Пример #1
	def getLoops(self, importRadius, z):
		"Get loops sliced through shape."
		visibleObjects = evaluate.getVisibleObjects(self.archivableObjects)
		loops = []
		for visibleObject in visibleObjects:
			loops += visibleObject.getLoops(importRadius, z)
		return loops
Пример #2
	def getLoops(self, importRadius, z):
		"Get loops sliced through shape."
		visibleObjects = evaluate.getVisibleObjects(self.archivableObjects)
		loops = []
		for visibleObject in visibleObjects:
			loops += visibleObject.getLoops(importRadius, z)
		return loops
Пример #3
	def getCarveRotatedBoundaryLayers(self):
		"Get the rotated boundary layers."
		vertexes = []
		for visibleObject in evaluate.getVisibleObjects(self.archivableObjects):
			vertexes += visibleObject.getTransformedVertexes()
		if len(vertexes) < 1:
			return []
		self.cornerMaximum = Vector3(-999999999.0, - 999999999.0, - 9999999999.9)
		self.cornerMinimum = Vector3(999999999.0, 999999999.0, 9999999999.9)
		for vertex in vertexes:
			self.cornerMaximum.z = max(self.cornerMaximum.z, vertex.z)
			self.cornerMinimum.z = min(self.cornerMinimum.z, vertex.z)
		trianglemesh.initializeZoneIntervalTable(self, vertexes)
		halfHeight = 0.5 * self.layerThickness
		z = self.cornerMinimum.z + halfHeight
		while z < self.cornerMaximum.z:
			z = self.getZAddExtruderPaths(z)
		for rotatedBoundaryLayer in self.rotatedBoundaryLayers:
			for loop in rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops:
				for point in loop:
					pointVector3 = Vector3(point.real, point.imag, rotatedBoundaryLayer.z)
					self.cornerMaximum = euclidean.getPointMaximum(self.cornerMaximum, pointVector3)
					self.cornerMinimum = euclidean.getPointMinimum(self.cornerMinimum, pointVector3)
		for rotatedBoundaryLayerIndex in xrange(len(self.rotatedBoundaryLayers) -1, -1, -1):
			rotatedBoundaryLayer = self.rotatedBoundaryLayers[rotatedBoundaryLayerIndex]
			if len(rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops) > 0:
				return self.rotatedBoundaryLayers[: rotatedBoundaryLayerIndex + 1]
		return []
Пример #4
	def getCarveRotatedBoundaryLayers(self):
		'Get the rotated boundary layers.'
		vertexes = []
		for visibleObject in evaluate.getVisibleObjects(self.archivableObjects):
			vertexes += visibleObject.getTransformedVertexes()
		if len(vertexes) < 1:
			return []
		self.maximumZ = -912345678.0
		self.minimumZ = 912345678.0
		for vertex in vertexes:
			self.maximumZ = max(self.maximumZ, vertex.z)
			self.minimumZ = min(self.minimumZ, vertex.z)
		triangle_mesh.initializeZoneIntervalTable(self, vertexes)
		halfHeight = 0.5 * self.layerThickness
		z = self.minimumZ + halfHeight
		while z < self.maximumZ:
			z = self.getZAddExtruderPaths(z)
		self.cornerMaximum = Vector3(-912345678.0, -912345678.0, -912345678.0)
		self.cornerMinimum = Vector3(912345678.0, 912345678.0, 912345678.0)
		for rotatedLoopLayer in self.rotatedLoopLayers:
			for loop in rotatedLoopLayer.loops:
				for point in loop:
					pointVector3 = Vector3(point.real, point.imag, rotatedLoopLayer.z)
		self.cornerMaximum.z += halfHeight
		self.cornerMinimum.z -= halfHeight
		for rotatedLoopLayerIndex in xrange(len(self.rotatedLoopLayers) -1, -1, -1):
			rotatedLoopLayer = self.rotatedLoopLayers[rotatedLoopLayerIndex]
			if len(rotatedLoopLayer.loops) > 0:
				return self.rotatedLoopLayers[: rotatedLoopLayerIndex + 1]
		return []
Пример #5
	def getLoops(self, importRadius, z):
		"Get loops sliced through shape."
		visibleObjects = evaluate.getVisibleObjects(self.archivableObjects)
		if len( visibleObjects ) < 1:
			return []
		visibleObjectLoopsList = getVisibleObjectLoopsList( importRadius, visibleObjects, z )
		loops = self.getLoopsFromObjectLoopsList( importRadius, visibleObjectLoopsList )
		return euclidean.getSimplifiedLoops( loops, importRadius )
Пример #6
	def getLoops(self, importRadius, z):
		'Get loops sliced through shape.'
		visibleObjects = evaluate.getVisibleObjects(self.archivableObjects)
		if len( visibleObjects ) < 1:
			return []
		visibleObjectLoopsList = getVisibleObjectLoopsList( importRadius, visibleObjects, z )
		loops = self.getLoopsFromObjectLoopsList(importRadius, visibleObjectLoopsList)
		return euclidean.getSimplifiedLoops( loops, importRadius )
Пример #7
 def getGeometryOutput(self):
     'Get geometry output dictionary.'
     visibleObjects = evaluate.getVisibleObjects(self.archivableObjects)
     shapeOutput = []
     for visibleObject in visibleObjects:
         visibleObjectOutput = visibleObject.getGeometryOutput()
         if visibleObjectOutput != None:
     if len(shapeOutput) < 1:
         return None
     return {self.getXMLLocalName() : {'shapes' : shapeOutput}}
Пример #8
	def getGeometryOutput(self):
		'Get geometry output dictionary.'
		visibleObjects = evaluate.getVisibleObjects(self.archivableObjects)
		shapeOutput = []
		for visibleObject in visibleObjects:
			visibleObjectOutput = visibleObject.getGeometryOutput()
			if visibleObjectOutput != None:
		if len(shapeOutput) < 1:
			return None
		return {self.getXMLClassName() : {'shapes' : shapeOutput}}
Пример #9
 def getGeometryOutput(self):
     'Get geometry output dictionary.'
     shapeOutput = []
     for visibleObject in evaluate.getVisibleObjects(
         geometryOutput = visibleObject.getGeometryOutput()
         if geometryOutput != None:
     if len(shapeOutput) < 1:
         return None
     return {self.getXMLLocalName(): {'shapes': shapeOutput}}
Пример #10
def getEmptyZLoops(archivableObjects, importRadius, shouldPrintWarning, z, zoneArrangement):
	'Get loops at empty z level.'
	emptyZ = zoneArrangement.getEmptyZ(z)
	visibleObjects = evaluate.getVisibleObjects(archivableObjects)
	visibleObjectLoopsList = boolean_solid.getVisibleObjectLoopsList(importRadius, visibleObjects, emptyZ)
	loops = euclidean.getConcatenatedList(visibleObjectLoopsList)
	if euclidean.isLoopListIntersecting(loops):
		loops = boolean_solid.getLoopsUnion(importRadius, visibleObjectLoopsList)
		if shouldPrintWarning:
			print('Warning, the triangle mesh slice intersects itself in getExtruderPaths in boolean_geometry.')
			print('Something will still be printed, but there is no guarantee that it will be the correct shape.')
			print('Once the gcode is saved, you should check over the layer with a z of:')
	return loops
Пример #11
def getEmptyZLoops(archivableObjects, importRadius, shouldPrintWarning, z, zoneArrangement):
	'Get loops at empty z level.'
	emptyZ = zoneArrangement.getEmptyZ(z)
	visibleObjects = evaluate.getVisibleObjects(archivableObjects)
	visibleObjectLoopsList = boolean_solid.getVisibleObjectLoopsList(importRadius, visibleObjects, emptyZ)
	loops = euclidean.getConcatenatedList(visibleObjectLoopsList)
	if euclidean.isLoopListIntersecting(loops):
		loops = boolean_solid.getLoopsUnion(importRadius, visibleObjectLoopsList)
		if shouldPrintWarning:
			print('Warning, the triangle mesh slice intersects itself in getExtruderPaths in boolean_geometry.')
			print('Something will still be printed, but there is no guarantee that it will be the correct shape.')
			print('Once the gcode is saved, you should check over the layer with a z of:')
	return loops
Пример #12
	def getMinimumZ(self):
		'Get the minimum z.'
		vertexes = []
		for visibleObject in evaluate.getVisibleObjects(self.archivableObjects):
			vertexes += visibleObject.getTransformedVertexes()
		if len(vertexes) < 1:
			return None
		self.maximumZ = -912345678.0
		self.minimumZ = 912345678.0
		for vertex in vertexes:
			self.maximumZ = max(self.maximumZ, vertex.z)
			self.minimumZ = min(self.minimumZ, vertex.z)
		self.zoneArrangement = triangle_mesh.ZoneArrangement(self.layerHeight, vertexes)
		self.halfHeight = 0.5 * self.layerHeight
		return self.minimumZ
Пример #13
	def getMinimumZ(self):
		'Get the minimum z.'
		vertexes = []
		for visibleObject in evaluate.getVisibleObjects(self.archivableObjects):
			vertexes += visibleObject.getTransformedVertexes()
		if len(vertexes) < 1:
			return None
		self.maximumZ = -912345678.0
		self.minimumZ = 912345678.0
		for vertex in vertexes:
			self.maximumZ = max(self.maximumZ, vertex.z)
			self.minimumZ = min(self.minimumZ, vertex.z)
		self.zoneArrangement = triangle_mesh.ZoneArrangement(self.layerHeight, vertexes)
		self.halfHeight = 0.5 * self.layerHeight
		return self.minimumZ
 def getExtruderPaths(self, shouldPrintWarning, z):
     "Get extruder loops."
     rotatedBoundaryLayer = euclidean.RotatedLoopLayer(z)
     visibleObjectLoopsList = booleansolid.getVisibleObjectLoopsList(
         evaluate.getVisibleObjects(self.archivableObjects), z)
     rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops = euclidean.getConcatenatedList(
     if euclidean.isLoopListIntersecting(rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops, z):
         rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops = booleansolid.getLoopsUnified(
             self.importRadius, visibleObjectLoopsList)
         if shouldPrintWarning:
             print('Warning, the triangle mesh slice intersects itself.')
                 "Something will still be printed, but there is no guarantee that it will be the correct shape."
                 'Once the gcode is saved, you should check over the layer with a z of:'
     return rotatedBoundaryLayer
Пример #15
	def getExtruderPaths( self, shouldPrintWarning, z ):
		"Get extruder loops."
		rotatedBoundaryLayer = euclidean.RotatedLoopLayer( z )
		visibleObjectLoopsList = booleansolid.getVisibleObjectLoopsList( self.importRadius, evaluate.getVisibleObjects( self.archivableObjects ), z )
		rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops = euclidean.getConcatenatedList( visibleObjectLoopsList )
		if euclidean.isLoopListIntersecting( rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops, z ):
			rotatedBoundaryLayer.loops = booleansolid.getLoopsUnified( self.importRadius, visibleObjectLoopsList )
			if shouldPrintWarning:
				print('Warning, the triangle mesh slice intersects itself.')
				print( "Something will still be printed, but there is no guarantee that it will be the correct shape." )
				print('Once the gcode is saved, you should check over the layer with a z of:')
				print( z )
		return rotatedBoundaryLayer