def __init__(self, scidata, t_ord, p_ord, lam_ord, lam_grid=None, lam_bounds=None, sig=None, mask=None, thresh=1e-5): # Use `lam_grid` at the center of the trace if not specified if lam_grid is None: lam_grid, lam_col = grid_from_map(lam_ord, p_ord, out_col=True) else: lam_col = slice(None) # Save wavelength grid self.lam_grid = lam_grid.copy() self.lam_col = lam_col # Compute delta lambda for the grid self.d_lam = -np.diff(get_lam_p_or_m(lam_grid), axis=0)[0] # Basic parameters to save self.N_k = len(lam_grid) self.thresh = thresh if sig is None: self.sig = np.ones_like(scidata) else: self.sig = sig.copy() # Save PSF self.p_ord = p_ord.copy() # Save pixel wavelength self.lam_ord = lam_ord.copy() # Throughput # Can be a callable (function) or an array # with the same length as lambda grid. try: # First assume it's a function self.t_ord = t_ord(self.lam_grid) # Project on grid except TypeError: # Assume it's an array self.t_ord = t_ord.copy() # Build global mask self.mask = self._get_mask(mask) # Assign other trivial attributes = scidata.copy() # TODO: try setting to np.nan instead?[self.mask] = 0
def test_ker_params(width_list, fwhm_list, n_os): # List of orders to consider in the extraction order_list = [1] path = "../jwst-mtl/SOSS/extract/Ref_files/" #### Wavelength solution #### wave_maps = [] wave_maps.append(fits.getdata(path + "wavelengths_m1.fits")) #### Spatial profiles #### spat_pros = [] spat_pros.append(fits.getdata(path + "spat_profile_m1.fits").squeeze()) # Convert data from fits files to float (fits precision is 1e-8) wave_maps = [wv.astype('float64') for wv in wave_maps] spat_pros = [p_ord.astype('float64') for p_ord in spat_pros] # no tilt wave_maps = [ np.tile(wv_map[50], (wv_map.shape[0], 1)) for wv_map in wave_maps ] #### Throughputs #### def fct_ones(x): return 1 / x thrpt_list = [fct_ones for order in order_list] ### Save original kernel webbker_file = "spectral_kernel_matrix_os_10_width_21pixels.fits" webbker_file = "../jwst-mtl/SOSS/extract/Ref_files/spectral_kernel_matrix/" + webbker_file webbker = ### Set WebbKer class parameters to local test dummy_file = "spectral_kernel_matrix_test.fits" WebbKer.file_frame = dummy_file WebbKer.path = '' ### Init figure ### fig, ax = plt.subplots(len(width_list), 1, sharex=True, figsize=(12, 3 * len(width_list))) try: ax[0] except: ax = [ax] for i_ax, width in enumerate(width_list): print(f"width {i_ax+1}/{len(ax)}") for fwhm in fwhm_list: # Generate new kernel file kernels = cut_ker_box(webbker[0].data[0], width=width, n_os=10, fwhm=fwhm) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(np.array([kernels, webbker[0].data[1]]), header=webbker[0].header) hdu.writeto(dummy_file, overwrite=True) #### Convolution kernels #### # wv_map_ker = wave_maps[0][50]#grid_from_map(wave_maps[0], spat_pros[0]) # ker_list = [WebbKer(wv_map_ker[None, :])] ker_list = [WebbKer(wave_maps[0])] # ker_list = [GaussKer(np.linspace(0.5, 3.0, 10000), res=800) for wv_map in wave_maps] # Put all inputs from reference files in a list ref_files_args = [spat_pros, wave_maps, thrpt_list, ker_list] def flux_fct(wv): return 1e5 - 1e4 * wv # Grid for simulation lam_simu = grid_from_map(wave_maps[0][50:51], spat_pros[0][50:51], n_os=10, wv_range=[0.8, 3.0]) # lam_simu = grid_from_map(wave_maps[0], spat_pros[0], n_os=10, wv_range=[0.8, 3.0]) # Init simu simu = TrpzOverlap(*ref_files_args, lam_grid=lam_simu, thresh=1e-8, orders=[1], c_kwargs={ 'n_out': [5 * 10, 8 * 10], 'length': 21 * 10 + 1 }) f_c_th = simu.c_list[0].dot(flux_fct(simu.lam_grid)) wv_th = simu.lam_grid_c(0) fct_f_c_th = interp1d(wv_th, f_c_th, bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan, kind='cubic') scidata = simu.rebuild(flux_fct, orders=[0]) # Grid lam_simu = grid_from_map(wave_maps[0][50:51], spat_pros[0][50:51], n_os=n_os, wv_range=[0.8, 3.0]) # Init simu length_ker = 21 * n_os + ((21 * n_os) % 2 == 0) simu = TrpzOverlap(*ref_files_args, lam_grid=lam_simu, thresh=1e-8, orders=[1], lam_bounds=[[0.88, 2.8]], c_kwargs={ 'thresh_out': 1e-12, 'length': length_ker }) f_c = simu.c_list[0].dot(flux_fct(lam_simu)) ax[i_ax].plot(simu.lam_grid_c(0), (f_c - fct_f_c_th(simu.lam_grid_c(0))) / f_c, label=fwhm) ax[i_ax].set_title(f"Oversampling: {n_os}, box width: {width}") y_lim = ax[i_ax].get_ylim() ax[i_ax].vlines(ker_list[0].wv_center, *y_lim, alpha=0.2, linestyle="--") ax[i_ax].set_ylim(*y_lim) ax[i_ax].set_ylabel("convolution rel error (f_c - f_c_th)") ax[i_ax].legend(title="FWHM") ax[-1].set_xlabel("Wavelength [um]") plt.tight_layout() # fig.savefig(f"Convolution_problem/conv_error_n_os_{n_os}_webb_ker_negative.png")
def run_tikho_tests(p_list, lam_list, scidata, f_th_c, n_os_list, c_thresh_list, t_mat_n_os_list, factors=None, file_root=None, file_ext=None, path=None): # Unpack some lists P1, P2 = p_list wv_1, wv_2 = lam_list # Default kwargs if factors is None: factors = 10.**(-1 * np.arange(10, 25, 0.3)) if file_root is None: file_root = 'tikho_test' if file_ext is None: file_ext = '.n_os_{}.c_thresh_{:1.0e}.tikho_os_{}' if path is None: path = '' # Message to print status = 'n_os={}, c_thresh={:1.0e}, t_mat_n_os={}' # Iterate on grid oversampling for n_os in n_os_list: # Generate grid lam_grid = get_soss_grid([P1, P2], [wv_1, wv_2], n_os=n_os) # Iterate on convolution kernel wings threshold for c_thresh in c_thresh_list: # Init extraction object extra = TrpzOverlap([P1, P2], [wv_1, wv_2], scidata=scidata, lam_grid=lam_grid, thresh=1e-5, c_kwargs={'thresh': c_thresh}) # Project injected spectrum on grid f_k_th = { 'f_k_th_1': f_th_c[0](extra.lam_grid_c(0)), 'f_k_th_2': f_th_c[1](extra.lam_grid_c(1)) } # Save values that do not need to be recomputed wv_range = [extra.lam_grid.min(), extra.lam_grid.max()] # Iterate on resolution of the tikhonov matrix for t_mat_n_os in t_mat_n_os_list: # Print status print(status.format(n_os, c_thresh, t_mat_n_os)) # Generate a fake wv_map to cover all wv_range with a # resolution `t_mat_n_os` times the resolution of order 2. wv_map = grid_from_map(wv_2, P2, wv_range=wv_range) wv_map = oversample_grid(wv_map, n_os=t_mat_n_os) # Build convolution matrix conv_ord2 = get_c_matrix(WebbKer(wv_map[None, :]), extra.lam_grid, thresh=1e-5) # Build tikhonov matrix t_mat = conv_ord2 - identity(conv_ord2.shape[0]) # Test factors test_conv = extra.get_tikho_tests(factors, t_mat=t_mat) # Save results file_name = path + file_root file_name += file_ext.format(n_os, c_thresh, t_mat_n_os) to_save = {**test_conv, **f_k_th, 'grid': extra.lam_grid} np.savez(file_name, **to_save)
thrpt_list = [fct_ones for order in order_list] #### Convolution kernels #### ker_list = [np.array([0, 0, 1, 0, 0]) for wv_map in wave_maps] # Put all inputs from reference files in a list ref_files_args = [spat_pros, wave_maps, thrpt_list, ker_list] def flux_fct(wv): return 1e5 * wv # Grid lam_simu = grid_from_map(wave_maps[0], spat_pros[0], n_os=15) # Init simu simu = TrpzOverlap(*ref_files_args, lam_grid=lam_simu, thresh=1e-8, orders=[1]) scidata = simu.rebuild(flux_fct, orders=[0]) fig, ax = plt.subplots(4, 2, figsize=(6, 10)) n_os_list = [1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 11, 14, 15] ax = ax.ravel() for i_os, oversample in enumerate(n_os_list): # ### Simulation ### #
path = "/Users/antoinedb/Models/PHOENIX_HiRes/" file = "Z-0.0/lte06000-4.50-0.0.PHOENIX-ACES-AGSS-COND-2011-HiRes.fits" hdu = + file) flux = hdu[0].data file = "WAVE_PHOENIX-ACES-AGSS-COND-2011.fits" hdu = + file) wv = hdu[0].data / 10000. # Angstrom to microns # Keep only relevant wv range i_good = (0.5 < wv) & (wv < 3.0) wv, flux = wv[i_good], flux[i_good] # First convolution and resampling to reduce the length # Build estimate of the convolution kernel wv_grid = grid_from_map(wv_2, P2, wv_range=[0.5, 3.0], n_os=20) # Build convolution matrix conv_ord2 = get_c_matrix(WebbKer(wv_grid[None, :]), wv[500000:500500], thresh=1e-5) # Take the same convolution kernel # (approximation, but we are still at high oversampling) kernel = conv_ord2[250, 180:320].toarray().squeeze() flux = np.convolve(kernel, flux, mode='same') flux_fct = interp1d(wv, flux, kind='cubic', bounds_error=False) # Resample wv = oversample_grid(wv_grid, n_os=4) flux = flux_fct(wv) # Build accurate convolution matrix