Пример #1
def getSystemTable():
    Use the Cobbler XMLRPC API to fetch a list of system summaries for all systems
    obj = CobblerWebApi()
    output = []
    for sysname in obj.getSystemNames():
    return output
Пример #2
def add_system(request):
    Creates an instance of AddSystemForm, which is used by admins to add new
    system records to the cobbler instance, using the cobbler XMLRPC API.

    Creates a dict suitable to use with the system management API, based upon the
    data entered into the form.

    Some data is generated on the fly as the form instance is created.
#    auth.check_auth(request)
    if request.method == 'POST':
        form = AddSystemForm(request.POST)
        if form.is_valid():
            obj = CobblerWebApi()
            # use the createSystemTemplate method from utils
            # to construct the system template in an appropriate way:
            # some elements are 'nested' (e.g. interface information)
            # and we need to parse them.
            # Also processes the custom ksmeta keys
            systempl = createSystemTemplate(form.cleaned_data)
            # the cobblerweb API call to add a new system returns True if successful 
            if obj.newSystem(systempl) == True:
                # if we asked for an ISO image, generate one...
                # this uses geniso from utils - the XMLRPC version is not all that reliable
                if form.cleaned_data['gen_iso'] == True:
                    form.cleaned_data['iso_info'] = geniso(isoname=systempl['name'], 
                        systemlist=systempl['name'], isodir='/var/www/html/pub/')
                    form.cleaned_data['iso_name'] = systempl['name'] + ".iso"

                # if successful, render the system data into a summary form to confirm:
                return render_to_response('system_summary.tmpl', { 'form' : form.cleaned_data,
                                                                  'cobbler_server' : COBBLER_SERVER,
                                                                  'iso_root' : ISOROOT })
            # return render_to_response('system_add.tmpl', { 'form' : form})
            return render_to_response('system_add.tmpl', { 'form' : form})
        form = AddSystemForm()

        # return render_to_response('system_add.tmpl', { 'form' : form })
        username, password = get_user_pass(request)
        if username is not None:
            return render_to_response('system_add.tmpl', { 'form' : form, 'remoteuser' : username })
            return render_to_response('system_add.tmpl', { 'form' : form })
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     Override __init__ (the standard class constructor) to auotgenerate 
     fields for dynamic content.
     Without doing this, the form content is compiled on first run and cached.
     Profiles are picked up from cobbler using XMLRPC API calls
     File locations are specified in config.py
     For the Add System form, we've moved to AJAX for this.
     # call the parent constructor
     super(AddSystemForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
     self.handle = CobblerWebApi()
Пример #4
class AddSystemForm(BetterForm):
    A form for adding new system records to cobbler and classifying them for puppet
    Also provides the ability to 
    * build an ISO image as part of the registration process.
    # the new 'fieldsets' attribute from the BetterForms class
    # makes for easier templating
    class Meta:
        fieldsets = ( ( 'system', { 'fields' : ('name','domain','reuse_name', 'ip_address','subnet',
                                                'primary_if', 'gateway', 'name_servers'),
                                    'legend' : '' }),
                      ( 'cobbler', { 'fields' : ('profile','buildclass', 
                                                 'gen_iso', 'disksnippet', 'togglelayout'),
                                     'legend' : '' }),
                      ( 'advanced', { 'fields' : ('repoenable', 'customrepo', 'skip_network',
                                                  'skip_post', 'cleardisks', 'customsnippets', 'custompkgs'),
                                      'legend' : '' }),

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        Override __init__ (the standard class constructor) to auotgenerate 
        fields for dynamic content.
        Without doing this, the form content is compiled on first run and cached.
        Profiles are picked up from cobbler using XMLRPC API calls
        File locations are specified in config.py
        For the Add System form, we've moved to AJAX for this.
        # call the parent constructor
        super(AddSystemForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.handle = CobblerWebApi()

## ---------------------- Override Core functions from parent. ----------------------- ##
    def clean(self):
        Additional validation of form field content.
        This is only called if the form passes validation
        THis is used to check for existence of IP address or system name records.
        # take a copy of the cleaned data to work with:
        cleaned_data = self.cleaned_data

        # compile the RE for splitting DNS info
        seps = re.compile(r'[^\.0-9]+')

        # extract hostnames, IPs, DNS servers for checking and cleaning:
        name = cleaned_data.get('name')
        ipaddr = cleaned_data.get('ip_address', None)
        dns_raw = cleaned_data.get('name_servers', None)
        reuse_name = cleaned_data.get('reuse_name', False)

        # first, is the system name already registered with cobbler?

        if reuse_name == False:
            if name in self.handle.getSystemNames():
                msg = 'Hostname already exists. Please choose another.'
                self._errors['name'] = ErrorList([msg])
                del cleaned_data['name']

        # second, is that IP Address already allocated, and to which system?
        # look the IP address up in cobbler to see if it is in use:
        ip_system = self.handle.sysFromIP(ipaddr)
        if ip_system is not None:
            if ip_system == name and reuse_name == True:
                # if it's in use by the old version of this system record...
                # then we don't care, as we'rereplacing it anyway
                msg = 'IP Address already in use by %s' % ip_system
                self._errors['ip_address'] = ErrorList([msg])
                del cleaned_data['ip_address']

        # clean the nameserver field.
        # 1. replace sequences of invalid chars with a single space
        # 2. check that each entry is a valid IP address (matches the syntax)
        # 3. remove duplicates

        if dns_raw is not None:
            dnsinfo = seps.sub(' ', dns_raw).split()
            cleaned_data['name_servers'] = [ x.strip() for x in dnsinfo if IPV4_RE.match(x.strip())]            

        if cleaned_data.get('toggle_layout', False):
            # clear the disksnippet setting as it is irrelevant now.
            del cleaned_data['disksnippet']
            res = cleaned_data.get('customlayout', 'default').split('\n')
            cleaned_data['customlayout'] = res

        return cleaned_data

## ---------------------- Form Field Definitions ----------------------- ##
    buildclass = forms.ChoiceField(
        label = 'Build Class',
        help_text = 'Build Class',
        choices = [('secure','secure'), ('internal', 'internal')],
        initial = 'internal',

    # fully-qualified hostname - used as profile name, comment and dns_name
    name = forms.CharField(
        widget = forms.TextInput(attrs = {'class':'textinput'}),
        max_length = 50,
        required = True,
        help_text = "System Hostname. The first part will be the cobbler profile name.",
        label = "Hostname")

    domain =   forms.CharField(widget = forms.TextInput(attrs = {'class':'textinput'}),
        max_length = 50,
        required = True,
        initial = DEFAULT_DOMAIN,
        help_text = "DNS domain",
        label = "DNS Domain")

    reuse_name = forms.BooleanField(label="Replace existing system?",
        help_text = "If a system already exists using the chosen hostname (or IP Address) replace it with these details",
        required = False,
        initial = False)

    ip_address = forms.IPAddressField(
        widget = forms.TextInput(attrs = {'class':'textinput'}),
        required = True,
        help_text = "Primary IP address",
        label = "IP Address")

    subnet =   forms.IPAddressField(required = True,
        widget = forms.TextInput(attrs = {'class':'textinput'}),
        initial = DEFAULT_MASK,
        help_text = "Netmask (VLSN format only)",
        label = "Subnet Mask",)
    # MAC Address Field (not required, but useful for PXE)
    primary_if  = forms.CharField(max_length = 18,
        required = False,
        help_text = "Name of primary interface",
        label = "Primary interface",
        initial = PRIMARY_IF)
    gateway =  forms.IPAddressField(required = False,
        widget = forms.TextInput(attrs = {'class':'textinput'}),
        help_text = "Default Route",
        initial = DEFAULT_GW,
        label = "Gateway")

    name_servers = forms.CharField(max_length = 50,
        widget = forms.TextInput(attrs = {'class':'textinput'}),
        required = True,
        initial = DEFAULT_DNS,
        help_text = "DNS Name servers. Multiple entries must be Comma or whitespace separated",
        label = "DNS nameserver(s)")

    profile =  AjaxChoiceField(choices = [('--','--')],
        help_text = "Select an installation profile",
        label = "Cobbler Profile",
        required = False,
        initial = 'lrh5v5')

    disksnippet = AjaxChoiceField(
        widget = forms.Select,
        label = "Existing Disk Layout",
        required = False,
        help_text = "Select an existing disk layout template to apply. You can read and edit it in the box below",
        choices = [('--', '--')],
        initial = 'default' )

    togglelayout = forms.BooleanField( label = "Manual Layout?",
        required = False,
        initial = False,
        help_text = "Type in your disk layout manually below in kickstart format.",

    customlayout = forms.CharField( label = "Manual Disk Layout",
        widget = forms.Textarea(attrs = { 'wrap' : 'off', 'cols' : '60','rows' : '10', 'disabled' : 'true' } ),
        required = False,
        initial = 'disabled',
        help_text = "Manually specify disk layout in anaconda/kickstart  format" )

    layout_name = forms.CharField(
        help_text = 'Filename to use if saving this layout',
        required = False,
        initial = '<Unspecified>',

    # ISO filename - will be generated in ISODIR (currently /var/www/html/pub for download)
    gen_iso = forms.BooleanField( label = "Generate a bootable ISO?",
        required = False,
        initial = False,
        help_text = "Generate a bootable iso image for this system, called <hostname>.iso.")

    # various kickstart metadata fields...
    # Prompt for networking during installation
    # without DHCP this still requires net info above.
    skip_network = forms.BooleanField( label = "Automatically configure networking",
        required = False,
        initial = True,
        help_text = "Configure networking according to the information given above. Unchecking this will mean you are prompted during installation." )
    # run post scripts? (default: Yes)
    skip_post = forms.BooleanField(label = 'Run Kickstart %post scripts',
        required = False,
        initial = True,
        help_text = 'If unchecked, no post-build configuration will happen. You normally do not want to turn this off' )

    # checkbox to enable 'customrepo'
    repoenable = forms.BooleanField(
        label = 'Custom Installation URL',
        help_text = 'use a custom installation URL',
        required = False,

    customrepo = forms.URLField( label = "URL",
        widget = forms.TextInput(attrs = {'disabled' : 'true', 'class' : 'textinput'}),
        max_length = 80,
        initial = '<disabled>',
        required = False,
        help_text = 'Specify a custom URL to use for installation. The installer must be able to find an "lrh5" or "lrh4" directory at this URL' )

    # clear all disks before partitioning (default : Yes)
    cleardisks = forms.BooleanField(label = 'Clear all non-SAN disks',
        required = False,
        initial = True,
        help_text = 'Clear All local disks before partitioning. This is the default behaviour. Only change it if you know what you are doing.')

    customsnippets = forms.CharField(
       widget = forms.TextInput( attrs = { 'class' : 'longinput' }),
       label = 'Custom Snippets',
       required = False,
       help_text = 'Specify custom snippets to run in kickstart %post. comma-separated, without spaces.',
    custompkgs = forms.CharField(
       widget = forms.TextInput( attrs = { 'class' : 'longinput' }),
       label = 'Custom Packages',
       required = False,
       help_text = 'Specify custom packages to install in %post. Comma-separated, no spaces.',