def task1(img_path): print("calculating features for {}".format(img_path)) features = extract_img_features(img_path) if features: color_moments = features[2] mean = "" std = "" skew = "" i = 1 for color_moment in color_moments: char = " " if i % 12 == 0: char = "\n" mean += "[" mean += ",".join(["{:5.1f}".format(vector) for vector in color_moment.get("mean")]) mean += "]" + char std += "[" std += ",".join(["{:5.1f}".format(vector) for vector in color_moment.get("std")]) std += "]" + char skew += "[" skew += ",".join(["{:5.1f}".format(vector) for vector in color_moment.get("skew")]) skew += "]" + char i += 1 keypoints = "" for kp in features[0]: keypoints += "[" keypoints += ",".join(["{:5.1f}".format(coordinate) for coordinate in]) keypoints += "{:4.2f}, {:4.2f}] ".format(kp.size, kp.angle) print("\n--------------------First Color Moment--------------------") print(mean) print("\n--------------------Second Color Moment--------------------") print(std) print("\n--------------------Third Color Moment--------------------") print(skew) print("\n--------------------SIFT Features--------------------") print(keypoints) else: print("something went wrong")
def get_caption(encoder, caption_model, image_fullpath, model_info, device): """ Function to take the user uploaded image and run the model on it Parameters: _______________ encoder: CNNModel from Model the encoder caption_model: torch model the captioning model image_fullpath: path of the image from -- sys.argv[2] "second variable passed in" model_info: from "{DATA_PATH}/results/model_info.json" device: torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") """ img_feature = extract_img_features([image_fullpath], encoder, device) results = {} results[image_name] = generate_caption(caption_model, img_feature, model_info['max_length'], model_info['vocab_size'], model_info['wordtoidx'], model_info['idxtoword'], device) try: with open(f"{DATA_PATH}/raw/upload_model_caption.json", 'r') as fp: single_captions = json.load(fp) single_captions.update(results) except: single_captions = results with open(f"{DATA_PATH}/raw/upload_model_caption.json", 'w') as fp: json.dump(single_captions, fp) with open(f"{BASE_DIR}/mda_mds/image_name.json", 'w') as fp: json.dump({'image_name': image_name}, fp) return ['NA', results[image_name]]
def find_best_sift_image(base_img, images, k): """ Given a base image, find the k most similar images based on the color moment specified :param base_img: base image we want to compare to :param images: our list of images we are comparing against :param k: k most similar images :return: """ try: base_image_features = extract_img_features(base_img) except Exception: raise Exception("Could not find image. " "Please make sure the image path is correct") base_image_obj = cv2.imread(base_img) sift_avgs = [] for image in images: if image[3] == base_img: continue avg_dist, matches = compare_sifts(base_image_features[1], image[1], base_image_features[0], image[0]) sift_avgs.append((avg_dist, matches, image)) sift_avgs.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0), reverse=True) rank = 1 for sift_avg in sift_avgs[:k]: image_to_compare = cv2.imread(sift_avg[2][3]) result = cv2.drawMatches(base_image_obj, base_image_features[0], image_to_compare, sift_avg[2][0], sift_avg[1], None) result = cv2.resize(result, (800, 300)) cv2.imshow("RANK {}: {}".format(rank, sift_avg[2][3]), result) print("RANK {}: {} with a matching score of {:4.2f}%".format( rank, sift_avg[2][3], sift_avg[0])) rank += 1 print("Press 0 on a window to close all images") cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def find_best_color_moment_image(base_img, images, k, feature): """ Given a base image, find the k most similar images based on the color moment specified :param base_img: base image we want to compare to :param images: our list of images we are comparing against :param k: k most similar images :param feature: color moment feature: mean, std, or skew :return: """ try: base_image_features = extract_img_features(base_img) except Exception: raise Exception( "Could not find image. " "Please make sure the image id is correct ie. Hand_0000002") color_moment_avgs = [] for image in images: if image[3] == base_img: continue color_moment_avgs.append( (compare_color_moments(base_image_features[2], image[2], feature), image[3])) color_moment_avgs.sort(key=operator.itemgetter(0)) rank = 1 for color_moment in color_moment_avgs[:k]: result = cv2.imread(color_moment[1]) result = cv2.resize(result, (400, 300)) cv2.imshow("RANK {}: {}".format(rank, color_moment[1]), result) print("RANK {}: {} with an distance of {:4.2f}".format( rank, color_moment[1], color_moment[0])) rank += 1 print("Press 0 on a window to close all images") cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def detect_cells(self): #Время начала выполнения функции t1 = time.time() #Загрузка картинки loaded_img = io.imread(self.image_fname, as_grey=False) #Очистить изображение интерфейса для создания нового self.plot.clf() #Добавить plot sub_plot = self.plot.add_subplot(111) pos = 0 #Выставить 0 в очередь состояния прогресса self.queue_progress.put(0) #Кол-во "скользящих окон" в изображении total_wds = 759 # If the width or height of the scaled image is less than # the width or height of the window, then end the iterations. for (x, y, im_window) in self.sliding_window(loaded_img): if im_window.shape[0] != self.min_wdw_sz[1] or im_window.shape[ 1] != self.min_wdw_sz[0]: continue #Получить основные признаки изображение fd = extract_img_features(im_window) #Необходимо для классификатора fd = [fd] #Спрогнозировать объект находящийся в текущем скользящем окне pred = self.clf.predict(fd) #Вероятность прогнозирования predict_probability = np.amax(self.clf.predict_proba(fd)) #Если объект не "не клетка", то окно обнаружило клетку if pred[0] != 'Non_cell': #print('DETECTED '+pred[0]) self.detections.append( (x, y, np.amax(predict_probability), self.min_wdw_sz[0], self.min_wdw_sz[1], pred[0])) #Для прогресса загрузки pos = pos + 1 #Подсчет прогресса progress_old = self.progress self.progress = round((pos * 100) / total_wds) #Выставить новое значение прогресса if progress_old != self.progress: self.queue_progress.put(self.progress) self.queue_progress.put(100) #Время завершения скрипта t2 = time.time() print('Exec duration: ', (t2 - t1)) # Perform Non Maxima Suppression self.detections = nms(self.detections, 0.2) cell_color = 'red' for (x_tl, y_tl, _, w, h, cell_label) in self.detections: # Draw the detections if cell_label == "RBC": cell_color = 'red' elif cell_label == "WBC": cell_color = 'blue' elif cell_label == "Platelet": cell_color = 'green' #Нарисовать прямоугольник rect = mpatches.Rectangle((x_tl, y_tl), w, h, fill=False, edgecolor=cell_color, linewidth=1.2) sub_plot.add_patch(rect) #Добавить имя клетки sub_plot.text(x_tl, y_tl - 5, cell_label) #Показать обработанное изображение sub_plot.imshow(loaded_img) #Обновить канвас self.canvas.draw()
def detect_cells(self): t1 = time.time() self.plot.clf() sub_plot = self.plot.add_subplot(111) pos = 0 self.queue_progress.put(0) #Общее кол-во файлов в папке path, dirs, files = next(os.walk(self.folder_path)) file_count = len(files) #Пробежать по всем файлам заданной папки for file in os.listdir(self.folder_path): #Если файл не .jpg или .jpeg, то перейти к следуюшему if not (file.endswith('.jpg') or file.endswith('.jpeg')): continue #Загр файл loaded_img = io.imread(self.folder_path + '/' + file, as_grey=False) for (x, y, im_window) in self.sliding_window(loaded_img): if im_window.shape[0] != self.min_wdw_sz[1] or im_window.shape[ 1] != self.min_wdw_sz[0]: continue fd = extract_img_features(im_window) fd = [fd] pred = self.clf.predict(fd) predict_probability = np.amax(self.clf.predict_proba(fd)) if pred[0] != 'Non_cell': #print('DETECTED '+pred[0]) self.detections.append( (x, y, np.amax(predict_probability), self.min_wdw_sz[0], self.min_wdw_sz[1], pred[0])) # Perform Non Maxima Suppression self.detections = nms(self.detections, 0.2) for det in self.detections: if det[5] == 'Platelet': self.platelet_counter = self.platelet_counter + 1 elif det[5] == 'WBC': self.wbc_counter = self.wbc_counter + 1 else: self.rbc_counter = self.rbc_counter + 1 pos = pos + 1 progress_old = self.progress self.progress = round((pos * 100) / file_count) if progress_old != self.progress: self.queue_progress.put(self.progress) self.queue_progress.put(100) t2 = time.time() print('Exec duration: ', (t2 - t1)) #Рисование диаграммы кол-ва найденных клеток cell_types = ('RBC', 'WBC', 'Platelet') y_pos = np.arange(len(cell_types)) performance = [ self.rbc_counter, self.wbc_counter, self.platelet_counter ], performance, color=("red", "blue", "green"), alpha=0.5, width=0.7) sub_plot.set_xticks(y_pos) sub_plot.set_xticklabels(cell_types) sub_plot.set_ylabel('Счетчик') sub_plot.set_title('Количество найденных клеток') self.canvas.draw()
Xlist = [] Ylist = [] #Инит. счетчиков wbc_counter = 0 rbc_counter = 0 platelet_counter = 0 #Извлекаем все признаки картинок RBC for file in os.listdir(rbc_path): print(rbc_path + file) if file.endswith('.jpg'): cur_img = io.imread(rbc_path + file) fd = extract_img_features(cur_img) Xlist.append(fd) Ylist.append('RBC') #Извлекаем все признаки картинок WBC for file in os.listdir(wbc_path): print(wbc_path + file) if file.endswith('.jpg'): cur_img = io.imread(wbc_path + file) fd = extract_img_features(cur_img) Xlist.append(fd) Ylist.append('WBC')
t1 = time.time() # Load the classifier clf = joblib.load('training/bccd_model') # List to store the detections detections = [] img_heatmap = [] # If the width or height of the scaled image is less than # the width or height of the window, then end the iterations. for (x, y, im_window) in sliding_window(image, min_wdw_sz, step_size): if im_window.shape[0] != min_wdw_sz[1] or im_window.shape[1] != min_wdw_sz[0]: continue fd = extract_img_features(im_window) fd = [fd] pred = clf.predict(fd) predict_probability = np.amax(clf.predict_proba(fd)) if pred[0] != 'Non_cell': print('DETECTION!', pred[0]) if pred[0] == 'WBC': cell_color = 'blue' elif pred[0] == 'RBC': cell_color = 'red' else: cell_color = 'green'