def test_shapes(self): dao = Dao() f1 = FeedInfo("") a1 = Agency("", "A1", "Agency 1", agency_url="", agency_timezone="Europe/Paris") r1 = Route("", "R1", "A1", 3, route_short_name="R1", route_long_name="Route 1") c1 = Calendar("", "C1") c1.dates = [ CalendarDate.ymd(2016, 1, 31), CalendarDate.ymd(2016, 2, 1) ] s1 = Stop("", "S1", "Stop 1", 45.0, 0.0) s2 = Stop("", "S2", "Stop 2", 45.1, 0.1) s3 = Stop("", "S3", "Stop 3", 45.2, 0.2) t1 = Trip("", "T1", "R1", "C1") t1.stop_times = [ StopTime(None, None, "S1", 0, 28800, 28800, 0.0), StopTime(None, None, "S2", 1, 29400, 29400, 2.0), StopTime(None, None, "S3", 2, 30000, 30000, 4.0) ] t2 = Trip("", "T2", "R1", "C1") t2.stop_times = [ StopTime(None, None, "S2", 0, 30600, 30600, 0.0), StopTime(None, None, "S1", 1, 31000, 31000, 1.0) ] sh1 = Shape("", "Sh1") sh1.points = [ ShapePoint(None, None, 0, 45.00, 0.00, 0.0), ShapePoint(None, None, 1, 45.05, 0.10, 1.0), ShapePoint(None, None, 2, 45.10, 0.10, 2.0), ShapePoint(None, None, 3, 45.15, 0.20, 3.0), ShapePoint(None, None, 4, 45.20, 0.20, 4.0) ] t1.shape = sh1 dao.add_all([f1, a1, r1, c1, s1, s2, s3, t1, t2, sh1]) dao.commit() t = dao.trip("T1") self.assertTrue(t.shape.shape_id == "Sh1") self.assertTrue(len(t.shape.points) == 5) t = dao.trip("T2") self.assertTrue(t.shape == None)
def test_trip(self): dao = Dao() f1 = FeedInfo("F1") a1 = Agency("F1", "A1", "Agency 1", agency_url="", agency_timezone="Europe/Paris") r1 = Route("F1", "R1", "A1", 3, route_short_name="R1", route_long_name="Route 1") c1 = Calendar("F1", "C1") c1.dates = [ d for d in CalendarDate.range( CalendarDate.ymd(2016, 1, 1), CalendarDate.ymd(2016, 1, 31).next_day()) ] s1 = Stop("F1", "S1", "Stop 1", 45.0, 0.0) s2 = Stop("F1", "S2", "Stop 2", 45.1, 0.1) s3 = Stop("F1", "S3", "Stop 3", 45.2, 0.2) t1 = Trip("F1", "T1", "R1", "C1") t1.direction_id = 0 t11 = StopTime("F1", "T1", "S1", 0, 28800, 28800, 0.0) t12 = StopTime("F1", "T1", "S2", 1, 29400, 29400, 0.0) t13 = StopTime("F1", "T1", "S3", 2, 30000, 30000, 0.0) t2 = Trip("F1", "T2", "R1", "C1") t2.direction_id = 1 # Order is not important for now t2.stop_times.append(StopTime(None, None, "S1", 1, 31000, 31000, 0.0)) t2.stop_times.append(StopTime(None, None, "S2", 0, 30600, 30600, 0.0)) dao.add_all([f1, a1, r1, c1, s1, s2, s3, t1, t11, t12, t13, t2]) # Commit is needed to re-order stop times of T2 dao.commit() cal = dao.calendar("C1", feed_id="F1") for trip in cal.trips: self.assertTrue(trip.calendar.service_id == "C1") for stoptime in trip.stop_times: self.assertTrue(stoptime.trip.calendar.service_id == "C1") stop = dao.stop("S2", feed_id="F1") for stoptime in stop.stop_times: self.assertTrue(stoptime.stop.stop_id == "S2") self.assertTrue(stoptime.trip.trip_id.startswith("T")) trip = dao.trip("T1", feed_id="F1") self.assertTrue(len(trip.stop_times) == 3) trip = dao.trip("T2", feed_id="F1") self.assertTrue(len(trip.stop_times) == 2) for trip in dao.trips(prefetch_stop_times=True): last_stop_seq = -1 for stoptime in trip.stop_times: self.assertTrue(stoptime.stop_sequence > last_stop_seq) last_stop_seq = stoptime.stop_sequence for trip in dao.trips(): for stoptime1, stoptime2 in trip.hops(): self.assertTrue(stoptime1.trip == stoptime2.trip) self.assertTrue(stoptime1.stop_sequence + 1 == stoptime2.stop_sequence) trips = list(dao.trips(fltr=Trip.direction_id == 0)) self.assertTrue(len(trips) == 1) trips = list(dao.trips(fltr=Trip.direction_id == 1)) self.assertTrue(len(trips) == 1)