Пример #1
    def page_setup(self,
                   size=(297, 210),
                   margins=(0, 0, 0, 0),
                   offset=(0, 0),
        if self._paperspace == 0:
            raise DXFTypeError("No paper setup for model space.")

        # remove existing viewports
        for viewport in self.viewports():

        if int(rotation) not in (0, 1, 2, 3):
            raise DXFValueError("valid rotation values: 0-3")

        if isinstance(scale, int):
            scale = STD_SCALES.get(scale, (1, 1))

        if scale[0] == 0:
            raise DXFValueError("scale numerator can't be 0.")
        if scale[1] == 0:
            raise DXFValueError("scale denominator can't be 0.")

        scale_factor = scale[1] / scale[0]

        # TODO: don't know how to set inch or mm mode in R12
        units = units.lower()
        if units.startswith('inch'):
            units = 'Inches'
            plot_paper_units = 0
            unit_factor = 25.4  # inch to mm
        elif units == 'mm':
            units = 'MM'
            plot_paper_units = 1
            unit_factor = 1.0
            raise DXFValueError('Supported units: "mm" and "inch"')

        # all viewport parameters are scaled paper space units
        def paper_units(value):
            return value * scale_factor

        # TODO: don't know how paper setup in DXF R12 works
        paper_width, paper_height = size

        # TODO: don't know how margins setup in DXF R12 works
        margin_top, margin_right, margin_bottom, margin_left = margins

        paper_width = paper_units(size[0])
        paper_height = paper_units(size[1])

        plimmin = self.drawing.header['$PLIMMIN'] = (0, 0)
        plimmax = self.drawing.header['$PLIMMAX'] = (paper_width, paper_height)

        # TODO: don't know how paper setup in DXF R12 works

        pextmin = self.drawing.header['$PEXTMIN'] = (0, 0, 0)
        pextmax = self.drawing.header['$PEXTMAX'] = (paper_width, paper_height,

        # printing area
        printable_width = paper_width - paper_units(margin_left) - paper_units(
        printable_height = paper_height - paper_units(
            margin_bottom) - paper_units(margin_top)

        # AutoCAD viewport (window) size
        vp_width = paper_width * 1.1
        vp_height = paper_height * 1.1

        # center of printing area
        center = (printable_width / 2, printable_height / 2)

        # create 'main' viewport
        main_viewport = self.add_viewport(
            center=center,  # no influence to 'main' viewport?
            size=(vp_width, vp_height),  # I don't get it, just use paper size!
            view_center_point=center,  # same as center
            view_height=vp_height,  # view height in paper space units
        main_viewport.dxf.id = 1  # set as main viewport
        main_viewport.dxf.status = 2  # AutoCAD default value
        with main_viewport.edit_data() as vpdata:
            vpdata.view_mode = 1000  # AutoDesk default
Пример #2
    def page_setup(self, size: Tuple[float, float] = (297, 210),
                   margins: Tuple[float, float, float, float] = (10, 15, 10, 15),
                   units: str = 'mm',
                   offset: Tuple[float, float] = (0, 0),
                   rotation: int = 0,
                   scale: int = 16,
                   name: str = 'ezdxf',
                   device: str = 'DWG to PDF.pc3') -> None:
        Setup plot settings and paper size and reset viewports. All parameters in given `units` (mm or inch).

        Reset paper limits, extends and viewports.

            size: paper size as (width, height) tuple
            margins: (top, right, bottom, left) hint: clockwise
            units: ``'mm'`` or ``'inch'``
            offset: plot origin offset is 2D point
            rotation: see table Rotation
            scale: int 0-32 = standard scale type or tuple(numerator, denominator) e.g. ``(1, 50)`` for 1:50
            name: paper name prefix ``'{name}_({width}_x_{height}_{unit})'``
            device: device .pc3 configuration file or system printer name

        === ============
        int Rotation
        === ============
        0   no rotation
        1   90 degrees counter-clockwise
        2   upside-down
        3   90 degrees clockwise
        === ============

        if int(rotation) not in (0, 1, 2, 3):
            raise DXFValueError("valid rotation values: 0-3")

        if isinstance(scale, tuple):
            standard_scale = 16
        elif isinstance(scale, int):
            standard_scale = scale
            scale = STD_SCALES.get(standard_scale, (1, 1))
            raise DXFTypeError("scale has to be an int or a tuple(numerator, denominator)")
        if scale[0] == 0:
            raise DXFValueError("scale numerator can't be 0.")
        if scale[1] == 0:
            raise DXFValueError("scale denominator can't be 0.")

        self.use_standard_scale(False)  # works best, don't know why
        paper_width, paper_height = size
        margin_top, margin_right, margin_bottom, margin_left = margins
        units = units.lower()
        if units.startswith('inch'):
            units = 'Inches'
            plot_paper_units = 0
            unit_factor = 25.4  # inch to mm
        elif units == 'mm':
            units = 'MM'
            plot_paper_units = 1
            unit_factor = 1.0
            raise DXFValueError('Supported units: "mm" and "inch"')

        # Setup PLOTSETTINGS
        # all paper sizes in mm
        dxf = self.dxf_layout.dxf
        dxf.page_setup_name = ''
        dxf.plot_configuration_file = device
        dxf.paper_size = '{0}_({1:.2f}_x_{2:.2f}_{3})'.format(name, paper_width, paper_height, units)
        dxf.left_margin = margin_left * unit_factor
        dxf.bottom_margin = margin_bottom * unit_factor
        dxf.right_margin = margin_right * unit_factor
        dxf.top_margin = margin_top * unit_factor
        dxf.paper_width = paper_width * unit_factor
        dxf.paper_height = paper_height * unit_factor
        dxf.scale_numerator = scale[0]
        dxf.scale_denominator = scale[1]
        dxf.plot_paper_units = plot_paper_units
        dxf.plot_rotation = rotation

        x_offset, y_offset = offset
        dxf.plot_origin_x_offset = x_offset * unit_factor  # conversion to mm
        dxf.plot_origin_y_offset = y_offset * unit_factor  # conversion to mm
        dxf.standard_scale_type = standard_scale
        dxf.unit_factor = 1. / unit_factor  # 1/1 for mm; 1/25.4 ... for inch

        # Setup Layout