookuplist, browse_node)

    # These are the nodes for which contacting them failed
    for nodelocation, errorstring in failurelist:

        if nodelocation in contactabledict:
            nodeid = contactabledict.pop(nodelocation)
                str(currenttime) + " " + nodelocation + " not_contactable " +
                nodeid + "\n")

        if nodelocation in advertisingset:
            # Node is advertising but not contactable, so try again later.
            nextlookupdict[nodelocation] = currenttime + \
                (random.random() + 0.5) * ONLY_ADVERTISING_POLLING_INTERVAL
            # This node isn't advertising or contactable, so there's no real reason
            # to contact it until it starts advertising again.
            if nodelocation in nextlookupdict:
                del nextlookupdict[nodelocation]
                print currenttime, "ERROR:", nodelocation, \
                    "not in nextlookupdict when it stopped being contactable"

    # These are the nodes we successfully contacted.
    for nodelocation, nodedict in successlist:
        # Log the retrieved node information.
        vessellogfile.write(str(nodedict) + "\n")

        nodeid = nodedict['nodeid']

        if nodelocation in contactabledict:
            # The node changed nodeid while still advertising. This probably won't
            # ever happen, but we might as well check. (Note: apparently this does
            # happen every once in a while.)
            if nodeid != contactabledict[nodelocation]:
                    str(currenttime) + " " + nodelocation +
                    " not_contactable " + contactabledict[nodelocation] + "\n")
                del contactabledict[nodelocation]

        if nodelocation not in contactabledict:
            contactabledict[nodelocation] = nodeid
                str(currenttime) + " " + nodelocation + " contactable " +
                nodeid + "\n")

        # Pick a semi-random time to do the next lookup so we aren't contacting all
        # the nodes at once.
        if nodelocation in advertisingset:
            nextlookupdict[nodelocation] = currenttime + \
                (random.random() + 0.5) * CONSISTENT_POLLING_INTERVAL
            nextlookupdict[nodelocation] = currenttime + \
                (random.random() + 0.5) * ONLY_CONTACTABLE_POLLING_INTERVAL
Пример #11
def check_nodes(identitydict, nodelogfile, vessellogfile):
    Determines which nodes are advertising under the keys in identitydict and
    contacts any nodes that need to be contacted.

        A dictionary where the keys are public key names and the value is an
        Experiment Library identity for that key.

        An open file for logging new advertising and contactability events.

        An open file for logging the node dictionaries returned by browse_node.


  <Side Effects>
    Writes to nodelogfile and vessellogfile.


  currenttime = time.time()

  # Currently advertising node locations.
  advertisingset = set()

  # Locations that started advertising under some key.
  addedlocationset = set()

  # Locations that stopped advertising under some key.
  droppedlocationset = set()
  for keyname in identitydict:

    # Locations that were advertising last time we checked this publickey.
    oldlocationlist = oldlocationdict[keyname]

    # Find all the node locations advertising under this key. If we don't expect
    # there to be many nodes advertising, then don't bother retrying many times.
    locationlist = advertising_lookup(identitydict[keyname],
        min(len(oldlocationlist), 10))

    if locationlist is None:
      print currenttime, "ERROR: advertising lookup failed for", keyname

    oldlocationdict[keyname] = locationlist

    advertisingset = advertisingset.union(locationlist)

    # Find any changes in the list of advertising nodes.
    startedadvertisingset = set(locationlist).difference(oldlocationlist)
    stoppedadvertisingset = set(oldlocationlist).difference(locationlist)

    addedlocationset = addedlocationset.union(startedadvertisingset)
    droppedlocationset = droppedlocationset.union(stoppedadvertisingset)

    for nodelocation in startedadvertisingset:
      nodelogfile.write(str(currenttime) + " " + nodelocation +
                        " advertising " + keyname + "\n")

    for nodelocation in stoppedadvertisingset:
      nodelogfile.write(str(currenttime) + " " + nodelocation +
                        " not_advertising " + keyname + "\n")

  for location in addedlocationset:
    # Contact this node immediately since it started advertising.
    nextlookupdict[location] = 0

  for location in droppedlocationset:
    if location in contactabledict or location in advertisingset:
      # Contact this node immediately since it stopped advertising.
      nextlookupdict[location] = 0
      # This node isn't advertising or contactable, so there's no real reason
      # to contact it until it starts advertising again.
      if location in nextlookupdict:
        del nextlookupdict[location]
        print currenttime, "ERROR:", location, \
            "not in nextlookupdict when it stopped advertising"

  # The list of node locations to try to contact at this time.
  currentlookuplist = []

  for location in nextlookupdict:
    if nextlookupdict[location] < currenttime:

  # Contact all list of node we're currently interested in. This lookup is
  # parallelized to improve speed. Especially for the mass lookup that occurs
  # when the script starts, increasing experimentlib.num_worker_threads to a
  # larger number will further increase the speed of this lookup.
  successlist, failurelist = experimentlib.run_parallelized(
                                              currentlookuplist, browse_node)

  # These are the nodes for which contacting them failed
  for nodelocation, errorstring in failurelist:

    if nodelocation in contactabledict:
      nodeid = contactabledict.pop(nodelocation)
      nodelogfile.write(str(currenttime) + " " + nodelocation + 
                        " not_contactable " + nodeid + "\n")

    if nodelocation in advertisingset:
      # Node is advertising but not contactable, so try again later.
      nextlookupdict[nodelocation] = currenttime + \
          (random.random() + 0.5) * ONLY_ADVERTISING_POLLING_INTERVAL
      # This node isn't advertising or contactable, so there's no real reason
      # to contact it until it starts advertising again.
      if nodelocation in nextlookupdict:
        del nextlookupdict[nodelocation]
        print currenttime, "ERROR:", nodelocation, \
            "not in nextlookupdict when it stopped being contactable"

  # These are the nodes we successfully contacted.
  for nodelocation, nodedict in successlist:
    # Log the retrieved node information.
    vessellogfile.write(str(nodedict) + "\n")

    nodeid = nodedict['nodeid']

    if nodelocation in contactabledict:
      # The node changed nodeid while still advertising. This probably won't
      # ever happen, but we might as well check. (Note: apparently this does
      # happen every once in a while.)
      if nodeid != contactabledict[nodelocation]:
        nodelogfile.write(str(currenttime) + " " + nodelocation +
                    " not_contactable " + contactabledict[nodelocation] + "\n")
        del contactabledict[nodelocation]

    if nodelocation not in contactabledict:
      contactabledict[nodelocation] = nodeid
      nodelogfile.write(str(currenttime) + " " + nodelocation +
                        " contactable " + nodeid + "\n")

    # Pick a semi-random time to do the next lookup so we aren't contacting all
    # the nodes at once.
    if nodelocation in advertisingset:
      nextlookupdict[nodelocation] = currenttime + \
          (random.random() + 0.5) * CONSISTENT_POLLING_INTERVAL
      nextlookupdict[nodelocation] = currenttime + \
          (random.random() + 0.5) * ONLY_CONTACTABLE_POLLING_INTERVAL
Пример #12
  for vessel in vessel_details:

  print("Number of vessels acquired: " + str(len(CBFUNC_CONTEXT['vesselhandle_list'])))
  # Write node IPs to file to be uploaded
  neighborip_fo = open("neighboriplist.txt", "w")
  for ipport in nodelocation_list:
    ip = ipport.split(":")[0]
    neighborip_fo.write(ip + "\n")

  # Using experimentlib.run_parallelized() to upload and run programs
  uploadips_success, uploadips_fail = experimentlib.run_parallelized(CBFUNC_CONTEXT['vesselhandle_list'], experimentlib.upload_file_to_vessel, CBFUNC_CONTEXT['identity'], "neighboriplist.txt")
  uploadprog_success, uploadprog_fail = experimentlib.run_parallelized(CBFUNC_CONTEXT['vesselhandle_list'], experimentlib.upload_file_to_vessel, CBFUNC_CONTEXT['identity'], "pingneighbors.py")
  start_success, start_fail = experimentlib.run_parallelized(CBFUNC_CONTEXT['vesselhandle_list'], experimentlib.start_vessel, CBFUNC_CONTEXT['identity'], "pingneighbors.py", [str(CBFUNC_CONTEXT['geniport'])])

  # Handle failed nodes
  for failed in listops_uniq(uploadips_fail + uploadprog_fail + start_fail):
    nodeid, vesselname = experimentlib.get_nodeid_and_vesselname(failed[0])
    for vessel in vessel_details:
      if vessel["nodeid"] == nodeid:
    print "Failure on vessel " + failed[0] + ". Error was: " + failed[1]
  print "Files uploaded to nodes and programs running"

  # Now that vessel setup is complete, handle output