Пример #1
def test_vertext_array_transform_to_wcs():
    vertices = VertexArray()
    vertices.extend([(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0)])
    ucs = UCS(origin=(0, 0, 1))
    assert vertices[0] == (0, 0, 1)
    assert vertices[1] == (1, 0, 1)
    assert vertices[2] == (1, 1, 1)
Пример #2
def test_vertext_transform():
    vertices = VertexArray()
    vertices.extend([(0, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (1, 1, 0)])
    m = Matrix44.translate(0, 0, 1)
    assert vertices[0] == (0, 0, 1)
    assert vertices[1] == (1, 0, 1)
    assert vertices[2] == (1, 1, 1)
Пример #3
class Spline(DXFGraphic):
    """ DXF SPLINE entity """
    DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_entity, acdb_spline)
    CLOSED = 1  # closed b-spline
    PERIODIC = 2  # uniform b-spline
    RATIONAL = 4  # rational b-spline
    PLANAR = 8  # all spline points in a plane, don't read or set this bit, just ignore like AutoCAD
    LINEAR = 16  # always set with PLANAR, don't read or set this bit, just ignore like AutoCAD

    def __init__(self):
        self.fit_points = VertexArray()  # data stored as array.array('d')
        self.control_points = VertexArray()  # data stored as array.array('d')
        self.knots = []  # data stored as array.array('d')
        self.weights = []  # data stored as array.array('d')

    def _copy_data(self, entity: 'Spline') -> None:
        """ Copy data: control_points, fit_points, weights, knot_values. """
        entity._control_points = copy.deepcopy(self._control_points)
        entity._fit_points = copy.deepcopy(self._fit_points)
        entity._knots = copy.deepcopy(self._knots)
        entity._weights = copy.deepcopy(self._weights)

    def load_dxf_attribs(self,
                         processor: SubclassProcessor = None
                         ) -> 'DXFNamespace':
        dxf = super().load_dxf_attribs(processor)
        if processor:
            tags = processor.find_subclass(acdb_spline.name)
            # load spline data (fit points, control points, weights, knots) and
            # remove their tags from subclass:
            processor.load_and_recover_dxfattribs(dxf, acdb_spline)
        return dxf

    def load_spline_data(self, spline_tags: 'Tags') -> None:
        self.control_points = (value for code, value in spline_tags
                               if code == 10)
        self.fit_points = (value for code, value in spline_tags if code == 11)
        self.knots = (value for code, value in spline_tags if code == 40)
        self.weights = (value for code, value in spline_tags if code == 41)

    def export_entity(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None:
        """ Export entity specific data as DXF tags. """
        tagwriter.write_tag2(SUBCLASS_MARKER, acdb_spline.name)
                                    ['extrusion', 'flags', 'degree'])
        tagwriter.write_tag2(72, self.knot_count())
        tagwriter.write_tag2(73, self.control_point_count())
        tagwriter.write_tag2(74, self.fit_point_count())
        self.dxf.export_dxf_attribs(tagwriter, [


    def export_spline_data(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter'):
        for value in self._knots:
            tagwriter.write_tag2(40, value)

        if len(self._weights):
            for value in self._weights:
                tagwriter.write_tag2(41, value)

        self._control_points.export_dxf(tagwriter, code=10)
        self._fit_points.export_dxf(tagwriter, code=11)

    def closed(self) -> bool:
        """ ``True`` if spline is closed. A closed spline has a connection from
        the last control point to the first control point. (read/write)
        return self.get_flag_state(self.CLOSED, name='flags')

    def closed(self, status: bool) -> None:
        self.set_flag_state(self.CLOSED, state=status, name='flags')

    def knots(self) -> 'array.array':
        """ Knot values as :code:`array.array('d')`. """
        return self._knots

    def knots(self, values: Iterable[float]) -> None:
        self._knots = array.array('d', values)

    # DXF callback attribute Spline.dxf.n_knots
    def knot_count(self) -> int:
        """ Count of knot values. """
        return len(self._knots)

    def weights(self) -> 'array.array':
        """ Control point weights as :code:`array.array('d')`. """
        return self._weights

    def weights(self, values: Iterable[float]) -> None:
        self._weights = array.array('d', values)

    def control_points(self) -> VertexArray:
        """ :class:`~ezdxf.lldxf.packedtags.VertexArray` of control points in
        return self._control_points

    def control_points(self, points: Iterable['Vertex']) -> None:
        self._control_points = VertexArray(

    # DXF callback attribute Spline.dxf.n_control_points
    def control_point_count(self) -> int:
        """ Count of control points. """
        return len(self.control_points)

    def fit_points(self) -> VertexArray:
        """ :class:`~ezdxf.lldxf.packedtags.VertexArray` of fit points in
        return self._fit_points

    def fit_points(self, points: Iterable['Vertex']) -> None:
        self._fit_points = VertexArray(

    # DXF callback attribute Spline.dxf.n_fit_points
    def fit_point_count(self) -> int:
        """ Count of fit points. """
        return len(self.fit_points)

    def construction_tool(self) -> BSpline:
        """ Returns construction tool :class:`ezdxf.math.BSpline`.

        .. versionadded:: 0.13

        if self.control_point_count():
            weights = self.weights if len(self.weights) else None
            knots = self.knots if len(self.knots) else None
            return BSpline(control_points=self.control_points,
                           order=self.dxf.degree + 1,
        elif self.fit_point_count():
            return BSpline.from_fit_points(self.fit_points,
            raise ValueError(
                'Construction tool requires control- or fit points.')

    def apply_construction_tool(self, s) -> 'Spline':
        """ Set SPLINE data from construction tool :class:`ezdxf.math.BSpline`
        or from a :class:`geomdl.BSpline.Curve` object.

        .. versionadded:: 0.13

            self.control_points = s.control_points
        except AttributeError:  # maybe a geomdl.BSpline.Curve class
            s = BSpline.from_nurbs_python_curve(s)
            self.control_points = s.control_points

        self.dxf.degree = s.degree
        self.fit_points = []  # remove fit points
        self.knots = s.knots()
        self.weights = s.weights()
        self.set_flag_state(Spline.RATIONAL, state=bool(len(self.weights)))
        return self  # floating interface

    def flattening(self,
                   distance: float,
                   segments: int = 4) -> Iterable[Vector]:
        """ Adaptive recursive flattening. The argument `segments` is the
        minimum count of approximation segments between two knots, if the
        distance from the center of the approximation segment to the curve is
        bigger than `distance` the segment will be subdivided.

            distance: maximum distance from the projected curve point onto the
                segment chord.
            segments: minimum segment count between two knots

        .. versionadded:: 0.15

        return self.construction_tool().flattening(distance, segments)

    def from_arc(cls, entity: 'DXFGraphic') -> 'Spline':
        """ Create a new SPLINE entity from CIRCLE, ARC or ELLIPSE entity.

        The new SPLINE entity has no owner, no handle, is not stored in
        the entity database nor assigned to any layout!

        .. versionadded:: 0.13

        dxftype = entity.dxftype()
        if dxftype == 'ELLIPSE':
            ellipse = cast('Ellipse', entity).construction_tool()
        elif dxftype == 'CIRCLE':
            ellipse = ConstructionEllipse.from_arc(
                center=entity.dxf.get('center', NULLVEC),
                radius=abs(entity.dxf.get('radius', 1.0)),
                extrusion=entity.dxf.get('extrusion', Z_AXIS),
        elif dxftype == 'ARC':
            ellipse = ConstructionEllipse.from_arc(
                center=entity.dxf.get('center', NULLVEC),
                radius=abs(entity.dxf.get('radius', 1.0)),
                extrusion=entity.dxf.get('extrusion', Z_AXIS),
                start_angle=entity.dxf.get('start_angle', 0),
                end_angle=entity.dxf.get('end_angle', 360))
            raise TypeError('CIRCLE, ARC or ELLIPSE entity required.')

        spline = Spline.new(dxfattribs=entity.graphic_properties(),
        s = BSpline.from_ellipse(ellipse)
        spline.dxf.degree = s.degree
        spline.dxf.flags = Spline.RATIONAL
        spline.control_points = s.control_points
        spline.knots = s.knots()
        spline.weights = s.weights()
        return spline

    def set_open_uniform(self,
                         control_points: Sequence['Vertex'],
                         degree: int = 3) -> None:
        """ Open B-spline with uniform knot vector, start and end at your first
        and last control points.

        self.dxf.flags = 0
        self.dxf.degree = degree
        self.control_points = control_points
        self.knots = open_uniform_knot_vector(len(control_points), degree + 1)

    def set_uniform(self,
                    control_points: Sequence['Vertex'],
                    degree: int = 3) -> None:
        """ B-spline with uniform knot vector, does NOT start and end at your
        first and last control points.

        self.dxf.flags = 0
        self.dxf.degree = degree
        self.control_points = control_points
        self.knots = uniform_knot_vector(len(control_points), degree + 1)

    def set_closed(self, control_points: Sequence['Vertex'], degree=3) -> None:
        Closed B-spline with uniform knot vector, start and end at your first control point.

        self.dxf.flags = self.PERIODIC | self.CLOSED
        self.dxf.degree = degree
        self.control_points = control_points
        # AutoDesk Developer Docs:
        # If the spline is periodic, the length of knot vector will be greater
        # than length of the control array by 1, but this does not work with
        # BricsCAD.
        self.knots = uniform_knot_vector(len(self.control_points), degree + 1)

    def set_open_rational(self,
                          control_points: Sequence['Vertex'],
                          weights: Sequence[float],
                          degree: int = 3) -> None:
        """ Open rational B-spline with uniform knot vector, start and end at
        your first and last control points, and has additional control
        possibilities by weighting each control point.

        self.set_open_uniform(control_points, degree=degree)
        self.dxf.flags = self.dxf.flags | self.RATIONAL
        if len(weights) != len(self.control_points):
            raise DXFValueError(
                'Control point count must be equal to weights count.')
        self.weights = weights

    def set_uniform_rational(self,
                             control_points: Sequence['Vertex'],
                             weights: Sequence[float],
                             degree: int = 3) -> None:
        """ Rational B-spline with uniform knot vector, deos NOT start and end
        at your first and last control points, and has additional control
        possibilities by weighting each control point.

        self.set_uniform(control_points, degree=degree)
        self.dxf.flags = self.dxf.flags | self.RATIONAL
        if len(weights) != len(self.control_points):
            raise DXFValueError(
                'Control point count must be equal to weights count.')
        self.weights = weights

    def set_closed_rational(self,
                            control_points: Sequence['Vertex'],
                            weights: Sequence[float],
                            degree: int = 3) -> None:
        """ Closed rational B-spline with uniform knot vector, start and end at
        your first control point, and has additional control possibilities by
        weighting each control point.

        self.set_closed(control_points, degree=degree)
        self.dxf.flags = self.dxf.flags | self.RATIONAL
        weights = list(weights)
        if len(weights) != len(self.control_points):
            raise DXFValueError(
                'Control point count must be equal to weights count.')
        self.weights = weights

    def transform(self, m: 'Matrix44') -> 'Spline':
        """ Transform SPLINE entity by transformation matrix `m` inplace.

        .. versionadded:: 0.13

        # Transform optional attributes if they exist
        dxf = self.dxf
        for name in ('start_tangent', 'end_tangent', 'extrusion'):
            if dxf.hasattr(name):
                dxf.set(name, m.transform_direction(dxf.get(name)))

        return self
Пример #4
class Spline(DXFGraphic):
    """DXF SPLINE entity"""

    DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_entity, acdb_spline)
    CLOSED = 1  # closed b-spline
    PERIODIC = 2  # uniform b-spline
    RATIONAL = 4  # rational b-spline
    PLANAR = 8  # all spline points in a plane, don't read or set this bit, just ignore like AutoCAD
    LINEAR = 16  # always set with PLANAR, don't read or set this bit, just ignore like AutoCAD

    def __init__(self):
        self.fit_points = VertexArray()
        self.control_points = VertexArray()
        self.knots = []
        self.weights = []

    def _copy_data(self, entity: DXFEntity) -> None:
        """Copy data: control_points, fit_points, weights, knot_values."""
        assert isinstance(entity, Spline)
        entity._control_points = copy.deepcopy(self._control_points)
        entity._fit_points = copy.deepcopy(self._fit_points)
        entity._knots = copy.deepcopy(self._knots)
        entity._weights = copy.deepcopy(self._weights)

    def load_dxf_attribs(self,
                         processor: SubclassProcessor = None
                         ) -> "DXFNamespace":
        dxf = super().load_dxf_attribs(processor)
        if processor:
            tags = processor.subclass_by_index(2)
            if tags:
                tags = Tags(self.load_spline_data(tags))
                raise DXFStructureError(
                    f"missing 'AcDbSpline' subclass in SPLINE(#{dxf.handle})")
        return dxf

    def load_spline_data(self, tags) -> Iterable:
        """Load and set spline data (fit points, control points, weights,
        knots) and remove invalid start- and end tangents.
        Yields the remaining unprocessed tags.
        control_points = []
        fit_points = []
        knots = []
        weights = []
        for tag in tags:
            code, value = tag
            if code == 10:
            elif code == 11:
            elif code == 40:
            elif code == 41:
            elif code in (12, 13) and NULLVEC.isclose(value):
                # Tangent values equal to (0, 0, 0) are invalid and ignored at
                # the loading stage!
                yield tag
        self.control_points = control_points
        self.fit_points = fit_points
        self.knots = knots
        self.weights = weights

    def export_entity(self, tagwriter: "TagWriter") -> None:
        """Export entity specific data as DXF tags."""
        tagwriter.write_tag2(SUBCLASS_MARKER, acdb_spline.name)
                                    ["extrusion", "flags", "degree"])
        tagwriter.write_tag2(72, self.knot_count())
        tagwriter.write_tag2(73, self.control_point_count())
        tagwriter.write_tag2(74, self.fit_point_count())


    def export_spline_data(self, tagwriter: "TagWriter"):
        for value in self._knots:
            tagwriter.write_tag2(40, value)

        if len(self._weights):
            for value in self._weights:
                tagwriter.write_tag2(41, value)

        self._control_points.export_dxf(tagwriter, code=10)  # type: ignore
        self._fit_points.export_dxf(tagwriter, code=11)  # type: ignore

    def closed(self) -> bool:
        """``True`` if spline is closed. A closed spline has a connection from
        the last control point to the first control point. (read/write)
        return self.get_flag_state(self.CLOSED, name="flags")

    def closed(self, status: bool) -> None:
        self.set_flag_state(self.CLOSED, state=status, name="flags")

    def knots(self) -> List[float]:
        """Knot values as :code:`array.array('d')`."""
        return self._knots

    def knots(self, values: Iterable[float]) -> None:
        self._knots: List[float] = cast(List[float], array.array("d", values))

    # DXF callback attribute Spline.dxf.n_knots
    def knot_count(self) -> int:
        """Count of knot values."""
        return len(self._knots)

    def weights(self) -> List[float]:
        """Control point weights as :code:`array.array('d')`."""
        return self._weights

    def weights(self, values: Iterable[float]) -> None:
        self._weights: List[float] = cast(List[float],
                                          array.array("d", values))

    def control_points(self) -> Vertices:
        """:class:`~ezdxf.lldxf.packedtags.VertexArray` of control points in
        return self._control_points

    def control_points(self, points: Iterable["Vertex"]) -> None:
        self._control_points: Vertices = cast(
            Vertices, VertexArray(chain.from_iterable(Vec3.generate(points))))

    # DXF callback attribute Spline.dxf.n_control_points
    def control_point_count(self) -> int:
        """Count of control points."""
        return len(self.control_points)

    def fit_points(self) -> Vertices:
        """:class:`~ezdxf.lldxf.packedtags.VertexArray` of fit points in
        return self._fit_points

    def fit_points(self, points: Iterable["Vertex"]) -> None:
        self._fit_points: Vertices = cast(

    # DXF callback attribute Spline.dxf.n_fit_points
    def fit_point_count(self) -> int:
        """Count of fit points."""
        return len(self.fit_points)

    def construction_tool(self) -> BSpline:
        """Returns the construction tool :class:`ezdxf.math.BSpline`."""
        if self.control_point_count():
            weights = self.weights if len(self.weights) else None
            knots = self.knots if len(self.knots) else None
            return BSpline(
                order=self.dxf.degree + 1,
        elif self.fit_point_count():
            tangents = None
            if self.dxf.hasattr("start_tangent") and self.dxf.hasattr(
                tangents = [self.dxf.start_tangent, self.dxf.end_tangent]
            # SPLINE from fit points has always a degree of 3!
            return fit_points_to_cad_cv(
            raise ValueError(
                "Construction tool requires control- or fit points.")

    def apply_construction_tool(self, s) -> "Spline":
        """Apply SPLINE data from a :class:`~ezdxf.math.BSpline` construction
        tool or from a :class:`geomdl.BSpline.Curve` object.

            self.control_points = s.control_points
        except AttributeError:  # maybe a geomdl.BSpline.Curve class
            s = BSpline.from_nurbs_python_curve(s)
            self.control_points = s.control_points

        self.dxf.degree = s.degree
        self.fit_points = []  # remove fit points
        self.knots = s.knots()
        self.weights = s.weights()
        self.set_flag_state(Spline.RATIONAL, state=bool(len(self.weights)))
        return self  # floating interface

    def flattening(self, distance: float, segments: int = 4) -> Iterable[Vec3]:
        """Adaptive recursive flattening. The argument `segments` is the
        minimum count of approximation segments between two knots, if the
        distance from the center of the approximation segment to the curve is
        bigger than `distance` the segment will be subdivided.

            distance: maximum distance from the projected curve point onto the
                segment chord.
            segments: minimum segment count between two knots

        .. versionadded:: 0.15

        return self.construction_tool().flattening(distance, segments)

    def from_arc(cls, entity: "DXFGraphic") -> "Spline":
        """Create a new SPLINE entity from a CIRCLE, ARC or ELLIPSE entity.

        The new SPLINE entity has no owner, no handle, is not stored in
        the entity database nor assigned to any layout!

        dxftype = entity.dxftype()
        if dxftype == "ELLIPSE":
            ellipse = cast("Ellipse", entity).construction_tool()
        elif dxftype == "CIRCLE":
            ellipse = ConstructionEllipse.from_arc(
                center=entity.dxf.get("center", NULLVEC),
                radius=abs(entity.dxf.get("radius", 1.0)),
                extrusion=entity.dxf.get("extrusion", Z_AXIS),
        elif dxftype == "ARC":
            ellipse = ConstructionEllipse.from_arc(
                center=entity.dxf.get("center", NULLVEC),
                radius=abs(entity.dxf.get("radius", 1.0)),
                extrusion=entity.dxf.get("extrusion", Z_AXIS),
                start_angle=entity.dxf.get("start_angle", 0),
                end_angle=entity.dxf.get("end_angle", 360),
            raise TypeError("CIRCLE, ARC or ELLIPSE entity required.")

        spline = Spline.new(dxfattribs=entity.graphic_properties(),
        s = BSpline.from_ellipse(ellipse)
        spline.dxf.degree = s.degree
        spline.dxf.flags = Spline.RATIONAL
        spline.control_points = s.control_points  # type: ignore
        spline.knots = s.knots()  # type: ignore
        spline.weights = s.weights()  # type: ignore
        return spline

    def set_open_uniform(self,
                         control_points: Sequence["Vertex"],
                         degree: int = 3) -> None:
        """Open B-spline with uniform knot vector, start and end at your first
        and last control points.

        self.dxf.flags = 0
        self.dxf.degree = degree
        self.control_points = control_points  # type: ignore
        self.knots = open_uniform_knot_vector(len(control_points), degree + 1)

    def set_uniform(self,
                    control_points: Sequence["Vertex"],
                    degree: int = 3) -> None:
        """B-spline with uniform knot vector, does NOT start and end at your
        first and last control points.

        self.dxf.flags = 0
        self.dxf.degree = degree
        self.control_points = control_points  # type: ignore
        self.knots = uniform_knot_vector(len(control_points), degree + 1)

    def set_closed(self, control_points: Sequence["Vertex"], degree=3) -> None:
        Closed B-spline with uniform knot vector, start and end at your first control point.

        self.dxf.flags = self.PERIODIC | self.CLOSED
        self.dxf.degree = degree
        self.control_points = control_points  # type: ignore
        # AutoDesk Developer Docs:
        # If the spline is periodic, the length of knot vector will be greater
        # than length of the control array by 1, but this does not work with
        # BricsCAD.
        self.knots = uniform_knot_vector(len(self.control_points), degree + 1)

    def set_open_rational(
        control_points: Sequence["Vertex"],
        weights: Sequence[float],
        degree: int = 3,
    ) -> None:
        """Open rational B-spline with uniform knot vector, start and end at
        your first and last control points, and has additional control
        possibilities by weighting each control point.

        self.set_open_uniform(control_points, degree=degree)
        self.dxf.flags = self.dxf.flags | self.RATIONAL
        if len(weights) != len(self.control_points):
            raise DXFValueError(
                "Control point count must be equal to weights count.")
        self.weights = weights  # type: ignore

    def set_uniform_rational(
        control_points: Sequence["Vertex"],
        weights: Sequence[float],
        degree: int = 3,
    ) -> None:
        """Rational B-spline with uniform knot vector, does NOT start and end
        at your first and last control points, and has additional control
        possibilities by weighting each control point.

        self.set_uniform(control_points, degree=degree)
        self.dxf.flags = self.dxf.flags | self.RATIONAL
        if len(weights) != len(self.control_points):
            raise DXFValueError(
                "Control point count must be equal to weights count.")
        self.weights = weights  # type: ignore

    def set_closed_rational(
        control_points: Sequence["Vertex"],
        weights: Sequence[float],
        degree: int = 3,
    ) -> None:
        """Closed rational B-spline with uniform knot vector, start and end at
        your first control point, and has additional control possibilities by
        weighting each control point.

        self.set_closed(control_points, degree=degree)
        self.dxf.flags = self.dxf.flags | self.RATIONAL
        weights = list(weights)
        if len(weights) != len(self.control_points):
            raise DXFValueError(
                "Control point count must be equal to weights count.")
        self.weights = weights

    def transform(self, m: "Matrix44") -> "Spline":
        """Transform the SPLINE entity by transformation matrix `m` inplace."""
        self._control_points.transform(m)  # type: ignore
        self._fit_points.transform(m)  # type: ignore
        # Transform optional attributes if they exist
        dxf = self.dxf
        for name in ("start_tangent", "end_tangent", "extrusion"):
            if dxf.hasattr(name):
                dxf.set(name, m.transform_direction(dxf.get(name)))
        return self

    def audit(self, auditor: "Auditor") -> None:
        """Audit the SPLINE entity.

        .. versionadded:: 0.15.1

        degree = self.dxf.degree
        name = str(self)

        if degree < 1:
                message=f"Removed {name} with invalid degree: {degree} < 1.",

        n_control_points = len(self.control_points)
        n_fit_points = len(self.fit_points)

        if n_control_points == 0 and n_fit_points == 0:
                message=f"Removed {name} without any points (no geometry).",

        if n_control_points > 0:
        # Ignore fit points if defined by control points
        elif n_fit_points > 0:

    def _audit_control_points(self, auditor: "Auditor"):
        name = str(self)
        order = self.dxf.degree + 1
        n_control_points = len(self.control_points)

        # Splines with to few control points can't be processed:
        n_control_points_required = required_control_points(order)
        if n_control_points < n_control_points_required:
                message=f"Removed {name} with invalid control point count: "
                f"{n_control_points} < {n_control_points_required}",

        n_weights = len(self.weights)
        n_knots = len(self.knots)
        n_knots_required = required_knot_values(n_control_points, order)

        if n_knots < n_knots_required:
            # Can not fix entity: because the knot values are basic
            # values which define the geometry of SPLINE.
                message=f"Removed {name} with invalid knot value count: "
                f"{n_knots} < {n_knots_required}",

        if n_weights and n_weights != n_control_points:
            # Can not fix entity: because the weights are basic
            # values which define the geometry of SPLINE.
                message=f"Removed {name} with invalid weight count: "
                f"{n_weights} != {n_control_points}",

    def _audit_fit_points(self, auditor: "Auditor"):
        name = str(self)
        order = self.dxf.degree + 1
        # Assuming end tangents will be estimated if not present,
        # like by ezdxf:
        n_fit_points_required = required_fit_points(order, tangents=True)

        # Splines with to few fit points can't be processed:
        n_fit_points = len(self.fit_points)
        if n_fit_points < n_fit_points_required:
                message=f"Removed {name} with invalid fit point count: "
                f"{n_fit_points} < {n_fit_points_required}",

        # Knot values have no meaning for splines defined by fit points:
        if len(self.knots):
                message=f"Removed unused knot values for {name} "
                f"defined by fit points.",
            self.knots = []

        # Weights have no meaning for splines defined by fit points:
        if len(self.weights):
                message=f"Removed unused weights for {name} "
                f"defined by fit points.",
            self.weights = []

    def ocs(self) -> OCS:
        # WCS entity which supports the "extrusion" attribute in a
        # different way!
        return OCS()
Пример #5
class Spline(DXFGraphic):
    """ DXF SPLINE entity """
    DXFATTRIBS = DXFAttributes(base_class, acdb_entity, acdb_spline)
    CLOSED = 1  # closed b-spline
    PERIODIC = 2  # uniform b-spline
    RATIONAL = 4  # rational b-spline
    PLANAR = 8  # all spline points in a plane, don't read or set this bit, just ignore like AutoCAD
    LINEAR = 16  # always set with PLANAR, don't read or set this bit, just ignore like AutoCAD

    def __init__(self, doc: 'Drawing' = None):
        self.fit_points = VertexArray()  # data stored as array.array('d')
        self.control_points = VertexArray()  # data stored as array.array('d')
        self.knots = []  # data stored as array.array('d')
        self.weights = []  # data stored as array.array('d')

    def _copy_data(self, entity: 'Spline') -> None:
        """ Copy data: control_points, fit_points, weights, knot_values. """
        entity._control_points = copy.deepcopy(self._control_points)
        entity._fit_points = copy.deepcopy(self._fit_points)
        entity._knots = copy.deepcopy(self._knots)
        entity._weights = copy.deepcopy(self._weights)

    def load_dxf_attribs(self,
                         processor: SubclassProcessor = None
                         ) -> 'DXFNamespace':
        dxf = super().load_dxf_attribs(processor)
        if processor:
            tags = processor.find_subclass(acdb_spline.name)
            # load spline data (fit points, control points, weights, knots) and remove their tags from subclass
            # load remaining data into name space
            tags = processor.load_dxfattribs_into_namespace(dxf, acdb_spline)
            if len(tags):
                processor.log_unprocessed_tags(tags, subclass=acdb_spline.name)
        return dxf

    def load_spline_data(self, spline_tags: 'Tags') -> None:
        self.control_points = (value for code, value in spline_tags
                               if code == 10)
        self.fit_points = (value for code, value in spline_tags if code == 11)
        self.knots = (value for code, value in spline_tags if code == 40)
        self.weights = (value for code, value in spline_tags if code == 41)

    def export_entity(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter') -> None:
        """ Export entity specific data as DXF tags. """
        # base class export is done by parent class
        # AcDbEntity export is done by parent class
        tagwriter.write_tag2(SUBCLASS_MARKER, acdb_spline.name)
                                    ['extrusion', 'flags', 'degree'])
        tagwriter.write_tag2(72, self.knot_count())
        tagwriter.write_tag2(73, self.control_point_count())
        tagwriter.write_tag2(74, self.fit_point_count())
        self.dxf.export_dxf_attribs(tagwriter, [


    def export_spline_data(self, tagwriter: 'TagWriter'):
        for value in self._knots:
            tagwriter.write_tag2(40, value)

        if len(self._weights):
            for value in self._weights:
                tagwriter.write_tag2(41, value)

        self._control_points.export_dxf(tagwriter, code=10)
        self._fit_points.export_dxf(tagwriter, code=11)

    def closed(self) -> bool:
        """ ``True`` if spline is closed. A closed spline has a connection from the last control point
        to the first control point. (read/write)
        return self.get_flag_state(self.CLOSED, name='flags')

    def closed(self, status: bool) -> None:
        self.set_flag_state(self.CLOSED, state=status, name='flags')

    def knots(self) -> 'array.array':  # group code 40
        """ Knot values as :code:`array.array('d')`. """
        return self._knots

    def knots(self, values: Iterable[float]) -> None:
        self._knots = array.array('d', values)

    def knot_count(self) -> int:  # DXF callback attribute Spline.dxf.n_knots
        """ Count of knot values. """
        return len(self._knots)

    def weights(self) -> 'array.array':  # group code 41
        """ Control point weights as :code:`array.array('d')`. """
        return self._weights

    def weights(self, values: Iterable[float]) -> None:
        self._weights = array.array('d', values)

    def control_points(self) -> VertexArray:  # group code 10
        """ :class:`~ezdxf.lldxf.packedtags.VertexArray` of control points in :ref:`WCS`. """
        return self._control_points

    def control_points(self, points: Iterable['Vertex']) -> None:
        self._control_points = VertexArray(

    def control_point_count(
            self) -> int:  # DXF callback attribute Spline.dxf.n_control_points
        """ Count of control points. """
        return len(self.control_points)

    def fit_points(self) -> VertexArray:  # group code 11
        """ :class:`~ezdxf.lldxf.packedtags.VertexArray` of fit points in :ref:`WCS`. """
        return self._fit_points

    def fit_points(self, points: Iterable['Vertex']) -> None:
        self._fit_points = VertexArray(

    def fit_point_count(
            self) -> int:  # DXF callback attribute Spline.dxf.n_fit_points
        """ Count of fit points. """
        return len(self.fit_points)

    def construction_tool(self) -> BSpline:
        Returns construction tool :class:`ezdxf.math.BSpline`.

        .. versionadded:: 0.13

        if self.control_point_count():
            weights = self.weights if len(self.weights) else None
            knots = self.knots if len(self.knots) else None
            return BSpline(control_points=self.control_points,
                           order=self.dxf.degree + 1,
        elif self.fit_point_count():
            return BSpline.from_fit_points(self.fit_points,
            raise ValueError(
                'Construction tool requires control- or fit points.')

    def apply_construction_tool(self, s) -> 'Spline':
        Set SPLINE data from construction tool :class:`ezdxf.math.BSpline` or from a
        :class:`geomdl.BSpline.Curve` object.

        .. versionadded:: 0.13

            self.control_points = s.control_points
        except AttributeError:  # maybe a geomdl.BSpline.Curve class
            s = BSpline.from_nurbs_python_curve(s)
            self.control_points = s.control_points

        self.dxf.degree = s.degree
        self.fit_points = []  # remove fit points
        self.knots = s.knots()
        self.weights = s.weights()
        self.set_flag_state(Spline.RATIONAL, state=bool(len(self.weights)))
        return self  # floating interface

    def from_arc(cls, entity: 'DXFGraphic') -> 'Spline':
        """ Create a new SPLINE entity from CIRCLE, ARC or ELLIPSE entity.

        The new SPLINE entity has no owner, no handle, is not stored in
        the entity database nor assigned to any layout!

        .. versionadded:: 0.13

        dxftype = entity.dxftype()
        if dxftype == 'ELLIPSE':
            ellipse = cast('Ellipse', entity).construction_tool()
        elif dxftype == 'CIRCLE':
            ellipse = ConstructionEllipse.from_arc(
                center=entity.dxf.get('center', NULLVEC),
                radius=entity.dxf.get('radius', 1.0),
                extrusion=entity.dxf.get('extrusion', Z_AXIS),
        elif dxftype == 'ARC':
            ellipse = ConstructionEllipse.from_arc(
                center=entity.dxf.get('center', NULLVEC),
                radius=entity.dxf.get('radius', 1.0),
                extrusion=entity.dxf.get('extrusion', Z_AXIS),
                start_angle=entity.dxf.get('start_angle', 0),
                end_angle=entity.dxf.get('end_angle', 360))
            raise TypeError('CIRCLE, ARC or ELLIPSE entity required.')

        spline = Spline.new(dxfattribs=entity.graphic_properties(),
        s = BSpline.from_ellipse(ellipse)
        spline.dxf.degree = s.degree
        spline.dxf.flags = Spline.RATIONAL
        spline.control_points = s.control_points
        spline.knots = s.knots()
        spline.weights = s.weights()
        return spline

    def set_open_uniform(self,
                         control_points: Sequence['Vertex'],
                         degree: int = 3) -> None:
        Open B-spline with uniform knot vector, start and end at your first and last control points.

        self.dxf.flags = 0  # clear all flags
        self.dxf.degree = degree
        self.control_points = control_points
        self.knots = open_uniform_knot_vector(len(control_points), degree + 1)

    def set_uniform(self,
                    control_points: Sequence['Vertex'],
                    degree: int = 3) -> None:
        B-spline with uniform knot vector, does NOT start and end at your first and last control points.

        self.dxf.flags = 0  # clear all flags
        self.dxf.degree = degree
        self.control_points = control_points
        self.knots = uniform_knot_vector(len(control_points), degree + 1)

    def set_closed(self, control_points: Sequence['Vertex'], degree=3) -> None:
        Closed B-spline with uniform knot vector, start and end at your first control point.

        self.dxf.flags = self.PERIODIC | self.CLOSED
        self.dxf.degree = degree
        self.control_points = control_points
        # AutoDesk Developer Docs:
        # If the spline is periodic, the length of knot vector will be greater than length of the control array by 1.
        # but this does not work with BricsCAD
        # self.knots = range(len(control_points) + 1)
        self.knots = uniform_knot_vector(len(self.control_points), degree + 1)

    def set_open_rational(self,
                          control_points: Sequence['Vertex'],
                          weights: Sequence[float],
                          degree: int = 3) -> None:
        Open rational B-spline with uniform knot vector, start and end at your first and last control points, and has
        additional control possibilities by weighting each control point.

        self.set_open_uniform(control_points, degree=degree)
        self.dxf.flags = self.dxf.flags | self.RATIONAL
        if len(weights) != len(self.control_points):
            raise DXFValueError(
                'Control point count must be equal to weights count.')
        self.weights = weights

    def set_uniform_rational(self,
                             control_points: Sequence['Vertex'],
                             weights: Sequence[float],
                             degree: int = 3) -> None:
        Rational B-spline with uniform knot vector, deos NOT start and end at your first and last control points, and
        has additional control possibilities by weighting each control point.

        self.set_uniform(control_points, degree=degree)
        self.dxf.flags = self.dxf.flags | self.RATIONAL
        if len(weights) != len(self.control_points):
            raise DXFValueError(
                'Control point count must be equal to weights count.')
        self.weights = weights

    def set_closed_rational(self,
                            control_points: Sequence['Vertex'],
                            weights: Sequence[float],
                            degree: int = 3) -> None:
        Closed rational B-spline with uniform knot vector, start and end at your first control point, and has
        additional control possibilities by weighting each control point.

        self.set_closed(control_points, degree=degree)
        self.dxf.flags = self.dxf.flags | self.RATIONAL
        weights = list(weights)
        if len(weights) != len(self.control_points):
            raise DXFValueError(
                'Control point count must be equal to weights count.')
        self.weights = weights

    def edit_data(self) -> 'SplineData':
        .. versionchanged:: 0.10

            This method only exist for backward compatibility, since v0.10 SPLINE attributes :attr:`fit_points`,
            :attr:`control_points`, :attr:`knots` and :attr:`weights` are read- and writeable list-like containers.

        Context manager for all spline data, returns :class:`SplineData`.

        Fit points, control points, knot values and weights can be manipulated as lists by using the general
        context manager :meth:`Spline.edit_data`::

            with spline.edit_data() as spline_data:
                # spline_data contains list like objects: add, change or delete items as you want
                # fit_points and control_points have to be (x, y, z) tuples
                # knot_values and weights have to be numbers
                spline_data.fit_points.append((200, 300, 0))  # append a fit point
                # on exit the context manager sets spline data automatically and updates all counters

        warnings.warn('Spline.edit_data() is deprecated (removed in v0.15).',
        data = SplineData(self)
        yield data
        if data.fit_points is not self.fit_points:
            self.fit_points = data.fit_points

        if data.control_points is not self.control_points:
            self.control_points = data.control_points

        if data.knots is not self.knots:
            self.knots = data.knots

        if data.weights is not self.weights:
            self.weights = data.weights

    def transform(self, m: 'Matrix44') -> 'Spline':
        """ Transform SPLINE entity by transformation matrix `m` inplace.

        .. versionadded:: 0.13

        # Transform optional attributes if they exist
        dxf = self.dxf
        for name in ('start_tangent', 'end_tangent', 'extrusion'):
            if dxf.hasattr(name):
                dxf.set(name, m.transform_direction(dxf.get(name)))

        return self