Пример #1
def test_rms():
    """Test RMS calculation
    # Test a couple trivial things we know
    sin = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 1000 * np.arange(10000, dtype=float) / 10000.)
    assert_array_almost_equal(rms(sin), 1. / np.sqrt(2))
    assert_array_almost_equal(rms(np.ones((100, 2)) * 2, 0), [2, 2])
Пример #2
def test_rms():
    """Test RMS calculation
    # Test a couple trivial things we know
    sin = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 1000 * np.arange(10000, dtype=float) / 10000.)
    assert_array_almost_equal(rms(sin), 1. / np.sqrt(2))
    assert_array_almost_equal(rms(np.ones((100, 2)) * 2, 0), [2, 2])
Пример #3
def test_hrtf_convolution():
    """Test HRTF convolution
    data = np.random.randn(2, 10000)
    assert_raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0)
    data = data[0]
    assert_raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0.5)  # invalid angle
    out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, 0)
    out_2 = convolve_hrtf(data, 24414, 0)
    assert_equal(out.ndim, 2)
    assert_equal(out.shape[0], 2)
    assert_true(out.shape[1] > data.size)
    assert_true(out_2.shape[1] < out.shape[1])
    # ensure that, at least for zero degrees, it's close
    out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, 0)[:, 1024:-1024]
    assert_allclose(np.mean(rms(out)), rms(data), rtol=1e-1)
    out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, -90)
    rmss = rms(out)
    assert_true(rmss[0] > 4 * rmss[1])
Пример #4
def test_hrtf_convolution():
    """Test HRTF convolution
    data = np.random.randn(2, 10000)
    assert_raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0)
    data = data[0]
    assert_raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0.5)  # invalid angle
    for source in ['barb', 'cipic']:
        out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, 0, source=source)
        out_2 = convolve_hrtf(data, 24414, 0, source=source)
        assert_equal(out.ndim, 2)
        assert_equal(out.shape[0], 2)
        assert_true(out.shape[1] > data.size)
        assert_true(out_2.shape[1] < out.shape[1])
        # ensure that, at least for zero degrees, it's close
        out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, 0, source=source)[:, 1024:-1024]
        assert_allclose(np.mean(rms(out)), rms(data), rtol=1e-1)
        out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, -90, source=source)
        rmss = rms(out)
        assert_true(rmss[0] > 4 * rmss[1])
Пример #5
def test_hrtf_convolution():
    """Test HRTF convolution."""
    data = np.random.randn(2, 10000)
    assert_raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0, interp=False)
    data = data[0]
    assert_raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0.5, interp=False)
    assert_raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0,
                  source='foo', interp=False)
    assert_raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 90.5, interp=True)
    assert_raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0, interp='foo')
    # invalid angle when interp=False
    for interp in [True, False]:
        for source in ['barb', 'cipic']:
            if interp and source == 'barb':
                # raise an error when trying to interp with 'barb'
                assert_raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 2.5,
                              source=source, interp=interp)
                out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, 0, source=source,
                out_2 = convolve_hrtf(data, 24414, 0, source=source,
                assert_equal(out.ndim, 2)
                assert_equal(out.shape[0], 2)
                assert_true(out.shape[1] > data.size)
                assert_true(out_2.shape[1] < out.shape[1])
                if interp:
                    out_3 = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, 2.5, source=source,
                    out_4 = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, -2.5, source=source,
                    assert_equal(out_3.ndim, 2)
                    assert_equal(out_4.ndim, 2)
                    # ensure that, at least for zero degrees, it's close
                out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, 0, source=source,
                                    interp=interp)[:, 1024:-1024]
                assert_allclose(np.mean(rms(out)), rms(data), rtol=1e-1)
                out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, -90, source=source,
                rmss = rms(out)
                assert_true(rmss[0] > 4 * rmss[1])
Пример #6
def test_hrtf_convolution():
    """Test HRTF convolution."""
    data = np.random.randn(2, 10000)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0, interp=False)
    data = data[0]
    pytest.raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0.5, interp=False)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0,
                  source='foo', interp=False)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 90.5, interp=True)
    pytest.raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 0, interp='foo')
    # invalid angle when interp=False
    for interp in [True, False]:
        for source in ['barb', 'cipic']:
            if interp and source == 'barb':
                # raise an error when trying to interp with 'barb'
                pytest.raises(ValueError, convolve_hrtf, data, 44100, 2.5,
                              source=source, interp=interp)
                out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, 0, source=source,
                out_2 = convolve_hrtf(data, 24414, 0, source=source,
                assert_equal(out.ndim, 2)
                assert_equal(out.shape[0], 2)
                assert (out.shape[1] > data.size)
                assert (out_2.shape[1] < out.shape[1])
                if interp:
                    out_3 = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, 2.5, source=source,
                    out_4 = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, -2.5, source=source,
                    assert_equal(out_3.ndim, 2)
                    assert_equal(out_4.ndim, 2)
                    # ensure that, at least for zero degrees, it's close
                out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, 0, source=source,
                                    interp=interp)[:, 1024:-1024]
                assert_allclose(np.mean(rms(out)), rms(data), rtol=1e-1)
                out = convolve_hrtf(data, 44100, -90, source=source,
                rmss = rms(out)
                assert (rmss[0] > 4 * rmss[1])
            onset = tr_onset_samp[tnum, snum, wnum]
            offset = onset + len(samps)
            tr_mono[tnum, snum, onset:offset] += samps
del word, samps, onset, offset

print('Convolving with HRTFs')
stream_len = stim.convolve_hrtf(np.zeros(stream_len), output_fs, 0).shape[-1]
tr_hrtf = np.zeros((trials, streams, 2, stream_len), dtype=float)
for tnum in range(trials):
    for snum in range(streams):
        tr_hrtf[tnum, snum] = stim.convolve_hrtf(tr_mono[tnum, snum],
                                                 output_fs, angles[snum])
tr_original_rms = stim.rms(tr_mono)
tr_convolved_rms = np.mean(stim.rms(tr_hrtf), axis=-1)
multiplier = tr_original_rms / tr_convolved_rms
tr_norm = (tr_hrtf.T * multiplier.T).T  # broadcasting
tr_norm_rms = np.mean(stim.rms(tr_norm), axis=-1)  # TODO: test RMS

tr_stim = np.sum(tr_norm, axis=1)
tr_stim_rms = np.mean(stim.rms(tr_stim), axis=-1)  # TODO: test RMS
assert tr_hrtf.shape[0] == tr_stim.shape[0]
assert tr_hrtf.shape[-2] == tr_stim.shape[-2]
assert tr_hrtf.shape[-1] == tr_stim.shape[-1]

print('Constructing training stimuli')
one_idx     = np.where((np.sum(tr_attn, axis=-1) == 1) & (tr_targs == 2) & (tr_cat_size == 3))
Пример #8
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as mpl

from expyfun.stimuli import vocode, play_sound, window_edges, read_wav, rms
from expyfun import fetch_data_file


data, fs = read_wav(fetch_data_file('audio/dream.wav'))
data = window_edges(data[0], fs)
t = np.arange(data.size) / float(fs)
# noise vocoder
data_noise = vocode(data, fs, mode='noise')
data_noise = data_noise * 0.01 / rms(data_noise)
# sinewave vocoder
data_tone = vocode(data, fs, mode='tone')
data_tone = data_tone * 0.01 / rms(data_tone)
# poisson vocoder
data_click = vocode(data, fs, mode='poisson', rate=400)
data_click = data_click * 0.01 / rms(data_click)

# combine all three
cutoff = data.shape[-1] // 3
data_allthree = data_noise.copy()
data_allthree[cutoff:2 * cutoff] = data_tone[cutoff:2 * cutoff]
data_allthree[2 * cutoff:] = data_click[2 * cutoff:]
snd = play_sound(data_allthree, fs, norm=False, wait=False)

# Uncomment this to play the original, too:
Пример #9
all_spatials = [s.split('x') for s in spatials]
for s in all_spatials[1:]:
    all_spatials[0] += s
all_spatials = all_spatials[0]
all_spatials = list(np.unique([float(s) for s in all_spatials]))

letter_dir = op.join(work_dir, 'letters')
wavs = np.zeros((len(talkers), len(letters), len(all_spatials), 2, letter_ns))
for li, letter in enumerate(letters):
    for ti, talker in enumerate(talkers):
        data, fs_in = read_wav(op.join(letter_dir, talker, '%s.wav' % letter),
        data = resample(data[0], fs, fs_in)
        for si, angle in enumerate(all_spatials):
            dd = convolve_hrtf(data, fs, angle)
            dd *= 0.01 / np.mean(rms(data))
            idx = min(dd.shape[1], letter_ns)
            wavs[ti, li, si, :, :idx] = dd[:, :idx]

# Randomization

n_trials = n_tpc * len(attns) * run_matrix.sum() * len(gap_durs)
trial_dur = (letter_dur * (n_cue_let + n_targ_let) + cue_targ_gap +
             np.mean(gap_durs) + inter_trial_dur)
exp_dur = trial_dur * n_trials
print('Experiment duration: %s min (%s blocks)' %
      (round(exp_dur / 60., 1), round((exp_dur / 60. / n_blocks), 1)))

# figure out what positions work
assert n_targ_let == 4
Пример #10

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from expyfun.stimuli import vocode, play_sound, window_edges, read_wav, rms
from expyfun import fetch_data_file


data, fs = read_wav(fetch_data_file('audio/dream.wav'))
data = window_edges(data[0], fs)
t = np.arange(data.size) / float(fs)
# noise vocoder
data_noise = vocode(data, fs, mode='noise')
data_noise = data_noise * 0.01 / rms(data_noise)
# sinewave vocoder
data_tone = vocode(data, fs, mode='tone')
data_tone = data_tone * 0.01 / rms(data_tone)
# poisson vocoder
data_click = vocode(data, fs, mode='poisson', rate=400)
data_click = data_click * 0.01 / rms(data_click)

# combine all three
cutoff = data.shape[-1] // 3
data_allthree = data_noise.copy()
data_allthree[cutoff:2 * cutoff] = data_tone[cutoff:2 * cutoff]
data_allthree[2 * cutoff:] = data_click[2 * cutoff:]
snd = play_sound(data_allthree, fs, norm=False, wait=False)

# Uncomment this to play the original, too:
Пример #11
    list_name = list_names[0]  # okay, just process one then
    del list_names

    datas = list()
    print('Reading and resampling stimuli...')
    for ii, (name, code) in enumerate(zip(names, codes)):
        data, fs_read = read_wav(op.join(stim_dir, name), verbose=False)
        assert fs == fs_read
        assert (data[0] == data[1]).all()
        data = data[0]  # one channel
        datas.append(resample(data, fs_out, fs, npad='auto'))
        assert np.isclose(datas[-1].shape[-1] / float(fs_out),
                          data.shape[-1] / float(fs),
                          atol=1e-3)  # 1 ms
    assert len(datas) == len(names)
    rmss = [rms(d) for d in datas]
    factor = rms_out / np.mean(rmss)
    print('Writing stimuli...')
    for name, data in zip(names, datas):
        data *= factor  # RMS mean across stimuli is now our desired value
        write_wav(op.join(out_dir, name),
    rmss = np.array([rms(d) for d in datas])
    assert np.isclose(np.mean(rmss), rms_out)
    play_rmss = dB_out + 20 * np.log10(rmss / rms_out)
    print('Assuming a %s dB SPL set in ExperimentController, stimuli will '
          'play with a long-term RMS of:\n[%0.1f, %0.1f] dB' %
          (dB_out, play_rmss.min(), play_rmss.max()))
one_1_tone_delay = convolve_hrtf(finalstim_tc_delay, fs, -30.0)
one_2_tone_delay = convolve_hrtf(finalstim_tc_delay, fs, 0.0)
one_3_tone_delay = convolve_hrtf(finalstim_tc_delay, fs, 30.0)

#without delay
one_1_noise = convolve_hrtf(finalstim_nb, fs, -30.0)
one_2_noise = convolve_hrtf(finalstim_nb, fs, 0.0)
one_3_noise = convolve_hrtf(finalstim_nb, fs, 30.0)

one_1_tone = convolve_hrtf(finalstim_tc, fs, -30.0)
one_2_tone = convolve_hrtf(finalstim_tc, fs, 0.0)
one_3_tone = convolve_hrtf(finalstim_tc, fs, 30.0)

# rms stuff:
center_rms_noise = rms(one_2_noise, axis=None)
center_rms_tone = rms(one_2_tone, axis=None)
center_rms_noise_delay = rms(one_2_noise_delay, axis=None)
center_rms_tone_delay = rms(one_2_tone_delay, axis=None)

one_2_noise /= center_rms_noise
one_2_tone /= center_rms_tone

#combine to make double beeps:
two_1_noise = np.append(one_1_noise_delay, one_1_noise, axis=1)
two_2_noise = np.append(one_2_noise_delay, one_2_noise, axis=1)
two_3_noise = np.append(one_3_noise_delay, one_3_noise, axis=1)

two_1_tone = np.append(one_1_tone_delay, one_1_tone, axis=1)
two_2_tone = np.append(one_2_tone_delay, one_2_tone, axis=1)
Пример #13
    names, codes, isis = parse_list(op.join(stim_dir, list_names[0]))
    names_b, codes_b, isis_b = parse_list(op.join(stim_dir, list_names[1]))
    assert set(names) == set(names_b)
    list_name = list_names[0]  # okay, just process one then
    del list_names

    datas = list()
    print('Reading and resampling stimuli...')
    for ii, (name, code) in enumerate(zip(names, codes)):
        data, fs_read = read_wav(op.join(stim_dir, name), verbose=False)
        assert fs == fs_read
        assert (data[0] == data[1]).all()
        data = data[0]  # one channel
        datas.append(resample(data, fs_out, fs, npad='auto'))
        assert np.isclose(datas[-1].shape[-1] / float(fs_out),
                          data.shape[-1] / float(fs), atol=1e-3)  # 1 ms
    assert len(datas) == len(names)
    rmss = [rms(d) for d in datas]
    factor = rms_out / np.mean(rmss)
    print('Writing stimuli...')
    for name, data in zip(names, datas):
        data *= factor  # RMS mean across stimuli is now our desired value
        write_wav(op.join(out_dir, name), data, fs_out, verbose=False,
    rmss = np.array([rms(d) for d in datas])
    assert np.isclose(np.mean(rmss), rms_out)
    play_rmss = dB_out + 20 * np.log10(rmss / rms_out)
    print('Assuming a %s dB SPL set in ExperimentController, stimuli will '
          'play with a long-term RMS of:\n[%0.1f, %0.1f] dB'
          % (dB_out, play_rmss.min(), play_rmss.max()))
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Script 'DAS-cog-load stimuli'

This script makes spatially-distributed word streams.
# Author: Dan McCloy <*****@*****.**>
# License: BSD (3-clause)

import os.path as op
from glob import glob
from expyfun.stimuli import rms, read_wav, write_wav

indir = 'monotonizedWords'
outdir = 'normalizedWords'
target_rms = 0.01

files = glob(op.join(indir, '*.wav'))

for f in files:
    fname = op.split(f)[-1]
    wav, fs = read_wav(f)
    new_wav = wav * target_rms / rms(wav)
    write_wav(op.join(outdir, fname), new_wav, fs)
Пример #15
sound_files = None  # ['left.wav', 'right.wav']
if sound_files is None:
    fs = 44100
    fc = 2e3
    sound_len = int(np.round(isi * 0.8 * fs))
    sound_dur = float(sound_len) / fs
#    sounds = stim.window_edges(np.random.randn(1, sound_len), fs,
#                               sound_dur / 2.5)
#    b, a = sig.butter(2, fc / (fs / 2))
#    sounds = sig.lfilter(b, a, sounds)
    t = np.arange(sound_len, dtype=float) / fs
    sounds = np.zeros(sound_len)
    f0 = 200
    for f in range(f0, 1301, f0):
        sounds += np.sin(2 * np.pi * t * f)
    sounds *= base_vol / stim.rms(sounds, keepdims=True)
    sounds *= np.exp(-t / sound_dur * 4)
    sounds = stim.window_edges(sounds, fs, 0.01)
    assert(len(sound_files) == 1)
    temp = []
    for wav in sound_files:
        temp += [stim.read_wav(wav)[0]]
    fs = stim.read_wav(sound_files[0])[1]
    lens = [w.shape[1] for w in temp]
    sounds = np.zeros((2, np.max(lens)))
    for si, l in enumerate(lens):
        sounds[si, :l] = temp[si]
    sounds = sig.resample(sounds, 44100 * sounds.shape[1] / fs, axis=1)
    fs = 44100
    sound_len = sounds.shape[1]
Пример #16
ax.set(xlabel='Time (sec)',
       xlim=t[[0, -1]])

# Normalize it
# ------------
# :class:`expyfun.ExperimentController` by default has ``stim_rms=0.01``. This
# means that audio samples normalized to an RMS (root-mean-square) value of
# 0.01 will play out at whatever ``stim_db`` value you supply (during class
# initialization) when the experiment is deployed on properly calibrated
# hardware, typically in an experimental booth. So let's normalize our clip:

target = data_orig / rms(data_orig)
target *= 0.01
# do manual calculation same as ``rms``, result should be 0.01
# (to numerical precision)

# One important thing to note about this stimulus is that its long-term RMS
# (over the entire 2 seconds) is now 0.01. There will be quiet parts where the
# RMS is effectively lower (close to zero) and louder parts where it's bigger.
# Add some noise
# --------------
# Now let's add some masker noise, say 6 dB down (6 dB target-to-masker ratio;
# TMR) from that of the target.