Пример #1
    def test_parameters(self):
        input_img = build_img((16, 16))
        reference_img = build_img((36, 36))

        class ReferenceImgOperator(Operator):
            def run(self, img: Image, ctx: PipelineContext) -> Image:
                return reference_img

        reference_operator = ReferenceImgOperator()

        class TestHook(PipelineHook):
            def before_operator(self, operator: Operator, img: Image,
                                ctx: PipelineContext):
                assert img is input_img
                assert operator is reference_operator

            def after_operator(self, operator: Operator, img: Image,
                               ctx: PipelineContext):
                assert img is reference_img
                assert operator is reference_operator

            def after_pipeline(self, img: Image, ctx: PipelineContext):
                assert img is reference_img

        hook = TestHook()

        pipeline = CompVizPipeline()
        pipeline.add_operator('test', reference_operator)
        _ = pipeline.run(input_img, hooks=[hook])
Пример #2
def test_pipeline_execution_order(order_asserter_operator):
    pipeline = CompVizPipeline()
    pipeline.add_operator('op1', order_asserter_operator(0))
    pipeline.add_operator('op2', order_asserter_operator(1))
    pipeline.add_operator('op3', order_asserter_operator(2))

    pipeline.run(build_img((16, 16)))
Пример #3
    def test_add_info_works(self):
        info_name = 'info_name'
        info_value = object()

        class TestCtxAddInfo(Operator):
            def run(self, img: Image, ctx: PipelineContext) -> Image:
                ctx.add_info(info_name, info_value)
                return img

        pipeline = CompVizPipeline()
        op_name1 = 'test_op1'
        pipeline.add_operator(op_name1, TestCtxAddInfo())
        op_name2 = 'test_op2'
        pipeline.add_operator(op_name2, TestCtxAddInfo())

        _, returned_ctx = pipeline.run(build_img((16, 16)))

        expected_info = {
            op_name1: {
                info_name: info_value
            op_name2: {
                info_name: info_value
        actual_info = returned_ctx.info

        assert actual_info == expected_info
Пример #4
    def test_hooks_order(self, pipeline):
        call_count = 0

        class TestHook(PipelineHook):
            def before_pipeline(self, ctx: PipelineContext):
                nonlocal call_count
                assert call_count == 0
                call_count += 1

            def before_operator(self, operator: Operator, img: Image,
                                ctx: PipelineContext):
                nonlocal call_count
                assert call_count in (1, 3)
                call_count += 1

            def after_operator(self, operator: Operator, img: Image,
                               ctx: PipelineContext):
                nonlocal call_count
                assert call_count in (2, 4)
                call_count += 1

            def after_pipeline(self, img: Image, ctx: PipelineContext):
                nonlocal call_count
                assert call_count == 5
                call_count += 1

        img = build_img((16, 16))
        _ = pipeline.run(img, hooks=[TestHook()])

        assert call_count == 6
Пример #5
    def test_rename_keeps_operators_order(self, order_asserter_operator):
        pipeline = CompVizPipeline()
        pipeline.add_operator('op1', order_asserter_operator(0))
        pipeline.add_operator('op2', order_asserter_operator(1))
        pipeline.add_operator('op3', order_asserter_operator(2))

        pipeline.rename_operator('op2', 'new_name')

        pipeline.run(build_img((16, 16)))
Пример #6
def test_operator_fail():
    class FailingOperator(Operator):
        def run(self, img: Image, ctx: PipelineContext) -> Image:
            raise ValueError('Failed')

    pipeline = CompVizPipeline()
    pipeline.add_operator('op', FailingOperator())

    with pytest.raises(OperatorFailedError):
        pipeline.run(build_img((16, 16)))
Пример #7
    def test_check_op_return(self, return_value):
        class TestWrongReturnOperator(Operator):
            def run(self, img: np.ndarray, ctx: PipelineContext) -> Any:
                return return_value

        pipeline = CompVizPipeline()
        pipeline.add_operator('test_op', TestWrongReturnOperator())

        with pytest.raises(BadImageError) as e:
            pipeline.run(build_img((16, 16)))

        assert_terms_in_exception(e, ['return', 'invalid'])
Пример #8
    def test_gray_only_flag(self):
        class TestOnlyGrayFlagOperator(Operator):
            def run(self, img: Image, ctx: PipelineContext) -> Image:
                return img

        pipeline = CompVizPipeline()
        pipeline.add_operator('test_op', TestOnlyGrayFlagOperator())

        with pytest.raises(OperatorFailedError) as e:
            pipeline.run(build_img((16, 16), rgb=True))

        assert_terms_in_exception(e, ["expect", "gray"])
Пример #9
    def test_operator_cant_alter_original_img(self):
        class TestCtxOriginalImg(Operator):
            def run(self, img: Image, ctx: PipelineContext) -> Image:
                original_img = ctx.original_img
                original_img[10, ...] = 255
                return img

        pipeline = CompVizPipeline()
        pipeline.add_operator('test_op', TestCtxOriginalImg())

        test_img = build_img((128, 128), kind='black')
        with pytest.raises(OperatorFailedError) as e:

        assert_terms_in_exception(e, ['read-only'])
Пример #10
 def test_pipeline_run_empty_info(self, pipeline):
     img = build_img((16, 16))
     out, ctx = pipeline.run(img)
     assert ctx.info == {'op1': {}, 'op2': {}}
Пример #11
def original_img():
    return build_img((16, 16))