def prepare_exec(self): # extracting list of vms that will be used to extract values vmObj = TransformXmlToVM() vmObj.readXml("/home/khaled/listeVMsTest.xml") vms = vmObj.getVM() = "%s,%s,%s" % (vms[0].host, vms[0].user, vms[0].password) print "VM:" print # extracting of command from xml file: cmdCl = TransformXmlToCmd() cmdCl.readXml("/home/khaled/cmdCrTest.xml") # preapring list of indicator used listCr = [] listCr.append("disk") self.cmd = cmdCl.getcmd(listCr) # cmd is a list containing objects that contain the indicator and her command # print 'commande extraite' print self.cmd[0].cmd # preparing connexion to run commands self.cnx = RunCommand() # adding hosts extracted early self.cnx.do_add_host( self.cnx.do_connect()
stdin.close() data = for line in data: print line """ from run_command import RunCommand from extract_cmd import TransformXmlToCmd, Cmd from extractVM import TransformXmlToVM, VM from extract_value import obj_extract from extract_cr import Indicator from thread_exec import threadCR import logging #extracting list of vms that will be used to extract values vmObj = TransformXmlToVM() vmObj.readXml('listeVMsTest.xml') vms = vmObj.getVM() v = "%s,%s,%s" % (vms[0].host, vms[0].user, vms[0].password) print 'VM:' print v cr=Indicator()'disk' cr.maxApp=100 cr.maxPhy=150 cr.minApp=0 th=threadCR(v,cr) th.start() th.join() print 'Fin thread'