def __init__(self, syncon, lemma, positions, type=None, type_=None, relevance=0, attributes=[]): """Initialise the Entity object To minimise the `abuse` of the Python `type` keyword, the initialisation method also accepts `type_`. The former argument is used when the initialisation is nested inside other data-model classes. In these cases the __init__ receives a dictionary containing `type` not `type_`, because that how the response the server sends is defined. Otherwise when the object can be directly initialised using the second alternative. Again, to mitigate this name clash with the keyword the property was suffixed with the underscore. In the remote case a position dictionary is empty, the Position is not initialised to prevent an error to be raised. """ self._syncon = syncon self._positions = [] self._relevance = relevance self._attributes = [] if not (type or type_): raise MissingArgumentError("Missing required argument type") self._type = (type_ or type) self._lemma = lemma if not isinstance(positions, list): raise ETypeError(positions, list) for position in positions: if not isinstance(position, dict): raise ETypeError(expected=dict, current=position) if not position: raise EValueError(position, "Entity.positions") self._positions.append(Position(**position)) if not isinstance(attributes, list): raise ETypeError(attributes, list) for attr in attributes: if not isinstance(attr, dict): raise ETypeError(expected=dict, current=attr) if not attr: raise EValueError(attr, "Entity.attributes") self._attributes.append(Attribute(**attr))
def __init__(self, tokens, start, end, type=None, type_=None): """Initialise the Phrase object To minimise the `abuse` of the Python `type` keyword, the initialisation method also accepts `type_`. The former argument is used when the initialisation is nested inside other data-model classes. In these cases the __init__ receives a dictionary containing `type` not `type_`, because that how the response the server sends is defined. Otherwise when the object can be directly initialised using the second alternative. Again, to mitigate this name clash with the keyword the property was suffixed with the underscore. In the remote case a token dictionary is empty, the Token is not initialised to prevent an error to be raised. """ super().__init__(start=start, end=end) if not (type or type_): raise MissingArgumentError("Missing required argument type") self._type = (type_ or type) self._tokens = [] if not isinstance(tokens, list): raise ETypeError(tokens, list) for token in tokens: if not isinstance(token, dict): raise ETypeError(expected=list, current=token) if not token: raise EValueError(token, "Phrase.tokens") self._tokens.append(Token(**token))
def __init__(self, verb, related=[]): self._verb = {} self._related = [] if not isinstance(verb, dict): raise ETypeError(verb, dict) if not verb: raise EValueError(verb, "Relation.verb") self._verb = Verb(**verb) if not isinstance(related, list): raise ETypeError(related, list) for rel in related: if not isinstance(rel, dict): raise ETypeError(expected=dict, current=rel) if not rel: raise EValueError(rel, "Relation.related") self._related.append(Related(**rel))
def __init__(self, description, languages): self._description = description self._languages = [] if not isinstance(languages, list): raise ETypeError(languages, list) for language in languages: if not isinstance(language, dict): raise ETypeError(expected=list, current=language) if not language: raise EValueError(language, "Iptc.languages") self._languages.append(Language(**language))
def __init__(self, phrases, start, end): super().__init__(start=start, end=end) self._phrases = [] if not isinstance(phrases, list): raise ETypeError(phrases, list) for phrase in phrases: if not isinstance(phrase, dict): raise ETypeError(expected=dict, current=phrase) if not phrase: raise EValueError(phrase, "Sentence.phrase") self._phrases.append(Phrase(**phrase))
def __init__(self, value, score, positions): self._value = value self._score = score self._positions = [] if not isinstance(self._positions, list): raise ETypeError(self._positions, list) for position in positions: if not isinstance(position, dict): raise ETypeError(expected=dict, current=position) if not position: raise EValueError(position, "MainLemma.positions") self._positions.append(Position(**position))
def __init__(self, name, fields): self._name = name self._fields = [] if not isinstance(fields, list): raise ETypeError(fields, list) for fld in fields: if not isinstance(fld, dict): raise ETypeError(expected=dict, current=fld) if not fld: raise EValueError(fld, "Template.fields") self.fields.append(Field(**fld))
def __init__(self, namespace, taxonomy): self._namespace = namespace self._categories = [] if not isinstance(taxonomy, list): raise ETypeError(taxonomy, list) for txn in taxonomy: if not isinstance(txn, dict): raise ETypeError(expected=dict, current=txn) if not txn: raise EValueError(txn, "Taxonomy.taxonomy") self._categories.append(Categories(**txn))
def __init__( self, namespace, label, hierarchy, frequency, score, winner, positions, id=None, id_=None, ): """Initialise the Category object To minimise the `abuse` of the Python `type` id, the initialisation method also accepts `id_`. The former argument is used when the initialisation is nested inside other data-model classes. In these cases the __init__ receives a dictionary containing `type` not `id_`, because that how the response the server sends is defined. Otherwise when the object can be directly initialised using the second alternative. Again, to mitigate this name clash with the reserved keyword the property was suffixed with the underscore. """ if id is None and id_ is None: raise MissingArgumentError("Missing required argument: id") if id is not None: self._id = id else: self._id = id_ self._namespace = namespace self._label = label self._hierarchy = hierarchy self._frequency = frequency self._score = score self._winner = winner self._positions = [] if not isinstance(positions, list): raise ETypeError(list, positions) for position in positions: if not isinstance(position, dict): raise ETypeError(dict, position) if not position: raise EValueError(position, "Category.positions") self._positions.append(Position(**position))
def __init__(self, id, label="", categories=[]): self._id = id self._label = label self._categories = [] if not isinstance(categories, list): raise ETypeError(categories, list) for ctg in categories: if not isinstance(ctg, dict): raise ETypeError(expected=dict, current=ctg) if not ctg: raise EValueError(ctg, "Category.categories") self._categories.append(Categories(**ctg))
def __init__(self, name, value, positions=[]): self._name = name self._value = value self._positions = [] if not isinstance(positions, list): raise ETypeError(positions, list) for position in positions: if not isinstance(position, dict): raise ETypeError(expected=dict, current=position) if not position: raise EValueError(position, "ExtractionField.positions") self._positions.append(Position(**position))
def __init__(self, syncon, score, positions, lemma=""): self._syncon = syncon self._lemma = lemma self._score = score self._positions = [] if not isinstance(positions, list): raise ETypeError(positions, list) for position in positions: if not isinstance(position, dict): raise ETypeError(expected=dict, current=position) if not position: raise EValueError(position, "MainSyncon.positions") self._positions.append(Position(**position))
def __init__(self, name, description, languages): self._name = name self._description = description self._languages = [] if not isinstance(languages, list): raise ETypeError(languages, list) for lng in languages: if not isinstance(lng, dict): raise ETypeError(expected=dict, current=lng) if not lng: raise EValueError(lng, "Context.language") self._languages.append(ContextLanguage(**lng))
def __init__(self, lemma, syncon, sentiment, items=[]): self._lemma = lemma self._syncon = syncon self._sentiment = sentiment self._items = [] if not isinstance(items, list): raise ETypeError(items, list) for itm in items: if not isinstance(itm, dict): raise ETypeError(expected=dict, current=itm) if not itm: raise EValueError(itm, "Sentiment.items") self._items.append(Items(**itm))
def __init__(self, overall, negativity, positivity, items=[]): self._overall = overall self._negativity = negativity self._positivity = positivity self._items = [] if not isinstance(items, list): raise ETypeError(items, list) for itm in items: if not isinstance(itm, dict): raise ETypeError(expected=dict, current=itm) if not itm: raise EValueError(itm, "Sentiment.items") self._items.append(Items(**itm))
def __init__(self, syncon, label, properties=[]): self._syncon = syncon self._label = label self._properties = [] if not isinstance(properties, list): raise ETypeError(properties, list) for prop in properties: if not isinstance(prop, dict): import pdb pdb.set_trace() raise ETypeError(expected=dict, current=prop) if not prop: raise EValueError(prop, "") self._properties.append(Property(**prop))
def __init__(self, namespace, template, fields): if not template: raise MissingArgumentError("Missing required argument: template") self._template = template self._namespace = namespace self._fields = [] if not isinstance(fields, list): raise ETypeError(list, fields) for fld in fields: if not isinstance(fld, dict): raise ETypeError(dict, fld) if not fld: raise EValueError(fld, "Extraction.fields") self._fields.append(ExtractionField(**fld))
def __init__(self, relation, text, lemma, syncon, phrase, relevance, related=[], type=None, type_=None): self._relation = relation self._text = text self._lemma = lemma self._syncon = syncon self._phrase = phrase self._relevance = relevance self._type = type or type_ self._related = [] if not isinstance(related, list): raise ETypeError(related, list) for rel in related: if not isinstance(rel, dict): raise ETypeError(expected=dict, current=rel) if not rel: raise EValueError(rel, "Relation.related") self._related.append(Related(**rel))
def __init__(self, attribute, lemma, syncon, type=None, type_=None, attributes=[]): self._attribute = attribute self._lemma = lemma self._syncon = syncon self._type = type_ or type self._attributes = [] if not isinstance(attributes, list): raise ETypeError(attributes, list) for attr in attributes: if not isinstance(attr, dict): raise ETypeError(expected=dict, current=attr) if not attr: raise EValueError(attr, "Entity.attributes") self._attributes.append(Attribute(**attr))
def __init__( self, start, end, syncon, pos, lemma, dependency, paragraph, sentence, phrase, atoms=[], morphology=None, vsyn=None, type=None, type_=None, ): """Initialise the Property object To minimise the `abuse` of the Python `type` keyword, the initialisation method also accepts `type_`. The former argument is used when the initialisation is nested inside other data-model classes. In these cases the __init__ receives a dictionary containing `type` not `type_`, because that how the response the server sends is defined. Otherwise when the object can be directly initialised using the second alternative. Again, to mitigate this name clash with the reserved keyword the property was suffixed with the underscore. """ super().__init__(start=start, end=end) self._syncon = syncon # by default if only one value is passed, it is considered # to be the key self._pos = pos self._lemma = lemma self._atoms = [] self._vsyn = None if not isinstance(dependency, dict): raise ETypeError(dependency, dict) if not dependency: raise EValueError(dependency, "Token.dependency") self._dependency = Dependency(**dependency) self._morphology = morphology self._paragraph = paragraph self._sentence = sentence self._phrase = phrase self._type = type or type_ if not isinstance(atoms, list): raise ETypeError(list, atoms) for atom in atoms: if not isinstance(atom, dict): raise ETypeError(dict, atom) if not atom: raise EValueError(atom, "Token.atom") self._atoms.append(Atom(**atom)) if vsyn: if not isinstance(vsyn, dict): raise ETypeError(dict, vsyn) self._vsyn = VSyncon(**vsyn)