Пример #1
class Trunc(FunctionExpr):
    # TODO: check that the dtype is correct at compilation time (__init__ is too
    # early since we do not have the context yet)
    # assert getdtype(self.args[0], context) == float
    def compute(self, context, expr):
        if isinstance(expr, np.ndarray):
            return expr.astype(int)
            return int(expr)

    dtype = always(int)
Пример #2
class Regression(CompoundExpression):
    """abstract base class for all regressions"""
    def add_filter(expr, filter):
        if filter is not None:
            missing_value = missing_values[getdtype(expr, None)]
            return Where(filter, expr, missing_value)
            return expr

    dtype = always(float)
Пример #3
class LogitRegr(Regression):
    funcname = 'logit_regr'

    def build_expr(self, context, expr, filter=None, align=None):
        score_expr = LogitScore(expr)
        if align is not None:
            # we do not need add_filter because Alignment already handles it
            return Alignment(score_expr, align, filter=filter)
            return self.add_filter(ComparisonOp('>', score_expr, 0.5), filter)

    dtype = always(bool)
Пример #4
class Count(FunctionExpr):
    def compute(self, context, filter=None):
        if filter is None:
            return context_length(context)
            # TODO: check this at "compile" time (in __init__), though for
            # that we need to know the type of all temporary variables
            # first
            if not np.issubdtype(filter.dtype, bool):
                raise ValueError("count filter must be a boolean expression")
            return np.sum(filter)

    dtype = always(int)
Пример #5
class TimeAverage(TimeFunction):
    funcname = 'tavg'

    def compute(self, context, expr):
        entity = context.entity

        baseperiod = entity.base_period
        period = context.period - 1

        res_size = len(entity.array)

        num_values = np.zeros(res_size, dtype=np.int)
        # current period
        last_period_wh_value = np.full(res_size, context.period, dtype=np.int)

        sum_values = np.zeros(res_size, dtype=np.float)
        id_to_rownum = context.id_to_rownum
        while period >= baseperiod:
            ids, values = self.value_for_period(expr,

            # filter out lines which are present because there was a value for
            # that individual at that period but not for that column
            acceptable_rows = hasvalue(values)
            acceptable_ids = ids[acceptable_rows]
            if len(acceptable_ids):
                acceptable_values = values[acceptable_rows]

                value_rows = id_to_rownum[acceptable_ids]

                has_value = np.zeros(res_size, dtype=bool)
                safe_put(has_value, value_rows, True)

                period_value = np.zeros(res_size, dtype=np.float)
                safe_put(period_value, value_rows, acceptable_values)

                num_values += has_value * (last_period_wh_value - period)
                sum_values += period_value
                last_period_wh_value[has_value] = period
            period -= 1
        return sum_values / num_values

    dtype = always(float)
Пример #6
def make_np_class(baseclass, docstring, dtypefunc):
    pos = docstring.find('(')
    name = docstring[:pos]
    args = docstring[pos + 1:-1]
    if isinstance(dtypefunc, type):
        dtypefunc = always(dtypefunc)

    # we need to explicitly set funcname, because the usual mechanism of
    # getting it from the class name during class creation (in the metaclass)
    # does not work because the class name is not set yet.
    class FuncClass(baseclass):
        np_func = getattr(np.random, name)
        funcname = name
        argspec = argspec(args, **baseclass.kwonlyargs)
        if dtypefunc is not None:
            dtype = dtypefunc
    FuncClass.__name__ = name.capitalize()
    return FuncClass
Пример #7
class LogitScore(CompoundExpression):
    funcname = 'logit_score'

    def build_expr(self, context, expr):
        if isinstance(expr, basestring):
            # assume it is a filename
            expr = ExtExpr(expr)

        u = Uniform()
        # expr in (0, 0.0, False, '')
        if not isinstance(expr, Expr) and not expr:
            expr = u
            epsilon = Logit(u)
            # expr = logistic(expr - epsilon)
            expr = Logistic(BinaryOp('-', expr, epsilon))
        return expr

    dtype = always(float)
Пример #8
def make_np_class(baseclass, docstring, dtypefunc):
    name, args = split_signature(docstring)
    if isinstance(dtypefunc, type):
        dtypefunc = always(dtypefunc)
    evalfunc = getattr(np.random, name)

    # we need to explicitly set funcname, because the usual mechanism of
    # getting it from the class name during class creation (in the metaclass)
    # does not work because the class name is not set yet.
    class FuncClass(baseclass):
        np_func = evalfunc
        funcname = name
        argspec = argspec(args, **baseclass.kwonlyargs)
        if dtypefunc is not None:
            dtype = dtypefunc
    FuncClass.__name__ = name.capitalize()
    # skip first two lines, skip 8 first chars on each line
    newdoclines = [line[8:] for line in evalfunc.__doc__.split('\n')[2:]]
    FuncClass.__doc__ = '\n'.join(newdoclines)
    return FuncClass
Пример #9
class Average(FilteredExpression):
    funcname = 'avg'
    no_eval = ('expr', )

    def compute(self, context, expr, filter=None, skip_na=True):
        # FIXME: either take "contextual filter" into account here (by using
        # self._getfilter), or don't do it in sum & gini
        if filter is not None:
            tmpvar = self.add_tmp_var(context, filter)
            if getdtype(expr, context) is bool:
                # convert expr to int because mul_bbb is not implemented in
                # numexpr
                # expr *= 1
                expr = BinaryOp('*', expr, 1)
            # expr *= filter_values
            expr = BinaryOp('*', expr, tmpvar)
            filter = True

        values = expr_eval(expr, context)
        values = np.asarray(values)

        if skip_na:
            # we should *not* use an inplace operation because filter can be a
            # simple variable
            filter = filter & ispresent(values)

        if filter is True:
            numrows = len(values)
            numrows = np.sum(filter)

        if numrows:
            if skip_na:
                return na_sum(values) / float(numrows)
                return np.sum(values) / float(numrows)
            return float('nan')

    dtype = always(float)
Пример #10
def make_np_class(baseclass, docstring, dtypefunc):
    name, args = split_signature(docstring)
    if isinstance(dtypefunc, type):
        dtypefunc = always(dtypefunc)
    evalfunc = getattr(np.random, name)

    # we need to explicitly set funcname, because the usual mechanism of
    # getting it from the class name during class creation (in the metaclass)
    # does not work because the class name is not set yet.
    class FuncClass(baseclass):
        np_func = evalfunc
        funcname = name
        argspec = argspec(args, **baseclass.kwonlyargs)
        if dtypefunc is not None:
            dtype = dtypefunc

    FuncClass.__name__ = name.capitalize()
    # skip first two lines, skip 8 first chars on each line
    newdoclines = [line[8:] for line in evalfunc.__doc__.split('\n')[2:]]
    FuncClass.__doc__ = '\n'.join(newdoclines)
    return FuncClass
Пример #11
class Gini(FilteredExpression):
    no_eval = ('filter', )

    def compute(self, context, expr, filter=None, skip_na=True):
        values = np.asarray(expr)

        filter_expr = self._getfilter(context, filter)
        if filter_expr is not None:
            filter_values = expr_eval(filter_expr, context)
            filter_values = True
        if skip_na:
            # we should *not* use an inplace operation because filter_values
            # can be a simple variable
            filter_values = filter_values & ispresent(values)
        if filter_values is not True:
            values = values[filter_values]

        # from Wikipedia:
        # G = 1/n * (n + 1 - 2 * (sum((n + 1 - i) * a[i]) / sum(a[i])))
        #                        i=1..n                    i=1..n
        # but sum((n + 1 - i) * a[i])
        #    i=1..n
        #   = sum((n - i) * a[i] for i in range(n))
        #   = sum(cumsum(a))
        sorted_values = np.sort(values)
        n = len(values)

        # force float to avoid overflows with integer input expressions
        cumsum = np.cumsum(sorted_values, dtype=float)
        values_sum = cumsum[-1]
        if values_sum == 0:
            print("gini(%s, filter=%s): expression is all zeros (or nan) "
                  "for filter" % (self.args[0], filter))
        return (n + 1 - 2 * np.sum(cumsum) / values_sum) / n

    dtype = always(float)
Пример #12
class Exp(NumexprFunction):
    argspec = argspec('expr')
    dtype = always(float)
Пример #13
class Matching(FilteredExpression):
    Base class for matching functions
    dtype = always(int)
Пример #14
class Std(NumpyAggregate):
    np_func = np.std
    dtype = always(float)
Пример #15
class AlignmentAbsoluteValues(FilteredExpression):
    funcname = 'align_abs'
    no_eval = ('filter', 'secondary_axis', 'expressions', 'method')

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(AlignmentAbsoluteValues, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        need = self.args[1]
        if isinstance(need, basestring):
            fpath = os.path.join(config.input_directory, need)
            need = load_ndarray(fpath, float)
            # XXX: store args in a list so that we can modify it?
            self.args = (self.args[0], need) + self.args[2:]
        self.past_error = None

    def collect_variables(self):
        # args[9] is the "link" argument
        # if self.args.link is None:
        if self.args[9] is None:
            return FilteredExpression.collect_variables(self)
            # in this case, it's tricky
            return set()

    def _eval_need(self,
        assert isinstance(need, np.ndarray)
        if expressions_context is None:
            expressions_context = context
        # When given a 0d array, we convert it to 1d. This can happen e.g. for
        # >>> b = True; x = ne.evaluate('where(b, 0.1, 0.2)')
        # >>> isinstance(x, np.ndarray)
        # True
        # >>> x.shape
        # ()
        if not need.shape:
            need = np.array([need])

        if isinstance(need, LabeledArray):
            if not expressions:
                expressions = [
                    Variable(expressions_context.entity, name)
                    for name in need.dim_names
            if not possible_values:
                possible_values = need.pvalues

        assert isinstance(need, np.ndarray)

        if len(expressions) != len(possible_values):
            raise Exception("align() expressions and possible_values "
                            "have different length: %d vs %d" %
                            (len(expressions), len(possible_values)))

        if 'period' in [str(e) for e in expressions]:
            period = context.period
            expressions, possible_values, need = \
                kill_axis('period', period, expressions, possible_values, need)

        # kill any axis where the value is constant for all individuals
        # satisfying the filter

#        tokill = [(expr, column[0])
#                  for expr, column in zip(expressions, columns)
#                  if isconstant(column, filter_value)]
#        for expr, value in tokill:
#            expressions, possible_values, need = \
#                kill_axis(str(expr), value, expressions, possible_values,
#                          need)

        return need, expressions, possible_values

    def _handle_frac_need(self, need, method):
        # handle the "fractional people problem"
        if not np.issubdtype(need.dtype, np.integer):
            if method == 'uniform':
                int_need = need.astype(int)
                if config.debug and config.log_level == "processes":
                    print("random sequence position before:",
                u = np.random.uniform(size=need.shape)
                if config.debug and config.log_level == "processes":
                    print("random sequence position after:",
                need = int_need + (u < need - int_need)
            elif method == 'cutoff':
                int_need = need.astype(int)
                frac_need = need - int_need
                need = int_need

                # the sum of fractional objects is the number of extra objects
                # we want aligned
                extra_wanted = int(round(np.sum(frac_need)))
                if extra_wanted:
                    # search the cutoff point yielding:
                    # sum(frac_need >= cutoff) == extra_wanted
                    sorted_frac_need = frac_need.flatten()
                    cutoff = sorted_frac_need[-extra_wanted]
                    extra = frac_need >= cutoff
                    if np.sum(extra) > extra_wanted:
                        # This case can only happen when several bins have the
                        # same frac_need. In this case we could try to be even
                        # closer to our target by randomly selecting X out of
                        # the Y bins which have a frac_need equal to the
                        # cutoff (in addition to all those which are strictly
                        # greater than it).
                        assert np.sum(frac_need == cutoff) > 1
                    need += extra
            elif method == 'round':
                # always use 0.5 as a cutoff point
                need = (need + 0.5).astype(int)

        assert np.issubdtype(need.dtype, np.integer)
        return need

    def _add_past_error(self, context, need, method='default'):
        if method == 'default':
            method = context.get('__on_align_error__')

        if method == 'carry':
            if self.past_error is None:
                # TODO: we should store this somewhere in the context instead
                # XXX: I wonder if past_error shouldn't be float
                # (and _add_past_error should not be called before
                # _handle_frac_need instead of after like it does now).
                self.past_error = np.zeros(need.shape, dtype=int)

            print("adding %d individuals from last period error" %
            need += self.past_error

        return need

    def _display_unaligned(self, expressions, ids, columns, unaligned):
        print("Warning: %d individual(s) do not fit in any alignment "
              "category" % np.sum(unaligned))
        header = ['id'] + [str(e) for e in expressions]
        columns = [ids] + columns
        num_rows = len(ids)
            PrettyTable([header] +
                        [[col[row] for col in columns]
                         for row in range(num_rows) if unaligned[row]]))

    def compute(self,

        if method not in ("bysorting", "sidewalk"):
            raise Exception(
                "Method for alignment should be either 'bysorting' "
                "or 'sidewalk'")
        if method == 'bysorting' and need is None:
            raise Exception("need argument is required when using the "
                            "'bysorting' method (which is the default)")

        if method == "sidewalk":
            # need is calculated over score and we could think of
            # calculate without leave_filter and without take_filter
            if need is None:
                need = sum(score)

        # XXX: move this to _eval_need?
        # need is a single scalar
        if np.isscalar(need):
            need = [need]

        # need is a non-ndarray sequence
        if isinstance(need, (tuple, list)):
            need = np.array(need)
        assert isinstance(need, np.ndarray)

        if expressions is None:
            expressions = []

        if possible_values is None:
            possible_values = []
            possible_values = [np.array(pv) for pv in possible_values]

        if frac_need not in ('uniform', 'cutoff', 'round'):
            cls = ValueError if isinstance(frac_need,
                                           basestring) else TypeError
            raise cls("frac_need should be one of: 'uniform', 'cutoff' or "

        if secondary_axis is not None and link is None:
            raise Exception("the 'secondary_axis' argument is only valid in "
                            "combination with the 'link' argument")
        if not isinstance(secondary_axis, (type(None), int, Variable)):
            raise Exception(
                "'secondary_axis' should be either an integer or "
                "an axis name (but got '%s' which is of type '%s')" %
                (secondary_axis, type(secondary_axis)))

        func = self.align_no_link if link is None else self.align_link
        return func(context, score, need, filter, take, leave, expressions,
                    possible_values, errors, frac_need, link, secondary_axis,

    def align_no_link(self, context, score, need, filter, take, leave,
                      expressions, possible_values, errors, frac_need, link,
                      secondary_axis, method):

        ctx_length = context_length(context)

        need, expressions, possible_values = \
            self._eval_need(context, need, expressions, possible_values)

        filter_value = expr_eval(self._getfilter(context, filter), context)

        if filter_value is not None:
            num_to_align = np.sum(filter_value)
            num_to_align = ctx_length

        # retrieve the columns we need to work with
        if expressions:
            columns = [expr_eval(expr, context) for expr in expressions]
            if filter_value is not None:
                groups = partition_nd(columns, filter_value, possible_values)
                groups = partition_nd(columns, True, possible_values)
            columns = []
            if filter_value is not None:
                groups = [filter_to_indices(filter_value)]
                groups = [np.arange(num_to_align)]

        # the sum is not necessarily equal to len(a), because some individuals
        # might not fit in any group (eg if some alignment data is missing)
        if sum(len(g) for g in groups) < num_to_align:
            unaligned = np.ones(ctx_length, dtype=bool)
            if filter_value is not None:
                unaligned[~filter_value] = False
            for member_indices in groups:
                unaligned[member_indices] = False
            self._display_unaligned(expressions, context['id'], columns,

        # noinspection PyAugmentAssignment
        need = need * self._get_need_correction(groups, possible_values)
        need = self._handle_frac_need(need, frac_need)
        need = self._add_past_error(context, need, errors)
        need = np.asarray(need)
        # FIXME: either handle past_error in no link (currently, the past
        #        error is added... but never computed, so always 0 !) or raise
        #        an error in case errors='carry" is used with no link.
        return align_get_indices_nd(ctx_length, groups, need, filter_value,
                                    score, take, leave, method)

    def align_link(self, context, score, need, filter, take, leave,
                   expressions, possible_values, errors, frac_need, link,
                   secondary_axis, method):
        target_context = link._target_context(context)

        need, expressions, possible_values = \
            self._eval_need(context, need, expressions, possible_values,

        # handle secondary axis
        if isinstance(secondary_axis, Expr):
            axis_name = str(secondary_axis)
                secondary_axis = need.dim_names.index(axis_name)
            except ValueError:
                raise ValueError("invalid value for secondary_axis: there is "
                                 "no axis named '%s' in the need array" %
            if secondary_axis >= need.ndim:
                raise Exception("%d is an invalid value for secondary_axis: "
                                "it should be smaller than the number of "
                                "dimension of the need array (%d)" %
                                (secondary_axis, need.ndim))

        # evaluate columns
        target_columns = [expr_eval(e, target_context) for e in expressions]
        # this is a one2many, so the link column is on the target side
        link_column = target_context[link._link_field]

        filter_expr = self._getfilter(context, filter)
        if filter_expr is not None:
            reverse_link = Many2One("reverse", link._link_field,
            target_filter = LinkGet(reverse_link, filter_expr, False)
            target_filter_value = expr_eval(target_filter, target_context)

            # It is often not a good idea to pre-filter columns like this
            # because we loose information about "indices", but in this case,
            # it is fine, because we do not need that information afterwards.
            filtered_columns = [
                if isinstance(col, np.ndarray) and col.shape else [col]
                for col in target_columns

            link_column = link_column[target_filter_value]
            filtered_columns = target_columns
            target_filter_value = None

        # compute labels for filtered columns
        # -----------------------------------
        # We can't use _group_labels_light because group_labels assigns labels
        # on a first come, first served basis, not using the order they are
        # in pvalues
        fcols_labels = []
        filtered_length = len(filtered_columns[0])
        unaligned = np.zeros(filtered_length, dtype=bool)
        for fcol, pvalues in zip(filtered_columns, need.pvalues):
            pvalues_index = dict((v, i) for i, v in enumerate(pvalues))
            fcol_labels = np.empty(filtered_length, dtype=np.int32)
            for i in range(filtered_length):
                value_idx = pvalues_index.get(fcol[i], -1)
                if value_idx == -1:
                    unaligned[i] = True
                fcol_labels[i] = value_idx

        num_unaligned = np.sum(unaligned)
        if num_unaligned:
            # further filter label columns and link_column
            validlabels = ~unaligned
            fcols_labels = [labels[validlabels] for labels in fcols_labels]
            link_column = link_column[validlabels]

            # display who are the evil ones
            ids = target_context['id']
            if target_filter_value is not None:
                filtered_ids = ids[target_filter_value]
                filtered_ids = ids
            self._display_unaligned(expressions, filtered_ids,
                                    filtered_columns, unaligned)
            del unaligned

        id_to_rownum = context.id_to_rownum
        missing_int = missing_values[int]
        source_ids = link_column

        if len(id_to_rownum):
            source_rows = id_to_rownum[source_ids]
            # filter out missing values: those where the value of the link
            # points to nowhere (-1)
            source_rows[source_ids == missing_int] = missing_int
            assert np.all(source_ids == missing_int)
            source_rows = []

        # filtered_columns are not filtered further on invalid labels
        # (num_unaligned) but this is not a problem since those will be
        # ignored by GroupBy anyway.
        # TODO: this is ugly because a groupby on "values", returns an LArray with those
        # values (ndarrays) as axes names. Ugh.
        groupby_expr = GroupBy(*filtered_columns, pvalues=possible_values)

        # FIXME: target_context is not correct, as it is not filtered while
        # filtered_columns are. Since we do not use the context "columns" it
        # mostly works but I had to disable an assertion in utils.expand
        # because the length of the context is not correct.
        num_candidates = expr_eval(groupby_expr, target_context)

        # fetch the list of linked individuals for each local individual.
        # e.g. the list of person ids for each household
        hh = np.empty(context_length(context), dtype=object)
        # we can't use .fill([]) because it reuses the same list for all
        # objects
        for i in range(len(hh)):
            hh[i] = []

        # Even though this is highly sub-optimal, the time taken to create
        # those lists of ids is very small compared to the total time taken
        # for align_other (0.2s vs 4.26), so I shouldn't care too much about
        # it for now.

        # target_row (row of person) is an index valid for *filtered/label*
        # columns !
        for target_row, source_row in enumerate(source_rows):
            if source_row == -1:

        class FakeContainer(object):
            def __init__(self, length):
                self.length = length

            def __len__(self):
                return self.length

        groups = [FakeContainer(g) for g in num_candidates]
        need = need * self._get_need_correction(groups, possible_values)
        need = self._handle_frac_need(need, frac_need)
        need = self._add_past_error(context, need, errors)
        # need = np.asarray(need)
        need = np.asarray(need)
        aligned, error = \
            align_link_nd(score, need, num_candidates, hh, fcols_labels,
        self.past_error = error
        return aligned

    def _get_need_correction(self, groups, possible_values):
        return 1

    dtype = always(bool)
Пример #16
class Median(NumpyAggregate):
    np_func = np.median
    dtype = always(float)
Пример #17
class Percentile(NumpyAggregate):
    np_func = np.percentile
    dtype = always(float)
Пример #18
class All(NumpyAggregate):
    np_func = np.all
    dtype = always(bool)
Пример #19
class Dump(TableExpression):
    no_eval = ('args', )
    kwonlyargs = {
        'filter': None,
        'missing': None,
        'header': True,
        'limit': None

    def compute(self, context, *args, **kwargs):
        filter_value = kwargs.pop('filter', None)
        missing = kwargs.pop('missing', None)
        # periods = kwargs.pop('periods', None)
        header = kwargs.pop('header', True)
        limit = kwargs.pop('limit', None)
        entity = context.entity

        if args:
            expressions = list(args)
            # extra=False because we don't want globals nor "system" variables
            # (nan, period, __xxx__)
            # FIXME: we should also somehow "traverse" expressions in this case
            # too (args is ()) => all keys in the current context
            expressions = [
                Variable(entity, name) for name in context.keys(extra=False)

        str_expressions = [str(e) for e in expressions]
        if 'id' not in str_expressions:
            str_expressions.insert(0, 'id')
            expressions.insert(0, Variable(entity, 'id'))
            id_pos = 0
            id_pos = str_expressions.index('id')

        #        if (self.periods is not None and len(self.periods) and
        #            'period' not in str_expressions):
        #            str_expressions.insert(0, 'period')
        #            expressions.insert(0, Variable('period'))
        #            id_pos += 1

        columns = []
        for expr in expressions:
            if filter_value is False:
                # dtype does not matter much
                expr_value = np.empty(0)
                expr_value = expr_eval(expr, context)
                if (filter_value is not None
                        and isinstance(expr_value, np.ndarray)
                        and expr_value.shape):
                    expr_value = expr_value[filter_value]

        ids = columns[id_pos]
        if isinstance(ids, np.ndarray) and ids.shape:
            numrows = len(ids)
            # FIXME: we need a test for this case (no idea how this can happen)
            numrows = 1

        # expand scalar columns to full columns in memory
        # TODO: handle or explicitly reject columns wh ndim > 1
        for idx, col in enumerate(columns):
            dtype = None
            if not isinstance(col, np.ndarray):
                dtype = type(col)
            elif not col.shape:
                dtype = col.dtype.type
            if dtype is not None:
                # TODO: try using itertools.repeat instead as it seems to be a
                # bit faster and would consume less memory (however, it might
                # not play very well with Pandas.to_csv)
                newcol = np.full(numrows, col, dtype=dtype)
                columns[idx] = newcol

        if limit is not None:
            assert isinstance(limit, (int, long))
            columns = [col[:limit] for col in columns]

        data = izip(*columns)
        table = chain([str_expressions], data) if header else data
        return PrettyTable(table, missing)

    dtype = always(None)
Пример #20
class New(FilteredExpression):
    no_eval = ('filter', 'kwargs')

    def _initial_values(self, array, to_give_birth, num_birth, default_values):
        return get_default_array(num_birth, array.dtype, default_values)

    def _collect_kwargs_variables(cls, kwargs):
        used_variables = set()
        # kwargs are stored as a list of (k, v) pairs
        for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
        return used_variables

    def compute(self,
        if filter is not None and number is not None:
            # Having neither is allowed, though, as there can be a contextual
            # filter. Also, there is no reason to prevent the whole
            # population giving birth, even though the usefulness of such
            # usage seem dubious.
            raise ValueError("new() 'filter' and 'number' arguments are "
                             "mutually exclusive")
        source_entity = context.entity
        if entity_name is None:
            target_entity = source_entity
            target_entity = context.entities[entity_name]

        # target context is the context where the new individuals will be
        # created
        if target_entity is source_entity:
            target_context = context
            # we do need to copy the data (.extra) because we will insert into
            # the entity.array anyway => fresh_data=True
            target_context = context.clone(fresh_data=True,

        filter_expr = self._getfilter(context, filter)
        if filter_expr is not None:
            to_give_birth = expr_eval(filter_expr, context)
            num_birth = to_give_birth.sum()
        elif number is not None:
            to_give_birth = None
            num_birth = number
            to_give_birth = np.ones(len(context), dtype=bool)
            num_birth = len(context)

        array = target_entity.array
        default_values = target_entity.fields.default_values

        id_to_rownum = target_entity.id_to_rownum
        num_individuals = len(id_to_rownum)

        children = self._initial_values(array, to_give_birth, num_birth,
        if num_birth:
            children['id'] = np.arange(num_individuals,
                                       num_individuals + num_birth)
            children['period'] = context.period

            used_variables = [
                v.name for v in self._collect_kwargs_variables(kwargs)
            if to_give_birth is None:
                assert not used_variables
                child_context = context.empty(num_birth)
                child_context = context.subset(to_give_birth, used_variables,
            for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
                if k not in array.dtype.names:
                    print("WARNING: {} is unknown, ignoring it!".format(k))
                children[k] = expr_eval(v, child_context)

        add_individuals(target_context, children)

        expr_cache.invalidate(context.period, context.entity_name)

        # result is the ids of the new individuals corresponding to the source
        # entity
        if to_give_birth is not None:
            result = np.full(context_length(context), -1, dtype=int)
            if source_entity is target_entity:
                extra_bools = np.zeros(num_birth, dtype=bool)
                to_give_birth = np.concatenate((to_give_birth, extra_bools))
            # Note that np.place is a bit faster, but is currently buggy when
            # working with columns of structured arrays.
            # See https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/2462
            result[to_give_birth] = children['id']
            return result
            return None

    dtype = always(int)
Пример #21
class Any(NumpyAggregate):
    np_func = np.any
    dtype = always(bool)