Пример #1
def applyNMF(args):
    print("Applying NMF")
    global imageList
    global chunkSize
    global padding
    global regions
    model = NMF(k=args.nmf_k, max_iter=args.nmf_maxIter, 
                percentile=args.nmf_percentile, overlap=args.nmf_overlap, 
    model = model.fit(imageList, chunk_size=chunkSize, 
    merged = model.merge(overlap=args.nmf_overlap, max_iter=args.fit_mergeIter, 
    regions = [{'coordinates': region.coordinates.tolist()} 
        for region in merged.regions]
Пример #2
def main(datasets, base_dir, output_dir="output/nmf", gaussian_blur=0, verbose=False,
         n_components=5, max_iter=20, threshold=99, overlap=0.1, chunk_size=(32, 32), padding=(20, 20), merge_iter=5):
    Performs neuron segementation using the NMF implementation provided by thunder-extraction
    Results will be written to <output_dir>/00.00-output.json

    :param datasets: list of datasets (by name) to generate results for
    :param base_dir: directory that contains the datasets
    :param output_dir: directory where output file should be written
    :param k: number of components to estimate per block
    :param threshold: value for thresholding (higher means more thresholding)
    :param overlap: value for determining whether to merge (higher means fewer merges)
    :param chunk_size: process images in chunks of this size
    :param padding: add this much padding to each chunk
    :param merge_iter: number of iterations to perform when merging regions
    :return: array of bath.Result objects representing the result on each dataset
    results = []
    for dataset_name in datasets:
        if verbose: print("Processing dataset %s" % dataset_name)
        dataset = preprocess.load(dataset_name, base_dir)
        if verbose: print("Dataset loaded.")

        if gaussian_blur > 0:
            chunks = np.array_split(dataset.images, 30)
            summaries = np.array(list(map(preprocess.compute_summary, chunks)))
            # summaries =
            dataset.images = preprocess.gaussian_blur(summaries, gaussian_blur)

        model = NMF(k=n_components, max_iter=max_iter, percentile=threshold, overlap=overlap, min_size=20)
        model = model.fit(dataset.images, chunk_size=chunk_size, padding=padding)
        merged = model.merge(overlap=overlap, max_iter=merge_iter, k_nearest=20)
        regions = [{'coordinates': region.coordinates.tolist()} for region in merged.regions]

        result = Result(name=dataset_name, regions=regions)

        if verbose: print("Done with dataset %s" % dataset_name)

        if dataset.has_ground_truth() and verbose:
            f_score = result.f_score(dataset.true_regions)
            print("Combined score for dataset %s: %0.4f" % (dataset_name, f_score))

    if verbose: print("Writing results to %s" % output_dir)
    postprocess.write_results(results, output_dir, name="nmf-output.json")
    return results
Пример #3
def fit_NMF(data,
            chunk_size=(60, 60),
    fits nmf to dataset

    data : numpy matrix
        the video to which the NMF is fit
    n_comps : int
        number of components to estimate per block
    iters : int
        max number of algorithm iterations
    percentile : int
        the value for thresholding
    chunk_size : tuple
        width and height of chunk, two values
    overlap : float
        value determining whether to merge

    regions : list
        a list of regions extracted by NMF

    model = NMF(k=n_comps,
    model = model.fit(data, chunk_size=chunk_size, padding=(20, 20))
    merged = model.merge(overlap=overlap, max_iter=iters, k_nearest=20)
    regions = [{
        'coordinates': region.coordinates.tolist()
    } for region in merged.regions]

    return regions