def check_brew_port(): """ Check for existence of homebrew or macports RETRUNS: string containing the installed package manager or None """ if check_command('brew'): return 'brew' elif check_command('port'): return 'port' else: return None
def install_sysv_init_script(nsd, nuser, cfgfile): """ Install the APP init script for an operational deployment. The init script is an old System V init system. In the presence of a systemd-enabled system we use the update-rc.d tool to enable the script as part of systemd (instead of the System V chkconfig tool which we use instead). The script is prepared to deal with both tools. """ # Different distros place it in different directories # The init script is prepared for both opt_file = '/etc/sysconfig/dlg' if get_linux_flavor() in ('Ubuntu', 'Debian'): opt_file = '/etc/default/dlg' # Script file installation sudo('cp {0}/fabfile/init/sysv/dlg-* /etc/init.d/'.format(nsd)) sudo('chmod 755 /etc/init.d/dlg-*') # Options file installation and edition sudo('cp {0}/fabfile/init/sysv/dlg.options {1}'.format(nsd, opt_file)) sudo('chmod 644 %s' % (opt_file, )) # Enabling init file on boot if check_command('update-rc.d'): sudo('update-rc.d dlg-nm defaults') sudo('update-rc.d dlg-dim defaults') else: sudo('chkconfig --add dlg-nm') sudo('chkconfig --add dlg-dim') success("{0} init script installed".format(env.APP_NAME))
def install_homebrew(): """ Task to install homebrew on Mac OSX. NOTE: This should not be done if macports is installed already. """ lf = get_linux_flavor() if lf != 'Darwin': puts(red("Potentially this is not a Mac OSX installation: {0}".format(lf))) raise(ValueError) if check_command('port'): puts(red('MacPorts is installed and it is not recommended to mix it with homebrew!!')) puts(red('Bailing out!')) raise(ValueError) return if not check_command('brew'): run('ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"') else: puts(red('Homebrew is installed already! New installation not required.'))
def install_sysv_init_script(nsd, nuser, cfgfile): """ Install the uwsgi init script for an operational deployment of EAGLE. The init script is an old System V init system. In the presence of a systemd-enabled system we use the update-rc.d tool to enable the script as part of systemd (instead of the System V chkconfig tool which we use instead). The script is prepared to deal with both tools. """ if env.FAB_TASK == 'docker_image': env.sudo_user = '******' elif env.FAB_TASK == 'aws_deploy': env.sudo_user = env.AWS_SUDO_USER with settings(user=env.sudo_user): # Different distros place it in different directories # The init script is prepared for both opt_file = '/etc/uwsgi/uwsgi.ini' # The uwsgi binary got installed into the virtualenv. Lets pull that over # to the system wide folder. sudo('cp {0}/bin/uwsgi /usr/local/bin/uwsgi'.format(APP_install_dir())) sudo('chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/uwsgi') # init file installation sudo('cp {0}/fabfile/init/sysv/uwsgi /etc/init.d/'.format(APP_source_dir())) sudo('chmod 755 /etc/init.d/uwsgi') # Options file installation and edition sudo('mkdir -p /etc/uwsgi') sudo('cp {0}/fabfile/init/sysv/uwsgi.ini {1}'.format(APP_source_dir(), opt_file)) sudo('chmod 644 {0}'.format(opt_file)) # Enabling init file on boot if check_command('update-rc.d'): sudo('update-rc.d uwsgi defaults') else: sudo('chkconfig --add uwsgi') # Nginx is not in standard repos # go get it [This is just for centos] sudo('cp {0}/fabfile/init/nginx.repo /etc/yum.repos.d/.'. format(APP_source_dir())) sudo('yum update ; yum install nginx') # Now let's connect that to nginx # Copy main nginx conf file sudo('cp {0}/fabfile/init/sysv/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/.'. format(APP_source_dir())) # copy uwsgi nginx conf file sudo('cp {0}/fabfile/init/sysv/eagle.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/.'. format(APP_source_dir())) success("Init scripts installed")
def install_sysv_init_script(nsd, nuser, cfgfile): """ Install the NGAS init script for an operational deployment. The init script is an old System V init system. In the presence of a systemd-enabled system we use the update-rc.d tool to enable the script as part of systemd (instead of the System V chkconfig tool which we use instead). The script is prepared to deal with both tools. """ # Different distros place it in different directories # The init script is prepared for both opt_file = '/etc/sysconfig/ngas' if get_linux_flavor() in ('Ubuntu', 'Debian'): opt_file = '/etc/default/ngas' # Script file installation sudo('cp %s/fabfile/init/sysv/ngas-server /etc/init.d/' % (nsd, )) sudo('chmod 755 /etc/init.d/ngas-server') # Options file installation and edition ntype = settings['NGAS_SERVER_TYPE'] sudo('cp %s/fabfile/init/sysv/ngas-server.options %s' % (nsd, opt_file)) sudo('chmod 644 %s' % (opt_file, )) sed(opt_file, '^USER=.*', 'USER=%s' % (nuser, ), use_sudo=True, backup='') sed(opt_file, '^CFGFILE=.*', 'CFGFILE=%s' % (cfgfile, ), use_sudo=True, backup='') if ntype == 'cache': sed(opt_file, '^CACHE=.*', 'CACHE=YES', use_sudo=True, backup='') elif ntype == 'data-mover': sed(opt_file, '^DATA_MOVER=.*', 'DATA_MOVER=YES', use_sudo=True, backup='') # Enabling init file on boot if check_command('update-rc.d'): sudo('update-rc.d ngas-server defaults') else: sudo('chkconfig --add ngas-server') success("NGAS init script installed")