Пример #1
    def on_press_bg(self):
        if 0:
            print "compare:"
            print self, self.delegate, self.delegate.delegate, self.delegate.delegate.plain # the background
            print self.background
            print "hl.highlighted =",self.delegate.delegate.highlighted
                # self.background is the same as the .plain printed above, which means, as of 061208 941pm anyway,
                # instantiating an instance gives exactly that instance. (Reasonable for now...)

        point = self.current_event_mousepoint()
            #e note: current_event_mousepoint is defined only on Highlightable, for now (see comments there for how we need to fix that),
            # but works here because we delegate ultimately to a Highlightable, without changing local coords as we do.
            # note: lots of devel scratch & debug comments removed 061207; see cvs rev 1.5 for them.

        # for initial test, don't use those Command classes above, just do a side effect right here ###kluge

        newpos = point + DZ * DZFUZZ # kluge: move it slightly closer so we can see it in spite of bg
            ###e needs more principled fix -- not yet sure what that should be -- is it to *draw* closer? (in a perp dir from surface)
            #e or just to create spheres (or anything else with thickness in Z) instead? (that should not always be required)

            ###BUG: DZ is not always the right direction! [more comment on that in demo_draw_on_surface.py]

        if not self.use_VertexView:
            # old code
            ## print "make node in old way (not using VertexView)" # still running as of 070115 at least in testexpr_19f
            node_expr = Vertex(newpos, Center(Rect(0.2,0.2,
                                             ## 'green', -- now we cycle through several colors: (colors,...)[counter % 6]
                                             ## tuple_Expr(green,yellow,red,blue,white,black)[mod_Expr(_this(Vertex).ipath[0],6)]
                                             red # the above worked ok until tested 070121 morn -- ipath now starts with string.
                                                   # it was a kluge anyway, so disable it until we can rework it to be sensible.
            # new code, being written 070105, just getting started -- mostly nim
            node_expr = Vertex_new(newpos,
                               # cycle through several colors: (colors,...)[counter % 6]
                               color = tuple_Expr(green,yellow,red,blue,white,black)[mod_Expr(_this(Vertex).ipath[0],6)]

        ## draggable_node_expr = Highlightable(node_expr, on_drag = _self.on_drag_node, sbar_text = "dne")
            ###BUG: this breaks dragging of the new node; it fails to print the call message from on_drag_node;
            # if you try to drag an old node made this way, it doesn't work but says
            # debug fyi: len(names) == 2 (names = (268L, 269L))
            # Guess: limitation in current rendering code makes it not work for any nested glnames, but just print this instead...
            # (note: even after reload, the node objects in the world have their old Vertex class, and the old expr used to make them)
            # [later 061213:] IIRC the status was: I made GLPane_overrider so I could fix that 2-glname issue in it,
            # but never got to that yet. Meanwhile I commented out the use of this expr, and thus on_drag_node is never used...
            # and Vertexes dragged directly do nothing -- they're highlightable but with no actions.
            # And World could probably draw them highlightable even if they weren't, but it doesn't.
            # BTW the disabled nonworking draggable_node_expr is not well-designed -- it does not add a Vertex to World, it adds a
            # draggable one -- but even World is not perfect, since it contains Vertexes (not just their data)
            # and they inherently have (a lack of) action bindings since they are Highlightable.
            # Probably better would be if World contained data-nodes and had access to (or had its own) display rules for them
            # which added commands/actions based on the currently active tools. That would help with tool-code-reloading too.
            # Probably some other comments here say this too.
            # So does a World need a formula or function arg for how to map its data objects to display objects, at the moment?
            # Or is there some scheme of a global map for that, to be applied when "drawing" any data object?
            # And do some data objs have their own positions, or is that always supplied by the world or other data obj they're in?
            # In theory, we might display atoms at posns unrelated to atom.pos, e.g. as a row in a table which includes their coords.
            # So it's more like we have ways of "drawing a set of things" which can say "at posns given by func(thing)"
            # or "at successive posns in a column", corresponding to two display forms with different exprs,
            # with the map from thing to individual display form also needing to be specified.
            # So a World is more like a set of things, and it can have a display mode (or more than one), given a thing-display-function.
            # We can ask it or anything else how it recommends displaying itself given display style options,
            # but we can choose to use that display function (from it to a more directly displayable object) or use another one.
            # Or we can probably just "draw it" and have it pick up the current display style from the env (including the
            # currently active tools). Is there any reason not to permit both? (draw using current style, draw using given style,
            # give me function from you to drawables using given style, use specific function and draw the results -- all possible.)
            # If a thing in a world has standard mouse actions of its own, can it also have "grabbable areas" for use in dragging it
            # when it has a posn as displayed in some world? Or did that world have to explicitly turn it into a draggable thing?
            # Answer: both. The world turns it into that by adding a drag binding for those "overall handles" the thing has.
            # It might draw them with glnames in some set it knows... ie as named subobjs of itself. The overall thing might also
            # have a single name. Then we have a sequence of two glnames meaning obj/subobj which we want to use to determine the action.
            # For some subobjs that's within the object and supplied by it (perhaps depending on tool); for others,
            # it's supplied by the World it's in (also dep on a tool) and handled by it (eg move the obj, select the obj).
            # For the simple things we have there, there are no subobjects, and no actions except drag or later select the whole thing.
            # A simple model is "one thing was hit, but some things are specified by a specific series of two or more glnames".
            # In general the outer name decides how to interpret (or whether to ignore) the inner names.
            # It can map the inner ones somehow... not sure how. This will relate a lot to DisplayListChunk when we have that.
            # Mere nested Highlightables might push two names but both would be unique. Outer name might just defer to inner one then.

        if 0:
            ## MAKE THIS WORK:
            draggable_node_expr = 'define this'
            newnode = self.world.make_and_add( draggable_node_expr, type = "Vertex")
            newnode = self.world.make_and_add( node_expr, type = "Vertex") #070206 added type = "Vertex"

        self.newnode = newnode ###KLUGE that we store it directly in self; might work tho; we store it only for use by on_drag_bg
        return # from on_press_bg
Пример #2
class ToggleShow(InstanceMacro):
    # args
    thing = Arg(Widget2D)
    label = Arg(Widget2D, TextRect("label")) #e or coerce text into a 1-line TextRect -- how do we declare that intent??

    if 0: # first make it work with a self-made stateref only, imitating Highlightable, using transient state
        stateref = Arg(StateRef, Automatic) ###k assumes the dflt can be a way to make one, not a literal one

        ## Q: how does each stateref we have, e.g. the one here meant for 'open', relate to StatePlace args
        # we might make or get from a superclass? (like the ones now in Highlightable.py but to be moved to a super of it)
        # if caller passes one, no need for our own, but to make our own, we'd make it in a StatePlace of our own, I think. ##e 061117

    if 0 and 'maybe':
        ##e might need to also say it's supposed to be boolean
        # note, on 070115 I revised StateRef (still a stub) but might have broken it due to the arg being passed here (not tested)
        stateref = Arg(StateRef(bool), Automatic)

        ##e and also spell out the default location -- assume ipath itself can be coerced into the full stateref

        stateref = Arg(StateRef(bool), _self.ipath)

        ####k is ipath local to something like _self, or only rel to the entire model?? his matters if we name the statepath here!

        stateref = Arg(StateRef(bool), _my_node.open) ###k assumes _my_node.open can be an lval even after _my_node is bound! ####k

        ##e or we could spell out the default stateref as _self.ipath, assuming that can be coerced into one --
        # of course it can't, we also need to say it's boolean (openQ: open is true, closed is false) and with what encoding.
        # but come to think of it, that is not part of the arg, right? the arg is "some boolean state"... hmm, i guess it is.
        # but the arg can also be "where to store the state, of whatever kind you want". And we say the type and encoding
        # if the arg doesn't -- as if the caller can supply partial info in the arg, and we supply defaults rather than
        # making them get made up by the bare argtype -- which could work by just using a fancified argtype created here.
        # which the Arg macro could make for us somehow... but that can all wait for later. For now,
        # we can detect the boolean type by how we try to use the arg, i guess... not sure, maybe just say it right here.
        # and the default encoding for bools (known to the bool type, not custom to us) is fine.

    if 1: # works fine, but as of 061126 late, comment out the remaining stmt, since done in InstanceOrExpr superclass rather than here
        pass ## transient_state = StatePlace('transient') #e move into super along with the ones in Highlightable of which this is a copy
        #e rename stateref to be specific for open, maybe open_stateref, in that if 0 code above
        # devel scratch: transient_state is an attr_accessor, which lets you do getattr and setattr.
        # but what we want it to do for us is tell us an lval for the attr 'open'
        # so we can retain that, attached to self.open somehow -- as its actual lval, maybe? not sure.
        # but much like that, since get or set self.open should work that way.
        # so a stateref (instance of StateRef) is basically an instance which acts as an lval... and can be attached to an attr.
        # But ExprsMeta right now insists on making its own lval, being passed a formula. Should we kluge-adapt to that or change it?
        # Guess: better & maybe easier to change it. So we have a new kind of object, not a formula (or a special kind of one),
        # to use as an rhs and process by ExprsMeta. It's not an lval, that's per-Instance. Is it a formula for making an lval?###
        # But it might be semantically different, since we don't store the lval as the value for self.open,
        # but as the value for its lval. hmm.... can we tell ExprsMeta to do this by an assignment to open
        # of a wrapped formula? it means, get the lval not by making one whose vals come from this formula
        # but make a property whose lvals come from this formula (which should be per-instance but time-constant, maybe,
        # tho if not time constant, it might be ok -- not sure ##e).

        ## open = State('transient','open')
            ### hmm... maybe 'open' needn't be passed if it gets it like Arg or Option does... maybe the kind is also default something?
            # so: open = State()? bt say the type and dfault val -- like I did in this:
            # staterefs.py: 181:     LocalState( lambda x = State(int, 1): body(x.value, x.value = 1) ) #

        # see if this gets the expected asfail: it does! [061121 late]
        ## set_default_attrs( transient_state, open = True)

    if 0: # this will be real code someday when no longer nim, but use an easier way first.
        open = State(bool, True) # default 'kind' of state depends on which layer this object is in, or something else about its class
            # but for now make it always transient_state
            # this is a macro like Option
            # it takes exprs for type & initial val
            #  but those are only evalled in _init_instance or so -- not yet well defined what happens if they time-vary
            # and note, that form doesn't yet let you point the state into a storage place other than _self.ipath... should it??
            # but the importance is, now in python you use self.open for get and set, just as you'd expect for an instance var.

        def get_open(self): #k
            return self.transient_state.open
        def set_open(self, val): #k
            self.transient_state.open = val
        open = property(get_open, set_open)

    def _init_instance(self):
        super(ToggleShow, self)._init_instance()
        set_default_attrs( self.transient_state, open = True)

    # constants
    # Note, + means openable (ie closed), - means closable (ie open) -- this is the Windows convention (I guess; not sure about Linux)
    # and until now I had them reversed. This is defined in two files and in more than one place in one of them. [bruce 070123]

    open_icon   = Overlay(Rect(0.4), TextRect('-',1,1))
    closed_icon = Overlay(Rect(0.4), TextRect('+',1,1))

    if 0:
        open_icon   = TextRect('-',1,1) #stub
        closed_icon = TextRect('+',1,1) #stub
        ####@@@@ I vaguely recall that Highlightable didn't work on text!
        # and indeed, highlighting doesn't seem to be working on those.
        # if so, the above'll need revision until that's fixed.
        # BUT, with these grays anyway, clicks on the text are working. But it might be because the grays are behind them. ###k
        if 0 and 'varying rect sizes':
            # how it was during debugging
            open_icon   = Overlay(Rect(0.5,1), TextRect('-',1,1)) # added 0.5 061120 1018p temp debug kluge
            closed_icon = Overlay(Rect(1,0.5), TextRect('+',1,1)) #061120 changed impicit 1 -> 0.5
            # easier on the mouse-hand and eye
            open_icon   = Overlay(Rect(0.4), TextRect('-',1,1)) # added 0.5 061120 1018p temp debug kluge
            closed_icon = Overlay(Rect(0.4), TextRect('+',1,1)) #061120 changed impicit 1 -> 0.5

    # _value, and helper formulae

    ## open = stateref.value # can we make it work to say Set(open, newval) after this?? ####k
        # the hard part would be: eval arg1, but not quite all the way. we'd need a special eval mode for lvals.
        # it'd be related to the one for simplify, but different, since for (most) subexprs it'd go all the way.
    ## openclose = If( open, open_icon, closed_icon )

    # Status as of 061121 421p: both if 0 and if 1 cases seem to work fine, provided you restart when changing between them.
    # (Testing was not extensive, so it might turn out that avoiding other reloads is also needed.)
    # The known bugfixes that led to this:
    # - selobj = None in some places (not sure which are needed).
    # - no usage/change tracking by stateplaces that get set during draw (or that contain glname -- don't know if that matters).
    # - no usage/change tracking by set_default_attrs.
    # And other changes that might be helping:
    # - don't recycle glnames.
    # - some others I forget, which are marked by 061120 (or maybe 061121)
    #   in comments or stringlits (in this or other files).
    #  - don't track_use on exception in Lval get_value (BUT, i suspect it's actually wrong not to; see cmt there 061121)
    #  - more conservative selobj_still_ok
    #  - mode.update_selobj(event) in leftClick and ReleasedOn
    #  - self.inval(mode) #k needed? (done in two places per method, guess is neither is needed)
    # Soon, the needed or not of the above workarounds should be sorted out,
    # and most of the following debugging-log commentary should be removed. #e

    if 1:
        openclose = Highlightable( If_kluge( open, open_icon, closed_icon ),
                                   on_press = _self.toggle_open,
                                   sbar_text = _this(Highlightable).ipath # this line just for debugging
            ##e we should optim Highlightable's gl_update eagerness
            # for when some of its states look the same as others!
            # (no gl_update needed then, at least not just for that change --
            #  note, this is a special case of the inval optim for when something was changed to an equal value)
            #e someday be able to say:
            # on_press = Set( open, not_Expr(open) )
            ## silly: on_press = lambda open = open: open = not open # no, open = not open can't work
            # in fact, you can't use "lambda open = open", since open has to be replaced by ExprsMeta

            ##k can on_press be an expr to eval, instead of a (constant expr for a) func to call?? ####k
            ## on_press = call_Expr( lambda xxx: self.open = not self.open, xxx) # no, no assignment in lambda
        # so try this form 155p - bug of not working is gone, but now, it always draws the + form! Is it drawing the old one
        # due to same glname? no (I guess), they should have different names!
        # is it drawing old one due to not realizing that one is obs? ######where i am
        # is it failing to invalidate the drawing effect of this instance? (after all, who is it that sees the usage of open?
        # it must be glpane as if we were using a prefs variable here! is that sufficient?? does it work ok re selobj system???###)
        # IS THE CHOICE OF DELEGATE being invalled? I think so, since I see the alignment calcs get updated,
        # or is that just the live gltranslate inside the draw method?
        # HEY, when I covered up the glpane with this app, then uncovered it, suddenly I see the new selobj,
        # then the conjunction of both! how can that be? thes are similar to whgat I sawe earlier. conclusion: weird update bugs
        # in selobj/highlight system, i guess. (maybe it does the main draw and highlight draw on different objects?
        # try altering color, or using 4 images not 2. ###)
        # now it sems that mouse around on the closed that looks like open is what makes it look like clsed, or like both.
        # yes, repeatable, for either change of state. Ok, try that in 'if 1' case of this. ### siilar but not identical
        # and that time is again does get stuck into the closed state, with the grayrect no longer optiming redraws re stencil buffer.
        # .. reviewing code in Highlightable, I see some things to try -- see its 061120 comments.
        # ... I did all that, and the 'gray becomes inactive bug' in 'if 1 openclose case' is still there. howbout the if 0 case?
        # [later: i think that still had some bad bugs too, not much changed.]
        # for more, see string lits containing 061120, and for a log see big cmt just below here.
        openclose = If_kluge( open,
##                              Highlightable(open_icon,   on_press = _self.toggle_open, sbar_text = _self.ipath),
##                              Highlightable(closed_icon, on_press = _self.toggle_open, sbar_text = _self.ipath),
                              ###BUG - same ipaths? NO, I USED _self BUT MEANT _this(Highlightable)!!! AAArgh! ##k works now?? yes
          Highlightable(open_icon,   on_press = _self.toggle_open, sbar_text = _this(Highlightable).ipath),
          Highlightable(closed_icon, on_press = _self.toggle_open, sbar_text = _this(Highlightable).ipath),

    def toggle_open(self):
        if 'yet another shot in the dark 061120 1001p':
            self.env.glpane.selobj = None ##### THIS SEEMS TO FIX THE BUG, at least together with other potshots and if 0 openclose.
            # theory: old selobjs are being drawn highlighted even when not drawn normally. they mask the real stuff.
            # but with if 1 openclose it doesn't fix the different bug (gets wedged into closed state). why not???
            # this is with no recycling of names, and also selobj=None in recycler.
            # guess: in if 1, the same glname is used... but it's same literal selobj too, right? and remaking is turned off.
            # I don't have a theory for 'if 1' bug cause, or for why it only affects the inner thing, not outer one.
            # Does it only affect that after it's once been hidden? ### if so, is it "you were selobj and then not drawn" that makes it
            # happen? that might fit the data but I don't see how that could work.
            # So I added a 2nd 0.5 so neither gray rect form covers the other. but first inner close hits the bug of making it
            # inactive and act non-highlighted. so i wondered if the glname really only covers the openclose? code says so.
            # I added a try/except to be sure the PopName occurs; not triggered during this if 1 bug.
            # Stopping for night 061120 1027p, summary: I understand some bug causes but not all; wish I could see inside the glselect
            # reasoning, so plan to add debug prints to glpane. Need to think thru its assumptions re chaotic glname/selobj/size/
            # whether-drawn situation, see which are wrong, which might cause the bug. Also - can event processing occur during
            # paintGL? I hope not, but verify. Also maybe GLPane needs to track frame numbers for selobjs being drawn,
            # stencil bits being made, vs selobj state mods as tracked by inval....
            # update 061121 953a, where I am: after basic fixes elsewhere [some stateplaces not tracked, some usage tracking disallowed],
            # and still using all kluge/workarounds from 061120, bug seems totally fixed for if 0 case, all or most for if 1 ##k.
            # IIRC it was slightly remaining before some usage tracking disallowed, but that is not complaining, which is suspicious.
            # Anyway, if if 1 works too, plan is to gradually remove the kluges and clean up and keep it working.
            # BUT it looks like if 1 (using reloaded code) has a bug of some disallowed usage... details to follow.
            # BUT after restart I don't see it. BTW I recently reenabled reloading -- could that have fixed some bugs (how???),
            # or could it be that they now occur after reloading but not before it?? indeed, this is after changing if 1->0 and reload,
            # and looks like it might relate to old state being there, and
            # [but, that bug aside, there is still a real problem with whatever usage tracking this
            #  set_default_attrs is doing. [fixed now]]

        if 0: #061121 822p i've been using if 1 forever, let's see if if 0 works here: it does! either is ok, given the open property.
            old = self.transient_state.open
            self.transient_state.open = new = not old
            ## print "toggle_open changed self.transient_state.open from %r to %r" % (old, new,)
            old = self.open
            self.open = new = not old
            ## print "toggle_open changed self.open from %r to %r" % (old, new,)
            # [obs cmt re open property, but was it talking about that or a partly working State decl? as of 061121 I can't remember:]
                # should work but doesn't, see bug in notesfile, it delegates self.open eval to _value: 061118 late
                # (or is it just because the val was not initialized? GUESS, YES ###k)
                ## self.open = not self.open ### can this work??? it will call set of self.open -- what does the descriptor do for that?
                # (asfail, or not have __set__ at all?? FIND OUT. the notesfile says the same thing but for a different Q, what was it?)
                ## WE SHOULD MAKE THIS WORK even if we also make on_press = Set( open, not_Expr(open) ) work, since it's so natural.
        ### BTW what is it that will notice the inval, and the usage of this when we drew, and know that gl_update is needed?
        # the same thing that would know a display list content was invalid -- but where is it in our current code (if anywhere)?
        # I vaguely recall a discussion of that issue, in the displist chunk code or notesfile, weeks ago.
        # some way to have lvals representing displist contents or frame buffer contents, whose inval means an update is needed.
        printnim("toggle_open might do a setattr which is not legal yet, and (once that's fixed) might not properly gl_update yet")

    _value = SimpleRow(
            If_kluge( open,
                      TextRect("<closed>") #####BUG: I wanted None here, but it exposes a logic bug,
                          # not trivial to fix, discuss in If or Column [see also a discussion in demo_MT.py, 070302];
                          ##e Spacer(0) can also be tried here [##e should what to show here be an arg??]

##    if 0: # if 0 for now, since this happens, as semiexpected:
##        ## AssertionError: compute method asked for on non-Instance <SimpleRow#3566(a) at 0xe708cb0>
##        ##e do we want to make the height always act as if it's open? I think not... but having a public open_height attr
##        # (and another one for closed_height) might be useful for some callers (e.g. to draw a fixed-sized box that can hold either state).
##        # Would the following defns work:?
##        # (They might not work if SimpleRow(...).attr fails to create a getattr_Expr! I suspect it doesn't. ####k )
##        # [WARNING: too inefficient even if they work, due to extra instance of thing -- see comment for a fix]
##        open_height = SimpleRow(
##            open_icon,
##            SimpleColumn(
##                label,
##                thing
##            )).height   ##k if this works, it must mean the SimpleRow gets instantiated, or (unlikely)
##                        # can report its height even without that. As of 061116 I think it *will* get instantiated from this defn,
##                        # but I was recently doubting whether it *should* (see recent discussions of TestIterator etc).
##                        # If it won't, I think wrapping it with Instance() should solve the problem (assuming height is deterministic).
##                        # If height is not deterministic, the soln is to make open_instance and closed_instance (sharing instances
##                        # of label), then display one of them, report height of both. (More efficient, too -- only one instance of thing.)
##                        # (Will the shared instance of label have an ipath taken from one of its uses, or something else?
##                        #  Guess: from the code that creates it separately.)
##        closed_height = SimpleRow(
##            closed_icon,
##            SimpleColumn( # this entire subexpr is probably equivalent to label, but using this form makes it more clearly correct
##                label,
##                None
##            )).height

    pass # end of class ToggleShow
Пример #3
    def on_press_bg(self):
        if 0:
            print "compare:"
            print self, self.delegate, self.delegate.delegate, self.delegate.delegate.plain  # the background
            print self.background
            print "hl.highlighted =", self.delegate.delegate.highlighted
            # self.background is the same as the .plain printed above, which means, as of 061208 941pm anyway,
            # instantiating an instance gives exactly that instance. (Reasonable for now...)

        point = self.current_event_mousepoint()
        #e note: current_event_mousepoint is defined only on Highlightable, for now (see comments there for how we need to fix that),
        # but works here because we delegate ultimately to a Highlightable, without changing local coords as we do.
        # note: lots of devel scratch & debug comments removed 061207; see cvs rev 1.5 for them.

        # for initial test, don't use those Command classes above, just do a side effect right here ###kluge

        newpos = point + DZ * DZFUZZ  # kluge: move it slightly closer so we can see it in spite of bg
        ###e needs more principled fix -- not yet sure what that should be -- is it to *draw* closer? (in a perp dir from surface)
        #e or just to create spheres (or anything else with thickness in Z) instead? (that should not always be required)

        ###BUG: DZ is not always the right direction! [more comment on that in demo_draw_on_surface.py]

        if not self.use_VertexView:
            # old code
            ## print "make node in old way (not using VertexView)" # still running as of 070115 at least in testexpr_19f
            node_expr = Vertex(
                        ## 'green', -- now we cycle through several colors: (colors,...)[counter % 6]
                        ## tuple_Expr(green,yellow,red,blue,white,black)[mod_Expr(_this(Vertex).ipath[0],6)]
                        red  # the above worked ok until tested 070121 morn -- ipath now starts with string.
                        # it was a kluge anyway, so disable it until we can rework it to be sensible.
            # new code, being written 070105, just getting started -- mostly nim
            node_expr = Vertex_new(
                # cycle through several colors: (colors,...)[counter % 6]
                color=tuple_Expr(green, yellow, red, blue, white,
                                 black)[mod_Expr(_this(Vertex).ipath[0], 6)])

        ## draggable_node_expr = Highlightable(node_expr, on_drag = _self.on_drag_node, sbar_text = "dne")
        ###BUG: this breaks dragging of the new node; it fails to print the call message from on_drag_node;
        # if you try to drag an old node made this way, it doesn't work but says
        # debug fyi: len(names) == 2 (names = (268L, 269L))
        # Guess: limitation in current rendering code makes it not work for any nested glnames, but just print this instead...
        # (note: even after reload, the node objects in the world have their old Vertex class, and the old expr used to make them)
        # [later 061213:] IIRC the status was: I made GLPane_overrider so I could fix that 2-glname issue in it,
        # but never got to that yet. Meanwhile I commented out the use of this expr, and thus on_drag_node is never used...
        # and Vertexes dragged directly do nothing -- they're highlightable but with no actions.
        # And World could probably draw them highlightable even if they weren't, but it doesn't.
        # BTW the disabled nonworking draggable_node_expr is not well-designed -- it does not add a Vertex to World, it adds a
        # draggable one -- but even World is not perfect, since it contains Vertexes (not just their data)
        # and they inherently have (a lack of) action bindings since they are Highlightable.
        # Probably better would be if World contained data-nodes and had access to (or had its own) display rules for them
        # which added commands/actions based on the currently active tools. That would help with tool-code-reloading too.
        # Probably some other comments here say this too.
        # So does a World need a formula or function arg for how to map its data objects to display objects, at the moment?
        # Or is there some scheme of a global map for that, to be applied when "drawing" any data object?
        # And do some data objs have their own positions, or is that always supplied by the world or other data obj they're in?
        # In theory, we might display atoms at posns unrelated to atom.pos, e.g. as a row in a table which includes their coords.
        # So it's more like we have ways of "drawing a set of things" which can say "at posns given by func(thing)"
        # or "at successive posns in a column", corresponding to two display forms with different exprs,
        # with the map from thing to individual display form also needing to be specified.
        # So a World is more like a set of things, and it can have a display mode (or more than one), given a thing-display-function.
        # We can ask it or anything else how it recommends displaying itself given display style options,
        # but we can choose to use that display function (from it to a more directly displayable object) or use another one.
        # Or we can probably just "draw it" and have it pick up the current display style from the env (including the
        # currently active tools). Is there any reason not to permit both? (draw using current style, draw using given style,
        # give me function from you to drawables using given style, use specific function and draw the results -- all possible.)
        # If a thing in a world has standard mouse actions of its own, can it also have "grabbable areas" for use in dragging it
        # when it has a posn as displayed in some world? Or did that world have to explicitly turn it into a draggable thing?
        # Answer: both. The world turns it into that by adding a drag binding for those "overall handles" the thing has.
        # It might draw them with glnames in some set it knows... ie as named subobjs of itself. The overall thing might also
        # have a single name. Then we have a sequence of two glnames meaning obj/subobj which we want to use to determine the action.
        # For some subobjs that's within the object and supplied by it (perhaps depending on tool); for others,
        # it's supplied by the World it's in (also dep on a tool) and handled by it (eg move the obj, select the obj).
        # For the simple things we have there, there are no subobjects, and no actions except drag or later select the whole thing.
        # A simple model is "one thing was hit, but some things are specified by a specific series of two or more glnames".
        # In general the outer name decides how to interpret (or whether to ignore) the inner names.
        # It can map the inner ones somehow... not sure how. This will relate a lot to DisplayListChunk when we have that.
        # Mere nested Highlightables might push two names but both would be unique. Outer name might just defer to inner one then.

        if 0:
            ## MAKE THIS WORK:
            draggable_node_expr = 'define this'
            newnode = self.world.make_and_add(draggable_node_expr,
            newnode = self.world.make_and_add(
                node_expr, type="Vertex")  #070206 added type = "Vertex"

        self.newnode = newnode  ###KLUGE that we store it directly in self; might work tho; we store it only for use by on_drag_bg
        return  # from on_press_bg