def main(): # define the list of topics that you want to extract ros_topics = [ # the duckiebot name can change from one bag file to the other, so define # the topics WITHOUT the duckiebot name in the beginning "/camera_node/image/compressed", # "/lane_controller_node/car_cmd" "/wheels_driver_node/wheels_cmd" ] # define the bags_directory in order to extract the data bags_directory = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "data", "bag_files") # define data_directory data_directory = 'data' if not os.path.exists(data_directory): os.makedirs(data_directory) # define train and test directories inside the data directory test_dir = os.path.join(data_directory, "test") train_dir = os.path.join(data_directory, "train") if not os.path.exists(test_dir): os.mkdir(test_dir) if not os.path.exists(test_dir): os.mkdir(test_dir) if not os.path.exists(train_dir): os.mkdir(train_dir) cvbridge_object = cv_bridge.CvBridge() # create a dataframe to store the data for all bag files # df_all = pd.DataFrame() first_time = True for file in os.listdir(bags_directory): if not file.endswith(".bag"): continue # extract bag_ID to include it in the data for potential future use (Useful in case of weird data distributions # or final results, since you will be able to associate the data with the bag files) bag_ID = file.partition(".bag")[0] # extract the duckiebot name to complete the definition of the nodes duckiebot_name = file.partition("_")[2].partition(".bag")[0] # complete the topics names with the duckiebot name in the beginning ros_topics_temp = copy(ros_topics) for num, topic in enumerate(ros_topics_temp): ros_topics_temp[num] = "/" + duckiebot_name + topic # define absolute path of the bag_file abs_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(bags_directory, file)) print("Extract data for {} file.".format(file)) try: msgs = extract_messages(abs_path, ros_topics_temp) except rosbag.bag.ROSBagException: print("Failed to open {}".format(abs_path)) continue ######## This following part is implementation specific ######## # The composition of the ros messages is different (e.g. different names in the messages) and also different # tools are used to handle the different extracted data (e.g. cvbridge for images). As a result, the following # part of the script can be used as a basis to extract the data, but IT HAS TO BE MODIFIED based on your topics. # easy way to find the structure of your ros messages : print dir(msgs[name_of_topic]) # extract the images and car_cmds messages ext_images = msgs["/" + duckiebot_name + "/camera_node/image/compressed"].messages # ext_car_cmds = msgs["/" + duckiebot_name + "/lane_controller_node/car_cmd"].messages ext_car_cmds = msgs["/" + duckiebot_name + "/wheels_driver_node/wheels_cmd"].messages # create dataframe with the images and the images' timestamps for num, img in enumerate(ext_images): # get the rgb image #### direct conversion to CV2 #### # np_arr = np.fromstring(, np.uint8) # img = cv2.imdecode(np_arr, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) # print("img", img, img.shape) img = cvbridge_object.compressed_imgmsg_to_cv2(img.message) img = image_preprocessing( img) # -> each image is of dimensions (1, 48x96=4608) # hack to get the timestamp of each image in <float 'secs.nsecs'> format instead of <int 'rospy.rostime.Time'> temp_timestamp = ext_images[num].timestamp img_timestamp = temp_timestamp.secs + temp_timestamp.nsecs * 10**-len( str(temp_timestamp.nsecs)) temp_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'img': [img], 'img_timestamp': [img_timestamp] }) if num == 0: df_imgs = temp_df.copy() else: df_imgs = df_imgs.append(temp_df, ignore_index=True) # create dataframe with the car_cmds and the car_cmds' timestamps for num, cmd in enumerate(ext_car_cmds): # read wheel commands messages cmd_msg = cmd.message # hack to get the timestamp of each image in <float 'secs.nsecs'> format instead of <int 'rospy.rostime.Time'> temp_timestamp = ext_car_cmds[num].timestamp vel_timestamp = temp_timestamp.secs + temp_timestamp.nsecs * 10**-len( str(temp_timestamp.nsecs)) temp_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'vel_timestamp': [vel_timestamp], 'vel_left': [cmd_msg.vel_left], 'vel_right': [cmd_msg.vel_right] }) if num == 0: df_cmds = temp_df.copy() else: df_cmds = df_cmds.append(temp_df, ignore_index=True) # synchronize data print("Starting synchronization of data for {} file.".format(file)) temp_synch_data, temp_synch_imgs = synchronize_data( df_imgs, df_cmds, bag_ID) if first_time: synch_data = copy(temp_synch_data) synch_imgs = copy(temp_synch_imgs) first_time = False else: synch_data = np.vstack((synch_data, temp_synch_data)) synch_imgs = np.vstack((synch_imgs, temp_synch_imgs)) print("\nShape of total data: {} , shape of total images: {}\n".format( synch_data.shape, synch_imgs.shape)) print("Synchronization of all data is finished.\n") # define the names of the train and test .h5 files dataset_name = os.path.join(train_dir, 'dataset.npz') # check if these two files exist in the data directory and if yes remove them before saving the new files if os.path.isfile(dataset_name): os.remove(dataset_name) np.savez_compressed(dataset_name, synch_data=synch_data, synch_imgs=synch_imgs) print("Saved data and images to {}".format(dataset_name))
def main(): # define the list of topics that you want to extract ros_topics = [ # the duckiebot name can change from one bag file to the other, so define # the topics WITHOUT the duckiebot name in the beginning "/camera/rgb/image_rect_color/compressed", # "/lane_controller_node/car_cmd" "/cmd_drive" ] # define the bags_directory in order to extract the data bags_directory = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "data", "bag_files") # define data_directory data_directory = 'data' if not os.path.exists(data_directory): os.makedirs(data_directory) # define train and test directories inside the data directory test_dir = os.path.join(data_directory, "test") train_dir = os.path.join(data_directory, "train") if not os.path.exists(test_dir): os.mkdir(test_dir) if not os.path.exists(test_dir): os.mkdir(test_dir) if not os.path.exists(train_dir): os.mkdir(train_dir) cvbridge_object = cv_bridge.CvBridge() # create a dataframe to store the data for all bag files # df_all = pd.DataFrame() first_time = True for file in os.listdir(bags_directory): if not file.endswith(".bag"): continue # extract bag_ID to include it in the data for potential future use (Useful in case of weird data distributions # or final results, since you will be able to associate the data with the bag files) bag_ID = file.partition(".bag")[0] # extract the duckiebot name to complete the definition of the nodes duckiebot_name = file.partition("_")[2].partition(".bag")[0] # complete the topics names with the duckiebot name in the beginning ros_topics_temp = copy(ros_topics) for num, topic in enumerate(ros_topics_temp): ros_topics_temp[num] = "/" + duckiebot_name + topic # define absolute path of the bag_file abs_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(bags_directory, file)) print("Extract data for {} file.".format(file)) try: msgs = extract_messages(abs_path, ros_topics_temp) except rosbag.bag.ROSBagException: print("Failed to open {}".format(abs_path)) continue ######## This following part is implementation specific ######## # The composition of the ros messages is different (e.g. different names in the messages) and also different # tools are used to handle the different extracted data (e.g. cvbridge for images). As a result, the following # part of the script can be used as a basis to extract the data, but IT HAS TO BE MODIFIED based on your topics. # easy way to find the structure of your ros messages : print dir(msgs[name_of_topic]) # extract the images and car_cmds messages ext_images = msgs["/" + duckiebot_name + "/camera/rgb/image_rect_color/compressed"].messages # ext_car_cmds = msgs["/" + duckiebot_name + "/lane_controller_node/car_cmd"].messages ext_car_cmds = msgs["/" + duckiebot_name + "/cmd_drive"].messages # create dataframe with the images and the images' timestamps counter = 0 for num, img in enumerate(ext_images): print(counter) counter += 1 # get the rgb image #### direct conversion to CV2 #### # np_arr = np.fromstring(, np.uint8) # img = cv2.imdecode(np_arr, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) # print("img", img, img.shape) img = cvbridge_object.compressed_imgmsg_to_cv2(img.message) img = image_preprocessing( img) # -> each image is of dimensions (1, 48x96=4608) # hack to get the timestamp of each image in <float 'secs.nsecs'> format instead of <int 'rospy.rostime.Time'> temp_timestamp = ext_images[num].timestamp img_timestamp = temp_timestamp.secs + temp_timestamp.nsecs * 10**-len( str(temp_timestamp.nsecs)) temp_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'img': [img], 'img_timestamp': [img_timestamp] }) if num == 0: df_imgs = temp_df.copy() else: df_imgs = df_imgs.append(temp_df, ignore_index=True) # create dataframe with the car_cmds and the car_cmds' timestamps for num, cmd in enumerate(ext_car_cmds): # read wheel commands messages cmd_msg = cmd.message # hack to get the timestamp of each image in <float 'secs.nsecs'> format instead of <int 'rospy.rostime.Time'> temp_timestamp = ext_car_cmds[num].timestamp vel_timestamp = temp_timestamp.secs + temp_timestamp.nsecs * 10**-len( str(temp_timestamp.nsecs)) temp_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'vel_timestamp': [vel_timestamp], 'vel_left': [cmd_msg.left], 'vel_right': [cmd_msg.right] }) if num == 0: df_cmds = temp_df.copy() else: df_cmds = df_cmds.append(temp_df, ignore_index=True) # synchronize data print("Starting synchronization of data for {} file.".format(file)) temp_synch_data, temp_synch_imgs = synchronize_data( df_imgs, df_cmds, bag_ID) if first_time: synch_data = copy(temp_synch_data) synch_imgs = copy(temp_synch_imgs) first_time = False else: synch_data = np.vstack((synch_data, temp_synch_data)) synch_imgs = np.vstack((synch_imgs, temp_synch_imgs)) print("\nShape of total data: {} , shape of total images: {}\n".format( synch_data.shape, synch_imgs.shape)) print("Synchronization of all data is finished.\n") # define size of train dataset train_size = int(0.9 * synch_data.shape[0]) # create train dataframe df_data_train = pd.DataFrame({ 'img_timestamp': synch_data[:train_size, 0], 'vel_timestamp': synch_data[:train_size, 1], 'vel_left': synch_data[:train_size, 2], 'vel_right': synch_data[:train_size, 3], 'bag_ID': synch_data[:train_size, 4], }) # create train dataframe for images in order to save them in the same .h5 file with the rest train data df_img_train = pd.DataFrame({'img': [synch_imgs[:train_size, :]]}) # create test dataframe df_data_test = pd.DataFrame({ 'img_timestamp': synch_data[train_size:, 0], 'vel_timestamp': synch_data[train_size:, 1], 'vel_left': synch_data[train_size:, 2], 'vel_right': synch_data[train_size:, 3], 'bag_ID': synch_data[train_size:, 4], }) # create test dataframe for images in order to save them in the same .h5 file with the rest test data df_img_test = pd.DataFrame({'img': [synch_imgs[train_size:, :]]}) # save train and test datasets to .h5 files # ATTENTION 1 !! # If the datasets become too large, you could face memory errors on laptops. # If you face memory errors while saving the following files, split the data to multiple .h5 files. # ATTENTION 2 !! # The .h5 files are tricky and require special attention. In these files you save compressed objects and you can # have more than one objects saved in the same file. If for example we have two different dataframes df1 and df2, # then df1.to_hdf('file.h5', key='df1') and df2.to_hdf('file.h5', key='df2') will result to both df1, df2 to be # saved in 'file.h5' file but with different key for each dataframe. However, if we save the same dataframe to the # same .h5 file with the same key, then in this file you will have the same information twice as different objects # and thus the size of the .h5 file will be double for no reason and without any warning. As a result, here since # the key does not change, we will check if the .h5 file exists before saving the new data, and if it exists we will # first remove the previous file ad then save the new data. # define the names of the train and test .h5 files train_set_name = os.path.join(train_dir, 'train_set.h5') test_set_name = os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_set.h5') # check if these two files exist in the data directory and if yes remove them before saving the new files if os.path.isfile(train_set_name): os.remove(train_set_name) if os.path.isfile(test_set_name): os.remove(test_set_name) # df_all_train.to_hdf(train_set_name, 'table') df_data_train.to_hdf(train_set_name, key='data') df_img_train.to_hdf(train_set_name, key='images') # df_all_test.to_hdf(test_set_name, 'table') df_data_test.to_hdf(test_set_name, key='data') df_img_test.to_hdf(test_set_name, key='images') print( "\nThe total {} data were split into {} training and {} test datasets and saved in {} " "directory.".format(synch_data.shape[0], df_data_train.shape[0], df_data_test.shape[0], data_directory))
def main(): # define the list of topics that you want to extract ros_topics = [ # the duckiebot name can change from one bag file to the other, so define # the topics WITHOUT the duckiebot name in the beginning "/camera_node/image/compressed", "/joy" ] # define the bags_directory in order to extract the data bags_directory = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "bag_files") # define data_directory data_directory = 'converted' if not os.path.exists(data_directory): os.makedirs(data_directory) cvbridge_object = cv_bridge.CvBridge() # create a dataframe to store the data for all bag files # df_all = pd.DataFrame() first_time = True for file in os.listdir(bags_directory): if not file.endswith(".bag"): continue # extract bag_ID to include it in the data for potential future use (Useful in case of weird data distributions # or final results, since you will be able to associate the data with the bag files) bag_ID = file.partition(".bag")[0] # extract the duckiebot name to complete the definition of the nodes #duckiebot_name = file.partition("_")[2].partition(".bag")[0] duckiebot_name = VEHICLE_NAME # complete the topics names with the duckiebot name in the beginning ros_topics_temp = copy(ros_topics) for num, topic in enumerate(ros_topics_temp): ros_topics_temp[num] = "/" + duckiebot_name + topic # define absolute path of the bag_file abs_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(bags_directory, file)) print("Extract data for {} file.".format(file)) try: msgs = extract_messages(abs_path, ros_topics_temp) except rosbag.bag.ROSBagException: print("Failed to open {}".format(abs_path)) continue ######## This following part is implementation specific ######## # The composition of the ros messages is different (e.g. different names in the messages) and also different # tools are used to handle the different extracted data (e.g. cvbridge for images). As a result, the following # part of the script can be used as a basis to extract the data, but IT HAS TO BE MODIFIED based on your topics. # easy way to find the structure of your ros messages : print dir(msgs[name_of_topic]) # extract the images and car_cmds messages ext_images = msgs["/" + duckiebot_name + "/camera_node/image/compressed"].messages ext_car_cmds = msgs["/" + duckiebot_name + "/joy"].messages # create dataframe with the images and the images' timestamps for num, img in enumerate(ext_images): # get the rgb image #### direct conversion to CV2 #### # np_arr = np.fromstring(, np.uint8) # img = cv2.imdecode(np_arr, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR) # print("img", img, img.shape) img = cvbridge_object.compressed_imgmsg_to_cv2(img.message) img = image_preprocessing(img) # hack to get the timestamp of each image in <float 'secs.nsecs'> format instead of <int 'rospy.rostime.Time'> temp_timestamp = ext_images[num].timestamp img_timestamp = temp_timestamp.secs + temp_timestamp.nsecs * \ 10 ** -len(str(temp_timestamp.nsecs)) temp_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'img': [img], 'img_timestamp': [img_timestamp] }) if num == 0: df_imgs = temp_df.copy() else: df_imgs = df_imgs.append(temp_df, ignore_index=True) # create dataframe with the car_cmds and the car_cmds' timestamps for num, cmd in enumerate(ext_car_cmds): # read wheel commands messages cmd_msg = cmd.message # hack to get the timestamp of each image in <float 'secs.nsecs'> format instead of <int 'rospy.rostime.Time'> temp_timestamp = ext_car_cmds[num].timestamp vel_timestamp = temp_timestamp.secs + temp_timestamp.nsecs * \ 10 ** -len(str(temp_timestamp.nsecs)) temp_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'vel_timestamp': [vel_timestamp], 'vel_linear': [cmd_msg.axes[1]], 'vel_angular': [cmd_msg.axes[3]], }) if num == 0: df_cmds = temp_df.copy() else: df_cmds = df_cmds.append(temp_df, ignore_index=True) # synchronize data print() print("Starting synchronization of data for {} file.".format(file)) temp_synch_data, temp_synch_imgs = synchronize_data( df_imgs, df_cmds, bag_ID) if first_time: synch_data = copy(temp_synch_data) synch_imgs = copy(temp_synch_imgs) first_time = False else: synch_data = np.vstack((synch_data, temp_synch_data)) synch_imgs = np.vstack((synch_imgs, temp_synch_imgs)) print("\nShape of total data: {} , shape of total images: {}\n".format( synch_data.shape, synch_imgs.shape)) for i in range(synch_data.shape[0]): action = synch_data[i] tobelogged_action = np.array([action[2], action[3]],dtype=float) tobelogged_image = synch_imgs[i*150:(i+1)*150, :, :] tobelogged_image = cv2.cvtColor( tobelogged_image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV) done = False if (i < synch_data.shape[0]) else True step = Step(tobelogged_image, None, tobelogged_action, done) frank_logger.log(step, None) frank_logger.on_episode_done() print("Synchronization of all data is finished.\n") frank_logger.close()